There are two main factions in George Lucas' Star Wars universe - the Jedi and the Sith. The galaxy far, far away that George Lucas created has dazzled audiences with beings both large and small, wherein some of the smallest accomplish some of the biggest changes. They do not express any outward emotions, having more in common with the socio-behavioral discipline of their clones. While doing a routine scouting mission outside Echo Base, Luke Skywalker was attacked by a wampa. Its thick fur provides excellent insulation against the cold, and its keen sense of smell allows it to track prey even in a blizzard. Their natural athleticism would make them perfect. The Sarlacc can also survive for extended periods without food or water, making it a formidable creature. The Purrgil is a unique and mysterious creature that is known for its ability to travel through hyperspace. For example, in Star Wars: TheClone Wars, not only was there a Jedi Master named Ropal, but also a female Rodian padawan and a young Force-sensitive toddler on the Jedi's immediate radar. The careful balance of work and order ensured that every Geonosian was kept busy. She was captured by the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Boga helps Kenobi navigate the treacherous terrain of Utapaus sinkholes and lets him catch up with Grievous wheel bike. The Mynock is a small, bat-like creature thats known for its ability to survive in the vacuum of space and for feeding off power sources. These blitz attacks helped to distract Imperial forces and give the Rebel Alliance time to dismantle the shield generator on Endor. Both featured prominently in the Clone Wars animated series, it was Ahsoka Tano that became a breakout star. RELATED:Star Wars: Every Canon Lightsaber Color, Ranked. There are many species to be wary of on the remote, desert world of Tatooine; Tusken Raiders, the Sarlacc, disgruntled Jawas. Though their cloning facilities exist above the ocean floor of their homeworld, they dwell beneath the waves in large underwater cities. To qualify, they had to have some impactful moment either on screen or in the pages of Star Wars novels and comics, as well as influenced the machinations of the galaxys most prominent events. Fett found him ruthless, like the vast majority of his species, but not without cunning intelligence to match his ferocity in battle. Brianna (The Last Handmaiden) Born: 3976 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) Death: Unknown Hair Color: White Eye Color: Blue With their glowing orange eyes peering out suspiciously from dusty red hoods and furry, black grabbing hands, jawas make the galactic citizens they encounter put a hand over their pocketbooks. The Houk produced little technology of their own, though they adapted themselves to the standard technology of the rest of the galaxy, including hyperdrive-equipped starships and modern weapons such as neuronic whips (a weapon many Houk particularly enjoyed using). The Rancor is a quadrupedal creature that can grow up to 5 meters tall and weighs several tons. Perhaps the most dangerous is the Krayt dragon, a giant reptile that is hunted for the pearls in its stomach. The 10 Hottest Women of Star Wars Brianna (The Last Handmaiden) Mira Mara Jade Skywalker Bastila Shan Juno Eclipse Shaak Ti Aayla Secura Oola Princess Leia Organa Darth Talon Brianna in her traditional clothing. Originally from the planet Shili, they have a thirst for warfare, which makes them surprising candidates for the Jedi Order given its principle philosophies of serenity. The appearance and the number of the tattoos are meant to signify accomplishments that the individual has made. Unfortunately, this vast amount of power was also their undoing. Though the species of the Star Wars Universe are more numerous than this article can possibly contain, weve gathered 26 of the most powerful and ranked them accordingly. It was all thanks to the Nexu that Padmes outfit became a tattered two-piece. Tusken Raiders live in huts comprised of a combination of coarse canvas-like fabric, and a mixture of mud and water they use to harden and shape it around wooden structures. Brain Worm is a parasitic creature that can take control of the hosts mind. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, the Skywalker legacy, all were powerful humans that made an impact on the galaxy because of their Force aptitude. The most prominent Wookiee is Chewbacca, co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon alongside his best friend Han Solo . Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus At face value, Cereans do kind of just look like coneheads. Gungans from Naboo were dispatched as reinforcements to the Mon Calamari military that resisted, as well as assault teams of Jedi Knights, and later clone troopers. The harsh landscape of their homeworld of Iridonia makes for impressive warriors, and any planet they colonize (most notably Dathomir, of the Rancor-riding Night Sisters) sees the benefit of their fierce people. Kreia has spent time as both a Jedi and a Sith, using her knowledge to instruct prominent figures like Nihilus and . Trandoshans are tall, smooth-scaled reptilian creatures with orange eyes, snouts, and strong arms that end in three-digit clawed hands. While doing a routine scouting mission outside Echo Base, Luke Skywalker was attacked by a wampa. Much speculation has been made about what jawas look like beneath their robes. Ziton Moj is a male Falleen who served as a Vigo for the Black Sun during the Clone Wars. Many legends exist about these majestic and terrifying creatures, contributed to by Naboo citizens and small children. It followed a family of colonist scientists who crash land on the planet of Endor and have to survive with two small children. The creatures are native to the planet of Utapau and are easily recognized by their colorful feathers and emerald skin. Like any fictional universe, Star Wars Universe is home to creatures whose powers and strength are unlike anything we can see in real life. They achieved liberation for the Mon Calamari for a time, but when Emperor Palpatine finally rose to power, Mon Cala came under Imperial occupation. The most famous Exogorth encountered in the Star Wars universe was the one found inside an asteroid in the Hoth system, which nearly swallowed the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and his companions inside. Much of what anyone knows about Sandos has come from gungan exploration and a few researchers from the surface. Though their cloning facilities exist above the ocean floor of their homeworld, they dwell beneath the waves in large underwater cities. These species in Star Wars are naturally inclined towards the Force, making them real intimidating opponents! Water breathers gotta stick together. Vornskr were also used as the guards of Sith temples. Thought Bomb A Force Shadow 6. Average height Looking more like homeless Care Bears, the Ewoks werent very impressive. Many of these creatures are also highly intelligent and possess unique abilities that set them apart from other creatures in the Star Wars universe hence, why they made it to our list.With that said, lets look at the 25 strongest creatures in the Star Wars universe. Padme found herself facing off the Nexu, but her quick reflexes and resourcefulness found her able to use her chains to climb her pole. 7699: Small human populations on Mars, Atlas, Venus, and Earth begin rebuilding societies and star-fleets. One of their colonies was in the Lesser Cueva Expanse on the Weequay homeworld of Sriluur. The Empire might as well have pumped the Death Star full of Raid and sprayed it all over the spire colonies of Geonosis, because only one Geonosian survived the holocaust. In case you thought nothing bigger than an Ewok lived on Endor, be glad you never ran into a Gorax. Appearing as a Separatist general mid-way through the Clone Wars, Grievous was obsessed with war and combat. Asajj Ventress 2. Their tone is never quick to anger, and many species in the galaxy find their voices soothing. They are brave, loyal, and often very affectionate. For each rite of passage they undergo, they receive more tattoos, until they can sometimes cover their entire bodies. Known famously on Tatooine for being scavengers, jawas are in the business of trade and commerce at all levels. Their violence isnt reserved for petty matters of miniature sport, however -- they have been a warrior species for hundreds of thousands of years. Quite a few Jedi came from the Mon Calamari, and they all did their best to make every world they visited better off. A Universe is made up of thousands, to trillions, of galaxies. Their giant mouths contain multiple rows of sharp, needle like teeth, which they used to slice through the flesh of their prey. As an imposing figure who possessed great physical strength, Jinn specialized in Form IV ("Ataru") of lightsaber combat - a form that was fast paced, aggressive and demanded a lot physically from its user. Vornskrs have a sleek, muscular bodies with sharp claws and teeth and are covered in a thick fur coat that allows them to survive in cold environments. the Night Sisters use a combination of The Force and witchcraft to create incantations and conjure visions. To exit to the surface, they ride large winged creatures that resemble stingrays. RELATED:Star Wars: The 15 Most Empowering Ahsoka Tano Quotes. It is known for its tough hide, sharp teeth, and acidic secretions. There were long snouts, huge eyes, scales, fur, and suddenly Luke and Obi-Wan found themselves some of the only humans in sight. Because of the vast population numbers of humans, the strength of human Force users varies wildly, and there are many humans who never can feel the Force at all. The Gorax is native to the forest moon of Endor, which is also the location of the Ewok village seen in the original Star Wars trilogy. Only a few of them were exposed to the scorching twin suns, as well as several rows of long, needle-like teeth, and a beaked tongue that darted out to grab onto victims. Star Wars: What Planet Are Yoda & His Species From? They live in packs, consisting of an alpha, beta, and several females. If only fans got to see even more Mon Calamari Force-users in action. Togruta are a species of Humanoid aliens native to the planet Shili in the Star Wars universe. They are known for their ferocity and willingness to attack anything they perceive as threatening, including other creatures and even vehicles. The Zabrak have a convoluted history with both the Republic and the Empire. All levels of scrap and shoddily refurbished droids, that is. Wookiees ( / wkiz /) are fictional humanoid aliens in the Star Wars universe, native to the forest planet Kashyyyk. long. While he was successful in that endeavour, the Vong eventually would use the canine creatures for their biological experiments and create mutant species based off their DNA. It has long, powerful limbs that it uses to move quickly and agilely, and its musculature allows it to lift and throw objects many times its own weight. Let's take a look at our list of the ten best Bounty Hunters in Star Wars ranked by power and popularity. The Sarlacc creature started off as a spore first, and when a male and a female spore encountered each other, the male would feed off the female. During the Clone Wars, the Mon Calamari were enslaved by members of the Separatist Movement under the leadership of the Sith Lord Count Dooku. Here's a countdown of their top six powers: 6. Two middle school girls, Madoka and Sayaka, are approached by an adorable creature named Kyubey, who offers them a single wish in. The Leviathan is a massive aquatic creature that is known for its ability to control the minds of its victims. Just beneath their skiffs nested the Sarlacc, a great creature with tentacles that stretched far beneath the Dune Sea on Tatooine. The Twi'Lek people may be treated like slaves to the rest of the galaxy, but they clearly have a power in them that makes them strong, resilient people. The pearls that are formed in their stomachs fetch a high price, and so they are hunted by species both native and non-native to Tatooine. The summa-verminoth may be the largest creature in the entire Star Wars universe. The last volume of the encyclopedia deals with the extinction of Earth as a ribosomal point of the galacell whose function along its stars is to conive the gravitational informative 'Dna' of the organic galaxy which is a factory of positive frozen top quark stars, aka black holes (Einstein's frozen star hypothesis) and protein like negative strangelets that form the 'electronic' halo . With their sleek black bodies and whip-like tails filled with venom, they are perfect predators who prefer to stalk and stun their prey before devouring it. They can survive in various environments, including water, air, and even in the vacuum of space.