Ok so one of the kids is playing the ukulele. Can't wait to see what that hospital comes up with for Christmas this year. [R464]: All day, every day, with him. I think it's a drug commercial. They need to fire that one little kid and hire someone else. Who the heck is that singing? Who's the actor in the current CapitalOne (or maybe Citi) commercials, he goes through various cities/locations? Read on to enjoy Robins original post. I love Molly but this character is nails on a chalkboard. and no one playing the Colonel. What shows are you guys watching? Cos is asleep in my closet. Guess you missed the other part of the voiceovers in these Lume ads? Most annoying jingle ever. I've been praying for her demise. Dorky and lame and basically sounding like the Ned Flanders of chicken restaurants. You like having a fucking health insurance company saying what doctors you can see, the drugs they will subsidize, and the types of care you can have? No. good god yes that god damned Tovalo mess. ), Sundance, STARZ, Military History Channel, Smithsonian, WEtv, ViceTV, etc etc etc. fuck that stupid car insurance company. Aug 23, 2019. [quote][R356] Ummmthat woman singing is Nina Simone. But Mike just got a bike, and he's pretty glum about it. Then he smiles and he's even uglier. I realize not all of these are new, but they've all aired during this time period. Because of these commercials when Im watching Xvids or any xxx sites on my iPad I make sure to have the remote as near by as possible. OTOH, I still enjoy this ad, though I've seen the short version several times. BK thinks for a minute and then says, "Wait. Someone above mentioned that MSNBC has Kars 4 Kids on a lot lately and I can't turn the channel fast enough when it comes on. The fat flyover slobs sucking down 1000 calorie ice cream slurpy things in their cars. "He had a hot ass, ma'am, but it couldn't last forever. Wow. They're extremely icky, with gooey people pawing each other and doing pathetic things like going to terrible craft fairs and humorlessly examining macram-owl hanging planters , sticking their tongues out for selfies (aged 50+), trying on giggly outfits that they look awful in, and other obscenities. (in parts of my home, I've found that to be true -- but I haven't been able to convert all my living space into a hoarder's paradise. Wanna guess who is pushing the "no"commercials? Her tits are gelatinous. I suggested you create your own thread so you'd stop bitching on this thread. Whats up with that citi commercial with the AOC look alike doing the conga up the escalator LOL. That's will sound a bit psychotic but I wish someone would choke Jimmy Walker to death. R59, that's Nina Simone singing that horrid song on the vitamin commercial. R484, I'm in Calif too and these incessant ads have aggravated me to the point that I refuse to vote on either proposition. I dont know how anyone lives without them. That line cracks me up! The current ad campaign with the bears is so bad, I had to look up the brand, because I refuse to waste space in my memory banks. LiMu Emu and Doug wear matching uniforms, complete with sunglasses. It seems like the insurance industry and Big Pharma combined account for over half of all commercials, and they all SUCK. Agreed, R478 and R479. R325 Yes, that snot bubble commercial is disgusting. Last I checked the Asian community outnumbered the black and white community heavily where I live in the SGV portion of Los Angeles and many of the biggest cities here in the US for that matter. In California, there's a commercial running to encourage people to get vaccinated for COVID. I hate that commercial with the butch blonde lady with the big sunglasses. If you have the opportunity, please see it. she was a child at that dance and grew at least a half a foot; b.) Archived post. Given where we are right now, it's has some scary aspects to it. I find this very annoying, just like all other Liberty Mutual commercials. She probably felt pity because I looked like such a slovenly bum. That's about 0.6% of their net revenue, or 4.2% of their operating costs. Your God-given right to save money is under attack! Yeah, right. R29, that's one of my least favorites as well. The obnoxious old fart with the hillbilly sons was one thing, but they're all crawling out of the woodwork. Charmin toilet paper. The outcome could be a loss for IPG's Initiative, which has handled the business since 2018.. The Liberty Mutual Insurance marketing team had a strong start in 2023. No healthcare insurance company in the middle of it. Then she plays a record. If that time machine thing worked in yet another paving stone commercial, the whole barbecue would be underwater. This other time a woman paid for my groceries. More hate for fucking Skyrizi. Then the teen girl's sister bursts in with a pair of underwear and tells her sister to put these on instead, because they'll absorb all her blood and she won't need a tampon at all. The snot bubble Kleenex commercial now seems to be shown every few minutes on pretty much every TV channel, except premium cable, of course. He's a loudmouth jackass. It all seems so sleazy and sketchy. R299, it's a fun, guilty-pleasure kind of movie. The first time I saw it, I had tears in my eyes. This one, the woman leaves the cute guy to get Tacobell What are they insinuating ? Roe vs Wade vs. Zevo? The canisters suck, btw. The newest Lume ad with Shannon demonstrating how to apply Lume inside your ass cheeks. May 7, 2022 0 The repetitive jingle for Liberty Mutual tops both the most hated and the most annoying lists but it also lands in the top 10 for catchiest. That ugly bitch in the Walgreens health and wellness commercial. One unmemorable brand had an annoying campaign where we actually heard someone sniffing loudly (and which caused me to switch the channel, every single time before I heard the product name). Actually, all the commercials with bratty, smart-mouthed kids. It's not airing right now but the one where the woman is in tears about her palm sweat. Although that did happen to me a few years ago when I found a plastic bag on my porch with half a loaf of wheat bread and several packets of McDonalds Paul Newman dressing packets. All the pharm ads all the fricking time. [quote]What? R413 my comment wasn't about the commercial asshole. . In the new chik fil a commercial the girl voice over describes their chicken sandwich as scrum diddly umptious. Sure doesnt look like that to me. I have to change the channel, then forget to change it back and miss Jules introducing the mystery house. Ever. Where else we will you find THE Sidney Poitier, Dan Aykroyd, River Phoenix and David Straitharn alongside Robert Redford and Sir Ben Kingsley. The one Gary Busey used to call the antichrist? So this couple is talking about a 76 year old man in the neighborhood who runs marathons and the lady goes sadly no more. So what does that mean? Additional points removed when said ads include awestruck, insipidly open-mouthed impressed bystanders helplessly frozen in their tracks to lust after the stupid car (and its absurd driver) rolling on by. Isn't half that shit gonna go to waste unless you eat large portions or freeze it? that fat ethnic tovala bitch who shakes her lard filled bazooms as she creams over the thought of getting fatter with TOVALA !!!! Then it cuts to some uptight prisspot who scolds her feeble old dad that she told him to knock it off. The cutesy Chic-Fil-A commercials about a company that is vehemently anti-gay/trans. Hope she hasn't taken a turn for the worst. It's so goddamn annoying, I swear I will NEVER buy claritin. There's something wrong with her eyes and she's trying to sell pills. That's what I look forward to about getting old is that you often get random ass food left at your door. Why couldnt they just say the word? I cant get enough of them. Like they were made by a disturbed mind. For the new Focus Factor commercial they have who Im assuming is a former race car driver wearing a cowboy hat. The only Liberty Mutual commercial that somewhat hits the mark as far as humor goes is the one that has the caricature artist draw the guy who actually looks exactly like the caricature. Thanks (2) Quote Reply Topic: Worst commercials so far of 2020. Please get rid of Jon Mama. So depressing, this way if it makes you contemplate suicide you have plenty of time to make up your mind. So, Rogue Readers, who wins your vote for worst commercial ever? I get the impression that Caleb and Sebastian are forced to make these commercials for Shriners. that one always gets an instant "mute" from my remote. This Colonel Penn life insurance always puzzles me. The drive time shield or whatever where the dude talks about his failed plans of a bubble bath and pedicure for the afternoon. WTAF??? And thats exactly who you see smoking more than anyone. That grumpy Martha/Medicare commercial is the WORST, most annoying piece of shit I have ever seen. They have these staged scenes of bringing food to the old Jewish women in peasant clothing, who look like they are living in a barn. Cause it ain't! It sounds like some kind of exhibitionist fetish, which is troubling in a nine year-old. They both make me cringe. What have you created lately? When it first started running I would stare in horror wondering how they could choose such an unfortunate looking spokesman. Now that's a truly awful 'song'! A current commercial in California features the improbably named Patti Poppe (pronounced like the opium flower). I work form home, I keep the TV on. STOP the Intel spots with that fucking don't worry, be happy song. Is it worth checking out? What? . In 2021, Liberty Mutual had US$48,200,000,000 in revenue. I also hate the Grifter Christian commercial that is all about sending money to help the elder Jews. Also known as "The Refrigerator" because she cast off suitors unworthy of her. She danced like a vengeful angel and choreographed her soul In Living Color! As lowbrow, lowest common denominator as it gets. I've come to appreciate it's delightful citrusy notes but it really is in fact terrible. I can't stand that ad! Geico for me takes the top prize for unfunny, obnoxious content. This recent one features a ginger who is way too glommed on to his hapless girlfriend, and I can only imagine how he'll act out when she dumps him. The most annoying part is at the very beginning, but I still mute it out of spite. Plus, like all Amazon ads, it's on all the time if you watch certain sports. It's not going to old Jewish women in Russia or the Ukraine. If you're aware of the ads, you proved they are effective. Liberty Mutual needs to either make their commercials better or get rid of them completely. I might even put him on the list above Trump. That lume inventor doctor frau who is basically trying to convinced us all we need deodorant now for fucking everywhere all so she can make a buck. Mission accomplished. Fuck off, Fatface. Azo feminine pills. But he was a big star. Then she plays a record while acting like she lives simply. Liberty Mitual - Limu Emu and that annoying jingle. Inane scenarios like "I'm a guy of 78 and lemme tell ya, I was gettin' a bit sluggish but then I started with the Fruits & Vegetables and now my grandkid can't even keep up with me; I mean, lemme tell ya this product is terrific. Also R115, her eyes are bloodshot and nasty. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, we have the Liberty Mutual emu marriage ceremony. [R400]: Is that who that is, anyway, she's too busy in that commercial. Joe Namath I can forgive, because he wore fur coats and pantyhose when I was a lad, but not JJ and his delivery of the word "money". Now theyre going the polar opposite direction? That Camp Lejeune, isnt that what they based the debut of the Jefferson Darcy character on Married with Children and his storyline on? The Safelite commercial where the woman is on her MORNING walk with friends. According to Charity Watch, they make over 30 million a year and it all goes to an Orthodox Jewish organization which runs day camps for kids to make "non-Orthodox Jews more observant, with 80% going to the NY and NJ area. Im beginning to like those Spectrum commercials with the cabal of spooky characters - the vampire, the mummy, etc. Kevin Hart's appeal to any POC befuddles the crap out of me. R176 one Saturday at work a woman brought us a bag of jr whoppers and double cheeseburgers from Burger King. . I hate this one since that Johnny Mathis country song annoys me to no end. Even that . If a friend or relative ever got that excited about shopping there, I'd have him committed. And why does the song start over in the middle of the verse? I didn't laugh the first time I saw it..or the 50 more times they insisted on airing it. I don't really understand what's going on with this commercial. R406, my sister and I joke that Skyrizi sounds like the name of a rapper. George is smart and keeps sending Willoughby running off in the wrong direction, which Willoughby keeps falling for, to the extent of finally running off a cliff. click ACCEPT. The outcome isn't going to affect me anyhow and neither deserves my support after the way they've both annoyed me for months! Some medical insurance site or app? R295, did you ever see the movies Sneakers with Robert Redford, Ben Kingsley, and Mary McDonnell? Her style is her own and looks ridiculous. I'm getting sick of the Capital One commercials with the tall guy, although I still want him inside me quite deeply. You see a nearly 5 minute St. Jude commercial with weak and tired, bald children with tubes all over them to get at peoples heart strings and guilt them into donating. Not sure if it's aging or he had some bad surgery/fillers but whatever it is he has hit the wall hard. He also told Bobby Brady it was ok to be a canary. R125 A commercial with zero POC , that is rare. If I see that Lume commercial one more motherfucking time . Ryan seems thrilled with his gift of customized home insurance from Liberty Mutual. The commercials show the adventures of an emu who wants to help customers save money on car insurance and his partner, a human named Doug. Jimmy Walker is even uglier than when he was younger. The whole thing is such a scam. I like Dean Winters, especially when he gives that little cackle at the end of the commercial where he distracts that driver and causes him to crash into a garbage truck. I have a longtime female friend of Peruvian descent, the person in the Kleenex ad resembles her brother. The "vote no" ones far outweigh the "vote yes" ones. I always thought the person in the Kleenex commercial was a man, but then I noticed, during the millionth time I looked at this ad, the top under the sweater buttons to the left, which is the female side that a top closes. Tom Selleck getting defensive about reverse mortgages. The kid is cute and the reaction by the adult is totally absurd, kids always do weird shit. Like books, Ive always believed that the best commercials are memorable and tell a good story. Liberty mutual has the cheesiest, most obnoxious, annoying commercials on the face of the earth. I hate the commercial is which the man is made to look stupid and the woman has all of the answers. I'm sure I knew that once but my eldergay brain is slowly failing me. Lol r107. The very ugly and fat fuck named John going through life stages with some medication. Even his voice annoys me at this point. Average Americans could totally relate to that. How much does the Liberty Mutual guy make? R336, those ads need to go full-on tragedy porn and show a dead lady with her eyes chewed out by dear Bitsy. Not Medicare. Just own up and leave it alone. Pushy Grandma in the Subaru. She was absolutely the last person that I thought would sell out like that. Isnt that virtually every healthcare plan out there? Chevrolet's "real people, not actors" commercials. So fucking annoying. Dude is like that ugly troll MSNBC has been pumping and pushing on viewers, "OI'M [bold]MEDHI HASAN,[/bold] AND OI DONT HAAAVE AN INSOYD VOICE! . I hardly ever see commercials? This truck company tries to amaze you (and fails) by showing these real people, not actors who are taken into a big warehouse or a desert, or wherever, and get to see a pickup put through the ringer in a way they couldnt possibly have imagined. QueenViper said: Nope it's those Shriners Hospital for Children commercials. Another vote against the obnoxious Karen cunt in the J C Penney ads. Et Tu Car Shield??? I'm just gonna guess insurance, which as a rule, all of those ads are dumb. R205 that Lume inventor bitch is the worst. "LiMu Emu and Doug" stars a pair of 1970s-style buddy cops intent on telling the public that Liberty Mutual offers customized car insurance so you "only pay for what . Seriously, fuck those people for upsetting and guilting me. the Kardashian who appears with her fake long platinum blonde hair in the migraine medication commercial. The ad agency should be blown up with all the employees no matter what they do still inside. I just realized that the woman's nose wart moves from right to left back to right. Last time I did that, he walked into the cat carrier around 8 am. same goes for honey, turbotax, Geico, and wikibuy. Is that the usual family dynamic? That bitchy Dad Cab guy in the HPV vaccination ad. Not meee!, while a million pedophile and pederast hearts n palms begin a thumpin. I certainly did not create this thread. "It you were stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1952 and . And his head is enormous. Once again, 'll throw in the insipid, chirpy, annoying-as-all-getout "Lily" from the AT&T commercials but I seem to be alone in this! Am I the only one who realized that the actor who plays bulging eye Ginny-lookalike's love interest was actor Tim Ryan (China Beach)? Liberty Mutual.every single one.so much so I wouldn't take their insurance if they gave it to me. Jack-in-the-Box and Geico have the market on laughter. R64: Rosie Grier is remembered, too, as the man who cradled Bobby Kennedy's head as he lay dying from the assassin's bullet. I appreciate her efforts and am glad to see them at long last, but wince at the use of "underground" as a verb. I have always loathed this ugly frog looking mf'er and his voice makes me cringe. The State Farm commercial where Jake is standing around the barbecue with people. The woman is checking out with three boxes for her crotch stink and telling the clerk "This is for feminine odor and this one is for blah blah blah" and the cashier says "Feminine hygiene aisle, right?" Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But since switching agencies in 2017, from campaign creator Havas to Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Liberty Mutual has seen a rapid evolution of its ads into some considerably weirder. It's yet another ad for some health insurance company. The Uqora commercial where the bitch proudly shares that she had 8 UTIs in one year. I switch channels whenever it comes on. The bratty little girl in the Golden Corral commercial who berates her dad. The current Kleenex commercial with the kid and the snot bubble on his nose, WTF? He is so appreciative and explains how much hes going to use it. Chances are, you've seen commercials about "Limu Emu (& Doug). Maybe The Bugaboos? I couldn't even get my father to drive me to the fucking movies. I usually eat dinner during the news, but I have to look away, its so gross. The way she delivers her lines and her reaction is very 90's sitcomy. The man is attending, what I assume, is a backyard barbecue. What were the agency assholes smoking? (More proof of his awfulness -- google his name + George Harrison). For the new OpenDoor app commercial, is that the Snapple lady in the commercial? Well where the fuck else would those pills be? The yoga pants commercial or whatever it is with a fat black chick launching herself into the air and falling back down in slow motion. Wienerschnitzel is still in business? Yes, R275! Right now it's the one where the guy shows up in a full suit, rents a van, surfs, comes back, and doesn't just hug, but hug-attacks the "cool black guy" who rented it to him. [quote]The singing coils of pubic hair commercial. That's right. [italic] Down With Rybelsis ! document.querySelector('#copyright-year').innerText = yearrange + "" + currentyear; Please click here to update your account with a username and password. Then the twist ending, , where theyve dragged their relative in to witness their amazement. For more information, please see our Who needs a fridge packed with pre-cut fruits and vegetables? assessing KIA commercial on the Emmys last night. Can't speak and looks off into the distance as his wife tells him "it's all right." I don't know why, but there's something about her face that makes me want to punch it. I'm going to shoot the TV like Travis Bickle. Face it Liberty, these arenotfunny. More like boring boring!" I saw it aired during a Gillians Island marathon which is about how seriously Id take to this bs. So Mothers Against People That Drove a Couple of Miles Ahead of the Speed Limit? R83-Willoughby did not have a British accent. That's kinda cute. I feel the same way about patriotic Mesothelioma ads. Privacy Policy. R69 I loved her on In Living Color. BUT OI'M SMAARTER THAN YOU, AND YOU *WILL* LISTEN!". Kermit the frog serenades black people moving into the Fresh Prince mansion. I dont get de-hy-DRAT-ed! The jingle for Sara Lee is by far the most commonly misheard, with 74.6% of people thinking the lyrics are, "Nobody does it like Sara Lee." What jingles Barry Manilow? That fucking Meaning Beauty lie, I mean commercial, by Cindy Crawford. Customer service phone number: 1-800-290-7933 Mailing address for the corporate headquarters: Liberty Mutual Insurance 175 Berkeley Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Be sure to address your comments to Jenna Lebel, Liberty's chief marketing officer. The very ugly and annoying young female in the Walgreens who lies upside down and puts a mustache on her chin. Its like Lord of the Flies on wheels and yes the bus driver is the most responsible for letting all that happen.