2: Dan Ryan . During that time, hes worked to address homelessness, community safety and build housing. Julia DeGraw: To start, we have to keep people in their homes, which means finding ways to make sure that renters can stay in their homes once the eviction moratorium is lifted. Aquiles Montas: Looking at funds and future projects that can be delayed and use as emergency funds in order to avoid cuts. This is important to protect workers, and also to maintain the Governor's confidence so that she does not order a complete halt of construction work. Auditor - November 19, 1970 to December 1970 (elected to unexpired term) Gonzalez Violation Exhibit B 171.48 KB. Commissioner - January 1949 to December 1954 Term of Office: 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2024 . City planning and capital projects need to include anti-displacement strategies as a standard practice. Terry Parker:I don't see this construction shutdown happening in my neighborhood. BUILD: the units weve already paid for in the two housing bonds. For example, the City's last budget cycle was brutal, and that was when revenues were normal. Terry Parker:Vision Zero is an inequity. Commissioner # 4 - November 2002 to December 2004 (elected to unexpired term) Every community needs to thrive again. Commissioner # 1 - January 1985 to December 1988 That said, the emergency funding from the federal government definitely helped make it possible, and the incredible hard work and dedication of City staff and community groups led to an incredibly fast turnaround on building out three camps across town for houseless individuals to be able to safely shelter in place. Commissioner - November 1930 to January 1933 Persons appointed to limited term positions will be designated as limited duration employees whose appointment shall not exceed two (2) years except for the extension of grants or funding from outside sources. The city commission system is one of the oldest forms of municipal government in the United States. The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to . I will revive that conversation as a City Commissioner. 59% of low-income people drive to their place of employment. Commissioner - July 1917 to July 1919 (appointed), Funk, George R. -An independent civilian agency must have explicit jurisdiction in deadly force cases. Commissioner - July 1933 to December 1940 One of the steps has been to bring awareness to Metro staff by providing monthly fatal crash updates to key policy advisory committees. Commissioner - July 1931 to January 1933 We cannot simply throw our hands up and say that it's only in the hands of the Multnomah County DA and a grand jury. I will always advocate for inclusive housing policies that will benefit everyone. As I stated before in response to question #1 we have learned that all along, evictions were avoidable; the homeless couldve been housed and sheltered in government buildings; water and electricity didnt need to be turned off for people behind on their bills; and more. Commissioner - January 1953 to December 1956 Commissioner # 4 - January 1973 to March 1974 (resigned), Goldschmidt, Neil Diana Gutman: This is more than a one-note answer. As of noon on Wednesday, Loretta Smith was in the lead with more than 35,000 votes, or about 19%. I don't want Portland to be another San Francisco, with the very rich and the very poor and nothing in-between and COVID-19 will further disparities if we don't take action. I support increasing short-term rental assistance and homeownership programs. As a council member, I will drive the process, provide transparent data dashboards to hold us accountable. The current composite of Home for Everyone will not move us forward. There are many factors creating the inability to get closer to zero. Watch on. But we can't cut services to the public, and we need to do everything we can to limit cuts to public jobs. The streamlining of bureaus and county and city services has been a vision of many who exit government for years. As we continue on with construction on housing units that are not affordable to Portlanders with zero to moderate-income, I am concerned that we as a city are perpetuating the housing crisis. I will also seek to implement innovative tax programs to provide low-income housing and also allow developers to maintain their necessary profit margins. Terry Parker:In addition to requiring the city's non-union employees to take some unpaid time off and negotiating with unions for something similar for represented employees; the City Council needs to declare an emergency whereby system development charges paid by developers can be utilized for maintenance, such as in parks and for street repair as opposed to just being utilized for capacity increases. Once elected, I will push to site and build additional micro-housing units as soon as possible because we know they work, they have won success from neighbors in Kenton, and they will provide socially-distanced shelter options for people experiencing homelessness if there is another wave of COVID-19. Commissioner # 4 - January 1993 to December 1996 Auditor - January 1955 to December 1958, Bowes, Wm. 2. As we get to the phase of the recovery where we can start building again, the City should incentivize alternative housing concepts such as land trusts, land banking, and cooperatives that help create permanently affordable housing. Mayor - July 1933 to December 1940, Bean, Ormond R. . I've learned what it takes to win major reforms, and I'm ready to take on Portland's biggest challenge. This will necessarily require progressively increasing taxes considerably on higher incomes, wealth, and corporations. Filing Method: Declaration and Fee. Portland , OR 97204. Job Description: The City Auditor's Office is seeking a mission-driven, versatile communication professional to lead internal communications and expand its accountability and transparency work with historically underserved Portlanders by supporting outreach, overseeing publication design, and advancing the online reach of the Auditor's Office. It is a virtual certainty that the entire world will experience a major economic downturn. Its time for new leadership. Commissioner #4 - January 2017 - December 2020, Hardesty, Jo Ann May 9, 2022 2 a.m. OPB asked all the candidates seeking a seat on Portland City Council to answer some questions about the issues. Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:30 am. Alanna AJ McCreary. Commissioner # 1 - January 1969 to March 1970 (died while in office), Schrunk, Terry D. Commissioner # 3 - January 1979 to December 1980 (elected Mayor) Kentons Women Village is a good example of this kind of housing. The revenues are dropping daily and we must be open to public and private partnering to ensure we sustain some flow of currency, even if it is much less. Copyright 2023 The Southeast Examiner of Portland Oregon, The Southeast Examiner wants to hear from you! Mayor - January 1977 to August 15, 1979 (resigned), Schwab, Mildred A. City of Portland Results. As the Executive Director for the Coalition of Community Health Clinics, I am a longtime advocate for medical, peer, and social workers as first responders where mental health or substance use may be a strong factor. Commissioner # 4 - March 1974 to December 1974 (appointed) The state finally made it legal and then we allowed ideology purity to block results. Commissioner # 3 - January 2015 to December 2018, Blackmer, Gary It is the equivalent of all of us taking a collective breath and freezing in place while the scythe of the Grim Reaper passes by. The first two candidates have qualified for City of Portland offices in the May 17, 2022, primary election. This means the traffic enforcement team, much like all other Police units are understaffed, so we arent catching or arresting DUII drivers before they hit somebody or kill themselves. Tera Hurst: In Mayor Hales' office, I made sure Kenton Women's Village was on a trajectory to be open and operational before we left office. Commissioner - January 1949 to December 1952 Mayor - January 2005 to December 2008, Adams, Sam Steven Cox . Its time to get Portland back to being a city that every member is proud to live in.. Chris Brummer - Did not participate. People from the biking, trucking, transit and business community working together to pick sub-indicators metrics. Commissioner # 2 - January 1983 to December 1986, Jordan, Charles R. Commissioner - January 1941 to August 1943 (died while in office), Johnson, A.G. Commissioner # 1 - January 1989 to December 1992 This would be easier to implement for loans from a local public bank. The economic impact of COVID-19 will also certainly cause homelessness in Portland to dramatically increase in 2020. Portland City Council Position 2 Dan Ryan Commissioner Dan Ryan took office less than two years ago, winning an August 2020 special election to serve out the remainder of late Commissioner Nick . Provide PPB the resources to install traffic enforcement cameras. Using this new urgent energy to help people I will push for the creation of tiny house villages where there are shared kitchens and bathrooms to help get higher quality deeply affordable homes for individuals and families currently living with housing insecurity or who are actually living on the streets. Commissioner # 4 - January 1969 to November 1969 (died while in office), Peterson, Fred L. I'm committed to finding funding to increase staffing to help with this enforcement. The Auditor's seat is also up for election. AJ McCreary is challenging him for the seat. We didn't have time to wait on a mandate stay-in policy from our Governor. Auditor - August 21, 1970 to November 18, 1970 (appointed), Yerkovich, George There is a lot of work to do in our high crash corridors. The village is made up of 14 sleeping pods built and designed by Partners on Dwelling Initiative citywide coalition of Architects, housing advocates and houseless individuals. The business hours for the Auditor's Office are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This is still my plan, but none of these 3 prongs can be done in one step, obviously. In addition, I will push to use the remaining funds from the 2016 housing bond as quickly as possible. We also need to push the state and federal delegation to act quickly in getting more dollars flowing to Portland. PTSD, depression, and anger management issues are all not uncommon on the force, and officers need better access to help if they need it. Loretta Smith:No new programs in the budget. Portland City Council, Position 2 ben_dj: OK, onward to the other open seat on City Council the one formerly held by Nick Fish. Unfortunately, we are not on track for achieving our Vision Zero goal. COVID-19 has highlighted the economic vulnerability of Portlanders. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is significantly understaffed and are unable to patrol all the streets and highways across the entire city, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No cars or RVs used for housing should be ticketed or towed. Better enforcement is essential to making roads safer. The City has six elected officials: The Mayor, four City Commissioners, and the City Auditor. Julia DeGraw:Overall, I think that the City's budget process is opaque and doesn't adequately represent Portland values. I would reach out to the OR State Building and Construction Trades Council, Pacific NW Regional Carpenters Union, and other construction leaders to hear from them directly about whether the social distancing guidelines are workable on job sites, and also how their members are handling these unique challenges. -The public should be able to make complaints without the offending officer having access to their name and information. Multnomah County (Preliminary Results) Clackamas County (Preliminary Results) An 88 unit market-rate development and a 112 unit development of mostly studio apartments are both proceeding full steam ahead. If there aren't ways to hold "bad apples" accountable or for "good apples" to intervene without retribution then we shouldn't expect change. Hi Everyone I'm Michael Simpson and I'm running for Portland City Council, position number 2 I have been a proud Portland resident for 12 years, and as a healthcare worker in a major hospital here I have had the opportunity to meet and connect with a wide range of Portlanders. Dan Ryan:Portland doesn't have enough affordable housing and that's a failure of our current political leaders. Auditor - December 1938 to December 1954 Commissioner - July 1917 to May 1932, Kellaher, Dan Auditor - July 1917 to February 1938 (died while in office), Pier, S.C. It is essential that our city council be prepared for a range of economic scenarios. What about the police? With businesses closed and unemployment claims spiking we need to start thinking about the long term effects. Despite the citys efforts on Vision Zero, people keep dying on Portland streets. Ryan has held the office for two years after winning the 2020 election to fill the position vacated with the passing of Nick Fish. Coalition, to reform Portland's urban renewal and build thousands more affordable housing unitswithout raising taxes. Everton Bailey Jr. | The Oregonian/OregonLive. In his bid for reelection, hes focused on moving people off the streets as soon as possible by prioritizing three steps: faster progress to providing safe, clean living spaces; clearing roadblocks to building more affordable housing and improving the construction permitting process; and creating more access to addiction and mental health treatment. City Council approved a human resources administrative rule in January 2023, HRAR - 4.045, requiring employees, including those who are fully remote and hybrid, to perform work within Oregon or Washington. We also have a vast number of streets across the City, but especially in the outer east, with poor lighting and lack of crosswalks. Aquiles Montas:Police accountability policies. We have outdated racist policies that have been plaguing our city for over the last 20 years that we as a city have never addressed as a whole. Articles, blogs, press releases, public notices, and newsletters. 26, 2023 at 9:31 PM PDT. The possible need is for more non-profit developers to join in. In October 2019, Quote Wizard released their annual ranking of cities that have the worst drivers in America. James "Jas" Davis:The city should petition the governor to call an emergency session of the legislature to address pandemic-related recovery issues and should lobby for a set of relief bills including enabling legislation for a public bank. Commissioner - August 1930 to November 1930 (appointed) Drop us a line at examiner@seportland.news or visit. Any steps the City takes towards recovery post-pandemic need to center with racial justice and prioritizing vulnerable communities. Commissioner # 2 - January 1991 to December 1994 I believe that the only way to return to "normal" will be through enacting a (Green!) Portland's Comprehensive Plan designates town centers, major corridors and close-in to transit centers as the places to locate multi-family housing. We also must end inhumane sweeps and not make the mere condition of being houseless a crime. Commissioner # 3 - January 1967 to December 1970 Commissioner # 3 - April 9, 1981 to December 1982 (elected to unexpired term) Additionally, the City of Portland needs to invest more resources to help Portlanders stay housed. Stop allowing perfection to get in the way of good and work with the willing developers to build exclusionary housing. We need a moratorium on evictions, rents, mortgage and loan payments across the board in both residential and commercial sectors. This issue is personal for me, I lost my third oldest brother on our streets 5 years ago (am the youngest of 8). Ryan has held the office for two years after winning the 2020 election to . The housing crisis in our city is not due to the lack of housing but is a result of socioeconomic disparity/ discrimination and building homes that are not affordable (most 1 bedroom 1 bath apartments in Portland start at $1200 and that's not including first and last month's rent plus a security deposit and any additional rental fees i.e. We should also push for more federal money to have a regional housing boom that is desperately needed to meet demand and to assist in economic recovery. Candidates Avraham Cox, Sophie Sumney-Koivisto and Renee Stephens do not have websites and did not reply to The Southeast Examiners inquiry for information on their campaigns. One of the responsibilities of the Citizen Review Committee (CRC) is to hear appeals from community members on Portland police findings on officer misconduct complaints. Dan Ryan currently is the Portland City Commissioner Position 2 incumbent and . Dan Ryan, candidate for Portland City Council, 2022. Campaign Finance Account: Not Registered. The proven bias toward minorities and people of color is a troubling trend. The native Portlanders priorities are housing justice, including an immediate stop to homeless camp sweeps; climate justice to lead the charge to model what a green city can truly be; community safety through community-led safety initiatives that prioritize community needs and improve the quality of life for everyone; and economic development in the form of creating an equitable path to business resilience and workforce viability that breathes life into economic hubs. Mayor - January 1941 to December 1948, Clyde, Ralph C. In some instances, combining teams or removing layers of unnecessary management could create significant savings. I support lowering overtime work, especially for outside companies like Apple stores, and would support efforts to hire officers who live in Portland, as well as to streamline the hiring process so the Police Bureau can do better at competitively hiring good officers. The shift we need on our streets and to our culture of how we use our streets is massive. Moving forward, we must find funding for projects that improve roads, and we need to focus on remaking thoroughfares so that theyre designed for multi-modal use and are aesthetically beautiful, safe for pedestrians and cyclists, full of reliable safe transit, and not designed primarily for cars.