To fully appreciate China's broad geographic and cultural diversity, one needs to identify general characteristics that act as . Indeed, practically all types of Northern Hemisphere plants, except those of the polar tundra, are found in China, and, despite the continuous inroads of humans over the millennia, China still is home to some of the worlds most exotic animals. Write an essay of at least one page that describes how religion can be used as a moral guide. Create your account. My own book Sacred Worlds: an introduction to Geography and Religion, was published in 1994. For many in these collectivist societies, one's religion is determined by the culture and reinforced through family legacy. The official language of China is Mandarin, or putonghua, meaning ordinary language or common language. There are three variants of MandarinBeijing, Chengdu, and Nanjing. Even in less extreme faiths, people may lose friendships and strain relationships with family members should they renounce their beliefs. National Geographic Kids - 30 cool facts about China! Many important religious notions, in the Levant, in Norse traditions, and certainly in every religious tradition have nothing whatsoever to do with geography. Indeed, the region primarily can be characterized by an agricultural economic base through the mid-twentieth century CE. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. China stretches for about 3,250 miles (5,250 km) from east to west and 3,400 miles (5,500 km) from north to south. This relative isolation from the outside world made possible over the centuries the flowering and refinement of the Chinese culture, but it also left China ill prepared to cope with that world when, from the mid-19th century, it was confronted by technologically superior foreign nations. Centripetal & Centrifugal Forces in Geopolitics. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. 2010. For them, religion is simply the way that life is. In the Asian country of Israel, Judaism is dominant. It was a period of bloody wars and also of far-reaching changes in politics, society, and intellectual outlook. That suggests that we in religious studies need better to recognize regional specificity even for global religions and that we need to recognize the existence of regionally specific relationships between religious traditions. A geographer of religion attempts to understand how religious beliefs and practices affect people of a certain society and region. Early civilizations were often unified by religion a system of beliefs and behaviors that deal with the meaning of existence. China experiences yearly monsoons in the summer and dry seasons in winter. The tallest mountains in the world, the Himalayan Mountains, are located on the southwestern border of China and served as a natural barrier for any influence or invasion from the west. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Masuzawa, Tomoko. From the ninth century to the twelfth century, Islamic culture flourished and crystallized into what we now recognize as Islam. The China's first dynasties helped chinese society develop and made . Internal and External Criticism -, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Language Development & Diffusion | What are the Most Spoken Languages? Shanghai is the main industrial city; Hong Kong is the leading commercial centre and port. The Silk Road Overview & Trade Items | What was the Silk Road? Example: The purpose of geographers is not to judge or change the religious beliefs of people in a specific region, but rather, it is to understand aspects like how that region's laws are influenced by religious beliefs. The location of the Levant, situated at the Eastern littoral of the Mediterranean Sea basin, has affected regional climate and rainfall patterns. In the past, it was common for entire peoples to convert as a whole when their leaders converted. How does geography affect society culture and trade? Haddad, Hassan S. 1969. The East Sea is north of Taiwan and on the very east coast of China. China has 33 administrative units directly under the central government; these consist of 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities (Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin), and 2 special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). A normal spirit.d. The Current essay endeavored to illustrate how geography has impacted the development of ancient cultures including India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Africa, the Americas, and China. There are many mountain ranges in China, however, the most significant range is the Himalayan Mountains. Modern Westerners believe there is a difference between religion and culture. This area became a prime location to grow rice, which became a staple food for the Chinese culture. Understanding the interaction between a natural environment and various human and cultural patterns is an essential aspect of geography. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. However, the political interest was more on internal land than water. Occupying nearly the entire East Asian landmass, it covers approximately one-fourteenth of the land area of Earth. Religious groups might even come to violence over past persecution, significant differences, or land disputes. However, it is important to note that Judaism is both a religious and an ethnic identity. The climatological weather patterns of the wider Mediterranean Sea region govern seasonal wind flows, as well as precipitation. What are the effects of geography on language development? In West Asia, the harsh desert environment and the scarcity of resources led to the development of monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Geography 101: Human & Cultural Geography, The Geography of Languages, Religions, and Material Culture, Material Culture in Sociology: Definition, Studies & Examples, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Adam De Gree, Christine Serva, Lesley Chapel, How Geography and Culture Affect Religion, Introduction to Human & Cultural Geography, Language & Language Regions: Definitions & Dialects, The World's Major Languages: Development & Diffusion, The World's Major Written Languages: Letters & Symbols, What are Emoticons? Identifying the common geographical and cultural environment for these figures explains as well why these figures are not shared in the same way outside of the Levant. 2b. Thus, China grew independently with lesser external influence on its cultural growth. For example, ISIS terrorists often invoked the Crusades, which ran from 1095 to 1271, in their campaign to establish an Islamic state in the 2010s. The second tropical rainforest is the Xishuangbanna in the Yunnan Province, located on the southwest tip of China. Geographers also take account of laws and social norms that shape religious practice in the present. Indirect Effects of Geography on Language Development. I feel like its a lifeline. If the father is not the son,and the son is not the father,then the holy spirit is not ________.a. How long has China existed as a discrete politico-cultural unit? But geography does have a distinct shaping influence on religion. Because Chinas population is so enormous, the population density of the country is also often thought to be uniformly high, but vast areas of China are either uninhabited or sparsely populated. See Also: Geography, Religion, Gods, and Saints in the Eastern Mediterranean (Routledge, 2020). This desert runs across the northern border of China and the southern border of Mongolia. Geographers study religions and their development based on the role that geography intersects with other important social components within a human geographic approach. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Both tropical jungles host very diverse plant and animal life, some of which are rare or endangered. Geographical and agricultural motifs developed in the region that both were relevant and meaningful in such a setting. To be meaningful, of course, something must be relevant. Explore China's iconic cultural monument the Great Wall of China. Jesus Christ.c. Asad, Talal. Geographic Influences on Migration in the Caribbean, Central & South America, Political & Cultural Issues in Confucius' Time. By having faith,we can grow our relationship in God,not only that,we can also get closer to God,not only by lacking faith,but also having faith.d. These names do not refer to separate deities, but instead should be considered manifestations of Baal-Hadad as associated with a particular locality (Allen 2015; Schwemer 2008, 15-16; Haddad 1960, 46). Write an essay of approximately one to two pages that explains how geographers examine religion. As a native of the Levant, Haddad uniquely was positioned to have been aware, as well, of the common practices surrounding these figures between local communities of Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others. This event reshaped global political geography, and China has since come to rank among the most influential countries in the world. Hinnels, John R., ed. These two natural barriers kept Ancient China safe from invaders, but also blocked them from expanding southwards. God.c. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The War also scared off other civilizations like Rome, Arabians, and Persians. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Since it is a driving force for billions of people, religion is a fruitful area of study. Similarly, when the Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan accepted Islam, thousands of nomadic Turkic bands followed him into the faith. Throughout history, rivers such as the Yangtze and Huang He rivers made China thrive for thousands of years. Religion can influence the culture of an entire community, nation, or region of the world. New York: Routledge. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Based on geography, one can often predict a given person's religious faith with a reasonable degree of certainty. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Since the 1960s, the field of Geography of Religion has evolved in various ways, but one of its more important contributions is the contextualization of religion that is evident in local, geographically oriented studies of religion (Stump 2008, 177; Knott 2010, 476-491). Oftentimes, people with a shared heritage share cultural, religious, and ethnic characteristics. For example, in Yemen, it is illegal to convert from Islam to another religion. 8. These then can be examined for evidence within them of contemporaneous religious, political, and geographical influences, helping to produce a picture of specific gods, religious figures, motifs, or metaphors that accounts for the intersections within them of time and place. Regis University Over the centuries, provinces gained in importance as centres of political and economic authority and increasingly became the focus of regional identification and loyalty. What that means is that these figures usually have been studied only from within their individual religious traditions. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Author of, University Professor Emeritus of History and Sociology, University of Pittsburgh. Oftentimes, people with a shared heritage share cultural, religious, and ethnic characteristics. Even among the Han there are cultural and linguistic differences between regions; for example, the only point of linguistic commonality between two individuals from different parts of China may be the written Chinese language. Geography, and the geological and climatological characteristics that are thereby derived, have a significant effect upon the daily life and needs of people. A traveler can reach populations of people in whichever direction he decides to go to, whether he was on foot or on the back of an animal. To that end, and as compared with a traditional world religions paradigm, theories associated with the field of Geography of Religion represent a more-promising approach for understanding the ways in which locality and temporality inform religious phenomena. If religion is a whole way of life, many people simply cannot imagine that different religions could coexist peacefully.