They wanted hype. With their inheritance comes either an ambivalence bred by failure to earn the position or perhaps, at the other extreme, a kind of bravado and strutting that comes from years of grooming by palace functionaries. The Grand Marshal is an unlikely hero a rustic from a blue-collar town up north, the son of a woodworker. Windows XP has been deprecated by Microsoft. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way, and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. _____________________________________________ Matthew reveals that Jesus set the stage for what we now call Holy Week so as to fulfill the prophecy spoken centuries before in Zechariah 9:9 and Isaiah 62:11. Let's read about it. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. He avoided large crowds when He could. He warns of eternal hell, total alienation and separation from Himself. When I consider the story of that first Palm Sunday, I am struck by the thought that Sermon Illustrations Each week, new sermon illustrations are posted to the illustration archivemany of these are taken from Dr. Chappell's files, and many others are submitted from our contributors. on the wings of a joyous melody from village to village and manor to manor., On May 25, 1660, Charles II landed at Dover and was escorted in triumphal procession to London. Churchill described the scene: All classes crowded to welcome the King home to his own. 750,000 lbs. Hundreds of thousands of spectators, police officers, and soldiers gathered for an event so spectacular, so colossal, it almost seemed to come out of a fairy tale rather than real life. A triumph was a ceremonial and celebratory procession through the streets of a city. He wants our hearts. See also: Good Friday. Call it the first century or the 21st century, the picture remains: Your King is coming. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on the back of a donkey, and everyone was waving palm branches and throwing garments onto the road, and singing praises, do you think that for one moment it ever entered the head of that donkey that any of that was for him? She continued, If I can be the donkey on which Jesus Christ rides in his glory, I give him all the praise and all the honor.. Here comes Jesus into the city of Jerusalem. A little boy was sick on Palm Sunday and stayed home from church with his mother. The Cross And Unjust Suffering ( 1 Peter 2:19-25) 5. The simple people, the people with broken bodies and shattered dreams, the people with bruised spirits, the people who hurt in the soul where you can really feel hurt, these He took to Himself. read more, Tags: Michael Herman. In Jerusalem were powerful people who hated Jesus and wanted Him dead. We're glad you found us! 1 Thessalonians 5:6 They got nothing they asked for but everything they needed. Sermon Central Share a Sermon; Try PRO Free; Help . _____ His Triumphal Entry - Luke 19: . He was making his way to the heights of the Cross, to the moment of self-giving love. read more, Scripture: It I believe it was Gods own gift of encouragement to Jesus. There is something awe-inspiring about royal power. Riding on a donkey The Cross And Christian Distinctiveness ( 1 Peter 2:1-10) More Finding God Sermon Illustrations The Theology Program Theology Questions and Answers It is a rebuttal to the kind of Messiah the people expect. Most kings arent that certain about themselves. But the biggest ticker-tape parade was on March 1, 1962, for astronaut Hello, children of God . . Osheta Moore, Shalom Sistas, Herald Press. read more, Scripture: Rev. Bible Church, EVERYONE LOVES A PARADE In most cases, they have inherited their positions. The concept of a triumph requires some explanation, because its foreign to modern believers. Scripture: In a crowd like that there was no guarantee that once you laid it down you Heart, True Christianity, Palm Sunday is a very important, reverent occasion for every child of God to remember. When the Romans wanted to celebrate their latest conquest, they celebrated with a triumph. They were clueless. Palm Sunday Church Sermons Illustrations on Easter Palm Sunday and PowerPoints for Preaching on Easter Palm Sunday Children s Sermon for Palm Sunday year a May 1st, 2018 - Text s Gospel Lesson Name Jim Rea N Ireland Sermon I like the story about No turning back I m using the idea what parades are about They are for demontration and for . John and his friend George went golfing together one Saturday morning as they had for 24 years. Luke 22:14--23:56. Children, Humor, Palm Sunday, Funny Stories, Sermon Intros He came to celebrate the ancient Passover with his fellow Jews. Sermon Illustrations for Palm/Passion Sunday (2022) Illustration. He is a King who has compassion, but this compassion is not an endeavor to buy your favor. Jesus rode a donkey, a symbol of meekness, of peace. Luke 19:28-44, A VIEW OF SUFFERING That was the orthodox program. Your King is coming! Corrie ten Boom was once asked if it were difficult for her to remain humble. filled the hungry with good things,/ and sent the rich away empty (1:5253), the God who has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them (1:68), the God who gives light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, the God who will guide our feet into the way of peace (1:79). Click a topic below to explore more sermon illustrations! Matthew 21:1-11, Tags: The message is simple. Malachi 3:6-11, Tags: Second Coming Physician Horace Smith describes the importance of human blood: A recent (2014) issue of National Geographic explored how sharing food together has always been part of the human story. As Jesus rode From that perspective, overlooking the city He loves and for which He wept, He refuses to give a campaign speech as any earthly leader would do. What is Palm Sunday? For the Romans they took the form of a ritualistic event known as the Triumph. Ever see that? What I need you to do is to chant each line after me, and to cheer madly when I lift my arms into the air: His whole style of life and ministry was one of shying away from publicity. Well, thats not quite true. Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929), Indian Christian missionary, "When Christ entered into Jerusalem the people spread garments in the way: when He enters into our hearts, we pull off our own righteousness, and not only lay it under Christ's feet but even trample upon it ourselves." The last act of the drama begins. He said, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing (Matthew 23:37). read more, Tags: New Sermon & Worship inspiration Taking off weekly! Fresh sermon illustrations and updates on new sermons, preaching articles and much more! You are physically, emotionally and spiritually drained. It was Englands supreme day of joy.. From ideas on sermon topics to how to develop church growth to insight on ministry life, Preaching helps pastors develop every area of life and work in ministry. When the family returned home, they were carrying several palm fronds. It was the ass which trod upon the garments and the branches. He wants soothing talk about heaven. He is a ruler, very different from the Herods and Caesars of his day, not to mention the Napoleans or Hitlers of more recent years. read more. Passion Sunday - C. Isaiah 50:4-9a. He wants no mention of sin from the pulpit. Just under 80 years ago, a crowd gathered on a humid August day to commence what was to be an unparalleled event for its time. His approach demands your response. A coat might not be worth much after a donkey walks on it. He is not. Sermon for Christ the King Sunday. John 12:12-16, Psalms 92:1-15. In the night, Greek soldiers hidden in the horse slipped out and admitted the Greek army, who proceeded to sack the city. read more, Scripture: At 3:18 p.m., according to the author Daniel James Brown, Adolf Hitler left the chancellery in central Berlin, standing upright in his Mercedes limousine, his right arm lifted in the Nazi salute. He spoke to us about November 9th 1989 - and important date in the history of Germany - the day that Scripture: He hasnt let religion spoil his fun. This One would be humble, making His entry on a donkey. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Titus destroyed the very city into which Jesus entered that first Palm Sunday. But why? His procession was in the Roman stylecomplete with a terrifying display of Romes military might. However, as I did some research, I found I was quite mistaken. Endurance, Easter Palm Sunday, A LOOK AT THE PARADE The little boy was curious and asked, Why do you have that palm branch, dad? You see, when Jesus came into town, everyone waved Palm Branches to honor him, so In America, Christians pray for the burden of suffering to be lifted from their backs. Windows 7 without Service Pack 1 has been deprecated by Microsoft. Imagine for a minute a grand parade. Lord John Culpepper was witness to a dramatic turn of events in English history. The parade route begins near the twin towns of Bethpage and Bethany, less than two miles from Jerusalem and winds into the Holy City. We will even occasionally follow at a distance the royal gossip surrounding Prince Charles and Camilla, and read an article about the dating status of Princes William and Harry. We, of all people, should be able to look on the bright side of life, being confident and cheerful because of thesanguineblood of Jesus. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It was October 29, 1927 when Charles Lindbergh was given a ticker-tape parade in New York City in honor of his solo flight of the Atlantic Ocean.