My grandfather was born in 1901, so he was under the age 21, when the 1920 law became effective. A foreigner shall submit an application for restoration of Polish citizenship together with all documents to the competent minister for internal affairs. Article 13.The granting and loss of Polish citizenship concerning a wife of a man who is granted or loses Polish citizenship and also his children who are younger than 18 year-old, as far as it is not reserved in granting certificate or in declaration on citizenship's loss. Verify eligibility and onboarding with Global RCG. It is irrelevant where the child is born. Article 3. Article 12. Children under 16 were also losing citizenship due to the above. You dont qualify for confirming Polish citizenship. However, a great weakness of this way is to prevent the applicants family from acquiring citizenship in the future. Special laws apply in the following situations: Between 1918 and 1951, any Pole that acquired another citizenship automatically lost their Polish citizenship. He was a salesman and did not enter military service in the US. Some of the family (including my great grandparents) moved back to Poland in 1926, but my grandfather didnt. Firstly, the foreigner must apply for a temporary residence permit based on the marriage, and then apply with permanent residence based on the marriage. In addition, such individuals are not entitled to consular protection of their home country under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Could you please send us more information: What was your fathers name? Easily buy property in all 27 EU member states. [1][2], Its provisions cover a range of Polish citizenship issues, including dual citizenship; acquisition by law (including birth, grant, recognition, and restoration); loss; status of minors vis-a-vis parents; and various processes and regulations. All in America. i.e. These are the major points that we would like to highlight. I have 4 great-grandparents on the paternal side of my family (so both of my Polish great-grandmothers were married to Polish men) who were all born in the 1890s within the borders of what is now modern-day Poland, and all of them moved to the UK at some point between 1900 and 1920 (I dont have dates for when they arrived here). Depending on what is considered Poland for these purposes. Would my grandfather have to have registered as a Polish citizen in some way in the US? My grandfather was born near Lublin Poland in 1905. Those cases have to be individually evaluated. My father was born in 1949, and myself in 1981. This first steps are completely FREE. The new act also amends procedures for confirmation or loss of Polish citizenship. You will need to prove, at a minimum, that your ancestor was a Polish citizen after 1920. Renouncing Polish citizenship in front of the Polish authorities. Do either my father or I have a case that could be presented for citizenship or even a Karta Polaka? Otherwise it will be difficult to prove their Polish citizenship. However, historically, because the newly independent Poland comprised lands from Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary, who became a Polish citizen was unclear. Accepting citizenship of a different country. Lower your tax bill by being an EU citizen and domicile in lower tax jurisdictions. is a subsidiary of Sable International. Our Dreams Come True. What does this mean for our children? Completion of military service in a foreign army during this period resulted in the loss of Polish citizenship. While many people In both of these cases, there may be more options available to you that are not included here. [16] When in a non-EU country where there is no Polish embassy, Polish citizens have the right to get consular protection from the embassy of any other EU country present in that country. Some remarks on this issue are as follows: To qualify for Polish Nationality by Descent (called Confirmation of Polish Citizenship), an applicant must have a direct Polish ancestor. Lived in Poland, legally, for the last 10 years, Lived in Poland for the last 2 years as apermanent resident. Visa free access to 127 countries including the United States. Proving the citizenship of your Polish ancestor can be done in a variety of ways typically through finding original documents related to birth, marriage, Its a relatively simple process, but its made harder by the fact that Polands borders have changed so much in the last 150 years. [20], In 2017, the Polish nationality is ranked twentieth in Nationality Index (QNI). leave to remain. By restoration. WebOnly citizenship by descent has no requirements apart from having a Polish ancestor. I was born in the US. [4] Union Republics in the late Soviet era used differing methods to delineate their new national constituencies, based largely on the majority ethnic composition of that polity. It would be important to know: Article 2 of the Polish Citizenship Act of 1920 referred back to the residency laws of these former states, and also "international treaties". Im interested in finding out if I may qualify for Polish citizenship. April 3, 2023. fcil obter sua Cidadania Polonesa (e a Cidadania da UE)! In 1914 the family fled to W Germany, then came back to Galicia in 1916. Pursuant to the applicable law this way of confirming citizenship itself is an incomparably tougher process, but it does not lose its most essential features and advantages. visa, UK permanent residency or indefinite If they are 18 or older and qualify, they will need to apply separately. 4. Polish citizenship cannot be acquired through marriage; however you can reside in most EU countries with your spouse with the same rights she or he has. more documents might be required by the Polish authorities depending on your specific case. He worked in a grocery store and married an American citizen in 1950. Their daughter, my grandmother was born in 1930. Article 9. visas, UK dependant visas, Tier 4 Such an agreement was negotiated in the 1972 Consular Convention between the United States and Poland[13] providing that: However, since Poland abolished visa requirements for United States citizens in 1991, this provision no longer applies. Read the article with Golden Star casino review and discover all benefits and downfalls of the gambling platform. To check your eligibility for Polish citizenship you should always consult a specialist. Polish citizenship is restored by the competent minister for internal affairs by decision. If he left after 1919 then we could pursue. They apply in most of the cases, however, the Polish citizenship law is much more complicated and every case needs to be carefully and individually analyzed. Above mentioned rules should be used similarly to polish citizens who were naturalized in USA. John Kalec. This is addressed to those persons who lost their citizenship, e.g. Our Dreams Come True. My father Jan was born in Poland in 1927. Some example I can think of is if we ever live in an EU country, do we need that Polish marriage certificate, or can we always use our original one from outside of Europe to prove our marriage and be able to get residency for my wife? See also: Do you need Polish citizenship to live in Poland? My grandparents were born in Poland before WW2. No. Would my Dad, myself and my children be eligible for Polish Citizenship? Adam had four children born in Poland; his son Franciszek born in 1925 and three girls: Maria born in 1927 and twin girls Ewa and Anna born in 1929 in Poland. My great-grandfather was born in Michlkovice (Ostrava, Czechia) in 1903, but indicated in all subsequent documentation in the US that he was Polish and born in Michaowice. Under age children of people who obtained polish citizenship on above mentioned conditions are also polish citizens even if they are American citizens by birth regardless of if they were born before or after the act dated 20th of January 1920 came into force alternately before or after obtaining the polish citizenship on above mentioned titles grounds. If you want we can try to learn the legal details of the procedure to apply for Polish Card (Karta Polaka). [citation needed], In December 2007 Poland established a Polish Charter which can grant some rights of Polish citizenship to people of Polish descent who do not have Polish citizenship and who reside in ex-USSR. 2. Polish ancestors are obviously needed. During the War, apparently all their documents were lost as they ended up in multiple camps in 1943-44, eventually emigrating to Canada by way of Germany, as they feared repatriation to the Soviet Union by Stalin. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Polish Card Proof of marriage by a civil marriage certificate is crucial in order to determine eligibility through January 19, 1951. Two more boys were born in the US: Stanley in 1931 and Barney in 1934. Some EU countries have free healthcare. The 2021 Definitive 14 Part Guide to Acquiring Polish Citizenship by Descent - Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6: Your Quest for Poland Citizenship by Descent Is Closer than You Think! 44) on Polish States citizenship came into force, that means before January 31, 1920 and A person who joined a foreign army (even if never served but was only conscripted on paper), worked in a public job in a foreign country (very wide and volatile definition for that but this includes: teacher, religious leader, postman and even in a territory not defined as a country like British Palestine ) or received any foreign citizenship prior to the entry into force of the law of 1951 loses their citizenship immediately, and if a married man, also his wife and minor children (younger than 18) lose their citizenship. I have all the letters. or your father is British, then there are several scenarios where you can claim British Their Polish passports confiscated, replaced with a travel document that did not allow them to return, and their properties expropriated by the state, the mostly Holocaust survivors and their children emigrated to Israel, the United States, Denmark, Sweden, and elsewhere. Many thanks in advance. A foreigner is recognized as Polish, if they ask for it, know the Polish language, are not a security risk, and meet one of the following criteria: Lived in Poland for the last 3 years as a, Lived in Poland, legally, for the last 10 years, and currently have a, Lived in Poland for the last 2 years as a. This means that a child of a Polish citizen legally acquires Polish citizenship. 5) reception of public post or reception of military service in the Polish State, as far as there are no opposing reservations. The application for granting Polish citizenship shall be submitted to the President via a Head of Province (Wojewoda) or Polish Consul. If your ancestors are still alive, they can apply for restoration of citizenship in order for you to apply. This article is the most important in many cases, especially from 1920-1951, which legalized Polish citizenship by descent. I have a copy of his baptism record from Poland/Galicia. You need to have documents that will confirm your eligibility. You can apply to have your Polish citizenship confirmed by proving your heritage and by satisfying eligibility criteria set by the Polish government. If loss of citizenship occurred due to regulations of citizenship laws of the past (1920, 1951, 1962) it is lost for all descendants of that person. The law from 1962 allows for citizenship to pass from father to his born-out-of-wedlock child only if the father declared his paternity within one year from birth. d) was enrolled to an urban or rural commune or to a state organization on the lands of the former Empire of Russia which are now parts of the Polish State. Their property was seized and became the property of the state. Want to know how to get a Polish Passport? 1956. My grandfather was born in Ulanov in 1907. Is there any loophole to serving in a foreign army if it was necessary due to trying to escape during WW2? Ive read that even submitting ones name for potential military service in a foreign country nulls the military paradox rule for Polish citizenship, but Ive also read that WWII is specifically exempt. : men who were over 50-years-old lost their Polish citizenship if they naturalized in a foreign country, as did their minor children). ] She In view of doubts how, in citizenship respect, should persons who were born in The United States of North America be treated and who have a title to Polish citizenship, The Minister of the Interior explains in this respect conflicts are inevitable because legislation that regulates the citizenship in both countries, that means in Poland and United States, is based on different theoretical rules. Before submitting any official applications to the Polish government our experts would assess your concrete case. WebOur expert immigration lawyers are well-versed in Polish citizenship laws and can help you navigate the process with ease. Getting a residence permit in Poland through marriage. Polish People Characteristics, Attributes and Mentalities. c) had, before January 15, 1908 on grounds of German citizenship, a permanent residence in the Polish State, which formerly made up a part of the Prussian State, or Citizenship can be acquired through the adoption of a minor by a Polish citizen. If you want a Polish passport and you werent born here, the descent is the easiest avenue to explore. A woman acquires Polish citizenship by marriage to a Polish citizen. This means that even if it is possible to review the case based on the evidence presented by the applicant, it does not have to be considered immediately, as in the case of recognizing a foreigner as a Polish citizen. Polish life and culture through the eyes of expats, Poland: Religion Demographics, Data Of A Very Catholic Country, The Role of the President Of Poland & Why Its An Important One, Eastern European Dating Culture Dos and Donts. Firstly, great page, it is very informative. To successfully confirm Polish citizenship through ones Polish ancestry, the following requirements have to be met: 1. the proof that your ancestors had Polish citizenship such as their Polish passport, military documents, entries in inhabitant books, notary documents, good conduct attestations, etc. American citizens must use their U.S. passport to enter and leave the U.S. Poland may require a person with Polish citizenship to enter and exit Poland on a Polish passport. Join our newsletter to stay up to date on features and releases. Serving in a foreign military does not require permission of Polish military authorities, if the person resides in that foreign country and has its citizenship.[12]. Lived in Poland for the last 2 years as a repatriate. Individuals applying for citizenship are obliged to substantiate their application and to provide important reasons why they should be granted Polish citizenship. Thank you! offering an online search and assessment. Article 1. About 90% of our clients need some additional, original documents from the Polish archives beyond what they have in order to prove their case. Their daughter, my grandmother, died in 2018. Polish Citizenship by Descent Application Requirements Process #1 Your ancestor was born in Poland (or one of the former territories) and resided there after applications. The same question to you, were your ancestors born after 1920 or did they live in Poland after 1920? Unpermitted military service in a foreign army with the exception of military service in the Allied armies during World War 2. Webcitizenship previously. This was done right after they were born. 1) is settled in the territory of the Polish State, as far as it is not entitled to another countrys citizenship. For moreinformation on dual nationality please visit theDepartment of State website. You can apply for a Presidental citizenship grant at your local government office in Poland, or at an embassy or consulate. The Process of Claiming Polish Citizenship by Descent. Would I still be eligible for citizenship? This stems from Britains collection of British Colonies, You do not need to speak Polish to claim your Polish citizenship - you are only required to prove your lineage to a Polish ancestor. leave to remain. All living family members in the direct line between you and your Polish ancestor are most likely eligible. We make getting Polish Citizenship (and EU Citizenship) easy! My great-grandfather died in 1972, and my great-grandmother died in 2000. Minister of the Interior settled with the Minister of Foreign Affairs the second opinion should be founded as proper and authoritative when affirming the citizenship. By entitlement, recognition, or adoption, a child who is not yet 18-years-old acquires citizenship of his or her father or mother. Polish citizenship and nationality law is set out in the Polish Citizenship Act of 2009, which was published on 14 February 2012, and became law in its entirety on 15 August 2012. We have drawn the major lines to give you an idea of what you can expect. It is also noteworthy that prior to the restoration of citizenship, an administrative authority proceeding the application is obliged to state that the applicant lost citizenship. [5] Thus, not all ethnic Poles could claim Polish citizenship if they had left Poland before the country became an independent state in 1918. However, solid documentation is needed for that to actually work. This is the official website of the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Poland. Once your Polish citizenship is confirmed, you will have to do the following steps to obtain your Polish passport: Hello- my grandmother was born in Korczyn, Poland in 1918.