**News & Features** (updated 9/20/2010) Added Treasure Generator | Basic Fantasy SRD. If you do not have any creatures, you will need to create one! The success of those who try to extort boons from characters using mind affecting magics is largely up to the GM, as the effects of mundane boons might easily be guessed, while more unique ones might only be known to the NPC. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Although not usual famous or wealthy, commoners have a wide variety of skills and can usually come up with creative ways to repay favors. This is where youll find all of the information you need to run the NPC in an encounter. Boons are not wantonly granted, and PCs should not expect to gain useful aid from every NPC they meet. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. Note that you cannot modify public creatures. This has default stat block insert at one of the options and as it's all HTML it's actually pretty easy to adjust them to your particular game if it has different stat names or skills. Favor: Gifts a PC one non-magical weapon, piece of armor, or adventuring gear. Following most stat blocks is a short description of the type of character represented by the statistics. As such, an NPC who appears but once probably only deserves a few notes or a moments improvisation to convey the most basic traits, while a major character benefits from greater details, which might be revealed or evolve as the PCs interact with him. An NPC who is out to avenge her murdered family members will be more motivatedand therefore braver in situations where that goal is at stake. As a guideline, skill bonuses usually grant either a +2 bonus on a skill in a very specific situation never on all uses of a skillor a one-time +4 bonus on a specific skill check. If you buy the complete bundle you get all six books shipped to you at 25% off retail! Only humanoids make suitable hosts for akata young - all other creature types are immune to this parasitic infection. | Gods and Monsters SRD I would expect better than a level 11 char (given it's . Unique: Allows the PC to commune with the spirit animal of his tribe, granting the PC the ability to speak with animals of a specific regional species once per day. I've asked over there, but I thought I would reach out here as well. Check out our other SRD sites! XP: Listed here are the total experience points that PCs earn for defeating the character. Skill: Provides information with which to blackmail a local criminal, granting a PC a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks against local street thugs. reference. In Pathfinder/DND the formula is "=FLOOR((B2-10)/2,1)" -> Note that B2 will represent your cell containing the score value. SRD Monster Analysis Results Using data from the SRD Monster Analyzer, this tool creates tables and graphs of average stats by CR. Good luck with Strahd. Only NPCs with an attitude of helpful grant such benefits, and usually even then only to PCs theyve come to trust over a significant period of time or those who have done them meaningful personal services. Weaknesses Deaf, Vulnerable to Salt Water, OFFENSE Disease: Void Death: Bite - injury; save Fort DC 12; onset 1 hour; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2 Dex and 1d2 Con damage; an infected creature who dies rises as a void zombie 2d4 hours later; cure 2 consecutive saves. Assign your Ancestry, Background and Class, tinker with ability scores, train skills and choose . Im looking for a quick and easy NPC stat block generator. Defensive Abilities/DR/Immune/Resist/SR: This lists all of the characters unusual defensive abilities. The disease itself is known as void death. Settlement Stat Block - Rules - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database Close Deck Character Creation + Ancestries Archetypes Backgrounds Classes Skills Equipment + All Equipment Armor Shields Weapons Feats + All Feats General General (No Skill) Skill Game Mastery + Afflictions Creatures Hazards Rules + All Rules Init and Senses: The characters initiative modifier is followed by any special senses and his or her Perception check modifier. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. What I'm wondering is, are you a) looking for a tool that will take input in YAML or Markdown format, then produce output in a table usable by Microsoft word and/or make a PDF? | Cairn SRD A stat block is organized as follows. She has a bald head and gray eyes. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). Unique: Obtains membership in a regional guild, providing a PC with a 10% discount on a certain kind of goods in a wide region. Melee bite +4 (1d6+3) Fantasy literature features innumerable examples of such traits used as plot devices, and whether meaningful or random, a unique description of an NPC is among the primary elements that help a character standout in the players minds. This does not give immunity to cloud or gas attacks that do not require breathing. Is there any chance you could add Dread Vampire? Favor: Can find a seller to buy any non-magic item or a buyer for any magic item. Melee: The characters melee attacks are listed here, with his or her attack roll modifier listed after the attacks name followed by the damage in parentheses. Note that IMarvinTPA has indicated that his online database (for 3.5E) will include a Pathfinder version when the bestiary comes out. Thus, GM should consider the following character aspects as they design their NPCs. What abilities can change a class dominant stat in Pathfinder? D&D 5e Statblock Generator . STR. In folktales and myths, a typical example is the mark of the hero, which allows others to know her true identity. I still use the generator and it honestly is better than anything programmed for ttrpgs. | 13th Age SRD For GMs wishing to delve past the superficial, some traits might even prove portentous. PDF and HTML versions can be produced as well. Recent Changes Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. Monster Size, type, alignment. Character Builder. Base Atk/CMB/CMD: These values represent the characters base attack, Combat Maneuver Bonus, and Combat Maneuver Defense scores. Although the boons listed here detail some granted by characters with specific NPC classes, any NPC of any class can grant a boon. Is there a generic term for these trajectories? Vulnerable to Salt Water (Ex) Salt water acts as an extremely strong acid to akatas. When an akata wishes to enter hibernation, it seeks out a den and surrounds itself in a layer of fibrous material excreted from its mouth - these fibers quickly harden into a dense, almost metallic cocoon. | d20PFSRD Generate a character for the newly-released Pathfinder Second Edition ruleset! To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. As such boons have the most flexibility and the widest potential for exploitation, GMs should limit unique boons to be useful only once or to prove relevant for but a single adventure. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Easily formatting a Pathfinder stat block, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Automating the entry of Pathfinder Stat Block. If you could somehow configure the generator to give results in the standard Pathfinder stat block form that would be great. When you start typing a monster's name a list should populate beneath the input field. Skilled craftsmen, professionals, and learned members of society regularly have a wide range of specific talents and obscure information that can prove useful to PCs. A searchable database of all of the Pathfinder 2e official content. From the local farmer to the tavern storyteller and from the highest king to the poorest . When tracking by scent you ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. Reading the racial modifier to skills in a monster's stat block. The first is the Bestiary Monster Creator. This will not overwrite your work. The alignments listed for each character in this book represent what is normal for those characters, but you can change them to serve the needs of your campaign. To view your creature's stat block, click the "See This Stat Block" button after saving your creature. | FateCoreSRD Summoned Creature: Dire Rat (1/3) N Small celestial/fiendish animal Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +4. | Heroes and Monsters SRD Other Gear: The rest of the characters gear goes here, including armor and weapons, passive magic items (such as a cloak of resistance), items the character isnt likely to use during combat (such as thieves tools), and coins or other valuables carried by the character. Aristocrats vary in rank from village squires to emperors, with most having wealth and position that grants them great influence in a community. As it would be impossible to cover all the possibilities of NPC situations and potential boons, the rest of this section should be considered a guide to creating your own boons or a shopping list from which you might choose boons to add to NPCs in a campaign. Unique: Can brew 4 unique potions that instantly heal the disease filth fever. It's open source and available for free here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/monstergenerato/files/?source=navbar Is the NPC friendly and helpful? Skill: Proves especially knowledgeable in mysterious alchemical techniques, granting a PC a +4 bonus on one Craft (alchemy) check made to create an alchemical item. They regain spent legendary actions at the start of their turn. If you start typing and no list appears, it's probably because my server's hard drive is spinning up with the data. Speed. The vast majority of NPCs met in a campaign likely have quite mundane goals, such as move to a new town, romance the local starlet, or work for weekly pay. While many such goals frequently prove beneath a partys notice, the more interesting and unusual objectives typically come to light along with the extraordinary character who possesses them. While hibernating, an akata does not need to eat or drink. Now all you have to do in the future is to simply change score of whatever the abilities should be for any given stat block. A shopkeeper granting a 10% discount on his goods, a nobleman using his influence to set up a meeting with a local lord, or a retired adventurer loaning someone his masterwork longbow all count as favors. Added links to both 3.5 and Pathfinder versions of all creature stat blocks. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. There are a variety of rolling rules available, 4d6 drop lowest being fairly common. A detailed description can do much to determine whether an NPC is memorable but might also suggest deeper elements. . Auto Calculate Die Roll Generator 2005. Monster Advancer - d20PFSRD Complete Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path Bundles 25% Off! Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. In such relationships, NPCs are more likely to favor an individual than an entire adventuring party, making it possible for only one party member to be granted a boon while less favored members are overlooked. Click the result you want and its stat block should appear. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? For every player character adventuring through a fantasy world, there exist dozens if not hundreds of nonplayer characters, each existing to provide vital services to characters, progress important story lines, or just add flavor between sagas. Airborne Escape: Air walk, elemental body, feather fall, gaseous form, levitate, overland flight, spider climb, wind walk, Barriers: Acid fog, animate plants, antilife shell, blade barrier, black tentacles, cloudkill, entangle, fog cloud, incendiary cloud, interposing hand, magic circle, minor creation, obscuring mist, plant growth, prismatic wall, spike growth, spike stones, solid fog, stinking cloud, storm of vengeance, wall of (fire | force | ice | iron | lava | sound | stone | suppression | thorns), web, wind wall, Hindrances: Dimensional lock, hold person, hold portal, hypnotic pattern, power word blind, Instant Egress: Blink, dimension door, ethereal jaunt, etherealness, phase door, teleport, transport via plants, tree stride, word of recall, Illusory Escape: Hallucinatory terrain1, illusory wall, invisibility, minor image, mirror image, mislead, persistent image, programmed image, project image, silent image, simulacrum1, Rapid Retreat: Expeditious retreat, haste, longstrider, mount, phantom steed1, time stop. Character Builder: Create a Savage Worlds character. Favor: Provides an invitation to an aristocratic event, such as an estate party, royal gala, or public celebration. Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been. SQ: Any special qualities the character has are listed here, such as class abilities or racial traits. Appearance: Every NPC worth describing has an appearance, something that sets the character apart and distinguishes her from the faceless masses as a unique individual. Regardless of the effect, PCs should never have direct control over the granting of boonsPCs never get boons they can grant and cannot force even the closest allies to grant benefits against their will. Such personality traits govern how the NPC reacts to most situations, commands, or requests. | Dungeon World SRD The Excel sheet should look like this or whatever additional stats you may have. How much effort the GM puts into detailing and refining the answers to these questions relates proportionately to the NPCs importance to a story and his time spent interacting with the PCs. The actual procedure for creating a monster or character can be quite involved, depending on the number of options involved, but the tool does its best to flag what needs to be done. It's pretty cheap, and Pathfinder isn't the only system available, so if you play other games, you can use it with those too. Legendary. Hit Points. Creature Name can take 1 legendary action, choosing from the options below. Race, Class, and Level: This lists the characters race (dwarf, elf, and so on), class, and level. In recurring NPCs, the GM might create more elaborate and nuanced personalities, or even change a characters attitude slowly over timenovelists and screenwriters call this character development, and the history of literature and film is filled with works themed solely around events leading to a single change in a characters outlook. Favor: Provides a 50% discount on a high quality, non-magical item made using one of his Craft skills. | Into The Unknown Unique: The rarest of all boons, unique boons are special powers an NPC might grant that are exclusive to that character and fall outside the purview of his classs typical abilities. 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Joshua J. #1 I was just checking out the PF2e subreddit and when I filtered by homebrew there a some really great monster stat blocks that look just like the Bestiary. CR < 1 | CR 1 | CR 2 | CR 3 | CR 4 | CR 5 | CR 6 | CR 7 | CR 8 | CR 9 | CR 10 | CR 11 | CR 12 | CR 13 | CR 14 | CR 15 | CR 16 | CR 17 | CR 18 | CR 19 | CR 20 | CR 21+, Adept BoonsAristocrat BoonsCommoner BoonsExpert BoonsWarrior Boons. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. For example, a famous merchant might give a character his signet ring, providing a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks made with other merchants in his home citys marketplace; a scholar of a lost citys lore might instruct a PC, granting her a +2 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks made regarding that ruin; or a guardsman might even allow a friendly PC to call in a favor he has with a local pickpocket, granting a one-time +4 bonus on an Intimidate check made against that individual. Hibernation (Ex) Akatas can enter a state of hibernation for an indefinite period of time when food is scarce. What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why. Please spread the word. Press the 'Roll' button to generate six ability scores (numbers between 3 and 18). AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size) hp 5 [7] (1d8+1) [1d8+3] Fort +3 [+5], Ref +5, Will +1 SR 5 Celestial - Resist cold 5, acid 5, electricity 5 Fiendish - Resist cold 5, fire 5 OFFENSE. An aspect of an NPCs personality that deeply affects his behavior and decisions, if known by the PCs, can be exploited to win his confidence or outmaneuver her, depending on the situation. What follows is a list of boons that might be offered by members of each of the standard NPC classes. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. Finally FindFamiliar is a paid option (create first few for free to try it out) using a non-templated approach to give detailed NPCs. Once you have it set up you can export as PDF or copy a image into another format. Characters with PC class levels receive maximum hit points for their first Hit Die, but all other Hit Dice rolls are assumed to be average. Boons are never monetary, though they often have a monetary value, and should feel like favors between friends, not something that would change the life of either the characters or NPC. To represent the unique skills and powers of individual NPCs and to grant PCs an occasional rules-related benefit for their interaction with the characters of a campaigns setting, the GM might devise boons to have certain important NPCs grant those PCs they come to favor. | Monad Echo SRD Skill: Freely uses his highest Craft or Profession skill for the PC for a month of service (perhaps crewing a vehicle or ship, tending to a rare plant, or training an animal). A character can reactivate a constant spell-like ability as a swift action. How is white allowed to castle 0-0-0 in this position? Spells Known/Spells Prepared: This lists the caster level and concentration check bonus for a spellcaster, followed by the spells the character knows or typically has prepared. (This website is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc.) A young prince who is merely a 1st-level aristocrat might thus be able to grant a far more favorable boongranting a pardon, financing a voyage, decreeing a lawthan a baker statted out as an 11th-level commoner. Thus, a character who might begin with no more than the note conniving and ill-tempered can evolve dramatically with details like distrustful of elves and sympathetic toward youths who remind her of her lost son. How much work a GM puts into detailing an NPCs personality should relate directly to the characters importance to a campaign. Thank you. Note that in cases where a line in a stat block has no value, that line is omitted. At the same time, PCs should never feel incapable of opposing the villain or suspect the GM of unfairly favoring the antagonist. This might take the form of a discount on goods or services, a one-time bonus on a specific skill check, or even a simple magical benefit that only that character can provide. Space/Reach: The characters space and reach appear only if they arent the standard (one 5-foot square and a reach of 5 feet). It may not be ideal for using in word as you can't get the styles to copy across and keep the text editbale - but on the other hand - the homebrewery may replace the need for Word entirely if it does all the things you need? Unique: Can create a special tool that opens an ancient lock, circumvents an impassible trap, or replaces a part of a fabulous broken mechanism. Deaf (Ex) Akatas cannot hear. Alignment and Type : A settlement's alignment is the general alignment of its citizens and governmentindividuals who dwell therein can still be of any alignment, but the majority of its citizens should be within one step of the settlement's . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Low Fantasy: 10 Standard Fantasy: 15 High Fantasy: 20 Epic Fantasy: 25 Other. She smells of baking. To view a creature you created, type the creature's name into the "Private Search" field next to the "Public Search" field. Skill: Favorable introductions to contacts in a local church, providing a PC a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks made to influence members of that specific church. Name : The settlement's name is presented first. This might be nothing more than reference to the color of an NPCs hair and noting her age, or it might be a detailed account of her beauty or ugliness. After creating the character, a number of different output styles can be created, including the Pathfinder standard style Stat Block - an example of this output produced by the latest version of the tool appears below, converted to plain text. To create or modify a creature, click the "Go to Lab" button. Unique: Grants the secret of a specialized fighting style, providing a PC with a +1 bonus on initiative. As position in society doesnt necessarily correlate with class levels or specific rules, boons are largely based on a GMs sense of logic and campaign believability. Personality: This element describes an NPCs basic outlook on life, and typically one or two descriptive notes to this purpose are all that are needed. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). Random Treasure Generator A direct adaption of random treasure rules in Ultimate Campaign. To use one of the NPCs in this section to represent an NPC of a different ancestry, apply the adjustments below for the desired ancestry. Its information will be added to all fields for which there is data. I think both are interesting questions, but the first does not need the Pathfinder data files in PCGen; the second does. Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft. The Dingles Games is an independent entity and is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Pathfinder RPG Animal Companion Generator. Does anyone know of a program (like homebrewery or gmbinder for 5e) for making PF2e stat blocks or homebrew in general? Motivations need not be elaborately detailed for most characters; one line such as family murdered by orcs or obsessed with gaining knowledge is often sufficient. Ive added the Dread Vampire for you. Unique: Creates a map or leads a PC through the local wilderness to a secret location only he knows about. Features a tool for building and running encounters. Skill: Attends a character on his visit to the royal court, granting the PC a +4 Sense Motive check on interactions with the courts members during that outing. Currently the only fully Pathfinder creature is the Froghemoth. A tool that takes raw creature data and creates a token and/or statblock. Favor: Can guard a precious object or hide it where none will find it. What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? She has soft black skin. You can use the public creature search to view a public creature in the viewer at any time. NPC Gallery. PC Options Reference - Character Generator - Magic Item Generator - Statblock Generator. Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide. 2. Turn the "Mod" (C) column into a formula that will tell you your stats. Skill: Certain NPCs can share their expertise in specific fields or pass their influence on to others. Void Bite (Ex) Akatas hold hundreds of invisibly small larval young within their mouths, spreading these parasitic creatures to hosts through their bite. GMs looking for more specific examples should see Chapter 9, as each NPC therein includes an example boon that might be granted by such a character. These aspects answer three questions fundamental to every NPC, from shopkeeps to kings: how do they look, what do they do, and how do they do it? Requires the use of a Roleplaying Game Core Book published byWizards of the Coast, Inc. University NPC Generator: Create random students and teachers (intended for ETU). Such traits can lead to identification (like Odysseuss leg scar) or provoke some kind of reaction in a monster. Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? She stands 169 cm ( 5'6") tall and has an obese build. You can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. DEX. Skill: Relates his experience patrolling the local sewers, granting a PC a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks in the city sewers. It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. PDF and HTML versions can be produced as well. If you already buy a ton of books, the added price of HeroLab shouldn't be too much of a bother. Monster Builder: Simple system for designing monsters. Everything else can be auto-converted and more fully converted creatures will be coming soon. It only takes a minute to sign up. Could you expand on what you mean by "get some formatted text"? 204. Knowing an NPCs motivation is the best way to have her behave in a logical and coherent manner in the game. . Fantasy literature is filled with examples of characters with wondrous powers who have no interest in being heroes or villains. Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 18, Skills Acrobatics +8 , Acrobatics (Jump) +12 , Climb +11 , Stealth +8, SQ hibernation, no breath, resistance to fire 30, scent. Boons tend to take three forms: favor boons, skill boons, and unique boons. Skill boons are minor bonuses on skill checks that an NPC might pass on to a favored PC. Skill: Grants access to an exceptionally well outfitted workspace, granting a PC a +4 bonus on a specific Craft or Profession check. Rolling rules: Compute PBE (Point Buy Equivalent) d20 SRD (& PFSRD) Query Perhaps the only references you'll ever need. This will not overwrite your work. WIS. CHA. PF2e tools. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Pathfinder monster stat block attack section. Weaknesses: All of the characters unusual weaknesses are listed here. Unique boons are special abilities too minor to be part of a characters class abilities or so specific to a storys details as to require a GMs customization. Fast healing and regeneration values, if any, follow the characters HD. Which filled out a text box. rules. Motivation: With any character, regardless of the storytelling medium, its vital to know what is at stake for that individual. Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? Str 16, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 16, Cha 15 | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) | Cepheus SRD You can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. | Open Fantasy SRD OpenGamingStore.com has one complete print format bundle for each of: Agents of Edgewatch and Extinction Curse adventure paths. | Fudge SRD While this isn't terribly exciting, it's very useful to see . Superhero Generator: Create random superheroes or supervillains. hp: This lists the characters hit points, followed by his or her Hit Dice (including modifiers from Constitution, favored class levels, the Toughness feat, magic such as a false life spell, and so on). Resistance to Fire (Ex) You may ignore 30 points of Fire damage each time you take fire damage. If its important that a villain escape, consider some of the following spells when planning her contingencies. Then, you can generate a statblock from the file menu.Output Active Hero Statblock. Folder's list view has different sized fonts in different folders, What are the arguments for/against anonymous authorship of the Gospels. To update an existing creature, search for the creature's name in the "Private Search" field and click on its result. Select Race: Or is he gullible, cynical, pessimistic, sarcastic, lazy, or hot-tempered? Damage Reduction, immunities, resistances, and spell resistance are called out separately as necessary. Special Attacks: The characters special attacks listed here are explained fully in the description of the characters class. AC: This lists the characters Armor Class, touch Armor Class, and flat-footed Armor Class. Unique: Competently manages a home or business for an absentee PC. Track Parties Assemble characters in a campaign to see their stat blocks as they're updated by the players. Skill: Shares rural remedies, granting the PC a +2 bonus when using Heal to treat diseases.