For our in house information, we picked up our own gas chromatograph used for $12K. But I've run a ton of washes through it and I'm still getting a gunk layer (only when cold) but the color of the hexane mixture isn't getting lighter or more yellow at all. But how are these diamonds made? We tried a third time, it seems that no matter how we approach it, it looks like, the water only washes off the chlorophyll, but other dark colored stuff that methanol pulls initially stay in the hexane along with the goodies. Invalid username/password. Gloves (impervious). Bottom line, all this hexane method. What is left, is "Absolute" Onion extract. does not really works, am I understand it morrect? Any suggestions? Is this the correct thought process? The THCA content of these crystals can be as high as 99 percent but can fluctuate depending on residual solvent and terpene content. Removal with a pipette or eyedropper. Simple filtration, even at that micron level, takes stuff out of suspension, but not out of solution. This is to separate mixtures, in time. In honor of 4/20, Oaksterdam University Executive Chancellor Dale Sky Jones speaks with Karina Nova at ABC7 News in the Bay Area. without seeing the stuff. Anthrocyanin plant pigments are one of the prime culprits, and are about a ~C-30 molecule, in the same range as chlorophyll and plant waxes. Could I potentially do this to a fresh extract as well to wash for chlorophyll so I don't have to work with hexane at all? I have found the following site to be a good source on information on this sort of thing. Have you considered extracting with something like Pentane, which you can recycle, and winterizing with ethanol? One article cannot cover the multitude of variability encountered in our pursuit. Finally, if you really want to see the separation, obtain a glass tube. Good luck. Trying to turn small diamonds into bigger ones. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 1. Link to a pdf of the issue, Previous Post: Faculty Feature: Anthony DeMeo. Besides simply smoking THCA crystals and/or mixing with flower, formulation specialists may want to combine these diamonds with terpenes or other cannabinoids to create a unique treatment for medical cannabis patients. Or please point the way to where I might be able to purchase the same one? I am not suggesting this process for reclaiming ashtrays, but simply to make a point. I have my freezer set to max and my thermometer show a temp just under -10 C. The water components freeze and the freezer dries it. I put the dispensary extract in a couple of tea bags. Diamond Hazard Value Description; 4 1 0 Health 1: Can cause significant irritation. ! Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective threshold limit value. I cover them with rubbing alcohol. We typically freeze everything and do a subzero quick wash to avoid as much of them as possible, but soaking overnight at ambient, is pretty much guaranteed to extract them all. You will be able to easily identify the water miscible (hydrobolic) components versus the oil that we seek. Make sure the vessel condenser is cooled to -20 C. Because brother, I have found when refining dispensary extracts; fitting grease, eye lashes, tiny flies, unidentified dust bits and have added on accident some of ose those things myself. I think of water and hexane as two extremes - most polar I have and least. I can't waste this material. I have also tried using salt water, also isopropyl instead of water and a blend of isopropyl and water as the aqueous phase. This is only needed to be done through about 2-3 inches of alumina and is done under vacuum which is opposite of flash chromatography done under pressure. Extract washed this way dispenses with the mediciney "Metholatum" taste. How are you getting it to be 1 big rock like that, start with one big seed then re dissolve extra crashed thc-a periodically. Any ideas? Make sure your work area is dust/contaminate free. That is a good way to remove the water solubles, and the chlorophyll as micelles eventually, but not things like anthro cyanin plant pigments. Did you actually read the article, or just look at the purdy pictures? Hi All, I then capped the vial, placed it on a digital hotplate, and have been alternating between 95F and room temperature for the past day or so, all while capped. Lost your password? Let it sit back into the freezer for another 2-3 hours so sediments will settle and plant waxes, lipids and chlorophyll will coagulate. I learned you cannot cook it out. As you may know, anything above 15 is considered polar, with water at about 80. The reason we are trying to yield pristine oil is so we could advise accurate dosage to our patients as the medicine is illegal here and no lab testing is available. You can soak over night without picking up chlorophyll and extremely low water and water soluble extraction. washing diamonds with pentane. Nice and cheap is great! I come back later and the iso mix has turned white from the waxes and the oils with the magic precipitate out. Clarified neem oil is said to be hydrophobic. Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. I figured I can just add it to something and drink it (my body is not a big medibles fan, only what slid down as leftover in my mouth from sublingual use), but would love to be able to simply RSO it. Dissolve in warm pentane then cryo crash again? The rest feels toxic when inhaled. I am positively certain that the product is fully decarboxylated and my oh my is it potent. While n-Hexane is a delightfully non polar solvent, that enables us to do some amazing things, it has two more carbons and four more hydrogen atoms in the chain than Butane, and so due to the greater Van der Waal forces involved, is not as easy to get rid of as Butane. If symptoms such as redness or irritation develop, IMMEDIATELY call a . I've been fighting with this process and I'm trying to figure out exactly what I'm doing wrong or still need to do. I am absolutely certain, from personal experience that these two things are true. Thank you so much! Finish by heating the oil on low until the boiling and odor of isopropyl alcohol stops. Smell testing is important. Even the saturation of the water with salt cannot be predicted very well. Hexane is as easily recovered as Ethanol, using the same techniques. So put in a large seed. Then, reduce the pressure in your system to -30 mmHg, or as low as you can go based on elevation, using your vacuum pump. It runs smooth and pure at this point and doesn't snicker or pop when dropped through a flame (Bix). Specific gravity (water = 1): 0.66 at 20 degrees C (68 degrees F) 4. Hope it helps. In that patent they mention the same kind of azeotropic behavior shown here when using hexane and water as well as the primary patent application that soecified isopropyl alcohol at 91%. GW. Quick question oh wise one, it is difficult at times to purge the extract before heat and agitation render it waxy and sealed in. Salt water washing uses a separatory funnel as above, but we start out dissolving the extraction to be cleaned directly into hot n-Hexane, and then washing the hexane solution with saturated salt water. Anthony DeMeo is Co-Chair of the Extraction & Manufacturing Department at Oaksterdam University. It involves re-dissolving the oil in a hot highly non-polar solvent such as hexane and repeatedly washing the solution with saturated salt water until it is mint quality. I have tested a multitude of solvent/lab techniques to accomplish what you are attempting. The process you see in the bid was copied from an old patent on removing alpha pinene from citrus oil meant for human consumption. Nowcan limes extract oil? Vapor respirator. No matter how you consume cannabis, the idea is to treat something that ails you physically as well as mentally. 2. 4) I would pass this mix into 20 ml centrifuge tubes through a lab filter. What would happen if you put an oil extract through a reverse osmosis system? When held to the light the drip part of what remains is clear and amber. The deviation from routine extraction begins here. 2023 Wise Education Technology Inc. All rights reserved. Combining THCA with cannabinoids like cannabinol (CBN) and terpenes that promote relaxation, such as linalool, could assist in recovery or rest. At 250F, there won't be alcohol or water left. After filtering, the alcohol is evaporated or vacuumed off, to leave a pristine Absolute. Like oil and water, shake it up, and you trap bubbles. I am sure about others, but for me Hexane is very expensive. No matter how you consume cannabis, the idea is to treat something that ails you physically as well as mentally. As far as the other components the answer is that I have found it to be unrepeatable as to the results. Even at the hobby level for me it gets spendy to just evap it all. To wash with ethanol, redissolve the hexane honey oil in ethanol at a ration of about 10 to one and boil off the alcohol. Acute toxicity of the gas (LC50): 48000 ppm 4 hours [Rat]. Isopropyl alcohol always has water in it so that was involved. Once the vessel is filled, tightly close and chill it to -75oC or colder for 48 hours. Thanks We are willing to consider changing the solvent, however, even with lab grade methanol at this price (cheapest solvent) we are struggling financially Time is an additional constraint in that sense. And filtering through AC and DE? Once youve achieved your desired crystal growth, purge the residual solvents from the terpene layer and crystals using a large glass (e.g., Pyrex) dish that allows you to create a thin layer of terpenes, maximizing the surface area. I saturated the oil in ethanol, ran it through a vacuum assisted filter using a watman 1 filter, pulled out a ton of gunk, then dumped hexane and saturated salt water into the seperatory funnel as instructed, poured out the water and ethanol mixture, using the funnel, saving the hexane and terpine mixture that was the dark color on top, just like the picutres, and I have been running salt water though allllll day and the color isn't getting any lighter. If you even leave a small amount uncovered in a closed room for a night it will collect dust. Hi, When you prepared this, was the Onion "Dried"? While THCA is a useful cannabinoid on its own, the synergistic effects of cannabinoids and terpenes are not to be underestimated. DISCLAIMER; I do not condone using this method where as any extracting methods are consider dangerous. Then, pulverize/blend into a fine consistently. An eyelash or two, inevitably some hair, and always some dust. Purged the pentane/hexane, the oil hasn't changed its color, it was still black. The extract shown certainly contains terpenes. Here is one techique that can remove any impurities soluable in water - specifically alpha pinene. Washed 5 more times with just saline water. The waxes left over, by the way, work GREAT as a skin softener. Pentane is about .004% water soluble and Hexane is about .001%, so not a lot goes out with the water wash. After I notice no bubbles forming (15min - 1 hr), I pressurize the chamber and pull a second purge. The different chemical weights and properties seem to make them separate into distinct layers as the iso/water mix resolve into different layers (water on bottom). BE CAREFUL The magic trick is two fold. Use a fan to evaporate off the alcohol (about 15 minutes) then place the almost dry extract on some cooking paper. Seperation with a definate emulsion layer between. We use premium flowers - the quality is certainly there, still, we are hung upon being able to advise accurate dosage. I came across a problem with onion extraction in ethanol and I ended up with a pasty mass. I have tons of material sprayed with anzamax and I need to know how to remove it. The resulting RSO concentrate is a dark harsh wax/tar (50% THC). When smoked or vaporized it has a wonderful taste, and also looks beautiful. Method #1, pour your fluid into a glass, Pyrex pie plate, place a small fan in front to blow over the top. I will post pics of my crystals when they are bigger. Generally the whole process is about 15 minutes or less. When using non polar solvents like butane and hexane, some non-polar waxes, fats, and lipids are extracted as well. If it works out (it should) and we go that route, we'll need to preserve half of our flowers in some way, enabling us to store them away securely so we could process one halve now and rest later. We still have just one question - does the Hexane/Saline water wash impact the yield? GW. FDA lists Hexane and Methanol as Class II solvents, while Ethanol and Pentane are Class III. #2 break up hc in uniform sand like grain Patient thinking is key. I have never had any evidence that an acetone/extract mix can be "washed" with water. I have redissolved it into fresh ISO and have it in the freezer separating from a saline water infusion. Besides name calling your post has little data to support your claim that environmental elements found in normal day to day living are hazardous beyond the hazards already present in the product. Continue the evaporation until complete. Put the filled dish and crystallization vessels into a vacuum oven using a drying temperature between 18-30oC. QUICK READ: How can one obtain a shatter consistency with an ethanol wash/winterize, if not what is the best way to evaporate Ethanol? Adding salt is not productive at all because it iterferes with the water in a way that prevents the water from pulling pinene out of the goop. I have used acetone in combination with hexane and isopropyl alcohol, as well as used it to great effect in cleaning my hobby lab glass. After winterizing and seprating the wax, would it be wise to keep oil solution cold like very cold? Solvents in Class 2 (Table 2) should be limited in pharmaceutical products because of their inherent toxicity. The flame gets intense. If your goal is to extract without the chlorophyl then let me suggest that you prepare the leaf as you normally would, except prior to extracting place it in an oven at 300 F until sun baked brown in color. After removing the hexane, you can winterize with Ethanol to remove the plant waxes, and help purge the remaining hexane. The bottom drip is scraped off and vaped - nearly zero irritation and yum yum yummy. Ideas are more than welcome! No shame. This attests to safety. Depending if you want to recapture your Ethanol or not, the next step is to remove/reclaim your Ethanol. I don't have access to butane, I am pretty much a double-boiler type QWET setup (NuWave w/candy thermometer for the cooking oil, stainless steel 2 cup UKonserve container for the mash/oil).