Did Cotton Drive the Industrial Revolution? Machines More Efficient 3. Data from Paul Bairoch, "International Industrialization Levels from 1750 to 1980," Journal of European Economic History (1982) v. 11. From the late 19th to early 20th centuries, cities grew, factories sprawled and peoples lives became regulated by the clock rather than the sun. Old engraved illustration of Manufacture of Steel by Bessemer's Process. Ball and roller bearings also began being used in machinery. The causes of the Second Industrial Revolution were: Natural resources (coal,iron, oil) Abundant Labor Supply (immigration) Strong Government Policy (Laissez Faire) New Sources of Power ( electricity,petroleum,steel) Railroads American Inventors and Inventions Your welcome. Willie Hume demonstrated the supremacy of Dunlop's newly invented pneumatic tyres in 1889, winning the tyre's first ever races in Ireland and then England. [25][26] This set the stage for the electrification of industry and the home. [29] The solution that Ford Motor developed was a completely redesigned factory with machine tools and special purpose machines that were systematically positioned in the work sequence. By 1900, the process of economic concentration had extended into most branches of industrya few large corporations, some organized as "trusts" (e.g. Understanding chemistry greatly aided the development of basic inorganic chemical manufacturing and the aniline dye industries. The increase in mechanization required more metal parts, which were usually made of cast iron or wrought ironand hand working lacked precision and was a slow and expensive process. The petroleum industry, both production and refining, began in 1848 with the first oil works in Scotland. 3) Mining of Resources. For working-class families, prosperity was often followed by poverty as the availability of work rose and fell depending on the demand for goods. Benz began to sell the vehicle (advertising it as the Benz Patent Motorwagen) in the late summer of 1888, making it the first commercially available automobile in history. 02.01 Regions Chart and Written Response There were several events during the Second Industrial Revolution that had profound effects on each of the major regions in the United States. The salt domes also held natural gas, which some wells produced and which was used for evaporation of the brine. James Clerk Maxwell wrote a paper mathematically analyzing the actions of governors, which marked the beginning of the formal development of control theory. But during the testing of a boat propelled by one, the screw snapped off, leaving a fragment shaped much like a modern boat propeller. The work of Michael Faraday and others was pivotal in laying the foundations of the modern scientific understanding of electricity. Massive improvements in public health and sanitation resulted from public health initiatives, such as the construction of the London sewerage system in the 1860s and the passage of laws that regulated filtered water supplies(the Metropolis Water Act introduced regulation of the water supply companies in London, including minimum standards of water quality for the first time in 1852). With his emphasis on vertical integration of parts and assembly line manufacturing, Henry Ford was its king. Iron caused problems with expansion and contraction, which stressed the iron and caused failure. Other processes were developed for purifying various elements such as chromium, molybdenum, titanium, vanadium and nickel which could be used for making alloys with special properties, especially with steel. The first large scale central distribution supply plant was opened at Holborn Viaduct in London in 1882[27] and later at Pearl Street Station in New York City. After the discovery of mauveine, many new aniline dyes appeared (some discovered by Perkin himself), and factories producing them were constructed across Europe. Following Germany's annexation of Alsace-Lorraine in 1871, it absorbed parts of what had been France's industrial base. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The higher rate of employment is easily seen by considering the 1909 rates of employment compared to the populations of each state in the 1910 census. This idea of good hygiene was attractive to people, and also let people live longer and reproduce more, increasing the population. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. At its peak, the Ford Motor Company factory in Michigan employed 40,000 workers under one big roof. The first widely used internal combustion engine was the Otto type of 1876. To achieve this aim, the engine cylinders were not immobile as in most engines, but secured in the middle by trunnions which allowed the cylinders themselves to pivot back and forth as the crankshaft rotated, hence the term oscillating. In some cases, the advancement of such mechanization substituted for low-skilled workers altogether. How did the Industrial Revolution change society? [43] Drake learned of cable tool drilling from Chinese laborers in the U. S.[44] The first primary product was kerosene for lamps and heaters. Micaela_Phillips33. In America, although non-phosphoric iron largely predominated, an immense interest was taken in the invention.[14]. While it was a period of unprecedented progress and innovation that propelled some people into vast wealth, it also condemned many to poverty, creating a deep social chasm between the industrial machine and the working middle class that fueled it. Northern Europe produced all of the goods, made more money, and the workers living conditions were higher. Built on an unprecedented scale and pioneering the use of high voltage (10,000V) alternating current, it generated 800 kilowatts and supplied central London. Living standards improved significantly in the newly industrialized countries as the prices of goods fell dramatically due to the increases in productivity. Towards the end of the century, Perkin and other British companies found their research and development efforts increasingly eclipsed by the German chemical industry which became world dominant by 1914. "Toronto Metal Workers and the Second Industrial Revolution, 18891914,", This page was last edited on 1 May 2023, at 08:04. The furnace operated at a high temperature by using regenerative preheating of fuel and air for combustion. Centralized expertise in the home office was not enough. By the 1860s, the increased availability and lower cost of Bessemer process steel finally allowed the railroads to utilize it in quantity. By making it cost-effective to build new rail lines, steel enabled the rapid expansion of Americas railroad network. Learn. One of his earliest engines was the grasshopper beam engine. His work has appeared in WIRED, National Geographic, The Washington Post and others. Justus von Liebig was the first to understand the importance of ammonia as fertilizer, and promoted the importance of inorganic minerals to plant nutrition. Sponsored by Sen. Robert F. Wagner of New York and signed by its ardent supporter, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the FSLA prohibited the employment of minors in oppressive child labor, established a mandatory minimum wage, and limited the number of hours employees should work. What were the causes and effects of the Second Industrial Revolution in Western Europe? It was in the 1840s, that Charles Fenerty in Nova Scotia and Friedrich Gottlob Keller in Saxony both invented a successful machine which extracted the fibres from wood (as with rags) and from it, made paper. The science of thermodynamics was developed into its modern form by Sadi Carnot, William Rankine, Rudolf Clausius, William Thomson, James Clerk Maxwell, Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs. Noted inventor Thomas Edison at the lightbulb's golden jubilee anniversary banquet in his honor, Orange, New Jersey, October 16, 1929. While some historians quibble over the exact boundary between the First Industrial Revolution, that began inthe mid-18th century, and the second, that started aroundthe mid-19th century, a primary difference is that the second saw the beginning of mass production in manufacturing and consumer goods. Britain invested less in technological research than the U.S. and Germany, which caught up. When social activist Jane Addams threw a Christmas party at the group home she had just founded in Chicagos slums in 1889, she passed out candy to the impoverished girls who lived there. Called the most important engineering achievement of the 20th century by the National Academy of Engineering, electric lighting greatly improved working conditions and productivity in factories. Download Free Worksheet View answer key This was the first time in history when a large, complex product consisting of 5000 parts had been produced on a scale of hundreds of thousands per year. At the same time, however, industrialization and urbanization drastically reduced the share of the population engaged in agriculture. Among the new conditions, more markedly evident in Britain, the forerunner of Europe's industrial states, were the long-term effects of the severe Long Depression of 18731896, which had followed fifteen years of great economic instability. We discovered that for six weeks they had worked from seven in the morning until nine at night, Addams later wrote, and they were exhausted as well as satiated. Liebig is considered the "father of the fertilizer industry" for his discovery of nitrogen as an essential plant nutrient and went on to establish Liebig's Extract of Meat Company which produced the Oxo meat extract. The large number of stages of the turbine allowed for high efficiency and reduced size by 90%. Where and when did the Industrial Revolution take place? By the 1880s chemical processes for paper manufacture were in use, becoming dominant by 1900. The Second Industrial Revolution also gave rise to the first workplace safety and work hours laws, including the prohibition of child labor. The source of energy used initially to fuel the production was wood. The process of industrialization continues around the world, as do struggles against many of its negative effects, such as industrial pollution and urban crowding. Transportation Effects: 1. 51, 103116 & Preston, A., & Major, 1965, J., Send a gunboat. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/second-industrial-revolution-overview-5180514. Use this chart to compare the effects of the revolution on the North, South, West, and Midwest. Excitement and debate over the dangers and benefits of the Atomic Age were more intense and lasting than those over the Space age but both were predicted to lead to another industrial revolution. Subsequent industrial revolutions include the Digital revolution and Environmental revolution. Was the Industrial Revolution over . [93], By 1900, the leaders in industrial production was Britain with 24% of the world total, followed by the US (19%), Germany (13%), Russia (9%) and France (7%). Life got a whole lot faster. [95] Although commercial aviation existed before WWII, it became a major industry after the war. While factory automation and productivity had been improved by the limited use of First Industrial Revolution inventions such as the steam engine, interchangeable parts, the assembly line, and mass production, most late 19th century factories were still water-powered. 18 terms. It also made it possible to build larger ships, skyscrapers, and longer, stronger bridges. and Brian Harrison. Other technological developments followed, including the invention of the surface condenser, which allowed boilers to run on purified water rather than salt water, eliminating the need to stop to clean them on long sea journeys. If a Western Rip Van Winkle had fallen asleep in 1869 and awakened in 1896, he would not have recognized the lands that the railroads had touched, White writes. The statistics that reflect the effects of industrialization are staggering. The Industrial Revolution brought about sweeping changes in economic and social organization. [77] By the time of Parson's death, his turbine had been adopted for all major world power stations. Get instant feedback, extra help and step-by-step explanations. The key principle was the removal of excess carbon and other impurities from pig iron by oxidation with air blown through the molten iron. #2 - Second Industrial Revolution The Second Industrial Revolution ended just before World War I, historians say. The Gilded Age in America was based on heavy industry such as factories, railroads and coal mining. Print. The basic model of ownership of industry also underwent a major innovation during the Second Industrial Revolution. The Golden Book of Cycling William Hume, 1938. Combined with these, the development of machines controlled by rudimentary computers, gave rise to automated production. The chemical industries also moved to the forefront. The Industrial Revolution brought about sweeping changes in economic and social organization. The 3rd most important reason was the effective sewage system and cleaner water. To help their impoverished families, children, often as young as four years old, were forced to work long hours for little pay in factories under unhealthy and unsafe conditions. The story of the Industrial Revolution begins on the small island of Great Britain. These changes included a wider distribution of wealth and increased international trade. The second most important reason was the improvements in health in sanitation. But this was also the time that human activities started having a profound effect on the environment. Steuart, William M. Abstract of the Census of Manufactures, 1914 .. Washington: Govt. "Koops. And factory workersincluding womenthen had the money to buy these products. [8] Falling costs for producing wrought iron coincided with the emergence of the railway in the 1830s. [69] Control theory was developed to analyze the functioning of centrifugal governors on steam engines. Collaborating with his cousin, Percy Gilchrist a chemist at the Blaenavon Ironworks, Wales, he patented his process in 1878;[13] Bolckow Vaughan & Co. in Yorkshire was the first company to use his patented process. Through this method, an open-hearth furnace can reach temperatures high enough to melt steel, but Siemens did not initially use it in that manner. https://www.thoughtco.com/second-industrial-revolution-overview-5180514 (accessed May 2, 2023). Updates? It became far easier to get around on trains, automobiles and bicycles. All unnecessary human motions were eliminated by placing all work and tools within easy reach, and where practical on conveyors, forming the assembly line, the complete process being called mass production. Matthew, H.C.G. Practically every aspect of everyday life had altered dramatically over the past century. The Second Industrial Revolution was as period of tremendous economic, industrial, and technological advancement taking place between the end of the American Civil War and the start of World War I. In 1841, Joseph Whitworth created a design that, through its adoption by many British railway companies, became the world's first national machine tool standard called British Standard Whitworth. Carruthers, George. By the late 1700s many people could no longer earn their living in the countryside. [14] His process was especially valuable on the continent of Europe, where the proportion of phosphoric iron was much greater than in England, and both in Belgium and in Germany the name of the inventor became more widely known than in his own country. [103], By 1900 the German chemical industry dominated the world market for synthetic dyes. Students may search the Library's online collections to find additional evidence to support the causes and effects on the class chart. Chinese well drilling technology was introduced to Europe in 1828.[41]. They also needed to keep track of cars, which could go missing for months at a time. [34] Henry Ford is quoted as saying that mass production would not have been possible without electricity because it allowed placement of machine tools and other equipment in the order of the work flow. Henry Ford built his first car in 1896 and worked as a pioneer in the industry, with others who would eventually form their own companies, until the founding of Ford Motor Company in 1903. Stronger and cheaper to produce, steel soon replaced iron in the building industry. Other changes that helped bring about the Industrial Revolution included the use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place of the muscles of human beings and of animals. A railroad required expertise available across the whole length of its trackage, to deal with daily crises, breakdowns and bad weather. Enormous fortunes had been made by the owners of factories, natural resources . It became far easier to get around on trains,. Many factory owners became rich. Broadberry, Stephen, and Kevin H. O'Rourke. Road networks improved greatly in the period, using the Macadam method pioneered by Scottish engineer John Loudon McAdam, and hard surfaced roads were built around the time of the bicycle craze of the 1890s. ThoughtCo. Robert Longley is a U.S. government and history expert with over 30 years of experience in municipal government and urban planning. Much of the explosion of economic production in America during the Second Industrial Revolution has been attributed to the expansion of the railroads. By 1920, rail had become the dominant means of transportation, resulting in a steady decrease in the cost of shipping lasting throughout the rest of the century. By 1889 110 electric street railways were either using his equipment or in planning. It came to an end with the start of the Second World War. 7) Governmental Policies. President Thomas Jefferson set the Embargo Act of 1807 during the Napoleonic Wars. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Flashcards. Britain retained its belief in free trade throughout this period. Of the many factors that led to the Industrial Revolution, two of the biggest and most significant were the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Universal History Archive/UIG/Getty Images, https://www.history.com/news/second-industrial-revolution-advances, How the Second Industrial Revolution Changed Americans Lives. Maxwell himself developed the first durable colour photograph in 1861 and published the first scientific treatment of control theory. New products and services were introduced which greatly increased international trade. Use this chart to identify the causes and effects of these events in the North, South, West, and Midwest. The use of machine tools began with the onset of the First Industrial Revolution. What Caused the Second Industrial Revolution? It featured wire wheels (unlike carriages' wooden ones)[59] with a four-stroke engine of his own design between the rear wheels, with a very advanced coil ignition [60] and evaporative cooling rather than a radiator. [6], The first commercial telegraph system was installed by Sir William Fothergill Cooke and Charles Wheatstone in May 1837 between Euston railway station and Camden Town in London. [30] Electric lighting in factories greatly improved working conditions, eliminating the heat and pollution caused by gas lighting, and reducing the fire hazard to the extent that the cost of electricity for lighting was often offset by the reduction in fire insurance premiums. 40 terms. [67][68] Control theory is the basis for process control, which is widely used in automation, particularly for process industries, and for controlling ships and airplanes. As a far more durable and readily available material, steel soon replaced iron as the standard for railroad rails. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. People are coming from rural backgrounds who are used to self-directing their work, which is organized around the seasons and light, Freeman says. The railroad soon became the main way by which companies transported raw materials to their factories and delivered final products to consumers. A Beginner's Guide to the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution, which began in the mid-1700s and lasted into the mid-1800s, was similarly a revolutionary experience. Between 1865 and 1916, the transcontinental network of railroads, Americas magic carpet made of steel, expanded from 35,000 miles to over 254,000 miles. [42] Drake's well touched off a major boom in oil production in the United States. The Second Industrial Revolution is followed by the Third Industrial Revolution starting in 1947. The diesel engine was independently designed by Rudolf Diesel and Herbert Akroyd Stuart in the 1890s using thermodynamic principles with the specific intention of being highly efficient. The Industrial Revolution first began in Britain in the 18th century but soon spread throughout Europe and North America. This started a new era for paper making,[39] and, together with the invention of the fountain pen and the mass-produced pencil of the same period, and in conjunction with the advent of the steam driven rotary printing press, wood based paper caused a major transformation of the 19th century economy and society in industrialized countries.