The VCF Act provides that the award from settlements in civil suits regarding injuries related to 9/11 will be counted as a collateral source offset. Please see Section 1.4.e for more information specific to mental health conditions. The VCF will also seek information from the WTC Health Program for deceased individuals whose condition(s) was certified by the WTC Health Program prior to death, upon submission of an Exhibit A(for Deceased Individuals) by the victims authorized Personal Representative. Some limitations do not interfere with the VCFs ability to validate the Personal Representative, while other limitations may impact the VCFs ability to process the claim. VCF I concluded operations in June 2004. If you were represented by Sullivan Papain Block McGrath and Cannavo (Sullivan Papain) in both your lawsuit and your VCF claim, the VCF may be able to get the necessary information from Sullivan Papain. If, however, your certified condition is not among the list of conditions that the VCF considers to be presumptively severe and it significantly impairs activities of daily living, or if the certification does not reflect the severity of the condition, you may want to submit supporting medical documentation related to your condition to help the VCF evaluate the severity and effect of the condition in order to determine whether an increased non-economic loss award within the appropriate range is warranted. The VCF may be able to obtain records confirming presence from the New York State Workers Compensation Board for individuals who have made a Workers Compensation claim based on their 9/11-related work. The VCF encourages you to register now. This means that a claimant must know (or reasonably should know) both of the physical injury or condition and that there is a causal connection between the injury or condition and 9/11-related exposure. The VCF verifies and authenticates all documents you submit with your claim. Victim Compensation Fund payouts are available for prostate cancer 9/11 claims. The form includes detailed instructions on how to complete it and where to send it once it is complete. On January 2, 2011, the President signed into law the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 (Zadroga Act), Public Law No. Note: The automated process will not confirm sufficiency or completeness of these documents this will be done by a VCF team member during preliminary review. [5] Please note that this is different from the rules applicable to the WTC Health Program. If your claim is denied, you can amend your claim once you have the necessary documents and the VCF will reactivate your claim for review. Settled fully and release tendered on or before the date on which NIOSH added the individuals eligible condition to the list of qualified physical injuries. In the body of the email please include your first name, last name, last four digits of your social security number or your standard ID number, and the VCF official email address,, where the employee verification team can directly send their response including the work history location letter. Box 34500, Washington, D.C. 20043; and request the employer verification letter to confirm your work location between September 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002, for your 9/11 Victim Compensation claim to be sent directly to the VCF at our official email address, A lock You do not have to be a responder to be eligible. The letter will explain why the document(s) was not sufficient, and will include information about what you can do to correct the document, or suggest additional ways you may prove your presence. [1] Please note that a determination of this sort, which is sufficient to establish that the claimant reasonably should have known that he or she was eligible to file a claim, is not necessarily sufficient to establish that a claimant suffers from an eligible condition or that the claimant has a disability that warrants an economic loss award. 104.61, any person who has filed or is a party to a lawsuit seeking damages for injuries sustained as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001, or for damages arising from or related to debris removal may not file a claim with the Special Master unless they withdraw from such action not later than January 2, 2012.. It is very important that you ask the Service Center to email the letter to the VCF official email address: You do not need to submit any proof of presence with your claim. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS If you received an award from the original September 11th Victim Compensation Fund that operated from 2001-2004 (VCF1), you must show that your VCF1 eligible injury or condition has substantially worsened, or that you have a new physical injury or condition which you had not suffered at the time of the VCF1 claim filing or which was not compensable at the time of VCF1; and that you have not already been fully compensated for your losses. In the body of the email, please include the following: your first name, last name, last four digits of your social security number, employee ID number, work location between September 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002, the VCF mailing address: September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, P.O. [3] The VCF clarified the rule regarding lawsuit dismissals and newly covered conditions in November 2016. In most cases, you do not need to submit proof of presence as otherwise required if you were deemed eligible for VCF1 (see Section 1.6 for more information on proof of presence). Law No. To be covered by the Program, a condition must be . You must register for each of these programs separately. The VCF may be able to obtain records confirming presence from the New York State Workers Compensation Board for individuals who have made a claim to the WTC Volunteer Fund based on their 9/11-related work. In that case, you should submit presence documentation (such as contemporaneous documents, Witness Presence Statements, or affidavits) demonstrating that you were physically present in the NYC Exposure Zone during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002. The VCF will contact you if any additional information is needed. That order may be dated after January 2, 2012, only if you have provided proof that you filed a notice of withdrawal on the ECF system in the relevant docket on or before January 2, 2012. The VCF recognizes various medications for the treatment of conditions related to prostate cancer as presumptively compensable this means that it's not necessary to provide further documentation of necessity to the VCF. If the VCF needs additional information from you after reviewing your claim form and documentation, the VCF will contact you. Confirmation from the WTC Health Program that you have at least one physical condition certified for treatment. The VCF is a Federal Government program and is separate from the lawsuits between individuals and the Port Authority, the Captive Insurer, and others. For information about the NPN call 1-888-982-4748. The CWA, District 1 union maintained lists of: Note that these lists do not include all Lucent employees who were involved in the emergency response effort. In order to save administrative expenses so that there would be more money for awards and to have uniformity, the Victim Compensation Fund Special Master determined that the VCF would follow the World Trade Center Health Program list of covered conditions when . Workers injury reports dated on or before September 11, 2003, documenting treatment of your injury that occurred at the site. The Reauthorized Zadroga Act extended VCF II for an additional five years, allowing individuals to submit claims until December 18, 2020, and appropriated an additional $4.6 billion to pay claims. For civilian NYPD members, please refer to Section 1.7regarding documents needed to demonstrate proof of presence. Your prior eligible condition has substantially worsened, resulting in damages or loss that was not previously compensated. Therefore, Claimants who allege presence based on work with the National Guard will still need to submit other evidence (such ascontemporaneous documents, Witness Presence Statements, or affidavits) demonstrating that they were physically present in the NYC Exposure Zone during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002. Required documentation for withdrawn 9/11-related lawsuits: You must submit proof of timely withdrawal of your lawsuit with your claim. If you did not experience any physical injury or condition as a result of September 11th, but you experienced emotional or mental harm, you are not eligible for compensation from the VCF. 116-34. Please note that the VCF does not receive copies of your medical records as part of our information-sharing agreement with the WTC Health Program. You should contact human resources by email at and request that they directly send the VCF a WTC verification letter. If the VCF needs additional information from you after reviewing your claim form and the letter, we will contact you. Please keep in mind, however, that VCF staff will not be reviewing these documents for sufficiency until your claim form and all required supporting documents are submitted. If you were employed by JP Morgan Chase and worked at a JP Morgan Chase office located in the NYC Exposure Zone during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002, JP Morgan Chase may be able to provide you with a letter verifying your presence. If the VCF needs additional information from you after reviewing your claim form and documentation, the VCF will contact you. See Section 405(c)(3)(A)(i) of the VCF Act. 114-113. Therefore, settlement payments from lawsuits that were timely settled and released will be deducted from VCF awards. In addition, if you were found eligible to receive compensation in VCF1, in most cases, you do not need to submit proof of presence in support of your claim. If you or a loved one suffer from prostate cancer related to exposure from September 11th, contact a 9/11 prostate cancer attorney at Pitta & Baione by completing our online contact form or calling us at 844-982-2667. that is sent directly to the VCF from the employer or other third party, with specific dates and locations, is often sufficient to verify presence. The most prevalent cancers identified among September 11th survivors are non-melanoma skin cancer, prostate cancer and female breast cancer. At least two documents, whether from the list below or otherwise, are required. 75 pages or more), you must highlight the relevant information relating to the severity of your condition, or provide a written guide or statement directing us to the pertinent information, so the VCF can assess your non-economic loss. Therefore, you should still submit other evidence (such as contemporaneous documents, Witness Presence Statements, or affidavits) demonstrating that you were physically present in the NYC Exposure Zone during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002. Claims with Co-Personal Representatives: If the court has appointed multiple individuals as co-Personal Representatives for the victims estate, the co-Personal Representatives must designate among themselves who will serve as the Lead Personal Representative (Lead PR). were created contemporaneously with your alleged exposures. dollars for the family of an NYPD police officer who died as a result of 9/11 related cancer. The VCF does not require any of the forms to be completed by your physician; you may complete the Treating Physician Information Form.. If we need something further in order to determine your eligibility, you will receive a missing information letter. When you submit a VCF claim, you waive your right to file a civil action (or to be a party to an action) in any federal or state court for damages sustained as a result of the terrorist- related aircraft crashes of 9/11, or for damages arising from or related to debris removal. Collectively, the laws governing the VCF are referred to below as the VCF Act.. You suffered a new loss that you had not suffered at the time of the VCF1 claim filing for example, if you were previously compensated for non-economic loss only and have since been determined to be totally disabled due to an eligible condition, you can amend the claim to seek economic loss. If you were a student or attended day care in the NYC Exposure Zone between September 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002, you should provide a copy of your transcript, or official school or day care records from that time. There are specific requirements for the date on which your 9/11-related lawsuit must have been filed, withdrawn, dismissed, or settled and released in order to be eligible for compensation from the VCF. 107-42, as amended by Public Law No. The WTC Health Registry will provide you with an authorization form that authorizes the WTC Health Registry to release this information to the VCF. Second, you may pursue a civil action against any person who is a "knowing participant in any conspiracy to hijack any aircraft or commit any terrorist act." Memo Book/Activity Log (must include cover page and excerpts of relevant portions with consecutive pages), Line of Duty Injury Report (must include an injury date within the relevant time period and signature of supervising officer), NYPD Consultation Referral Medical Division/NYPD Surgeon Form, NYPD Rescue Detail badge (must include victims name and photo), clearly identify a VCF-qualifying date and location of service; and. If you were a civil officer or employee in any branch of the Government of the United States and worked at a 9/11 crash site or in the NYC Exposure Zone during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002, your employer may be able to provide you with documentation to verify your presence. To do so, the VCF needs the Workers Compensation Board number associated with the individuals Workers Compensation claim. These timeframes are different for each category of injuries and conditions. Your proof of timely withdrawal or dismissal of any remaining claims must be dated no later than the date you submit your claim or amendment seeking compensation for that condition. Is Prostate Cancer Screening Right for You? The statute requires that, to be eligible, you must have at least one WTC-Related Physical Health Condition. The VCF calculates each award individually using the following basic formula, as required by the VCF Act: Non-Economic Loss (pain and suffering), minus Collateral Offsets . All documents submitted for a claim are subject to verification and authentication procedures undertaken independently by the VCF. Chronic Respiratory Disorder Fumes/Vapors, Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS), WTC-exacerbated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), New Onset Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD), Sleep Apnea exacerbated by, associated with, or related to, the above conditions, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) occurring in responders, Certain Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSK) occurring in responders and defined as a chronic or recurrent disorder of the musculoskeletal system caused by heavy lifting or repetitive strain on the joints or musculoskeletal system occurring during the period beginning onSeptember 11, 2001, throughMay 30, 2002, or as determined by the Special Master (Note: the VCF may compensate MSK in survivors if appropriate proof is provided), Acute Traumatic Injuries the WTC Health Program defines acute traumatic injury as an injury caused by and occurring immediately after a one-time exposure to energy such as heat, electricity or impact from a crash or fall, resulting from a specific event or incident for which the claimant received medical treatment on or before September 11, 2003, Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue, Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands, Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth, Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined conditions in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, Malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue, Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction, Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined digestive organs, Malignant neoplasm of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts, Malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum and peritoneum, Malignant neoplasm of heart, mediastinum and pleura, Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs, Malignant neoplasm of the gallbladder/biliary tract, Malignant neoplasm of the small intestine, Malignant neoplasm of the central nervous system, Uterine cancer, including endometrial cancer, Malignant neoplasm of the kidney except renal pelvis, Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified urinary organs, Follicular (nodular) non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Peripheral and cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, Other and unspecified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms, Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue. Rental agreement, proof of rent payment, mortgage receipts, and/or utility bills that list your address within the NYC Exposure Zone. You should file your claim only after you have been certified by the WTC Health Program for a 9/11-related physical health condition. Minimum Award:$90K+ . NOTE: The documents listed below are not sufficient on their own, but will be reviewed in conjunction with other documents showing you were physically at the address during the relevant timeframe. Any compensation awarded by the court in the lawsuit or obtained in a settlement of litigation will be treated as an offset and deducted from your VCF award. Over 70 cancers including Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer and many others plus breathing and digestive conditions. The VCF understands that it is becoming increasingly difficult for some claimants to find documentation supporting their presence at an eligible location after so many years have passed. (844) 982-2667. Note: The FECA claim might not contain information to help verify your presence. You can contact the WTC Health Registry by calling 866-692-9827. [5] The VCF must apply the time period that Congress established in the VCF Act. The VCF will consider a number of factors to determine the appropriate award including whether the cancer has spread, will recur, or cause permanent complications. To receive an award for VCF compensation, the survivor, responder or resident must have been diagnosed with at least one 9/11-related eligible condition. Lawsuits filed after November 2016 are prohibited by the general statutory requirement that a claimant cannot have an active 9/11related lawsuit at the same time as a VCF claim, and filing a lawsuit after November 2016 waives your right to file a claim with the VCF. In order to be eligible for compensation under the VCF, an individual must have been present at a 9/11 crash site or in locations of debris removal at any point during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002. For a listing of the types of documents that can assist the VCF in the evaluation of your claim, see Section 2.1.c Documentation of non-economic loss. The VCF has detailed information on VCF policies and procedures. To be eligible for a VCF payout for prostate cancer the main eligibility criteria for the fund is that you were present on Canal Street as a first responder or in another capacity between September 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002, and developed an injury or illness because of it. Once we confirm we have a complete Signature Page and Exhibit A, we contact the WTC Health Program for information about your certified condition(s). It is therefore possible that an individual may be present for VCF purposes, but not eligible to be certified for treatment by the WTC Health Program, and therefore not eligible for compensation from the VCF. You should contact the employee verifications team by email at and request an employment verification letter. This is true regardless of the date on which the earlier condition is certified or verified. If you have a document that you believe can be used to prove your presence at an eligible location and it does not fall into one of the categories below, you should submit the document to the VCF to be reviewed. The VCF will review the information and, as appropriate, will submit the information to the WTC Health Program for assistance in verifying that your condition meets the definition of a 9/11-related condition. [6] If you asked someone to write an affidavit on your behalf and the affidavit is signed and dated prior to this date, the VCF will accept the affidavit even if it is submitted after February 1, 2023. If you do not have any of these documents, you may still submit your claim form because the VCF may be able to obtain them from third parties. To do so, the VCF needs the WCB number associated with the individuals Workers Compensation claim. Many of the third-party entities with whom we exchange information on your behalf also do not accept electronic signatures. Official websites use .gov The list of required documentsis explainedin the subsections below according to the type of claim you are filing. However, this is not all of what goes into VCF cancer payouts. This process, which is entirely automated checks to confirm the receipt of two specific documents the VCF must have before we can begin our preliminary review of a claim: After allowing time for these documents to be received by the VCF, the automated process will confirm that both documents are present in the online system according to the document type associated with each document. The person you ask to be a witness must have been 18 years old or older on September 11, 2001. If you were a Sanitation employee during the period beginning onSeptember 11, 2001, throughMay 30, 2002, the VCF will contact the Sanitation Department to confirm your presence in the NYC Exposure Zone. As a result, ConEd employees do not need to submit any documents as proof of presence at the site unless the VCF specifically requests such documents. Exhibit A Authorization for Release of Medical Records(, Original and signed Exhibit A Authorization for Release of Medical Records(. The Registration Deadline isnotthe same for everyone. Surgery, full prostatectomy or incontinence may impact payouts. When you call, you will be asked to provide your full name so the Service Center can look up your work history. Therefore, settlement payments from lawsuits that were timely settled and released will be deducted from VCF awards. Note for Local 1101 CWA Verizon employees, including Empire City Subway: we have an arrangement with CWA Local 1101 to get information directly from them for members who participated in the World Trade Center response. Once the VCF receives your Claim Form and the completed Exhibit A Authorization for Release of Medical Records- the VCF will request information directly from the WTC Health Program to determine whether you have an eligible condition. The forms and instructions, as well as more detailed information on the process are available on our Private Physician resources page. All Claimants who received coverage for certain cancers under a Critical Injury Insurance policy through Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife) as part of their 9/11-related lawsuit settlement are required to provide the VCF with a copy of their policy document and the amount of any payment received under the policy. If you submit Letters of Administration, Letters Testamentary, or other Court Order that includes limitations that interfere with the VCFs ability to process or pay your claim, you will be advised in writing and given time to obtain the appropriate documentation. Official government documents showing your residential address within the NYC Exposure Zone during the relevant period, such as W-2 forms, signed and dated tax returns, applications or documents in support of public housing residency, or copies of benefits payment stubs. If you were represented by Douglas & London or Napoli, Bern, Ripka, Shkolnik (Napoli Bern) in your lawsuit, you generally do not need to submit additional documents related to your settlement because the VCF may be able to get the necessary information from Douglas & London or Napoli Bern. Note: The VCF has agreements with certain employers, unions, and other organizations to provide information about presence in support of VCF claims. In many cases, the VCF can obtain additional information from third parties. Office workers who have become ill or who have died from conditions, including 69 different cancers, may be eligible for cash compensation. If one or both of these documents are missing, the system will automatically move the claim to Inactive status and an automated Missing Information letter will be generated. The VCF encourages everyone who was at an eligible location to gather documents now even if they are unsure about filing a claim in the future. 107-71, to provide compensation for any individual (or a personal representative of a deceased individual) who suffered physical harm or was killed as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001, or the debris removal efforts that took place in the immediate aftermath of those crashes. Among reported VCF awards: $3.7 million for an NYPD officer disabled due to leukemia; $2.8 million for a sanitation worker with skin cancer; 2.1 million for a stock broker with multiple. [6] All witness statements in support of presence must use the Witness Presence Statement form. If your office or work or volunteer location was located in the NYC Exposure Zone, or you were present at a 9/11 site because your job required you to be there, you should review the list in Section 1.9 to see if the VCF has a relationship with your employer or organization to get presence information directly from them on your behalf. Only those authorized by law or court order may pursue a claim on behalf of another individual. The VCF will contact the WTC Health Program directly to confirm you have an eligible certified condition. The certification must come from a college, school or day care facility employee or your legal counsel (if applicable). These are the conditions that the VCF will consider when calculating the amount of your award. Another award is made to a successful applicant for an economic loss, which includes lost benefits, lost earnings, household services, and out of pocket medical expenses. are documents that were created in the ordinary course of business or in real-time during the September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002, period (or as otherwise noted below). We will contact you if we need additional information from you after reviewing your claim form and the letter. If any of the above documents are missing or insufficient, the VCF will send you a missing information letter and place the claim in Inactive status. You should also notify us once you have requested the letter from Goldman Sachs, so we know to expect it in support of your claim.