the bird is mostly raised on poultry farms. Water-dispersible source of vitamins, trace minerals, and electrolytes. Oliver (Ollie) Jones - A zoologist and freelance writer living in South Australia with his partner Alex, their dog Pepper, and their cat Steve (who declined to be pictured). But people began to prefer the Broad Breasted White turkey during the beginning in the 1960s. Nesting boxes should be clean, dry, and lined with clean bedding such as straw or wood shavings. The Broad Breasted White is commercially the most widely used breed of domesticated turkey. Where can I find a bird raised without added hormones? Average lifespan of a Broad Breasted White turkey is between 2 and 5 years. These birds need a well-rounded course to ensure they get all the nutrients they require in their bodies. All turkeys live there until they move to another unit. Rated 4.57 out of 5. } Broad-breasted white turkeys have white feathers, pink legs, and black beards. (Image credit: Apartment Therapy) Heritage turkeys are old-fashioned breeds with smaller breasts, darker leg meat and heftier price tags than conventionally raised turkeys, but many people say the superior taste is worth the higher cost. Their frozen meat is also available in the market. Required fields are marked *. These birds are grown in large, fully automated grow-out barns, which may house as many as 10,000 birds. Because of their size, predilection for overeating, and sedentary personalities,[2] they are flightless and prone to health problems associated with obesity, such as heart disease, respiratory failure and joint damage; even if such turkeys are spared from slaughter (such as those involved in the annual turkey pardons), they usually have short lives as a result. This is the reason these little critters are fed on a gamebird feed because it contains 28-30% protein. Most commercial turkey farms purchase poults from hatcheries, raise them within a season or two, process, and purchase again. Today the Broad Breasted White turkeys are grown in large, fully automated grow-out barns, which may house as many as 10,000 birds. Select the right breed for your business. Breeding Broad Breasted White turkeys requires ongoing care and management. These turkeys are generally docile and friendly, and can be easily handled with proper care and training. Incredibly social breeds, turkeys can die of loneliness if they arent kept with acceptable companions. Unlike broad-breasted varieties, heritage turkey breeds can mate and fly in the same ways as their wild ancestors. They want birds that have been raised naturally and humanely. The development or growth rate was 0.55% per year. Also, heritage species are preferred by chefs for their enhanced flavor and lean meat. Bronze turkeys stand 4 feet tall, with a 15 to 18-inch tail and a 6-foot wingspan. Broad Breasted White Turkey Uses The United States slaughters over 250 million White turkeys every year for meat. Mature birds cannot be used for breeding unless the farm has special equipment and training. It is commercially the most widely used domesticated turkey for meat. White turkeys have been bred to give more breast meat than other breeds, such as Bourbon red turkeys, broad-breasted bronze turkeys, midget white turkeys, black turkeys, Narragansett turkeys, and slate turkeys. } You can house them in a coop or a free-range area, depending on your setup. These birds have small breasts, long legs and are super hardy being able to adapt easily. Though we see stunning pictures of iridescent bronze turkeys with white banding, the most common color for commercial production is white because the carcass dresses out cleaner. Your white turkeys need to have a good coop. Your privacy is important to us. Average birds are typically 38-40 lbs. They are a cross of Royal Palms and the Broad Breasted Bronze. Some examples of heritage birds include Standard Bronze, Royal Palm, Bourbon Red, Narragansett, Auburn, and Black. Originally published in 2015 and regularly vetted for accuracy. In colder climates, you may need to provide additional heat sources such as heaters or heat lamps to keep them warm. When farmers supply a spacious coop for the turkeys and feed them a healthy diet, they can live up to 5 years. They also make good pets and you will enjoy entertainment from a tom gobbling, struting and fanning his tail feathers. Many like the idea of heritage turkeys for Thanksgiving. Typically they are not able to reproduce, and their life span is naturally shorter. Denying them a nesting area will encourage them to nest in the bushes. Here we are listing the most common questions about this turkey breed, and trying to answer them. Best 23 Feeding Tips, Can Dogs Eat Skippy Peanut Butter? At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Your email address will not be published. Turkey farming is also a good venture. Because biosecurity is so crucial in a bird that can get so sick, many growers resort to adding antibiotics to daily feed. Is Raising Turkeys for Eggs at Homestead a Viable Option? When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. The Broad Breasted White turkey is the most popular and widely raised breed of domestic turkey. The incubation period of eggs is about 28 days, after which the breeders check the sex of the turkey poults or chicks and distributed them to the grow-out farms. Turkeys may start out antibiotic-free, but farmers may medicate an entire flock if a few birds get sick. [1] White turkeys also need fresh and clean water to drink. (function () { It is believed that the Bronze Turkey originates from a cross between wild US turkeys and those brought over in the 18th century by settlers from England. Turkeys should be fed at regular intervals throughout the day, with smaller, more frequent meals being better than larger, less frequent meals. The juiciness is because of how the turkey lives, at what age it is butchered, and which additives have been injected before the meat is wrapped in plastic. The cross was developed to produce a bird that was bigger than the English turkeys but easier to manage than wild ones. Although, they are not allowed to live more than 18 months in the commercial farms. Lifespan Of A Turkey In the wild, the average turkey life expectancy is 3 to 5 years, with hens usually living three years and toms living for four years. And currently the breed is one of the most popular heritage turkey breeds in the United States. They are generally complete white in coloration with pink legs, a black beards, and red carnucling. We were given two turkeys last year and never planned on butchering them. However, these birds led to frustrations as they weighed much less than it was anticipated. As with all fowl, males can be territorial and even violent, attacking intruders or newcomers with sharp claws. Heritage breed turkeys are closer to their wild relatives. Male broad-breasted white turkey price is roughly $8.90, whereas female broad-breasted white turkey or hen usually sold for about $8.05. The 3 Stages to Successfully Raising Turkeys on Pasture, How to Butcher a Turkey For the Freezer or Thanksgiving, 12 Odd Tips on Raising Heritage Breed Turkeys You Need to Know, Beginners Guide to Raising Turkeys in Your Backyard for Meat and Profit, About White Holland Turkeys: A Rapidly Declining Heritage Variety, Turkey Anatomy: Revealing the Mysteries of Snood, Caruncle, Wattle, and More, Black Turkey: Great Meat Producers for Small Farm, Beginners Guide to Raising Turkey From Poults in Your Backyard, About Midget White Turkeys: Unusually Small, but Charming Birds, 9 Reasons Why Raising Turkeys Might Not Be Right For Some Homesteaders, Bronze Turkey: The Domesticated Wild Turkey, About Slate Turkeys: Heritage and Endangered Meat Producers, About Bourbon Red Turkeys: Distinguished Meat Birds, About Royal Palm Turkeys: Not All Turkeys Are Just for Meat, About Narragansett Turkeys: An Older And Showier Turkey Variety, The Shortcuts to Raising Turkeys for Profit. Later, in 1943, Broad Breasted Bronze blood was introduced. Eschewing all antibiotics means suffering of the animal, spread of disease, and euthanasia of sick animals before the other livestock can contract the illness. Ventilation is vital to allow free air circulation. This property makes it the most popular breed of turkey in commercial meat production. Food critics claim heritage breeds taste better and have healthier meat than their industrial counterparts. There is a fleshy appendage in the male that hangs from the beak. Pet Keen is reader-supported. I think someone on here had a hen live for 9 years, I do not remember her username though. Sick birds should be taken to a bird vet for treatment. Broad breasted turkeys are huge, fast growing meat turkeys. Ollie, originally from the USA, holds his master's degree in wildlife biology and moved to Australia to pursue his career and passion but has found a new love for working online and writing about animals of all types. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for. Bronze pin feathers can be dark and visible. Here are some key things to keep in mind: Turkeys need plenty of space to move around and stretch their wings. var adElemSticky = document.getElementById('vi-sticky-ad'); Although hens produce high-quality eggs, theyre usually not for sale to the public. Best 23 Tips, Can Dogs Eat Corn? Large operations can load up to 1,500 turkeys per hour into the truck, and many birds break their wings or suffer from internal hemorrhaging in the loading process. Bronze pin feathers can be dark and visible. I'm not 100% sure that they are broad breasted but I think we did. . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. These critters will not only add color but also ensure you have a reliable source of meat and those jumbo eggs for breakfast. Broad Breasted White turkeys have white feathers, a pinkish-white head and neck, and a bright red wattle and snood. JavaScript is disabled. 1. Midget White toms average 13 pounds, and hens average 8 pounds at market weight. Genetic diversity is lacking in White turkeys, and most adult birds that are spared from the slaughterhouse do not live comfortable lives before dying. What is the lifespan of a broad breasted turkey? Heritage breeds, through the years, became less popular as modern agriculture took . A 40-pound tom turkey flaps his wing as Chris Conley carries him to a pen at Raymond's Turkey Farm in Methuen, Mass., on Friday. These birds are ready for market after a period of 16 weeks. These enormous turkeys generally are for meat production. The Broad Breasted White turkeys are large sized birds and they have been bred for providing a meaty carcass with more breast meat than any other turkey breeds. The broad-breasted white turkey is endemic to America but it can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Your email address will not be published. The Orlopp Bronze is a strong complement to any farm, delivering competitive feed conversion and maintaining industry-leading health status . The perfect temperature is important because, in a high-temperature environment, the metabolic rate of broad-breasted whites will become high which may make them susceptible to heat stress. Featured Image Credit: Jennifer Yakey-Ault, Shutterstock. On the other hand, domesticated turkeys live almost double this time - for around ten years if kept well and fed appropriately on average. Provide them with a high-quality turkey feed, as well as fresh water and occasional treats like insects, worms, and vegetables. if (width <= 900) { This makes them an ideal choice for commercial meat production. If you've fallen in love with how friendly and beautiful turkeys can be, might I suggest that you consider getting heritage breed turkeys? After just a few years after they were introduced in the farms, farmers disliked their output making them loose favor and they were out after they were replaced by other breeds. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! The Bronze, White Holland, and Black varieties, the wild turkey, and White Austrian turkeys imported from Scotland were first used in the development of this small-type turkey. . They can be friendly with humans and may even follow keepers around, like a pet dog. You may also want to separate the poults from the adult turkeys to prevent injury or illness. They mature fast and are good at laying eggs. The breed was actually developed by crossing the White Holland and the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey. They are excellent foragers and will help control weeds and other insect pests on your backyard. It is very easy for poults to feed on them. When Europeans first encountered turkeys in the New World, they incorrectly identified them as guinea fowl, a group of birds believed to originate in the country Turkey. Avoid loud noises, sudden movements, and overcrowding, which can cause stress and lead to health problems. You should know what not to feed turkeys to avoid ill health or death because of food poisoning. This breed produces more meat than other turkey breeds. = '1'; Lots of free range time with plenty of walks for exercise will help maintain her health. = '10px'; Proper feeding is essential for the health and growth of these birds, as it can provide them with the nutrients they need to thrive and produce high-quality meat. Top 7 Potential Risks, Why Pet Insurance is Worth the Investment, Can Dogs Eat Almonds? Copyright 2023 It's Poultry - All Rights Reserved. This is because a broad-breasted that is allowed to grow to maturity can dress out at over fifty pounds. Due to their heavy weight, they are not able to fly or even mate naturally but rather rely on artificial inseminated in order to reproduce. All animals and humans have hormones. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. Ollie, originally from the USA, holds his master's degree in wildlife biology and moved to Australia to pursue his career and passion but has found a new love for working online and writing about animals of all types. Their development was prompted by the rising population in the United States at the time that made the demand for turkey meat sky rocket. What is the color of Broad Breasted White turkey eggs? As part of the Slow Food USA Ark Of Taste, the Standard Bronze Turkey is considered a heritage food that is in danger of going extinct. Keeping turkeys can require more care than keeping other poultry. You can keep her as a pet but be prepared for your heart to ache when she does pass. The broad-breasted white turkey bird earned its name from the fact that before arriving at European tables, this species traveled through the country of Turkey. Even if it was legal, most growers wouldnt resort to hormones because its too expensive for the grower and too dangerous for the bird. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for publishers to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. The turkeys breasts are so large that the birds are unable to reproduce naturally. While many farmers have announced that they will stop adding medication to daily feed, they hold that treating sick animals is the most humane way to raise meat. Turkeys are sensitive to temperature fluctuations, so its important to keep their housing at a consistent temperature. After that, when English people came to America, they really got amazed by the broad-breasted white turkey which tastes excellent because of their natural diet of walnuts, chestnuts, and other nuts. Broad Breasted White turkey is the breed raised by the commercial turkey farmers in the United States. Its Safe & Best 27 Tips, Can Dogs Eat Eggs? The breed is very good for producing breast meat. Commercially, heritage breeds compose a small percentage, around 25,000 produced annually compared to 200,000,000 industrial (broad-breasted) birds. These properties have made the breed popular in commercial turkey production but enthusiasts of slow food argue that the development of this breed and the methods in commercial turkey production have come at a cost of less flavor. 14 Ways Cats Show Their Love, Cute Frogs: 9 Pictures That Will Make You Happy. They weigh much like a heavy chicken with toms weighing 16 to 20 pounds and hens 8 to 12 pounds. The birds large breasts weigh the bird down, and the full-grown turkeys seem off balance when they waddle around. A good, secure and comfortable housing is essential for the health and well-being of these birds, as it can help protect them from the elements, provide them with a safe and comfortable environment, and prevent the spread of disease. Average live body weight of the mature Broad Breasted White turkey is between 17 and 20 kg. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. It is arduous to housetrain these turkeys and they do produce a large amount of poop. I don't think I have the heart to butcher her. } Can they be kept as pets? A single broad-breasted white turkey bird needs at least ten sq ft of space inside a cage. In 1874, this new breed of turkey was accepted into the American Poultry Association. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. The name Bronze started in the 1830s, initially with the Point Judith Bronze from Rhode Island, but eventually spread to all birds of this type. Provide enough feed to keep the birds satisfied, but avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to health problems such as obesity. Talking white turkeys, there are four pure white breeds that are known. These birds have shorter breast bones and legs than other breeds and are unable to reproduce naturally. A good turkey feed should contain at least 20-24% protein, with a balance of essential amino acids. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! I had one of them die from a vent prolapse and being pecked by chickens so I've been doing a lot of research. free printable turkey body coloring pages. A male turkey is called a tom, whereas a female turkey is known as a hen. The Broad Breasted White is a fast growing turkey breed. The flooring in your turkey housing should be easy to clean and provide good traction to prevent slips and falls. The other seems very healthy. Oliver (Ollie) Jones - A zoologist and freelance writer living in South Australia with his partner Alex, their dog Pepper, and their cat Steve (who declined to be pictured). Then make a very good house for your birds. In addition to protein, turkeys require a variety of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Can broad breasted turkeys live a happy healthy life? Their legs and feet are grayish-white. Broad Breasted usually come in white (most common), bronze, and black. The worse problems are heart failure and legs giving out due to the weight. Another threat to turkeys are internal parasites like gape, thread and tapeworms. The powerful strut by toms fanning their tail feathers and exposing their long fleshy snoods is eye thrilling. Often, a melanin-rich pocket of fluid surrounds the feather shaft, leaking like ink when the feather is plucked. The farm raises approximately 20,000 broad-breasted white turkeys . Although, Broad Breasted White is a meat turkey breed and raised mainly for meat production purpose. In addition to that, their nitrogen rich manure will fertilize your vegetable garden. No! Size and Weight. Is Broad Breasted White turkey farming profitable? This should be either added in their dirt bath or dusted directly on their bodies in small amounts. The temperament of broad-breasted white turkeys is moderately docile but sometimes they become aggressive. The Spanish were the first Europeans to bring turkeys back, resulting in breeds such as Spanish Black and Royal Palm. How Do Cats Show Affection? Although in the 20th century, the breed split to become the Broad Breasted Bronze and the Standard Bronze, the two are still typically referred to simply as the Bronze. = 'block'; Do Broad Breasted White turkeys lay eggs? It gets its name from the bronze finish to its plumage, and it is prized for its meat production, and although it is not as popular as the Broad Breasted White Turkey, many consumers look specifically for this breed for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. These turkeys are small and white in color. There are officially two varieties of Bronze Turkey: The exact numbers of the Bronze Turkey are unknown, but it is believed that the Broad Breasted variant is only bred in five or six hatchers across the US, while the Traditional Bronze is kept by hobbyists and backyard farmers. This poultry article is a stub. They are prone to heart disease, respiratory failure and joint damage. One advantage of raising broad-breasted white turkey is that you do not have to worry about them as it does not has many predators. = ''; The Broad Breasted White turkeys are large sized birds and they have been bred for providing a meaty carcass with more breast meat than any other turkey breeds. Breeders also give them infrared heaters in the initial days. Despite its popularity, the breed is also known for its susceptibility to health issues due to its large size, and requires careful care and management to stay healthy and productive. They grow so quickly that their hearts eventually just give out. [1] They produce more breast meat and their pin feathers are less visible when the carcass is dressed due to their white color. Broad-breasted white turkey birds feed on corn or soybean meal with an adequate amount of mixed vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. creative tips and more. Your total order requires ANY 3 birds to ship. StresEEZ Plus - $9.25. Provide plenty of clean bedding, heat lamps or other heat sources, and a consistent supply of food and water. These birds are highly valued in the United States especially during Thanks giving where millions are butchered for meat. Previously, it was thought the domestication of turkey has occurred in middle Mesoamerica about 2,000 years ago, but a recent study found that subsequent domestication happened in the southwest United States between 200 BC and AD 500. Broad-Breasted Bronze feathers are copper bronze, with a background of brown and black, and white bars on the tail a coloration is very similar to wild turkeys. Do you want more meat or would you rather preserve an endangered breed? Turkeys require an incubation period of around 28 days. The animals are raised in cramped conditions in large turkey farms, but small farmers often let them forage on free-range lands. Another thing you can do is to use plastic chick feeders with oval-shaped openings to feed these birds. Conditions on the truck are even worse than on the farm. That is why Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the broad-breasted white turkey the national emblem of America. = ''; Consumers who purchase heritage turkeys also tend to hold a higher standard to their meat, eschewing additives or antibiotics, which can extend the life of a bird raised in confinement. The poults or baby birds are generally of yellow color. How big does a Broad Breasted White turkey get? Youll also need to monitor the birds for signs of illness or injury, and treat any health issues promptly to prevent the spread of disease. In addition to growing slower, a heritage turkey is also more active, which results in less fat. However, baby white turkey chicks are yellow. By 1965 the Broad Breasted White had taken over the turkey market. The Bronze was officially recognized as a breed in 1874. These birds have shorter breast bones and legs than other breeds and are unable to reproduce naturally. Most white turkeys are calm, friendly and social meaning they will not harm your kids. The bird gained popularity so early that William Shakespeare referred to them in the play Twelfth Night. What Does a Chicken Coop Need for Winter? Which is our fault for not doing the research and asking more questions. You are using an out of date browser. They are ready to butcher as early as 5 months and only have a life expectancy of 18 months. Are Bronze Turkeys Good for Small-Scale Farming? They grow quicker and dress out heavier than heritage counterparts. The goal was to develop a turkey that would produce more meat per bird, while maintaining the desirable traits of the White Holland breed. The size of broad-breasted white turkeys ranges between 39.5-49.2 in (100.5-125 cm) in length and weighs around 29.7-86 lb (13.5-39 kg). Though we see stunning pictures of iridescent bronze turkeys with white banding, the most common color for commercial production is white because the carcass dresses out cleaner. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Americans preferred smaller turkeys with more breast meat that fit into an icebox. Labels may say, young tom or young turkey. Most commercial growers process their birds at seven to twenty pounds and freeze them until the holiday season. The Midget White turkey is a relatively new breed. These birds demonstrate their masculine features as a sign of dominance and as a way of wooing females. A 0.5-acre area is enough for a dozen turkeys in a fenced-in region. In 2020, the population size of broad-breasted white turkey was approximately 84.3 million. Make sure to keep the eggs at a consistent temperature of around 99-101 degrees Fahrenheit, and rotate them regularly to prevent the embryos from sticking to the sides of the egg. See also: Bourbon Red Turkey: Facts, Uses, Origins & Characteristics, Featured Image Credit: Lev Levin, Shutterstock. Yes! Check your inbox for your latest news from us. For now, feel free to continue reading. They are prone to leg and back problems due to their heavy nature. In commercial production, hatcheries get their eggs from the breeding farms. Less than 5 months after birth, the turkeys are loaded haphazardly in large trailers and taken to the slaughterhouse. One of its relatives, the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey, was a popular commercial bird until it was replaced by the Beltsville White. In 1956, the USDA first approved hormone use for raising cattle. [3] Broad Breasted Whites also have a very high percentage of their eggs hatch, which makes turkey eggs as a food item a rare delicacy.[4][5]. Proper care and management can help prevent these issues. The rearing of a high proportion of broad-breasted whites occurs in different types of purpose-built or modified buildings. If you are raising the broad breasted white turkeys, roosts are not important. Adequate lighting is important for the health and well-being of turkeys, as it helps to regulate their sleep cycles and can promote healthy growth. They have a high feed to meat conversion ratio reaching maturity quickly than other common breeds. if ((_footer && _footer.getBoundingClientRect().top < 500)) { Milder turkey meat tends to be more popular but fetches a lower price than gamey, heritage meat. Also, look for those heavy breeds like the breasted whites because they cannot mate naturally. Broad breasted white turkeys have white feathers, red carnucling, a black beard, and pink feet. Tom was a broad-breasted white turkey. Ideally, you should provide at least 10 square feet of space per bird. Why do heritage turkeys for Thanksgiving cost more per pound than standard birds? By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Does antibiotic use determine whether you are willing to pay more for heritage turkeys for Thanksgiving? The massive, white-feathered bird is used more than any other breed; commercial chicken farms typically house around 10,000 birds to keep up with the American demand for turkey meat. So keeping her lighter can help you keep her longer. If the White turkeys in a commercial farm gain weight too fast, their keepers starve them for a few days to keep them within the correct weight limit. What is the connection between raising turkeys and what ends up on your own plate? }()). The Bronze has straight, strong legs set well apart. Most of us are willing to pay more for a bird raised without added hormones, right? They will require artificial insemination if they have to reproduce. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. No! Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. = ''; They can contract many diseases such as blackhead, avian influenza, aspergillosis, and coryza. Unlike wild turkeys that get to roam and forage freely, commercial white chickens are crammed in tiny spaces and forced to eat high-fat turkey feed to ensure they reach the market standard for weight. Here are some key things to keep in mind if you are interested in breeding these turkeys: Start by selecting healthy, high-quality breeding stock.