Here's how. Confidence is one of the underrated reasons why honesty is the best policy. Of course, this is very subjective and open to debate. Dishonesty causes stress and frustration, instead of making things much simpler and telling the truth. Yet, at the same time, if we arent genuine, we prevent ourselves from giving our friends the honest feedback they may require. The reason why honesty does more good than harm is that you show your true colors to everyone else. It seems like everything is an advertisement for a You will feel more regret that you didn't try, rather than if you had failed. For this reason, telling the truth isnt the best policy when talking to strangers. Its only natural that when youre honest, your loved ones come to you for advice and opinions. Ever . However, its neither helping yourself nor the people youre lying to. When honesty is one of your core values as a person, you become more authentic- both towards yourself and others. To consider whether what you intend to say or do will be helpful and constructive to the other person and your relationship. Not to mention, you have fewer things to worry about, and youre not as stressed with everything. And being honest is not in any way manipulating people into doing what you want. When we become angry, its because we usually feel other more basic and vulnerable feelings such as hurt, sadness and fear. Youre generally a better person if you have honesty as one of your qualities as believe it or not, its a rare trait to find nowadays. What Does It Mean When People Say Honesty Is The Best Policy? Honesty without compassion is cruelty. Most of the time, people just want to hear nice things, or things that are convenient. The Truth Hurts: 101+ Quotes About Lying In A Relationship. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, How to reconnect and make peace with the deceased, Uncovering the Secret Payoffs that Guilt Tripping Provides. 1 However, since every person with HIV does not develop AIDS, it is not sufficient to cause AIDS. Most often, dishonesty is the aspect that breaks apart relationships and friendships. The best example of this kind of situation is when you have a job interview with a different company, as it is not likely that you can admit you have a job interview somewhere else. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. And in terms of relationships with other people, openness gives rise to vulnerability and vulnerability gives rise to genuine connection. Of course, this should never be your motivation alone for being honest. By being honest, you also become the perfect example and inspiration to others on why honesty is the best road to take. If you go to job interviews and are completely honest about you skills and experience (or lack thereof) you will not get a job. When youre honest with everyone else, it proves the consistency of your overall character. One day the phone rang, and for some reason, I decided to pick it up. The main reason we don't achieve our desired outcomes is because we lack trust- in ourselves, our plans, our execution, our efforts and our process. Living an honest life means you dont have to harbor feelings of guilt or shame. You live an honest and authentic life, and your dishonesty is not controlling you. In all your relationships, honesty is what makes you much more reliable and trustworthy. Your life is yours, and so is your privacy; in most cases, somebody doesnt have a right to your private personal details. When this happens, the best we can do is keep the peace and not say anything that will get us in trouble. Honest people have pure hearts and intentions, and its what makes them approachable in the first place. Not only is it extremely stressful to keep being dishonest with yourself and others, but it represents everything on your character and values. However, there are several more points that are being argued for in the . One reason why honesty itself can mitigate potential negative consequences of conveying difficult information is that honesty builds social capital. It also encourages others to do the same, which can lead to more meaningful and productive conversations. It takes a particular act of bravery and courage to stick to your beliefs, no matter what anyone else says. While honesty can also hurt someones feelings, you end up doing more good than harm by being honest. By being honest, you have fewer things to worry about since its much easier to tell the truth than to bend it and turn it into a lie. Often we might feel that this is the kindest thing to do or the thing that suits us best. I mentioned before that if my wifes cooking isnt great, she wouldnt want to hear that; instead, constructive criticism is the best approach. But standardized tests don't necessarily measure ability or achievement. Whats more, continuing on the path of full disclosure can actually bring permanent closure to your relationships! While Ive presented 11 examples of times where telling the truth might not be the best idea, I dont believe that we should be dishonest most of the time. My Champions, you know me. You dont care about conforming to what others want or making others comfortable. 1.) Over the years, I have had some horrible jobs that I didnt like and didnt want to keep, but I needed the money, so it was invariably better to say nothing at all when asked how I felt. When you have honesty, this means people can trust you with absolutely anything and everything. Even if the rest of the world doesnt share your belief and even if it may disappoint someone, you practice honesty anyway. Anger sticks a Band-Aid over one's hurt and negates the other persons authority to judge them. Its the choice of one. Honesty is what makes relationships have a strong foundation to last. It might be harsh on the eyes at first. Sometimes being honest is bad because it can hurt our friends and families feelings. The truth is like sunlight. Sometimes being honest isnt possible, so you have to tell a white lie to do what you need to do. 1. When youre honest, a lot of people are going to trust and rely on you. Dishonesty causes stress and frustration, instead of 3. Honesty is the quality of always speaking the truth and being totally authentic, straightforward, and transparent in our words and actions. Sometimes we lie to ourselves so that we dont have to face the harsh reality of our situation, and someone else being honest with us can reveal important things we need to address. Without honesty, theres no trust and without trust, no foundation can be formed. Whether youre getting it off your chest, venting, expressing yourself, airing your feelings or just being honest," the truth about honesty is that honesty is not always the best policy. Its not easy to tell the truth and facts as it is or be your true self. Your loved ones know that your motto is honesty is the best policy, so when theyre looking for direct advice, they come to you. If they know that you are a person of honesty and integrity, they wont need to question what you have to say or look for the underlying motives behind your actions. Long ago, my neighbours were out of town for the winter, and they asked me to take care of their cat. Lisa Lieberman-Wang Business and Marketing Strategist. It is the foundation of all healthy relationships, both personal and professional, and it is the cornerstone of a life well-lived. Over time, couples may pick up harmful relationship habits that they need to unlearn. Comfort For Others. The thing about work is that we often need our jobs and dont have many choices until we can find something else. ? Since way back I can remember being someone that consistent." Often in life, its tempting to tell a lie a little white lie, as we tend to sell it to ourselves. Dr. Jamie Turndorf Ph.D., is a relationship therapist, emotional communication expert, author and advice columnist. Sometimes being honest is bad because people dont want the truth; they want someone to listen to them while they get out their thoughts. Author's note: The truth is I like to tinker. Nearly 70 percent of romances may begin as friendships, new research suggests. In some circumstances, it is no longer true. Respect will take you places in life, and one of the primary ways to do that is by being honest. To consider whether what you intend to say or do will be helpful and constructive to the other person and your relationship. Make sure the truth is the truth. Im sure with most large projects, this is almost always the case, as at a certain point, there is nothing that can be done, so feedback is virtually worthless. It is, then, pretty f**king ingenious and brave for Totally Completely Fine, a new Aussie series by Stan and Sundance Now, to tackle the issue as a Comedy-Drama. But at the same time, we have to be careful with the thing we are ending cause we need it to have a positive outcome. No one actually wants to hear what you think. Theres bravery in deciding to be honest with everyone in your life. Primary psychopathy is characterized by hostility, extraversion, self-confidence, impulsivity, aggression, and mild-to-moderate anxiety. Over the years, I've learnt to see things in a different light. Honesty is an integral character trait that makes people become better versions of themselves. They know what you would actually like them to do rather than trying to infer this from the mixed messages you may give when you arent being totally honest. Gaining respect and admiration from others Honesty can also help you gain respect and admiration from others. If you take a test online, the system is theoretically capable of not only revealing how many answers you got correct, but also whether it took you more time (or less) to take the test versus others. Its generally easy to be someone who youre not and honesty promotes authenticity and vulnerability. When this comes to responsibility, you can gain more if you are willing to bend the truth, though there is always the risk that someday you could get caught. In a civilized world, honesty and compassion need to go hand in hand. But when you are honest with someone, they will find it difficult to find the weakness in what you are saying. They may not like what you say or certain truths you have, but at least youre not sugarcoating significant facts and thats something to admire. Honesty is the best policy for the reason that, without honesty, people wouldnt be able to rely on you. I agreed being compassionate is really important so that no one get hart by our honesty. Its a sad fact that our education at home and in school doesnt include teaching us how to manage our angry feelings. Honesty is one of the primary foundations of a relationship, but theres an exception to this rule. Rather, being honest is also a sign of respect. The above points are just clean and obvious reasons why same-sex marriage should have been legal at least by this century. Whether or not you care about what others think or not, your reputation is on the line when youre an honest person. Often we might feel that this is the kindest thing to do - or the thing that suits us best. You may not get your way every time because compromises must often be made, but at least youll get your way sometimes or a middle ground will be reached that suits you both. Honesty is important. 5. Of course, you may feel slightly bad if you have to tell someone an uncomfortable truth, but that wont last long. 10 reasons: You become reliable. Its a sad fact that our education at home and in school doesnt include teaching us how to manage our angry feelings. On the other end, the person said they were conducting a survey and started to ask a whole bunch of personal questions. Some people live in the shadows of misdirection, concealment, coercion, and outright lies. We bet on the rational case for trust. We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. But when it comes to the interests of the companies, it makes a lot of sense to be confident because that is how you close contracts. Being honest doesnt always work cause there are times when we need to lie to avoid conflict and unnecessary consequences. If you treat others with the same respect and honesty they deserve, thats also how the people in your life will treat you. More People Will Be Happy Through Honesty It's always good to pay it forward and develop good karma. Copyright 2023 Subconscious Servant. You value relationships, you have a pure heart, and most importantly, you have integrity. Its like taking an emotional poop, which provides an instant release of pressure. You may need more than just HIV infection for AIDS to occur.