Father, Im comforted and I feel safe knowing that You see all things and everyone around me. These verses offer comfort, proving youre never alone in your battles. Are all the products of hidden enemies. In the face of evil, fear and doubt may shake our faith in Gods promises. Prayer to Love your Enemies. Thanks for praying Therefore i will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me During conflicts, we can gain strength from real-life examples, like the fall of the Berlin Wall. To get him through the battle. Prayer is vital in asking God to shield us from evil. Faith in Jesus, however, equips us to resist these accusations. As I begin to pray now, may the strength of God lift me above this level, in Jesus name. Supported by Philippians and Hebrews verses, were encouraged to trust Gods plan, rely on His strength and guidance, and hold onto His promises. Despite such challenges, many have achieved remarkable success, transforming communities and nations. 5. It tells us the Lord will fight for us, and all we need to do is be still. It was about trying to get me so hurt by the circumstances that I would react in a certain way that would kill my ministry. Some will harm you, cause you shame just to get what they want. Psalm 55:12, For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then i could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then i would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. April 2016 They chose to honor God instead of bowing to King Nebuchadnezzars golden statue. Trusting His divine protection and seeking His guidance, we can move forward confidently, knowing Hes with us every step of the way. Through forgiveness, reconciliation, or standing against injustice, we can participate in Gods redemptive work. no weapon forged against you will prevail. This divine act exposed the enemys scheme, shamed the authorities, and led to the jailers conversion. There are many types, and the level of wickedness they carry out varies. During times of danger or uncertainty, we must turn to God for protection. More grace and remain rapturable. The stories of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and brave missionaries demonstrate that God is always with us, ready to deliver us from evil and guide us to His heavenly kingdom. Prayer for Deliverance from Your Enemies. 1 John 2:1 underlines the importance of obedience to God. Were in a war, beloveds. The verse reminds us that God is our defender, and we can trust in His strength and righteousness. In the name of Jesus, I demand all the hands that cover my blessings to be lifted. It says salvation comes from the Lord, who is our stronghold in times of trouble. Let all strange fire prepared against my life be quenched in the name of Jesus. Some will stop/block/hinder you just to get ahead. Are you born again, if not go to the SALVATION Message 2. Believers are encouraged to trust Gods justice and timing, as Romans 12:19 advises, Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord.. Take your time and start with the Our Father then you can do a second prayer that is your personal prayer where you speak of your problems and issues. When we know who our friendly enemies are, we can avoid being hurt, disappointed, sold out and having our plans ruined. Life And as you do, Gods peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). But God sent me that revelation for a reason. In our journey through life, we often encounter negativity and deception. 2. Abiding in Jesus and trusting His unity with the Father, we can confront the enemy with confidence in our eternal security. Help spread the word. These stories testify to Gods redemptive power, exposing the enemys lies. As I begin to pray now, all the arrows of the adversary that have been aimed at me without resistance are redirected to the heads of my foes, in Jesus name. Seeking refuge in Him allows us to experience His steadfast love and care, giving us the strength to face challenges. AMEN. As we confront evil, we must remember were not alone. And most importantly, ask Him to show you exactly how to come in the opposite spirit and defeat that thing. 5 There is no way I'll ever agree to your accusations. Constant vigilance and spiritual tools are essential in resisting and overcoming evil forces. Scriptures like Romans 12:19, Psalm 23:5, and Exodus 14:14 emphasize Gods role in defending His people and addressing their adversaries. William Careys missionary work in India is one example. Prayer for God's help 5. Loving Father, i pray you give me the discernment to know my friendly enemirs and for you to please keep them far away from me and help them become better people and prayerful to you.Thank you my GOD.Amen.i pray you keep my mother sober at all times, healthy, blessed and may home be her priority to bars.Thank you my GOD.Amen.please GOD give me your wisdom and understanding such that i can understand all i study and pass my exams successfully.Amen..Thank you my GOD.Amen.thank you my GOD.Amen. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord. These passages inspire believers to confidently trust in Gods protection and guidance when confronted with evil or adversity. Their courage and impact expose and shame those who tried to silence them. I know that you are going to give me revelation on ________. Lots of it. 4. 12. Your email address will not be published. This is the heritage of the servantsof the. Praying for Discernment Oh Lord, open my eyes to see all friendly enemies in my life and expose any person around me that the enemy is using to gain entry into my life. Having 86 year old sign documents from his bed secretly (hospital bed) With Gods guidance, you can rise above challenges and ultimately triumph. 3. On my way to work yesterday, I was praying about some things that had been troubling me. And Gods intelligence network is called the Holy Spirit. It speaks of Gods unwavering protection and advocacy for His people, even amid evil. First of all, we are in spiritual times that has a lot of difficulty for many people. The battle of Jericho (Joshua 6) illustrates this perfectly. Prayer for God to Fight Your Battles. Thanks. Prayer for Wicked Nations. Isaiah 50:8 offers hope and reassurance. Isaiah 54:15 reminds us that when enemies gather, it isnt Gods doing. REV 17:14 This passage shows us that God is aware of our enemies' actions and will take action against them in His own time. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you., Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Psalm 37:39-40 reiterates this message. Today, many Christians face persecution, particularly in countries with limited religious freedom. This needs to happen quickly as hes on the move the truth remains that every one may follow Jesuschrist and claims to love jesuschrist but not everyone will know times and season of Jesuschrist nor even possess the CHRISTLIKE unbeleivable power and light and behold he will always use one peter at a time and only time will tell but dont forget all these are best in the spiritual :be wise and do not say you where not told:human beings remains the devil they also talk about themselves and pretend to be good in the day and at night they turn into their devilish entity?Human beings we ask you again where have you ever seen the devil? Here is an article I wrote about cleansing your househope it helps you: In Daniel 2:22, the Bible states, He reveals the deep and secret things: he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. Envy and jealousy are two prevalent sins that give rise to witchcraft. Some are your enemies and your friends at the same time. Trending post: Prayer for Multiple Streams of Income. It wasnt about the enemy just harassing me. Believers must don the full armor of God to withstand the devils schemes. My entire life and destiny is in Your hands and I know you can bring it all to pass, in Jesus Name, Amen. This secret of winning at warfare applies to you and me in any situation. 2. Very encouraging and insightful! He also has two children by another woman. As You characterized blessing in the Beatitudes, we pray that. Learn how your comment data is processed. Are you ready to experience the transformative power of Gods word? O my God, in you I trust, let me not be put to shame; let not my. Finding healing in Jesus, he broke free from addiction, rebuilding his life. If the enemy is tempting you with lust, you fight back by focusing on Jesus and His Word like crazy, because Jesus is Purity Incarnate and His words are pure words. In the name of Jesus, my Father, make me smarter than all my hidden foes. The Holy Spirit did that with one flash of divine, spiritual-warfare intelligence about what the enemy was trying to do. I appreciate it so much. 7. Someone is using friendship to our wealthy 86 year old brother in law to gain his favour and his possessions and his money. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. The worst evil would be for me to turn my face to the wall, away from God, and stop seeking His will, stop moving forward. As I begin to pray now, my next breakthroughs will paralyze all the opponents plans against me, in Jesus name. King Saul makes a good example of a friendly enemy. Proverbs 28:2 When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a ruler with discernment and knowledge maintains order., Philippians 1:10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ., Your email address will not be published. In conclusion, Isaiah 50:8, Romans 8:33-34, and 1 John 2:1 stress the importance of trusting Gods advocacy, protection, and righteousness. It says that He justifies and defends them, emphasizing that Christ intercedes for us. The Bible frequently shows God shaming enemies through divine intervention and miraculous acts. Her journey exemplifies the power of forgiveness and the freedom in releasing bitterness and resentment. Prayer Against Enemies' Entering Your Life. Marys son was killed by Oshea when he was only 16. May 3: How to Invest in Tax Liens and Tax Deeds, 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. There are many types, and the level of wickedness they carry out varies. A former drug addicts story offers hope. I'll not deny my integrity even if it costs me my life. I know that you are the one who can and will show me what I need to know. God make a way for me where there is none. The biblical story of Peters miraculous release from prison in Acts 12:1-19 demonstrates this protection. A few days ago, pending confirmation, the Lord said to me the next time you receive bad news you are to treat it as if it were good news. Prayer to Bless those who Curse You. To him be glory for ever and ever. Prayer for God to Scatter your Enemies. Phil 4:4 Thank you for your confirmation Jamie. Will you lift me as well?Thank you Jamie! Believers confidently claim forgiveness and redemption, no longer under the enemys control. Show me strategies to overcome the obstacles of the enemy. Matthew 26:23, And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. A Powerful Prayer Against Demonic Forces 7. The underground church in countries with religious persecution exemplifies this perseverance. 30+ Bible verses about hardships and trials, 30+ Bible verses about seeing evil and DOING NOTHING. O Lord, open the gates of righteousness unto e in Jesus name, 8. Reflecting on biblical and real-life examples of Gods protection, lets stand firm in faith, knowing nothing can separate us from Gods love in Christ Jesus. By embracing the truth in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, Philippians 1:6, and Hebrews 10:23, we can confront evil with courage and faith. and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. Prayer To Expose Enemies. 3. This is the heritage of the servantsof theLord,and this is their vindication from me, declares theLord. As believers, seeking Gods guidance is vital in navigating lifes challenges. In Jesus name, Holy Spirit, link me to Godly friends and detach me from secretive individuals. Leadership Lessons Learn more about me, A Prayer to Expose & Eliminate Betrayers in Your Life. Sing or say loud, "IF I BE A CHILD OF OF GOD LET FIRE FALL" (3X) 5Mins 3. 210K views, 25K likes, 8.6K loves, 132K comments, 25K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Zion Prayer Movement Outreach: NIGHT OF OPEN HEAVEN (22ND APRIL,. Despite their dire situation, they continued praising God. 1 Corinthians 10:13 reassures us that God will never let us face unbearable temptations. I tell others of this prayer it is so so powerful and my son and I will be praying for you. I separate my life from all evil covenants with my enemies, in the name of Jesus. littlest. For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in-law against her mother in law; a mans enemies are the men of his own house. #PrayerExposeHiddenEnemy #PrayerAgainstEnemies #EvangelistJoshuatv As believers, we can stand against the enemys accusations, knowing we are redeemed and set free. Believers dispersed throughout Judea and Samaria to escape their oppressors. Your word says that I should call to you and you would show me great and mighty things which I do not know. Please pray for the enemies which is my brother and his wife to.leave me alone and stop their voodoo and fighting me for the family home. Yes, we should, but we also need to watch out for them because of the damage they can do. Believers can find comfort in their eternal destiny, despite the evil around them. Eva Mozes Kor, a Holocaust survivor, forgave her Nazi persecutors. 14. Believers can trust Jesus protection as an extension of Gods sovereign care. O Lord, open my spiritual eyes in Jesus name Prophetic Word for May 2023 Why am I feeling like this. A Powerful Prayer Against Household Enemies 3. Wonder working God, I come before you because you are the all-knowing God. Also, He wants our focus on Him not the problem, He is the solution. Luke 12:2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. You are an all knowing God. For years. So you want to get in bed and meditate on this scripture and then pray this prayer. Share This Story: Mark is President of Harvest USA. You know that something is about the manifest but youre not quite sure when, or even where? Prayer to expose hidden enemies: tags:prayers to disgrace the enemies, prayer for God to reveal hidden things, God will expose your enemies quotes, powerful prayers to destroy your enemies, prayer points against household enemies, prayer to punish enemies, specific prayer to remove enemies from your life, prayer against friendly enemy, prayer against enemies, prayer for victory over enemies, prayers to expose my secret enemies, prayer points against evil doers, prayer points against enemies at work. 2. By doing this, we find the strength and guidance needed to confront evil and promote good. This truth shows that God stands by our side, advocating for us. Prayer Points Against Hidden Enemies 1:5 Joshua: No man shall be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so will I be with thee: I will not fail thee or abandon thee. Psalm 55:12, For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then i could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then i would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. Struggling because lack people to support mission of soul winning,alot of betrayal , rejection,, ministry growth. 7. My mouth derides my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvationThe adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; against them he will thunder in heaven." 1 Samuel 2:1,10 Patricia Rodrguez The Bible is full of examples of Gods sovereignty, especially when His people encounter challenges. They now share their story, inspiring others to choose forgiveness over hatred. Jamie, this is so timely, thank you. Ask Him to expose the enemys wicked tricks and schemes. O Lord, arise, and expose anything hidden that is against me in Jesus name, 4. They march in daylight, showing themselves to be righteous, but in truth they. If the enemy attacks with heaviness, you fight back by putting on your garment of praise and just praising God until God becomes so much bigger in your eyesight than the enemys attack and the heaviness will leave (Isaiah 61:1-3). Just a small example this week: when I had our recovering stroke patient to an audiologist I slipped in a few comments about his brother, who has recovered from the recent episode of schizophrenia using the same method of ear stimulation that has worked in the past. Through Davids faith, God exposed Goliaths arrogance and shamed the Philistine army. To take him into tomorrow. Amen! What Scripture protects you from enemies? Young David defeated the giant warrior Goliath by trusting God to deliver him from harm. This means i spend most of my day in prayer and speaking to God. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 encourages us to trust in Gods unwavering presence, even during daunting challenges. O Lord, connect me to the right persons in Jesus name, 7. Please pray for my protection and I need more strength, I have an injury and nerve pain down my left leg. Matthew 10:26 (NIV) says, "Do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom, Paul writes in 2 Timothy 4:18. So you want to get in bed and meditate on this scripture and then pray this prayer. This is a prayer for revelation of hidden things. Let my doors open in Jesus name Anyone who is physically close to me but is my spiritual enemy, fall down and die in Jesus name. Amen. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); PRAYER POINTS AT MIDNIGHT TO EXPOSE HIDDEN ENEMIES, Short Prayer For Strength And Courage In Difficult Times. I command every tongue issuing destruction against me to be condemned in the name of Jesus. Walking in Gods ways promotes harmony with others. single. USE ME AS YOUR WEAPON AGAINST THE ENEMY. In real life, many people who have been wronged choose forgiveness and reconciliation. Prayer for God to Shelter you from Evil Plans. As I begin to pray now, the obstacles given by the enemy to devour my efforts will be turned to bless me and my home, in Jesus name. Despite facing evil, God protected Daniel by closing the lions mouths. Despite local opposition and personal tragedies, Carey persevered, translating the Bible into various Indian languages and planting the seeds of Christianity in the region. It teaches us that even amidst evil, we can be confident in Gods control and purpose. How to Cleanse Your House, Your email address will not be published. Feeling bogged down by lifes challenges and unseen adversaries? In the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit, fire, disperse every wicked trap and network set up against me. Micah 7:5-7, Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. Dont worry, youre not alone. Prayer to Expose the Enemy Neh 6:12-13 Lord, reveal and expose any persons around me that the enemy may be using to gain entry into my life and this ministry. This verse emphasizes the importance of faith in Gods ability to protect and deliver us from harm and His commitment to bringing justice to those who oppose His people. Esthers exposing the enemies of your soul is one of the hardest prayers.These enemies are satanic robbery whose aim is to silence destinies. Father GOD I trust in you .Amen. 2 Timothy 4:18 powerfully reminds us of Gods unwavering commitment to protect His people from evil. 27 "But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Father, i thank you in Jesus name Then open up the bible at any place ( remember this is the living word) start reading from whatever page is before you and be amazed !! Girl and her mother trying to disrupt my relationship with my son. Lets delve deeper into this verse in the context of witnessing evil and refusing to stay silent. I want to help others discover how they can live the best of life. Let my adversary be like the wicked, and whomever riseth up against me be like the unjust. Even trying to explain things about the Lord. I thank you for being with me in this time of prayer, and I ask your blessing upon this step of faith, in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, who loved me and gave himself for me. He who vindicates me is near.Who then will bring charges against me?Let us face each other! Held captive by King Herod, an angel frees Peter, exposing and shaming the enemy. Your emails are truly and directly from The Holy Spirit. For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in-law against her mother in law; a mans enemies are the men of his own house. Although thrown into a fiery furnace, Gods protection allowed them to emerge unscathed. This trust allows them to focus on living righteously and preserving their faith. Unless we know who the real enemy is and how he operates, chances. I realized I was being drawn into arguments. I want to radiate holiness and shine your light for all to see. Relying on His sovereignty, we find peace and assurance, knowing Hell protect us, expose our enemies, and bring about their downfall. Facing evil and adversity, we might feel the urge to stay quiet and do nothing. On Christ the solid Rock I stand. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, is available on iTunes and Spotify. Powerful prayer to expose hidden enemies Micah 7:5-7, "Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. It is important to have spiritual discernment, to know who is for us, and who is not. God exposed the strategy of the enemy. Oh heaven, arise and set ablaze all evil sacrifices planted here on earth against me, in Jesus name. Who has received our report? GOD BLESS YOU. After years of resentment, Mary met Oshea in prison. An earthquake miraculously opened the prison doors, freeing them. The best time to pray this is at night before you go to bed. May the Lord enlarge you. I mean praying about the minutest details. In Jesus name, I command every evil power to place a charm on my seat and on the ground in order to kill my star, fall down, and die. The examples of Daniel and Martin Luther King Jr. show Gods power in overcoming adversity and exposing evil. Grant me spiritual discernment to know and understand their intentions. Addressing enemies biblically involves adhering to Jesus teachings on forgiveness, love, and prayer. This verse, alongside John 5:24 and John 8:36, unveils the freedom from condemnation and the importance of faith in defeating the enemys accusations. We can ignore the wrongs and be consumed, or we can trust Gods faithfulness and choose love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Rather than hindering the churchs growth, this persecution accelerated the gospels spread. Spiritual wisdom and discernment enables us to know who they are. John 10:12 -13 I bind and remove from my life and ministry every hireling that cares not for the sheep, but would leave them defenseless against wolves. Believers can find comfort in knowing that God defends them and will vindicate their obedience. Jesus instructs His followers in Matthew 5:44 to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.. And therefore in You there is absolutely no such thing as bad news. The Bible also tells us that God will protect those who trust Him. In conclusion, John 17:15, Ephesians 6:11-13, and James 4:7 stress the importance of divine protection through prayer, spiritual warfare, and trusting in Gods love. please help. As you pray this prayers, God will expose them and completely humiliate them in Jesus name. Also, after one year of therapy and also with the help of God, I succeeded at get rid of my addiction to pornography! January 2019 Prayer to Expose Enemies. 2. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly. O Lord, arise, and expose any hidden enemy against my life in Jesus name, 5. 11. Every person who the enemy has positioned in my life to pretend to be friendly, but is working hard to frustrate my plans, expose them, in the name of Jesus Christ. Prayer for Protection. Where am I in this process Lord? I said Lord now I know that You are the GOOD NEWS ! Yet, Joseph forgave them, revealing Gods redemptive power. 2. I am beginning to be able to thank Him for those purposes and I am just beginning to get glimmers of where this all is going, for His glory. As I begin to pray today, may the titles bestowed upon me by an envious personality be turned to a good name to the glory of God, in Jesus name. Both Psalm 18:2 and Psalm 27:1 highlight the significance of relying on God for strength and refuge during tough times. 2 Timothy 2:7 Consider what I say,for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.. During this process God will speak to you when your mind is calm and your spirit is at rest. Heaven blocker, your time is up, clear the atmosphere for my next blessings, in Jesus name. James 4:7 encourages believers to submit to God and resist the devil. I separate my life from all connections to my enemies in Jesus name. Martin Luther King Jr.s story is an inspiring real-life example. His story is a potent reminder that God is in control, even amid adversity. As believers, we find assurance in His promise to keep us safe and watch over our lives. Abba Father, I refuse to be deceived! How do we find out these hidden things? Trusting in His protection and care allows us to face lifes challenges with confidence and peace, knowing He is always with us. It is the work of Almighty God in the land of the living! When we witness evil, we can remain steadfast, knowing God is our shield and will fight for us, ensuring that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. God recognizes that enemies exist, and He reassures His followers of His protection and guidance. I started talking to myself, saying, That is SO evil and diabolical! And it was. Overcoming enemies requires believers to rely on Gods strength, wisdom, and guidance. O Lord, expose anyone that is mine foe today in Jesus name, 10. 2 COR 10:4 SATAN, YOU HAVE LOST THE WAR IN HEAVEN. Elijah challenged the prophets to prove whose god was real. Applying these principles enables believers to overcome hostility and showcase Gods love. Are all the products of hidden enemies. He wants to keep everything hidden so you are stumbling around in darkness. Job 27:7-17 In-Context. Quite rich content to expose the activities of the evil ones. You are not alone . These truths provide encouragement and strength, helping us to trust in Gods unwavering presence and support. Prayer for Humility when your Enemies' are Defeated. When accusers wanted to stone her, Jesus revealed their hypocrisy, reminding them of their sins. Try it . Been up early praying for success on impossible job deadline situation. I gives me renewed enthusiasm for focusing on audiologists. As you read on, remember youre never alone. Jesus promise highlights His divine power to protect and preserve His followers. As I begin to pray now, I declare that the adversary of my blessings will not find peace, joy, or favor until he or she surrenders his or her witchcraft assignments against me, in Jesus name. I have not been able to speak with him or have a visit from him since he was 12 years old he is now 17. 13. In conclusion, Romans 8:1 and related scriptures remind us of the freedom and transformation found in Jesus Christ. He employed David and pretended that he loved him. Isaiah 54:17 highlights Gods promise to protect His people. September 2016 Despite attempts to silence them, they stood firm, showcasing Gods protective power. This event led to Germanys reunification and the Soviet Unions collapse, revealing the regimes flaws and shaming its leaders. Ill tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.. Trusting Gods plan offers solace and strength, ensuring we never face the enemy alone. Ever wondered how to tackle lifes enemies head-on? Prayer Directive: Ask God to Expose the Strategy of the Enemy On my way to work yesterday, I was praying about some things that had been troubling me. They will either repent or be destroyed. Prayer Recently, that has meant praising God for our youngest sons stroke and for his older brothers episode of schizophrenia and for their sisters not having had any contact with us for seven years and for their older brothers living hundreds of miles away for eight years and no one has the money to visit, more or less in that order.
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