If you do any research on the Halley research centre, theres a video on their website that says they look at global population dynamics in atmosphere conditions. Initially, this relationship may seem very well starred. with all the best for the coming 2015 petra. It just came to pay Formelhaut a visit and is now backing away but will return to this position in December (will be there right at the Solstice). More melancholic thoughts and even fear of poison comes from the North Node on the fixed star Zosma. His Hygiea also trines Jupiter in the 5th house of fun. , Hi Aliza, With Lilith here, it is all too common for this experience to be dark and unjust. 6. Through his Hygeian aspects to his MC and IC we can see his holistic approach to spiritual- mental psychotherapy. It refers to the rising of the life force energy within you. Lilith aspects in Synastry are loaded with intrigue, obsession and more..With Lilith conjunct Moon, Moon person's emotional depths are..Lilith conjunct Sun, Sun is being seduced.. Lilith aspects in Synastry are loaded with intrigue, obsession and more importantly, a dark magnetism, which makes them one of the most my.. forgotten to say: the 12.dec. I have only discovered/heard about Hygeia today and a blogpost I read about it mentioned this post as really in-depth. (LogOut/ So interesting! His Hygiea is in the 9th house of spirituality. Youve be doing my horoscopes for over 20 years..always relevant..always accurate. he was beautiful and I found his pluto in gemini conj. Dear Hillary, Have a look at your progressions too. I feel that I should send you to a friend of mine who does Akashic Records healings/soul retrievals, so I want you to look up my email address on the Queensland Federation of astrologers Practitioners website and then when you can email me and I will give you this highly experienced shamanic healers particulars. If you can dear Angie, please concentrate on those happy times. 4. Its somewhat of a relief to read the Mercury opposition at Hygeias discovery as I have her opposite my natal Mercury! Thanks Meredith, good to hear from you again. Hows the book coming along now? Shes studying astrology herself now; is recovering from considerable trauma last year when Chiron opposed her Virgo Mercury @ 10, and now we have Hygeia in this new moon squaring the same degree, with Neptune of course almost opposite. Thankyou for writing Chef Michael. Im taking things in slowly so Ill consider finding a good practitioner when I can, its not really an option for me at the moment so Im just doing as much for myself as I can. Venus in The Pleiades is associated with sickness by Robson, and Venus is opposite Chiron, the wounded healer. Many of us have had physical challenges and have become healers of some kind because we had to learn how to overcome the physical ailment we have. So she symbolizes the choice taking internal control and making the choice for wellness or maybe giving away ones power to others or the medical fraternity. Copyright to Dr Hilary Bond. And I am not surprised that my article flushed you out. Your associations of Hygeias bowl with the womb and Shakti. Because I am one myself. In my natal, Hygeia is at the Midheaven in Gemini (if we give a 2 degree orb) and opposite my Sag Neptune by 33 minutes. Ill also look at some personal transits involving Hygeia for an operation I had in 2012. I find the Sabian Symbol at 12 PIS (for Hygeia) quite telling in this conjunction and seems to be a kind or prerequisite. I will send you an email because Id love to hear about your Hygeia conjunct Sun and your Moon conjunct Chiron. Her symbol is the serpent twining around the staff of Mercury, the psychopomp; the one god who could rescue people from death. This is where my Sun conjunct Chiron in Capricorn aspect works well because I can work with the Lords of time and karma. 5.) Well, it definitely needs more thought, thats for sure. Ill look for The Secret Garden too. HILARY BOND: PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL ASTROLOGER. Mercury conjunct Saturn can also mean depressing news, or melancholic thoughts, and that tends to be what we think when being lectured about health issues. Yes, I do think Hygiea contributes to use being holistic healing practtioners and you certainly are. Whether this is a career vocation or not is yet to be seen, I would love to move from what I have been doing for the past 25 years into a more fulfilling position for my new life stage but if it is just a brief part of the journey then so be it. Okay, well, thank you again! I taught in migrant schools from 1888-1990 with children from war torn countries where their parents had been tortured and shot in front of the children. That really is spectacular. A couple of other alleviating factors, but it was Hygeia that jumped out at me, So, thank you, thank you for the excellent article that has done much to give some direction at this powerful time. Astrology, yoga strong suits. The latest one she has written is with Hank Wesselman who wrote the Sacred Garden book. There is a CD with the book Greg. The spiritual side of us melds with our mind and body to create holistic health. And wow, what a journey you have been on. Setting up a mentoring program for neglected and abused children. But you didnt write to me to hear that. Near the bottom of the form is a text box Cheers! You need to connect with the Divine (Hygeia and Chiron in your 9th) and Jupiter conjunct NN in Aries conj Jupiter who is the hierophant who reveals the Light of your Sun. For your soul, for you being so patient, thorough and nice! This snake also was reminiscent of the Python, the symbol of the old Earth Mother and matriarchal culture which was toppled by the Dorians and Achaeans. My Ascendant conjuncts Apollo in Virgo too which I also believe involves me in a healing art at some point. I have Hygeia at Gemini (9 13) in he 5th House. I used to teach a two subjects on ethics and confidentiality in research and dealing with the public when I taught at university, so I like to make sure that the people I deal with on my StarCounsell site feel safe with me. The asteroid Hygeias placement in an astrological chart signifies purification, as well as meanings associated with health issues, sickness, cure, and the moral and physical wholeness that are implicit in ideas of good health or good order. In mythology Hygeia was the feminine part and the consort of Asclepios, the Greek god of medicine and a mythological healer strongly connected to the Solar cult of Apollo. I am interested in what is happening right now with Hygeia between Chiron and Neptune. For example they may mean are you a Rock person, Rainbow person, a Bear person, Star woman or a saltwater person? I am not in a healing profession, but I do work with topics related to healing cities by bringing more nature and greenery into them what is crucial for mental health and well-being. Could you add to your knowledge of the human body and help people realise why their body aches. I have been interested in Shamanism since 25 years, and once experienced a family constellation with shamanic soul retrieval. I am a shamanic practitioner, but I have a nurse/counseller/shaman I go to for my soul recoveries. 5. he said i would be his daughter forever. I love Michael Newton books, too, btw. If she shows up in your chart conjuncting your Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, chart ruler, IC or MC you will be attracted by the holistic approach to health. That now makes perfect sense to me after contemplating this a moment or two. If you cleanse your body, (your house, your car and your career) both inwardly and outwardly, through diet, exercise, lifestyle and physical regimen, and most diseases are greatly ameliorated, or vanish of their own accord. I love astrology. Sandra Ingerman- yes, I feel because of her compassion and gentleness she is the mother of Western Shamanism. The Salvation Army or Lifeline or such organisations provide year long free courses as long as you do telephone counselling for their organisation afterwards. Other astrologers have said as much which I will mention later. Hopefully I dont have many sides because with all the work I have done therapy, healing courses, university courses in psychology and counselling, teaching Ive done and at my age I am fairly much self-actualised. ; Mercury /ruler 10th trine Saturn ) , which should help them building up new innovating health structures, strongly focussing the prevention parts , youd mentionned you are interested in personal hygiea stories voila this is my little one (though started my professional life by a lot of worldly challenges, since years my focuss of interest lies in 12th house things more and more (this offer seemed to come out frome nowhere land, unexpected yet, correspond perfectly to my actual needs and talents ) Add Pisces and you could be the best swimming teacher or the best shamanic teacher of children who encouraged children to see fairies. Ive just completed the article plus all comments and replies (which I never do), gaining much to resurge a long interest in the asteroids and this grand goddess. His politics revolved around Karl Marx etc. Also, Hygeia is in a 0 sesqui-square to Neptune on Nunki and grasping Vega in the 3rd. Hi Hilary, thank you for a most interesting post which I found while looking for Yod interpretations. Her beau of 9 months just broke up with her for no particular reason. (Surprise!) The book is The Journey to the Sacred Garden : A Guide to Travelling in the Spiritual Realms. We are all lucky you are that kind to share it with us. Pluto is semi-sextile to my sun (within 3 degrees). A strong anti-Hygeia momentarily craving. Hygeia used in the positive sense in our chart indicates that we become our own Master and take control of our destiny. I hope your book has been moving along well. Yerba Mate tea works wonders for colon cancer and prevention if you dont already drink it. Heavy stuff. Nice to meet you! The book consists of channeled messages from Lady Masters, and a message from Hygiea is one of them., Astrologer Kim Falconer in her wonderful book: Astrology and Aptitude: How to become what you were meant to become writes When Hygeia is strongly placed with an inner planet (which would include the luminaries- the Sun and Moon) and angle (IC, MC, Ascendant or Descendant) there is a strong link to the medical professions, health concerns, research, and study in these areas and in general health care. Good health is the most important, anyway. In most Jewish cultures, Lilith was known as a demon, but the ancient Babylonians actually revered her as a goddess of the feminine. What aspects and signs and house mark a shamanic practitioner or medical intuitive healer or ancestral healer? If you read Michael Newtons books what I say will make sense. Thanks for sharing any ideas you have on that. makes her a daughter of Eros and Peitho. Thanks Jamie! In todays frenetic pace and myriad negative energies whatever healing you seek- psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, dream therapy, shamanic journeys, herbs, kinesiology, yoga, diet, exercise we need to be holistic and be practical, and here-and-now in our intention. Hygeia opposes her Chiron conjunct Jupiter in the second. Juno is the idealized wife. If nothing else at least my mind! If you have stressful aspects to Athena you may have auditory or visual perceptual problems, colour blindness, dyslexia, autism, poor hand-eye coordination, poor problem solving ability, limited vision or hearing, learning difficulties or disabilities or at the very worst mental retardation (which also can be tied in with an abusive childhood environment which can lower the IQ by 30 points.) I suggest you ask, if you get the Sacred Garden meditation book, what your Hygeia in your sixth house is all about. Isnt that so fascinating. Oh! Weird timing personally again. You are very nice person too and you do carry a lot of wisdom. I have considered that its simply a desire to heal myself rather than something that will develop into work although Im happy if my journey takes me that way. Congratulations. ? Shes transiting my 2nd house now, and all illnesses are gone. . I love Australia and have been there twice. A lovely article, very interesting, thankyou for sharing it. Scientific observation on the stars makes them sound that they truly possess a spirit. In another instance a old first friend took me to see departed dad and he and touched hands and I felt such a strong connection and woke up to cry. PhEw! Do these aspects run in your family. Uranus is conjunct my sun (w/in 3 degrees). Pluto Square Pluto Transit. (I can elaborate on that.). My father dies from misdiagnosis, my nephew suffered disability brought on by childhood vaccination, so I did not vaccinate my son, I treat him myself with homeopathy and he was never seriously ill in all of his 15 years, aprt from when he was born in hospital against my wishes, treated with antibiotics against my wishes and suffered candida overgrowth, still does. This finding Hygeia was brought on by researching Early Childhood trauma (ACEs) and Traumahealing and me considering becoming a Trauma therapist. I suggest you write Michael Newtons books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls- as Dr Newton writes about life between lives. In her personifying the value of diet and hygiene in health maintenance and disease prevention, Hygeia is the antithesis and complement to Asclepius. So as the personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation, we might consider that asteroid 10 Hygeia relates to these things in astrology. I would like to peruse your chart. Thanks so much for sending up Hygeia for our examination ! Also I have Chiron in 1 st with lot of aspects. It Her latest books; Walking in Light and Speaking with Nature are wonderful. Thanks Lakota, youve given me inspiration to write up another asteroid. It is an easy, undemanding, and well-paying job but I do not feel like I have been living my full potential. A genuine desire to heal yourself suggests needing shamanic healing via the Chironic mode in tandem with a good, experienced naturopath/herbalist/kinesiologist. Lilith Conjunct the MC-Sex Therapist. mi. This article came up when I googled Hygeia. It is also a symbol of transformation, deep understanding of the deepest levels of oneself (including any trauma and power: self-empowerment. Did it? An example i can give is that i was hit by a car when Pholus was conjunct my MC. Id like to know what they brought. Athena is relatively new in the Greek pantheon. Have you ever tuned into them. Now I live in Scotland (from Germany originally) and learning about ACEs and Trauma. Hygeias healing in ancient Greece was held in sleep temples. Thankyou for your praise and for encouraging all your friends to follow my posts. I guess for me a strong 8th house (Moon in the 8th) and Saturn in Scorpio; Pluto aspecting my Sun and Pluto in the 6th house. There may be high physical fitness or need to be physically fit. I would be honoured if you would have the time to send me your birth data and join the two Hygeia books I am writing (first, Hygeia, the houses and planets; and second , Hygeia and the asteroids). Take care! Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return, Prognoses Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator Draconic Astrology Calculator Various astrology . Uranus in the 3rd might also have something to do with an unusual way of speaking? Bit hypochondria maybe, not about health though. I do also have Venus and Moon widely conjunct in my 12th, Venus trines Jupiter in my 5th and my Moon trines Chiron in the 8thI wonder if that last trine adds anything? I have re-posted this article on asteroid Hygeia because the New Moon on 28 May 2014 is conjunct Hygeia by only 10 orb. The only thing which does not fit is drug abuse, but if you class sugar as a drug, which it really is, then that does fit too. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); HYGEIA THE SYMBOL OF THE HOLISTIC HEALER IN YOUR HOROSCOPE by Hilary Bond PhD Copyright. This felt very familiar. Hygiea in Libra in your Seventh House can describe how you fall in love with, and marry, men who are dependent on you financially. Mentoring and love from other people (grandparents, teachers, relatives, concerned members of the school community, church community and volunteers is a great way to develop resilience in children. I have been interested in natural, holistics healing/living since a few years and now I am considering to involve this passion into my career..maybe u would be interested in my hygiea placement, and maybe you could help me to confirm or not this idea ..virgo ascendant, hygiea in libra third house, widely conjunct a pluto/saturn conjunction, trine venus/north node conjunction, square vertex/pallas conjunction, and exactly quincunx MC.. I started out on the counseling psychology track, but then discovered (through a dream that synchronistically led to a figurine of the Snake Goddess, in waking life) that JFKU had a dream studies program, so I pursued that, instead, along with astrology, nature-based spirituality (shamanism), transformative arts, etc. Thanks again for your suggestions. Was your Mum wounded or wise? Leo Full Moon conjunct Hygeia at 9 degrees of Leo. About ten years later (during a temporary return to Chicago) I met a lady who introduced me to hugging trees. Please read all my article as I give a great deal of advice and maybe one of my article could help you further. What I mean is a paragraph-by-paragraph description of how it worked in your chart, with your health, etc. Also my MC is in Ophiuchus. Very helpful and cleansing. Anyway back to the prompting from my dream, asking me to familiarize and more consciously integrate this amazing and benevolent goddess as part of my journey towards healthier self-leadership and self-directing. Drat, I just wiped out everything I wrote to you. Snakes, as ground-dwelling creatures, had contact with the dead and might even carry the souls of ancestors returning to help you. The easy aspects show our gifts. So my friend Shavonne will help you connect with your soul. My friend said not to worry, they are not dangerous, yet I had to force it to get it off of my toe.