It would avail him nothing but the death of many riverlords. Being an orphan sucked, but I did not think Informational: Hollow Wolf (Ned Stark SI). The Old Way has been corrupted by decades of poverty, ignorance, and radicalism. King Mychel Bolton I, the Conqueror, the Wondermaker, the Father of Dragons The Targaryen boy is yet to be birthed and what would become the Kings and Queens of a terrifying dynasty have little to do in the way of the feuding kingdoms. Whilst this history is meant to be focused upon the Spartan and the Starks, it is important to remember that King Jaehaerys I was greatly influenced by the Spartan and the Maidens work, and is thus relevant to understanding the full measure of just how those two enigmatic figures have so thoroughly changed the realm as a whole. Nevertheless, he could not deny his beloved daughter, and so bade her enter the hallowed halls of the Forward Unto Dawn. A Renly Baratheon SI that tries to be truly realistic. A subtle hint of a grim fate he had barely escaped. She reminded Dany a little of Laeti in the way she smiled. With the Riverlands, Westerlands, and Iron Islands pacified, the Spartan had greatly reduced the strength of both the greens and the blacks, and both sides were now terrified of what his next move would be. What will he do to not only survive but thrive in a brutal realm like . Not a fan of Ben 10 but a SI who can turn into lots of aliens sounds fun. His presence in Westeros will change historyand the people around him as he once again stands up as a hero to the world. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. The Seven. What if Rhaegar was reborn with all his memories as Joffrey, Tommen would work too! On one particular sand Just a few warnings before we start. Well it is interesting so far im looking forward to where you take this, Conquest of Dorne numbers II: Targaryen Boogaloo, Wheat and Cereal Crop Yields Calculation/Rant, Warning: Tone down the calls for violence. It was an escape for me from my boring world where I had no one. The Seven-As-One. From the Nightfort to Moat Cailin, from the Rills to the Karhold, from Deepwood Motte to Widows Watch, this vast system of roads stretched from coast to coast, connecting all but the most remote of the Norths holdings, all leading back to that grand and old capitol of the North, Winterfell itself. She glanced over her shoulder as she walked to see him bury his face in the womans chest. After felling many terrible strikes against the dreaded wyrms body, the Immortal Last Hero landed one last, terrible blow into the drakes spine-crowned skull, felling the Black Dread one and for all. In an occurrence far too convenient for many to believe was mere coincidence, King Cregan Stark dispatched Lord Mormont and his great fleet southward from Bear Island, under the pretext that he did not wish to leave the Northern shores at risk of the now-unleashed ironborn. Always love seeing a tech uplift story, especially in GOT. The riverlords outnumbered the Spartans smaller army by nearly one-and-half, and whereas Elmo commanded a cavalry force of over a hundred knights and four-hundred mounted men-at-arms, the Spartan had no cavalry whatsoever. What can be written of King Mychel of a Hundred Titles that a thousand other learned men have not already said? Truly he would have been just as at home among the Wise Masters of Astapor. How would you fight the dead? she asked him. Both of which appeared to be archaic imitations of the Spartans legendary thunder weapons and the great war machines he rode into battle, respectively. new thread. The North is the largest region in all of Westeros, but has a relatively small population despite its size. It goes on forever and ever. 10 is abit young. The inspiration of this mighty endeavor could be attributed to the famous tour of the North that Jaehaerys and his sister-wife, Good Queen Alysannee, shared early in their reign. the Reborn Dragon will shake things up and change the Game of Thrones. He chose instead to support his half-brothers claim, publicly bending the knee and swearing fealty to Aenys in a display of great humility and subserviencea decision likely due in no small part due to the known friendship between them. That princesss name would be Cortana Stark, and the day of her birth in the hundredth and sixty-ninth year after the Conquest would not be the last she would see of the Spartan. Jaime followed her movements to block her path. Disclaimer: I don't own any of J.K. Rowling's works of Harry Potter or George R. R. Martin's works of Games of Thrones, except my own SI-OC characters. Even as the Kings Justice neared the pyre with his torch, the confidence in her eyes did not falter, though men claimed to have nevertheless seen tears running down her cheeks. While not as beautiful as Winterfell, nor as wealthy as White Harbor, it is undoubtedly the most vibrant and bustling settlement in all the West. Rhaenyra reportedly trembled with rage at the Spartans rebuttal at her offer, and at the perceived insult of her warmongering. I chose to add my story here because of amazing fics I've come to cherish, like Dread Our Wrath and Deeds, not Words. She delighted in books and study, and absorbed knowledge at a unrivaled pace, with many accounts from Winterfell claiming that she could memorized great manuscripts and histories in a single day if she was not caught in the night and sent to bed. Nevertheless, many could not deny the way Princess Cortana smiled whenever she was in the Spartans presence, nor could they ignore the way the Spartan seemed more at ease when he was in hers. It takes little to be the brutal dictator amongst the masses, but far more to be the manipulator behind the scenes, and the hidden piece in the game. She had too much else on her mind, though, to hold any anger for a dying man. Torrhen met him with half that number, but the sight of the Spartan, his fabled war machines, and the fearsome arms and armors of the North, gave Aegon pause. While King Aegon prepared his armies for a full-scale invasion, and mounted Belarion the Black Dread, King Torrhen entered the hallowed and revered halls of the Forward Unto Dawn, the mythical resting place of the Spartan, held most sacred by the people of the North. Their only hope is to find each other to fulfil their love, going through aches and pains; through time travelling and space roaming to find the light at the tunnel. (An attempt on a realistic portrayal if someone actually woke up in the insane situation of suddenly becoming Cersei. Inversely, Rhaena was nearly as pious as her brother had been, and had shared his belief that all should come to worship the Seven-Pointed Star. He would be proven right not even a week later, when the Spartan tracked down Aemond and Cannibal in his Steel Bird near Fairmarket, as the Prince intended to set it aflame with dragonfire. Rhaegar suddenly opened his eyes again he saw he was reborn as Joffrey baratheon the son of Cersei Lannister and "Robert" (Jaime) The Spartan flew his flying machine right into Aegons camp, and with him was King Torrhen. I don't like slash nor crack nor drama. For the second time, he entered the Forward Unto Dawn, and news quickly spread that the Warrior Made Flesh and the Maiden of Light had emerged from their slumber, and coming out the Dawntowns great ironwood gates, led at their head by the Spartan himself, was an army unlike any Westeros had ever seen. I can either induce vomiting, or he can ride out the pain. What can be written of King Mychel of a Hundred Titles that a thousand other learned men have not already said? Give command of the Wall to Snow, he knows it best. Indeed, though many had thought the sudden and crushing halt of the Dragons advance would give rise to rebellion and sedition from his conquered territories of the Southern kingdoms, Aegons reign on the Iron Throne was astoundingly peaceful. Varys when Robert reveals that they have found his "little birds" spy network. But in yet another astounding move, the Spartan and the Maiden of Light both instead helped to ensure that King Aenys last living son, the future King Jaeherys I, was received his rightful place on the throne. Jaeherys surveyed the landscape as they stepped off the boat onto Dragonstone Island. Gone are the mistakes I made in my reign, gone are the hunger and thirst, the blood and the sickness, only the glory and honorable deaths are left. Source: Prologue of Iron and Ire, sequel to Iron and Fire, Part 4 of Iron and Blood. The westerlords still chose to press on, hoping to avenge the death of their liege lord, but when they came to bear against the Spartans army at the Battle of Wayfarers Rest, they met the same fate as Elmo Tullyall the more impounded by their lack of leadershipand the Lannister army was sent reeling back in a chaotic rout towards Casterly Rock. "Oh?" Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, who knows whether it exists or not. Taken to his bedchambers and locked inside, it is widely believed Aegon attempted to seduce, or possibly even rape herbut the guards outside burst in when they heard King Aegons screaming. There, he would have died, had it not been for the Spartans timely intervention and his summary use of his advanced healing arts to heal Aemons otherwise fatal wounds. Male SI, transmigrated into Jaime Lannister's body during the day of Mad king Aerys death. The Kingsguard, meanwhile, get expanded from seven members to forty-nine. Lady Naerys's displeasure about her twin's marriage is well-known. It rocks your prison of interminable years, rocks the floor of the temple where the idols of stolen gods languish alongside you, rocks the footing of the silver-haired priests who give mocking libations to these lesser, collared deities. There are some pretty messed up dark scenes, though the novel is mostly chill, GOT is definitely not famous for being family friendly. Following this, the Master Chief immediately took custody of Rhaenyra and Aegons surviving children, two sons and a single daughter, respectively. by Archmaester Yandrew of the Citadel, 513 MC Bran the Builder had supposedly granted the land surrounding the Dawn to the Spartan, that he might rule in his own right and not be made subject to any lord or king. She set out the next morning, and tearfully bade her family farewell, and all of the North wept as she left them. King Rodriks young son, the newly crowned King Benjen, came in tears to the Forward Unto Dawn at the news of his fathers death and their armys crushing defeat. While Aegon himself had decreed his son by Rhaenys, Aenys, would inherit the throne after him, there was considerable tension in the court over the matter, particularly due to the controversy caused by Aegons issue. Sure, it wasnt perfect - but whos life is? To the relief of the realm, Prince Jon himself held no public interest in pursuing the throne. Fairly reasonable so far. While there was no indication that it was anything more than a close partnership, perhaps even a friendship, it nevertheless filled the people with thoughts that the Spartan would wed the princess, and from their union would bring a golden age for all, as the Starks would join their house with the Norths fabled champion of yore and form a doubtlessly matchless alliance. Whatever screams Rhaenyra had shouted to save them availed her not over the roars of the dragons, and she could only watch as Princes Jacaerys and Joffrey both met their fates that day, the Spartan slaying their mounts from under them and sending them crashing to the ground. And mostly to get some constructive criticism and get an idea of where I want to take this.). There, his dragon was caught by grapnels and dragged into the sea, and nearly drowned. "No stopping, no stopping ever, NO ONE STOPS." Killing a man under a banner of peace? He saw his brothers banners followed closely behinds by others. As Elmo was a supporter of Rhaenyra, it astounded and confused the greens as to why the Spartan would thwart an army loyal to the blacks. I shouldn't be happy that I died. It would be a longer-term project and difficult to pull off, but its definitely possible (even if each shot must be manually cranked) and a few dozen men equipped and trained with them could outweigh thrice their number in men at arms under the right circumstances. But of all of Rickon and Rhaenas children, it would be their second childand eldest daughterthat would by far have the most intriguing of lives. Tywin Lannister/Original Male Character(s), Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of the Dragon (SI as twin of Aenys Targaryen), Sansa Stark/Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Catelyn Tully Stark Doesn't Hate Jon Snow, Harrold Hardyng/Arianne Martell (mentioned), Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (mentioned), Lysa Tully Arryn/Petyr Baelish (mentioned), Original House Lannister/Baratheon Character(s), If I finish this in the next ten years I'll be happy, Self-Insert into the body of Joffrey fucking Baratheon, Self Insert that faces a lot of problems and DOESN'T always come out on top, The Journal of King Joffrey Baratheon, First of his Name, Jon Snow/Joffrey Baratheon/Margaery Tyrell, The Worst of All Possible Worlds: A Tywin Lannister Self-Insert. For seven years, she would remain in Winterfell, and her grace and beauty would only grow over the yearsthough she never married, and many believed she pined after the Spartan with such a sorrowful love that it inspired songs for years to come. It would prove to potentially save the city from great destruction, as the entire guild would minutes later erupt with such intense force, it shook all of the capitol. It is approximately a decade and a half before the Conquest of Dorne under Daeron I Targaryen, and all the dragons have died out. Even if there were, it would be foolish to waste it on that wretch., He held up his hands in surrender. The only thing worse than this fic existing is that it is the longest Game of Thrones fic on The Stranger The Priests of the Drowning, once a fanatical, fringe group of dogmatic literalists and narrow minded puritans secluded in their sect. Waking up in the body of Eddard Stark, you could only want to go back to sleep and never wake up again. Fanfic /. He shut his eyes and for a moment, Dany thought he had fallen asleep. Definitely looking forward to more. But then, as they came to bear down upon the Spartans center, they saw that the musketeers had fixed long blades upon the ends of their thunder weapons, which, combined with their tight formation into squares, negated any and all advantages the riverlords cavalry possessed. A loose study on GRRM's style. Anything else is fair game. Not but a few days before her birth, a most peculiar event had taken place in the Dawntown. No matter the fandom. I don't know if it's noticeable but it was bugging me. I wake up somehow knowing exactly what just happened to me. Between the string of defeats the Spartan rendered them, the bitter power struggle that followed the death of Lord Dalton, and the threat of a Northern invasion, the ironborn at last conceded to peace, and withdrew back to the Iron Islands, with nothing but bitterness and humiliation for spoils to take home. She is. It is widely believed by scholars that it was indeed fear that kept the South in line, as many believed that disunity among the Andal kingdoms could very well render them vulnerable to invasion and subsequent conquest at the hands of the reinvigorated and undoubtedly mighty North. Because fuck playing things for drama, the Starks are going to learn to recognize the crazy people and stay well away from them.). To this day, it is unknown as to why the Spartan awoke to the whims of a princess. Dying in and of itself was something that everyone always should make sure they avoid having happen to them, it should not feel free and liberating. Each time Lightbringer and Dark Sister clashed, the roar of thunder and the shriek of steel filled the air and made a most terrifying noise. For her kindness, charm, and wit, she was soon so beloved by all the North that she was hailed The Joy of Winter. What had been at first an ache within her chest, fit for bursting, had receded until now it was a tickle along her throat Prologue: This will hopefully be the first of many stories I plan on writing. The Longest Day Dany looked back at the yard, where the wolfpack was laying. While it was an immense undertaking, and an undoubtedly even more laborious task to keep it maintained, the Northerners had discovered that keeping the roads in good order promoted trade and travel unparalleled across the north, giving rise not only to great wealth, but also the migration of peoples to found settlements along the roads. and when Robert asks about the false Aegon. Very good use of source material, and a time traveler fish out of trout Sansa. And then we were None. The Spartan treated the young lord with surprising mercy and respect, tending to his wounds as well as the wounds of what Rivermen lay wounded in the battle that had not been slain, and granting merciful ends to those too far gone to be saved. Merit, rather than birth, had become the standard by which to earn the kings favor, and while many nobles balked at this, none could deny it did the realm a great service, as the Conciliator and his court brought about the greatest period of plenty the realm had ever known, and a time when the North and South worked more closely than ever before, as well as the time where relations between the two were warmer than ever before. This is an SI fic into Aegon II I have been floating in the darkness for God knows how long. King Mychel Bolton I, the Conqueror, the Wondermaker, the Father of Dragons The books in mind, he immediately begins to turn his life around, seeking to (a) make well damn sure that the events in the books do not happen, (b) preparing Westeros for the future war against the White Walkers and (c) get the Seven Kingdoms out of the medieval hellhole it is. He was infamous for very publicly taking many a mistress to his bed, and of siring many a bastard between them; all of this, to the shame and disgrace of his sister-wife, Queen Naerys, and the outrage of his younger brother, the famous Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, Lord Commander of Aegons Kingsguard. Curious to see where you go in this time period. That being said, there were more than a few things I intended to change about Winterfell and it's inhabitants long before Robert Baratheon hauled his hefty ass up here. Refusing this time around to be vexed by a mustache, lack of indoor plumbing, and no more guacamole in favor of keeping her eyes on the prize: Surviving the upcoming Long Night and not letting Melisandre go Full Melisandre. Can I have ALL the Male Self Inserts? Maegors host, meanwhile, had greater numbers and a knowledge of the terrain, as well as supplies that could more readily be replenished from the surrounding countryside. It is also likely inferred that Aegon himself was shielded by the presence of his new Northern queen, Wylanna Stark, the daughter of King Torrhen, whose hand sealed the Pact of Ice and Fire after Aegons prior defeat. But Princess Cortana herself swayed him to allow her to leave, for the sake of sustaining good relations with the Iron Throne, under the condition the Spartan would go with her as a deterrent to any possible advances on King Aegons part. Was it even possible he was unaware of the atrocities his formers lords had committed in this very castle? Ser Lansseax had held her breath for three days, and still, the miasma of fire and ash did not abate. To seal this Pact of Ice and Fire, Torrhens daughter would wed Aegon, and she would be his new queen. Cregans decision to stay out of the war would earn him some derision from his vassals, but would ultimately prove to leave the North untouched by the conflict. I was Threadmarks: Introduction and Clan Creation. While it was not a strictly brazen request, her father told her the Spartan would likely not answer, as he was meant to be called only in great times of need, and not before, and warned her further still that the Spartan had endured a great loss when last he had gone to sleep, and would thus be even less like enough to answer. But Joffrey demanded that a wolf die and Lady was the only one around.. Ser Ulys White and Ser Hugh Hammer, the traitorous dragonseeds whom had turned their allegiance and saw to the citys fall to the greens, both refused and instead mounted their dragons to challenge the Spartan. A shame that he doesn't remember how to make gunpowder, but that's probably for the best. Maegor, in hopes of restoring Balerion the Black Dread from his crippled state and into his former glory to face the Warrior Made Flesh, had allegedly used the blood of his own kin and the burnt body of Quicksilver in some dark sorcery. The Aglow Lady was with him as well, though some claim something seemed amissher glowing form, said to be of a tranquil, comforting celestial blue, seemed to shudder and flash an eerie red, and her kind voice seemed to suddenly speak in a disturbing tone, ominous words escaping her lips. I have had this story rummaging through A Song of Bards and Maso The sand spread out In every direction as far as the eye could see rising up into dunes before dipping back down again. Almost predictably, the Targaryens vainglory got the better of them, in spite of the initial terror they felt at the news of the Spartans return, and went right back to their warring. Elmo and many of his knights were cut down or captured, and seeing the best of their knights so utterly devastated, the rest of the Tully army routed, fleeing for the hills and forests and back to their homes. Arya pulled it partially out of the scabbard, examining it, from the golden lion on the handle to the red Valyrian steel blade. The really sad part is that I didn't really enjoy the franchise once the first season ended. Arya Stark was up there, as well, not too close the dragon, but watching her. Instead of rallying the remnants of the Stark forces under his banner, though, the Spartan insisted they be disbanded and sent home, solemnly stating he himself would suffice to end the tyranny of Maegor. Rickon was a steadfast believer in the Old Gods, and his disgrace at the hands of Baelor had in no great way endeared the Faith of the Seven to him. Dany leaned on one of the crenels in the battlements, looking down over Winterfell. He eyed her up and down in a way that was not entirely appropriate. Rhaenyras eldest son, Jacaerys Velaryon, flew on dragonback to Winterfell, and plead his mothers case to King Cregan Stark, the Old Man of the North. But the Spartan denied him this, intercepting the Targaryens in the skies with his great steel dragon. "The Sword of the Morning!" In the ensuing melee, Jon and Maegor both immediately sought each other out, their long-standing enmity climaxing in a brutal, raging clash of blades between them. He summarily pardoned Cortana of all charges put against her, and received both her and the Spartan back to the Red Keep and seeing that both were treated for any possible injury. On Dolls: Much more of the city was comprised of stone buildings as well, and in no time at all, Kings Landing had become the crown jewel of the South, truly a capitol worthy of a great dynasty.