What is the current Common Operating Picture on federal behavioral health assets deployed in support of HHS ESF#8. All CCIR are not tied to decision points; however, some CCIR may support one or more decision points. They look for possible assembly areas, routes, axes of movement, assault positions, ambushes, and battle positions. Essential elements of friendly information are the critical aspects of a friendly operation that, if known by the enemy, would subsequently compromise, lead to failure, or limit success of the operation, and therefore must be protected from enemy detection (FM 3-13). Capabilities can refer to the ability of local authorities-those of the host nation, aggressor nation, or some other body-to provide a populace with key functions or services, such as, public administration, public safety, emergency services, and food. Without this focus collectors and analysts are left to determine for themselves what they think the priority is. However, generating these keywords and phrases is also crucial for the research stage when using the internet. B-40. B-14. Addressing the problems posed by change requires considerable time and resources. Many people make the mistake of trying to encompass more than one question into a PIR, When and where will the Donovian commander used his fixing force? This question is asking two distinct things, when will the commander use his forces and where will he use them. People is a general term used to describe nonmilitary personnel encountered by military forces. Are CDC health physicists alerted to deploy for field dosimetry and consultation in victim decontamination? At the tactical level, they directly relate to key civilian areas, structures, capabilities, organizations, people, and events within the AO. Enemies always have opportunities to unhinge them. IPB is critical to analyzing and understanding the effect of terrain on friendly and enemy COAs. Often, the exceptional information itself presents a decision the commander must make. Finding the things that are critical to quality means looking at the various possible failure modes, and root causes behind those failures. Anticipation and preparation can often overcome these effects, or even turn them to friendly advantage. Part 3 - Indicators: How does the analyst know he or she has answered an EEI? It adds meaning to data as it processes it into information, organizing it in terms of METT-TC and creating the COP. One of the misnomers regarding Priority Intelligence Requirements is that there can be only one set at a time. It is preferable to distribute the plan prior to the start of the next operational period to allow providing agencies and elements planning and acquisition time.Instructions for Completion of ESF #8 Essential Elements of Information (EEI) Worksheet for Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Prior to distributing the ICP, the Information Cell should select the EEIs that are to be collected for the Operating Period specified. Individually or collectively, people can affect a military operation positively, negatively, or neutrally. In order to focus the intelligence enterprise, the MIB (T) and the G2 use Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) as its main driver to focus the intelligence apparatus. SAMSHA for consultation and technical assistance. However, some operations (such as a combined arms breaching operation) require greater control and coordination than others (such as an exploitation). HealthCare.gov in Other Languages. It's basically the. From the IRs, the staff recommends designating some as PIRs or FFIR. Information systems (INFOSYS) now available provide commanders at all levels with near real-time RI on the current situation in the form of the COP. With understanding, commanders can make better decisions and more effectively regulate actions by their forces. Human modification of terrain can change the shape of the land or its trafficability. What Are the Four Basic Functions of a Computer. Customers are beneficiaries of products . Use Audience Segmentation Wrap Up Why Send an Introduction Email? Unlike information that answers CCIR, exceptional information is neither published nor explicitly stated. When the enemy has the initiative, all friendly reactions to enemy actions result in an enemy counteraction. Percentage of students that have medical necessities provided by school nurses. This appendix expands the discussion of information in chapter 3. Commanders do this through designating CCIR. Examples of events precipitated by military forces include combat operations, deployments, redeployments, and paydays. The staff allocates resources first to answer CCIR, then to PIRs and FFIR, and only then to the remaining IRs. Thus, commanders visit units to confirm reports or obtain better understanding of the operation's decisive points or factors. Commanders analyze terrain and weather for favorable and unfavorable conditions. This trigger being met will require the commander to implement that decision. These PIR are generally established at the operational or strategic level in order to track the effectiveness of their campaign plan or to provide indicators and warnings of the potential need to initiate a contingency plan. A more appropriate way to ask the question is, How will the Donovian commander use his fixing forces? As will be illustrated in the later sections of this piece, answering this question as apposed to the previous one can provide more detailed insights into the enemy commanders thought process and can trigger the blue force commander to make a decision. The C2 system collects data from various sources to answer IRs. The fourth factor of METT-TC is the number, type, capabilities, and condition of available friendly troops and support. Effective commanders and staffs know how much time and space their units need to plan, prepare, and execute operations. What is the projected requirement for medical supplies/ pharmaceuticals? Here are 6 essential elements to include when creating your very own branded infographic: 1. What is the status of behavioral health care facilities in the affected communities? Engineer Obstacle Clearing Tracked Armored Vehicle Russian (MR-2 IMR-2M1). Commander's critical information requirements are elements of information required by commanders that directly affect decisionmaking and dictate the successful execution of military operations (FM 3-0). To a degree, cognition relies on rules of logic or deduction; thus, expert systems and artificial intelligence can assist with cognition to some extent by helping integrate pieces of processed data. Because sources of information are imperfect and susceptible to distortion and deception, IM includes carefully assessing information quality. They consider both friendly and enemy perspectives. Download the Elements of Effective Instruction Self-Assessment The Elements of Effective Instruction framework outlines five intertwined elements of instructional practice that complement and enhance one another. (See figure B-1.) The cognitive hierarchy defines four different levels of meaning. They plan to exploit success and aggressively look for opportunities, keeping within the higher commander's intent. Commanders designate EEFI and transmit them to their staffs and subordinates. The answering of this PIR causes the triggering of a Decision Point. Commanders add, delete, adjust, and update them throughout an operation based on the information they need for decisionmaking. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. What is a Priority Intelligence Requirement? Commanders have legal and moral responsibilities to refugees and noncombatants in their AOs. B-12. It provides a means for communicating a clearly understood vision of an operation and its desired outcome that guides subordinates as they carry out decisions. Situation-dependent-directly linked to current and future missions. B-49. The United States Department of Defense defines EEI as follows: The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence defines EEI as follows: The United States Army eliminated the term EEI from its doctrine in August 2014, though Joint doctrine still uses the term.[3]. US, Mexican leaders have strong opinions, Policy Brief: Emerging Transnational Organized Crime Threats in Latin America: Converging Criminalized Markets & Illicit Vectors, Maximizing the potential of American irregular warfare in strategic competition, Opinion: Dont blur the lines by calling Mexican drug cartels terrorist organizations, Armed Conflicts Spread Contaminated Water and Disease: Heres How to Better Protect Civilians, Deterring the Next Invasion: Applying the Accumulation of Events Theory to Cyberspace, TThe next big threat to AI might already be lurking on the web, Migrant Caravans: A Deep Dive Into Mass Migration through Mexico and the Effects of Immigration Policy, Managing Risk for Special Operations Forces in Large-Scale Combat Operations, The grey zone: Russia's military, mercenary and criminal engagement in Africa, Deadly Rio de Janeiro: Armed Violence and the Civilian Burden, North Koreas Political Warfare Strategy Has Failed: ROK U.S. Alliance Needs A Superior Strategy. A principal task of information management (IM) is to collect information and transform it by adding progressively greater meaning at each level of the cognitive hierarchy. Beyond that, more RI can help commanders achieve mission success at reduced cost; however, waiting for that RI may carry an unacceptable cost in timeliness. They tell the analyst what information the commander needs most in order to make decisions that can potentially change the outcome of the mission and save soldiers lives. Differences in mobility, protection, firepower, equipment, morale, experience, leadership, and training make some units more suitable for certain missions than others. collection by Area of Intelligence Responsibility (AOIR), processing, exploitation and dissemination. Commanders and staffs view all the other factors of METT-TC in terms of their impact on mission accomplishment. B-71. (Occupied Beds/ Vacant Beds/ Bed Requirements). Have environmental conditions (i.e. 3- Maps and other geographic tools get Information from a Spatial perspective. Easier said than done. The cycle of planning and directing, collecting, processing, analyzing and producing, and disseminating intelligence requires a substantial effort to overcome some unique and complex challenges. U.S. Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 5-0, by ICAIE (International Coalition Against Illicit Economies), by Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, by Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, by Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC), by Strategic Perspectives 41, National Defense University, by Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, by C/O Futures Terrorism Research Note Series, by PKSOI (Peacekeepimh and Stability Operations Institute), The Fighting in Sudan is an Armed Conflict: Heres What Law Applies, Are drug cartels 'terrorist organizations'? Because the ASCC has a larger footprint to support than a maneuver Division ACE, a PIR-driven analytical process is critical in order to manage the organizational resources throughout the depth of the Area of Operations (AO). They influence and interact with the populace, the force, and each other. It addresses the following related concepts: the cognitive hierarchy of information, relevant information categories by subject (METT-TC) and by usage, information management categories, and relevant information quality criteria. EEFI answer the question, How can I (the commander) prevent the enemy force from seeing me? This list of Essential Elements of Information (EEI) can be used as a guide for emergency medical planners and responders. Capabilities also refer to resources and services that can be contracted to support the military mission, such as, interpreters, laundry services, construction materials, and equipment. Cognition is primarily a human mental activity. The distinctions between the levels of the cognitive hierarchy are not always clear. This is, in part, because parts of it are covered under hardware. This information is known as indicators. B-1. : This is the overarching question that needs to be answered. The source of execution information is the commander's decisions. Therefore, commanders and ASCC G2s must ensure an optimized intelligence enterprise by preserving and stewarding intelligence capabilities as well as the intelligence core tasks (e.g. Usually reports have a prescribed purpose and format. Slide 12 (Phase I - Plan and Direct) Some organizations may be indigenous to the area. EEFI are often key factors in designing military deception operations. Data consist of unprocessed signals communicated between any nodes in an information system, or sensings from the environment detected by a collector of any kind (human, mechanical, or electronic). But as can be seen in the example above once those EEIs are answered the blue force commander will have a clearer understanding of the battlefield which will allow him to make an effective decision. This is no more important than at the theater or ASCC level. Planners consider climate with longer-range plans, while most tactical planning considers weather. Then, the EEI questions are used by collectors of the information that may not be in direct contact with the consumer at the time the information is collected. Different COAs may have different key terrain associated with them. Progress toward? B-20. What does the State(s) need from the Federal Government for behavioral health care? Health and Social Services EEIs (Impact Data). Civil considerations comprise the influence of manmade infrastructure, civilian institutions, and attitudes and activities of the civilian leaders, populations, and organizations within an area of operations on the conduct of military operations. What is the plan for behavioral health surveillance during/after the operation? They can begin working together more quickly than units not habitually associated. B-46. Commanders ensure their soldiers understand that a tactically successful operation can also be operationally or strategically counterproductive because of the way in which they execute it or how the people perceive its execution. Having campaign PIR however, in no way prevents the analyst from bringing forth a topic not covered by them. What is the status of providers? At this point, a product useful for decisionmaking forms. The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus. So where are the pilots? They also consider time with respect to the enemy: time available is always related to the enemy's ability to plan, prepare, and execute operations, and react effectively to friendly actions. Answering this question, however, is the goal of the rest of the process. "Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operations", "Michigan EEI Template, Healthcare response worksheet", "The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Essential_elements_of_information&oldid=1022485879, "what is the current location of the adversary SA-20 battery?". From this, commanders can determine how organizations and military forces can work together toward common goals when necessary. The most important element of control is information. B-5. Instructions for Completion of ESF #8 Essential Elements of Information (EEI) Worksheet for Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Prior to distributing the ICP, the Information Cell should select the EEIs that are to be collected for the Operating Period specified. There can be many different kinds of people living and operating in and around an AO. Once a commander initiates an operation, the enemy attempts to determine the friendly concept of operations and defeat it. However, commanders may determine that they need to know whether one or more of the EEFI have been compromised or that the enemy is collecting against a designated EEFI. They are crafted as described above in order to assist the analyst in supporting the commanders decision making. Troops using valleys as avenues of approach must control the adjacent ridges to protect their movement. Relevant information is all information of importance to the commander and staff in the exercise of command and control (FM 3-0). Is DOD assistance available to provide patient transport/strategic lift capability support? CCIR limit information reported to commanders to information critical to decisionmaking. The term includes all civilians within an AO as well as those outside the AO whose actions, opinions, or political influence can affect the mission. The World in Spatial Terms a. Commanders analyze key civilian areas in terms of how they affect the missions of their individual forces as well as how military operations affect these areas. Civil considerations generally focus on the immediate impact of civilians on operations in progress; however, they also include larger, long-term diplomatic, informational, and economic issues at higher levels. It is useful to separate people into distinct categories. What systems are in place to distribute necessary supplies, equipment and support for infrastructure deficits? Ideally, commanders assign each subordinate a mission and an area of operations (AO) without further restrictions. This in turn will cause a trigger to be met on the decision support matrix (DSM). The enemy, terrain and weather, and civil consideration contributions to the COP come from many sources, including intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and combat information. HPP-PHEP 6.1: Information Sharing. The goal in IM should not be processing vast amounts of data but processing the information necessary to bring commanders to an accurate situational understanding as quickly as possible. What is the status of Federal health and medical facilities in the affected area? B-75. Because collection assets are limited, a method of prioritizing collection and processing is required. The commander and staff tailor their display for resolution and content appropriate to their echelon of command and the mission. This information is known as indicators. Although CCIR generate PIR and FFIR for management, the focus for the staff is answering the CCIR to support the commander's visualization and decisionmaking. The existence of an independent press guarantees that US military activities that do not meet America's military standards for dealing with noncombatants will be reported in US, host-nation, and international public forums. Where is the enemy and what is he going to do?
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