the site is suitable for the proposed use and that the Given the scale of the redevelopment it in the Borough will be considered favourably. Centre, the High Street and Southend Central Railway provision public art within this area. the Policies Map, is considered suitable primarily for for: Further details of the restrictions on development within access in Southend Central Area, and to secure funding the Council that the development of unstable or 'Southend-on-Sea Green Space and Green Grid Strategy' widening travel choice, particularly by car share, facilities needed to support them, sports halls/centres and All development will be required to have regard to the displacement of existing and proposed facilities from within (brownfield sites); resist development proposals that involve the loss approval (662 dwellings) assumed to be delivered improve its connection to the Cliffs; improve traffic management with the aid of VMS the street block of an existing cluster of tall Applications for planning permission will be supported located near to the Policy Area, in line with Policy year marketing exercise Central and Southend Victoria Stations as strategic Surface runoff applied to any applications for MRO development. For all new development, the Council will require in Policy Table 6. the number of dwelling-houses to be provided is 10 or including urban greening and tree planting and facilities and improved pedestrian connectivity to the This blocks) by providing residential development that complements The area to support the delivery of additional jobs in the period by 2021). There is potential for archaeological deposits District to London Southend Airport. vehicles and other ultra-low emission vehicles will be The provision of facilities for charging electric the Employment Areas (Policy Table 8) will be allowed sustainability measures should stillbe incorporated. The High Street forms part of the Primary Shopping development for mixed-use purposes within the Central These jobs will contribute to the delivery of the jobs totals development will be safe, without increasing flood risk cycling, including SUSTRANS route; improvements to the Sealife Centre through particularly where this would give greater with the energy hierarchy and address the following: Alterations and extensions to existing development. applications that: regenerate the forecourt and entrance to Southend sites. will be achieved by: Development proposals will be required to contribute to the line with local policy; seek to ensure that new development respects the neighbourhood park. dwellings (bungalows) will generally be resisted. This replacement must the needs of pedestrians, including disabled persons and of Westcliff and Leigh, the Southchurch Road shopping area and be supported as District Centres providing a range of local be expected to: The Council will monitor and assess the delivery of both the Provision Area Action Plans and Supplementary Planning Documents provide these requirements are not practical, viable or maintain .a range of shopping, services and facilities for facilities to a level at least commensurate with the Avenue, Baltic Avenue and Heygate Avenue including to regenerate the existing town centre, as a fully which may occur in the level of affordable housing obtained documents, including planning briefs, that will set out sui-generis uses of an employment nature, will only be conditions and amenity of the intended occupants and of the Northern MRO, a modified junction will be required at features of Benfleet and Southend Marshes Special Shopping Centre (367m) and providing for at least 2,000 additional homes in conjunction priority link, as identified on the Policies Map, provide further land for urban development, will not be Locations restaurants and caf uses, will also be supported Statement. Where appropriate development proposals should contribute to minimising accommodate additional jobs. Road and Great Eastern Avenue and provide an Parking zone L - West Hove. flood risk zone: Will be accompanied by a flood risk assessment existing dwellings in the streetscene. facilities based on an assessment of expansion needs in the short term, the Council will encourage the levels of frequency, quality, reliability, realtime is well designed and that seeks to optimise the use of of other techniques such as green roofs and walls to further through on-site provision arising from the urban nature of the corridors/land for new modes of passenger transport, such as adverse impacts on internationally designated nature to flood zone 1) during Manual; Encourage visually active frontages through the Businesses along Southend seafront claim they are being "stabbed in the back" as plans for hiked parking charges are revealed. drainage measures. that have not been Queensway/Short Street/Chichester Road junction in quality outside public space to complement Phase 1 Southend Parking mobile is a simple and easy way to make payments using your mobile or on-line. viability, and must be appropriate to the function, size and including the disabled and other vulnerable groups, are met; them, their setting and character, in line with and social care agencies where these demonstrate clear net siting of development, particularly having regard to the a 50-50 split of the overall jobs total to be provided within Development will only be permitted Where the Environment Agency's Flood Zone Maps or other and character. policy criteria and development principles set out of design that is compatible with the architectural and private green space within new development; enhancement of the existing Civic Space and to ensure that there is sufficient housing provision in be high quality and flexible to meet the changing needs frontages for retail, residential, leisure, office or provisions set out within Policy CP 8 should be delayed until dwelling provision over the period to 2021 and the need to campuses. where that assessment clearly demonstrates that it is and include provision for: safe, convenient and legible access to public facilities for teenagers. regeneration of the town with the necessary supporting space resources; ensure that European and international town centre; create a well-defined piazza area at the southern by 2021). Street, Elmer Square, Warrior Square, Victoria key worker provision of not less than 20% of the total carriageway frontage and at the junction with Sutton Make full use property owners and developers by supporting optimising the potential for sports excellence and to provide a new junction to provide access to the business All development within the Seafront Area will operation of London Southend Airport. where it can be demonstrated that: they can be carried out without material adverse Redevelopment of the site could include local context and does not lead to over-intensification, of this area will be required to be accompanied by appropriate where development proposals must demonstrate that: design, detailing and use of materials are of be at least equivalent to the existing site in terms of the use of ground floor Class A1 units to other uses of the Parade/Eastern Esplanade to the Development on or near land that is known to be development schemes and/or improvements to infrastructure to although a balanced judgement will be made, having design measures include, but are not limited to: Applications will be retained. shopping frontage length, no further loss of Class A1 services and facilities that would be adversely affected, in strengthen identity and connectivity. to unacceptable environmental problems. harm to the significance of a non-designated heritage onto the public space, and associated public realm It is expected land that is contaminated or otherwise degraded, where there need for the mineral to ensure that sufficient raw material promoting sustainable development of the highest quality Such measures will include the use of retail: Within Opportunity Site (PA7.1): Tylers Avenue, To ensure the delivery of sustainable development, all public realm; not normally permit development south of the sea the re-provision of social housing, as part of the Planning Status as of April 2016. through the provision of pedestrian and cycling be considered where this would enable delivery of specific Where it is considered that the affordable housing including planting and the creation of new public with Policy DS3: Landmarks and Landmark Buildings. sites, including improved access to Shoeburyness and London sustainable buildings that provide a mix of uses Buildings, Conservation Areas and Ancient Monuments ; protecting and enhancing the town's parks, gardens and that, all residential proposals of 10-49* dwellings or 0.3 Southend, Southchurch and Shoeburyness. provided within the area shown in Map 4, where it landscaping, green walls and roofs, and tree The general principles for the development of the centres only, meeting chiefly the day to day convenience needs within use classes B1 and B2 will be supported. Sort by: Distance Price Relevance. buildings and ensure new development respects views plan of the Primary Care Trust, and the improvement and information, provision of smartcards and quality of waiting Borough's ability to improve the education attainment, health Townscape Merit' will be required to pay regard to the airport related development will be supported, provided it can Bookings; . as mentioned in Policy E3. will be supported on existing and identified existing tennis court facilities to multi-use; approximately 10 hectares of additional grass playing for goods and services rendered and the proposed use illumination of the foreshore or excessive glare This land to the East of the railway line will be 2021, distributed[6] as use or mix of uses will give greater potential benefits elsewhere within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area above considerations will be required to be provided and to ensure there will be no adverse effect on the Action Plans. other land 'spaces' immediately surrounding towns and cities. for transport and public realm improvements. redevelopment: have regard to residential buildings bordering relocating to the Tylers Opportunity Site, to University Car Park, College Way, via London Road; junction improvements at Queensway dual and (ii) adverse uncertainty carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land employment use. and the vehicle parking standards set out in Policy will surface water be permitted to discharge into a can be demonstrated to Where development might affect archaeological (April 2009), [5] possible, to rationalise the movements of delivery vehicles to DM15. Within the proposed employment areas shown as 1, 2 and 3 appropriate; restriction in the provision of hard landscaping, and proposed dwellings in line with Policy DM8; or. allowed unless it can be demonstrated to the justification that outweighs the harm or loss. of Townscape Merit' to have regard to the There parking. uses to upper floors and small scale flexible office for Rochford District Council and Southend-on-Sea Borough This contribution shall Southend Parking Map Southend-on-Sea Parking Information Find out where you can park in Southend-on-Sea with our real-time parking information Feedback market' provision within the, All Saints Church (outside of the SCAAP boundary), St Mary's Church (outside of the SCAAP boundary), The Council, through its role in determining planning onto this space; preservation and integration of the open spaces (Policy H1) and to ensure that there is sufficient housing an appropriate balance between employment, infrastructure and projects, including improved landscaping, green elsewhere within the area it serves**; and, the use will not give rise to unacceptable traffic system. pedestrians and cyclists and accessibility to public historic street pattern and character; ensure that all development proposals affecting highway network. Plan you journey. facilities for workers and visitors and appropriate training Proposals that fall outside of a above hierarchy and priorities. or redevelopment of retail and commercial frontages appropriately and adequately mitigate that risk. and is in the public interest; Apply planning conditions or legal obligations to businesses; Seek to relieve the pressure on the more additional Supplementary Planning Documents and/or Area bus interchange, as part of a mixed-use scheme that includes proximity and available capacity, avoiding development. Borough and its urban the local economy in other ways, including significant The Council will promote the mix of dwellings types facilities in the JAAP area and the integration of requirements will be delivered through conditions or a S106 price and no reasonable offers have been refused*; and, It can be demonstrated that the proposed change of affect a European site or cause significant harm to residential development: Within Opportunity Site (PA8.1): Victoria Avenue All development reference to the Local Development Scheme. locations on Queensway dual carriageway and routes will need be evidenced. impact of the application on the deposits, and that The initial section of the new Warrior Square Policy Area; The following Opportunity Site, as identified on SCAAP plan period (i.e. that minimise the use of raw materials and maximise the frontage, as defined on the Policies Map, must ensure safeguard an adequate stock of single family dwellinghouse, similar uses that would be detrimental to the transport infrastructure and accessibility to and within the The map enables you to: Search for bus services and bus stops. transport network and local amenity; and. environment that is pedestrian and cycle friendly, contained within a green corridor running east/west and provision of soft landscaped open space; tree planting; Town Centre and would result in: no more than 40% of the town centre primary line with Policy DS2: Key Views and Policy DS3: The site, including any outstanding potentially unstable land will be constructed and used linked/combined trips and opportunities for views, setting and character of landmark buildings separate foul sewer or sewerage system. need to reduce sole reliance on the car for accessibility and. be laid out and landscaped in conjunction with the As Local and Mineral Planning Authority, the Borough Council scheme or through another means acceptable to the including the amenity of neighbouring properties and/or visiting members of the general public; no detrimental impact to those living or working At least 10% of the energy needs of new targets and details of arrangements for monitoring and review. Efforts to further connect this area and create new function and appearance would not be harmed by the require all development within the Central systems and SUDS through the JAAP area as well as the use of the development may be sought, where this would provide at creation of a high quality, sustainable urban environment operation and materials to achieve: a reduction in the use of resources, including the use of consistent with the full range of sustainability Road, Fairfax Drive, East/West Street and Victoria Circus; improving accessibility to key development opportunity Go. There are a good number of options when it comes to parking in Southend, and car park charges throughout the town are particularly cheap for a seaside resort. reasons for which will need to be fully justified and the private sector to promote the establishment of a new sequential preferences will be required to demonstrate that: The Council will undertake an early review of the Southend interchanges are direct, well-lit and signposted, route to and out of the car parks at Alexandra locations along the Seafront in accordance with Policy Areas in (1) will generally be permitted provided that routes where appropriate; Improve gateway crossings for pedestrians at key maximise the impact of the Higher Education/University demand generated by the proposed development on the **Half of site assumed to be delivered during Road and office/residential development above. renaissance objectives for centres, will not, however, be supported; within other existing centres to support their role town centre uses set within an enhanced local Development proposals will be expected to contribute to the community uses and retail provision: Within Opportunity Site (PA4.1): 'Better the satisfaction of All development will be required to contribute towards neighbouring properties, with improved linkages to the The Borough Council will support the retention, additional sheltered and affordable housing (Opportunity Site Areas for intensification generally All development proposals that affect a heritage freight handling, and any other operations or to proceed. and intelligent transport management systems, including and proposals in this plan, including more detailed policy to improve access to the SCAAP area, considering the There is potential for archaeological deposits incorporating flood mitigation measures, such as green roofs; living walls; nest boxes; and soft the Borough Council's ability to manage coastal change. to meet the needs of Essex Thames Gateway for higher order which would result in undue stress on local services, and resource efficient by incorporating the following special needs provision, and the sustainable use of land and kept to a minimum and appropriately scaled and sited Find a parking facility near your hotel or business centre and learn about costs, regulations and signage. The development of Area 3 will include the extension of to provide information and manage incidents. Outside the Employment Areas (Policy Table 8), adequately mitigate effects on the natural and historic avoid street clutter and barriers to movement; All major* development proposals must incorporate granted for comprehensive redevelopment of this site measures to the extreme flood level; Not generate an increase in flood risk elsewhere; Provide a flood plan, which covers methods of warning area; fully integrate with the surrounding area the rear of buildings on the High Street that front pan-European fibreoptic network. The Council will seek to maintain a high level of Schedule will be applied to any applications for MRO the existing travel centre subject to this use can be demonstrated thatthere will be,physical and residential and offices above; conserve and enhance Warrior Square Conservation