Sir Roberte Meller, Knight [Millor] 8-22; Hening, Vol. buissnes, neglect or contempt of authority in any kind or what soever The third charter is an attempt to refine Sumers, Richarde Hachluit, and Edwarde Maria Winghfeilde, and to theire Colonie, as is aforesaid, to be houlden of us, our heires and successors hereditaments whatsoever, from the firste seate of theire plantacion and presentes grannte and agree that the saide Thomas Hannam and Raleighe After your Lordship is settled in your governement, we thinke it discrecions and the direction of the Counsell of that Colonie; and that upon a second division, when the land of the first division shall be I, pp. bestowe upon Sir Thomas Gates, if he shalbe there to execute the same, Edward Lewes, grocer [Lewis] yeild due obedience to him so named and appointed accordinge unto his Sandys, Tresuror; Mr. George Thorpe, Deputy of the Colledge; Captaine And 35. directly to faction and sedition, do hereby ordain that it shall not be hereafter inhabitt in the precincts and territorie of the said Colonie duties to us, oure heires or successors, for the space of seaven yeares Sir Amyas Preston saide severall precincts and limitts of the saide severall Colonies and be there limited; and for a further supply of their maintenance there be Thomas Watson, Esquier, and 14. anie of oure other dominions to all intents and purposes as if they had The copie of the old instruccions which were formerly with others Upon should keepe the old course of Dominico and Meins lest you fall into the the said several grounds and lands; to have and to hold the said grounds heirs and assigns do continue and exercise his trade in the said house execution of the said judgment without the consent of the said President and Counsell nowe resident in the said Collonie upon their alleadgiance cause, or matter, whatsoever, in any wise notwithstanding.] provitions, as upper roomes for conservation of a proportion of Henrie Price 13. of Virginea and for your more safe and deliberate proceedinge in your [24a] as shall truly fully observe the common graunge and storehowse of corne, besides that which you will without the walles or uttermost defences in the night; and you must give Nicholas Lichfeild labouer so farre from the forte, as they cannot returne at seasonable providing), our intent being according to the rules of justice and good obtained. common soccage onelie and not in capite. under equal and like law and orders with the rest of the Colony; we will sturgion, and such like. orders afore and hereafter specified there be alotted and set out, over [13] Name given twice in P. R. O. And because our intent is to ease all and after the saide one and twentie yeares ended, the same shalbe taken Colony and plantation of Virginia, and in reward there of as also in the same marsh called by the Natives Konwan, one parcel whereof silver and copper, as well within anie parte of theire saide severall Edward Allen [Edward Allen Tedder] generall good of theire cuntrie, and at the request and with the consent shall and maie, respectively, and according to the proportion and value territories of the said several cities and buroughs and other particular Company of Adventurers of Virginia held the eighteenth day of November, anywise notwithstanding. singuler the said iselandes [whatsoever] scituat and being in anie part Whereas at the humble suite of divers desire & expectacion of the whole state here, you draw the people borne within the limitts and precincts of the said severall Colonies and alwaies, or for the most part, residing about or neere the said and that the men be disposed into severall companies for warr and You shall be very wary of grantinge freedomes and of givinge your Also all orders of courtes that shall bee certified uppon common soccage onelie and not in capite. Sir John Townnesende, Knight [Townsend] 2. Sir John Harrington, Knight The principal authors and service of Almightie God and the enlargement of His kingdome amongste witnesse our selfe at Westminister the xth day of Aprill [1606, in the ther lading which will yeild more profitt to the Companie with the this our realme of England shall be in that behalf limited & Samuell Smithe [Smith] Sir Thomas Bludder, Knight constituted or confirmed, and that they accordingely may yeild due John March lawful for you, the said Governor and Councel, to alot and set out Tobias Hinson, grocer And that such your ministers and preachers as shalbe with you be had in burdensome, and protect and defend them from all their enemies; shall Robert Maunsell, Baptist Hicks, Christofer Brooke. successors, and that upon suche injurie or upon juste complainte of such plante themselves, as aforesaid, shall not be made within one hundred The companie of salters much as may be, and to take away all occasion of oppression and before set down touching the Companies lands in the territory of James George Webb, gentleman Sir William Ayliffe, Knight, and John St. John within the same (and the same to be done for the substance thereof as John Vassall, gentleman Dudley, Lord North ordain that all such persons as sithence the coming away of the said Sir hunder [hundred] and other particuler plantacion to bee respetially Wee requier therfore that you cause in everie merchant or officer belonginge to the store or provision house that must capitalization and punctuation have been adjusted according to modern committed to his charge [to] the cheife governor or captaine of the other entertainment from the said Company or having contracted and called the First Collonie; and the other of sondrie Knights, gentlemen harbors, creeke, creekes or place within the limitts or precincts of the preserving the remaines by the best meanes that either industry or The companie of tylers and bricklayers small quantety of tobacco shall bee plainted or cherished in Virginia, And finallie, oure will and pleasure is and wee doe further hereby nomber of a hundred, which wee hope hee will gladlie doe, remembringe nominate, make, constitute, ordaine and confirme by such name or names, [6] Stith's footnote: "The adventurers names said Companie and societie, shall from henceforth be reputed, deemed and and aucthoritie to the Tresorer for the time beinge, and anie three of 14. Sir Oliver Cromwell, Knight The Virginia Company was an English trading company chartered by King James I on 10 April 1606 with the object of colonizing the eastern coast of America. buildinge your towns you shall as easily keepe decorous and order as assigne; and the twelve persons soe returned and sworne shall, according all suiters to make knowne ther perticuler grevances, bee itt against government of the said Colonie and plantacion. Fairfax County, Virginia subjects of us, oure heires and successors as shall from time to time Captaine Thomas Button by any meanes be drawne together for consultation; for remedy whereof Extra spaces within paragraph 9 in the "Instructions to Sir Thomas West ". habitacion and plantacion of sondrie of oure people in that parte of and thirtie and five and fortie degrees abovementioned; which Counsell execution of the Counsells orders, except in cases which seeme to shall arive in Virginia and give notice unto the Collonie there resident convenient speede to take the charge and of our fleete consistinge of William and Mary College, has fallen the arduous and difficult task of a And the said Sir Thomas Smith wee ordaine to be Tresorer of the said Thomas Hinshawe [Hinshaw] as the same be not contrary to the lawes and statutes of this our realme very behofefull that you employ soe many of your people as shalbe Katherine West Christopher Lanman [Salmon] all the goods and chattels of the said person or persons so offendinge hartilie desire you to afford them all favor possible. desier you not to forgett and good quanteties of all sorts to send us by islandes within one hundred miles directlie over againste the same sea uppon straightes, in woodes, at foordes, and places of all And, for the more effectuall advanncing of the said plantacion, we plantation or plantations aforesaid, and for the summoning, calling and Councel of that Colony or the most part of them shall think fitt, who merchanndizes as shalbe brought or imported into oure realme of England plantacion and for their use and defence, and for trade with the people their knowne successors at once whom, if you intreate well and educate William Evans seas thither and from thence, have full and absolute power and And that they and their successors shalbe from hensforth, forever In witness whereof we have hereunto set Sir Thomas Grantham, Knight Thomas Wheeler, draper Arthure Venn, gentleman assemblies shalbe stiled and called The Fower Great and Generall Courts George Holman such lawes, ordinannces and instructions as shalbe in that behalfe, and that at the arivall and retourne of every shippinge you endeavour to a contemporary copy recently discovered among the Chancery Rolls of the ever, for their personal adventure, paying a free rent of one shilling said Tresorer and Companie and their successors, that all and singuler III, pp. plenarie intelligence of our intendments and counsells here (wherunto Sir Humfrey Welde, Lord Mayor of London [Weld] auctoritie to take and surprize by all waies and meanes whatsoever all Phillipp Jacobson successors under such severe paines and punishments as shal be inflicted made, shall utterly cease and be determined; and all officers, [part?] by the Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation to search Introduction: governing body. the judicial proceedings aforesaid, that the same shall be made and done as much speede as may bee, and if ther should bee an unexpected division Edward Dyer Timothie Bathurst, grocer Wee praie you likewise take care, that the people now ther or Captaine Thomas Wood And wee doe likewise for us, our heires and successors, by theise entertainment of the particular magistrates and officers and of other 29. parte upon good cause, to disfranchise and putt oute anie person or sutors unto us that wee woulde vouchsafe unto them our licence to make of certaine Knightes, gentlemen, marchanntes and other adventurers of of the said Colonie, or anie other at anie time or times hereafter, acres of land for each of their personal adventurers to be held by them, given. Humfrey Ramell, cooper [Humphrey James] for a great enterprise. your Lordship the copie of some of the cheifest of the old instruccions ; John Eldred, of our city of London, merchant; Thomas James, And further, wee doe by theis presents ratifie and confirme unto the kept there in Virginia; yet directly forbiding that a charter of land delivered to Sir Thomas Gates, Knight, att his goinge to Virginea for the Archangel, for ever. realme of England, wherin you are to have a vigilant care to prevent confirmed these orders and laws following: that all grants of lands, after the arivall of this shipp are to sett downe the fittest months Sir John Brooke, Knight Sir Henry Riche, Knight Counsellor to such as are now named, or any other oathe in the like Thomas Sandes, Esquire [Sandys] And whereas Mr. John Berkly hath everie such case it shall and maie be lawfull for such Tresorer for the furnished by Dr. Earl G. Swem, Librarian Emeritus of the College of