Which of the following passages from Edward Abbey's "The Damnation of a Canyon" best demonstrates his use of pathos to build his argument? Suppose an author's intent is to teach a moral lesson. a. To use symbols and storytelling to make the message more vivid. The features of the moon (is, are) seen through powerful telescopes. Which of the following does Elie Wiesel rely on the most to develop his argument about the dangers of human indifference to suffering? Carlos Duarte knows that he's fabulous. Activity 3.1.5 : Speech After Being Convicted, Activity 3.1.3 Understand How Word Choice and, FINAL REVIEW 2.4.3 The Rhetoric of Argument, SpringBoard English Language Arts: Grade 10, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, California (Grade 9, Volume 1), myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, obesity, smoking cessation, and MSK part 2, General Orals: MAINTENANCE PUBLICATIONS FORMS. C.An encyclopedia Women are 3.which sentence most clearly uses a stereotype - Pho Zen Restaurant; 4.Which sentence most clearly uses imagery? What tone does the author create by referring the water marks in Glen Canyon as "'the bathtub ring'"? , o kings, only the man Read this excerpt from Edward Abbey's "The Damnation of a Canyon": Dr. Fletcher reads the letter. He believes that non-Christians, even virtuous ones, can never reach heaven. Which words best describe the tone of the passage? reader might consider Amy's book "not-theory" is its clarity of style and accessibility. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Two men, Mark and Peter, fight a lengthy court battle, each suing the other. RESULT: It will get everyone thinking and getting creative. Which sentence most clearly uses a stereotype? If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. Clearly, the program is growing and improving, but the team does not plan to stop soon. A sentence most clearly uses a stereotype: Go in there and ask any doctor you see if he can help. . Estn BLANK a perder. Which argument about school uniforms would most likely appeal to an audience of taxpayers? Wiesel is showing how widespread the effects of indifference are. A. A) Be sure to clean any surfaces on which you prepare food. Storytelling should be used to encourage people to live a religious lifestyle. Sentences I try not to immediately stereotype and judge people based on their outward appearances. Which statement best summarizes the following portion of the Declaration of Independence? Please let him share his knowledge, heritage, and culture with you and his peers. Close reference to the text is almost achieved by the student, as they continually quote the text . Study by using Learn OR Test option. The reason why the sentence in option A is stereotyped is the fact that the speaker assumes the job of a receptionist should be done by a woman. Read a passage from "An Indian Father's Plea" by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake. In chapter IV of Frankenstein, Victor explains that he had devoted his entire life to his desire to create life, while ignoring his family, friends, and university studies. Oh man, if I didn't get all four there'd be some cat-napping going on. News headline that are most clearly biased: Southern Voters Hate Clean Energy What type of fallacy does Abbey's argument contain? Therefore, I will get tired at 3 o'clock today. Which reference would best explain what an author means when she uses the adjective saturnine to describe a character? B. renas father asks andrzej to take her to safety in slovakia, and he agrees to do so. APEXX What sentence most clearly uses concrete description to move the. organizations are frequently stereotyped on the idea of gender identification, race and ethnicity, nationality, age, socioeconomic fame, language, and so forth. O A. Read this excerpt from the conclusion of Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference" speech: D.The fear of religious institutions. "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." Has the human being become less indifferent and more human? . Also, since it is an indirect quote, it should have said: Which option is an example of deductive reasoning? A letter often breaks down the barrier between the reader and writer, and allows the author to set a personal tone. 5. Now suppose you could remake the decision following the reflective-thinking method. A. Men's health is a serious issue that need attention. Businesses should switch to farm-raised fish, which are cheaper than fish caught in the wild. Cng ca lc in mt So part of Fiorini's book has been gathered from facts. So much violence; so much indifference. He has black hair, dark brown eyes, olive complexion. Which word best describes the tone of the passage? What a literary critic determine a story's complex theme? No one ever talks like her voice lines (e.g kia ora, kia ora, kia ora) unless you are a Maori teacher in kindergarten, instead she could say "kia ora bro". To support her argument that Native Americans were mistreated. Responde de dos maneras diferentes a la siguiente pregunta sustituyendo el complemento directo por el pronombre correspondiente. It doesnt have any choices to choose from .. . B.The feeling of regret A band of traveling pilgrims making the journey to Canterbury telling stories to one another as they camp along the journey. A sentence most clearly uses a stereotype: Go in there and ask any doctor you see if he can help. Han, let's start with you. .. . A.A thesaurus Example: "My dearest doctor," the letter began. D.The necessity of chemistry, Bones & Bone Markings of the Upper Limbs (Arm, 4.4.3Test (CST): The Modern and the Media OA. . Wiesel uses rhetorical questions to end his speech in order to encourage the audience to think further about his ideas. It has the opening, but not the closing one. One of the most confusing things to the student of science is the special way scientists use ordinary words. His aunts and grandmothers taught [Wind-Wolf] to count while they sorted out the materials used to make the abstract designs in the native baskets. Therefore, she will continue to get As. . Which sentence most clearly uses a stereotype? After contemplation, I conclude that this award which I receive on behalf of that movement is a profound recognition that nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral question of our time the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to violence and oppression. What about the "human impact" of motorized use of the Glen Canyon impoundment? How will it be remembered in the new millennium? Write the letter of the correct definition on the answer line. The "darkened forest" creates a feeling of foreboding; a forest is something people can get easily lost in. D. Men are far more likely to be born color-blind than women. Cunta agua le echaste a la sopa? Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. (burn njigger) : ), explanation: in literature, realism focuses on dialogue, characterization, everyday moments and events, the character's psychological development, actions, decisions, as well as believable settings. This phenomenon is perhaps of no more than aesthetic importance; yet it is sufficient to dispel any illusion one might have, in contemplating the scene, that you are looking upon a natural lake. I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. Find the maximum and minimum number of Darnelle works for a real estate agent. Example: Ramona's discussion technique. budgetary parameters a. excesses b. perimeters The waters of the wild river were good to drink, but nobody in his senses would drink from Lake Powell. the public's reaction to the storyob. As you know, we met under the palms of the Nile on a steamboat called the Emerald Messenger, at a card table to be exact. Read this passage from "An Indian Father's Plea" by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake: Not only has the heart of Glen Canyon been buried, but many of the side canyons above the fluctuating waterline are now rendered more difficult, not easier, to get into. Which sentence from Lake's letter best demonstrates this effect? Then I lost my spirit. "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." Read this sentence from Dante's Inferno, Canto I, in which the narrator begins to tell his story. "Master," I said, "this saying's hard for me." Will it discourage other dictators in other lands to do the same? The trouble is that while some boats have what are called "self-contained" heads, the majority do not; most sewage is disposed of by simply pumping it into the water. A. Brush and floss every day to ensure a healthy smile. A. its refusal to give up its command economy in fa Sally is now on floor 16 of a hotel and spa. He is 5 years old, in kindergarten, and I can't understand why you have already labeled him a "slow learner." Until this reality is equally understood and applied in education as a whole, there will be a lot more schoolchildren in grades K-2 identified as "slow learners. her mother and i are worried for her safety every day. i heard what happened last night, mr. kornreich. , The Boy In Striped pajamas focus question #5In the last eight paragraphs of the story, all three characters have conflicts. The sentence that is punctuated correctly is C: The aroma of Hershey's chocolate factory could be detected for miles. Therefore, Fido is small. In each of the following sentences, circle the phrase following the subject. I mean, she referenced two books to back up her theory, but neither seems legit to me. If Medieval Masterpieces [by Francis Eggbert] is fiction, and Pettit is using it as a source, then that means Pettit's assumptions are probably inaccurate. Las chuletas saben terrible. Erforschung our technical to learn how to reach your career goals with one graduate business graduate. What is the author's purpose in including the following paragraph in his argument about the dangers of human indifference to suffering? Write a brief paragraph expressing your opinion. Has the human being become less indifferent and more human? Negroes of the United States, following the people of India, have demonstrated that nonviolence is not sterile passivity, but a powerful moral force which makes for social transformation. For sure it is, if Fortune wills to flee, / No man may stay her course or keep his hold C.The fear of modern warfare Which detail from Chaucer's "The Monk's Tale" best demonstrates that Fortune is a "blind prosperity" that no one should trust? blank is a person who operates an X-ray machine. Find all of the missing angles - a, b, c, and d. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia experienced a period of B) Men's health is a serious issue that needs attention. How does this passage best illustrate Victor's development as a character over the course of the novel? oa. I believe the game was bridge. the story of zenobia is probably the most memorable of all. EMILY: Completa cada oracin con un participio pasado apropiado. A and B have a wrong use of the ' And D has a wrong use of quotation marks. The living can honor the dead by continuing to do the work the dead began. Die Read this excerpt from "An Indian Father's Plea": The teacher should realize that Wind-Wolf is smart even though his culture is different. Read this passage from "An Indian Father's Plea": Ethos, because the author references respected institutions like the U.S. Congress and the Constitution. Did you think Pettit provided enough evidence to prove that Shakespeare's fictional character was based upon a historical one? Con una hamburguesa, normalmente se comen papas BLANK. We can usually dissect the below gender stereotype examples across four types of stereotypes: Personality: Assuming men or women would have a certain personality C. Valentine's Day is in February, the shortest month. what happens when you drink cold water when you are hot? He has black hair, dark brown eyes, olive complexion. An image of carbon cycle is shown. Buy this new hair tonic. It was _____ to the dictator that he was respected; his only concern was that his _____ was feared. This argument appeals to the wheelchair ethos of the wealthy, upper-middle-class American slob. Sometimes my pulse beat so quickly and hardly, that I felt the palpitation of every artery; at others, I nearly sank to the ground through languor and extreme weakness. When discussing the roles of men and women in society and the church, it is important to understand the difference between complementarian and egalitarian views. Then answer the question. Vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my eyes, illuminating the lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire. O A. write a -you letter to bernard elias for his gift to the museum. Ironically, Othello later uses this ignorance to frighten Desdamona when talking about the handkerchief. Which motif is present in the passage? But my first wife did, and when we split up, the most contentious part was how to divide up custody of our four cats. https://read.gov/aesop/007.html in the letter, explain why the gift is an important addition to the museum's collection. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down men other-centered can build up. . th a focus on the Essential Question for this unit: What does our response to the conflict say about us? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Then I lost my spirit. A master goes on a journey and divides his wealth among his servants for safekeeping. C. Go in there and ask any doctor you see if he can help. . Which statement best describes Wiesel's use of a rhetorical device? A.The monster demands that Victor create a mate for him, and Victor destroys her. 516 177 Sid was quiet and thoughtful and did not conform to the typical stereotype for a teenage athlete. Which of Dante's personal values are most directly demonstrated by the Inferno's setting? Everyone's doing it. I give the best of all I have to offer Sam. . You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. The living can honor the dead by continuing to do the work the dead began. 2 See answers Advertisement smhg223 Answer: D Explanation: Is today's justified intervention in Kosovo, led by you, Mr. President, a lasting warning that never again will the deportation, the terrorization of children and their parents, be allowed anywhere in the world? D.An unhealthy habit, Which topics relate directly to the themes developed in Frankenstein? So did the restless she-beast make me feel . https://read.gov/aesop/054.html Which argument does this evidence best support? She wants to leave the reader with a vivid image of her terrible mistreatment. A stereotype is a generalization, which doesn't mean anyone is saying "ALL black people are good at basketball" it means that there is a disproportionately large percentage of black people that ARE good at basketball, which leads people to believe that if someone is black, there are higher than average odds that they'll be good at basketball. . The point is that UML has been defined to be general. It will take a while, but long before it becomes a solid mass of mud Lake Powell ("Jewel of the Colorado") will enjoy a passing fame as the biggest sewage lagoon in the American Southwest. Soon after the court battle, both Mark and Peter die. Bil Wright. Example: Emily's group discussion technique C. Valentine's Day is in February, the shortest moth. A successful business owner loses everything because of her greed. I kept my workshop of filthy creation; my eyeballs were starting from their sockets in attending to the details of my employment. Example: Han and Emily's group discussion technique Go back to review if scoring less than 70%. Mayfair motor inn MayfairMotorInn\underline{\text{Mayfair Motor Inn}}MayfairMotorInn. Therefore, Chicago is populated. Read this excerpt from the conclusion of Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference" speech: "My son, Wind-Wolf, is not an empty glass coming into your class to be filled. Engl, 3.1.7Quiz: Analyze the Impact of Word Choice, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. In my anguish I moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me. Which Romantic stereotype of scientists is Mary Shelley most likely playing off of in this scene? . iAh, hola! "I have good dispositions; my life had been hitherto harmless, and, in some degree, beneficial; but a fatal prejudice clouds [people's] eyes, and where they ought to see a feeling and kind friend, they behold only a detestable monster. By the same token, I strongly believe that non-Indian children also have a constitutional right to learn about our Native American heritage and culture, because Indians play a significant part in the history of Western society. B. In this case it depends on what you mean with "Domain". It shows that he goes from a man who wants to help the world to someone determined to kill another living being. Pugs are small. Read the passage from "An Indian Father's Plea" by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake. On veterans day, show your support for the men. Mingled with this horror, I felt the bitterness of disappointment: dreams that had been my food and pleasant rest for so long a space, were now become a hell to me; and the change was so rapid, the overthrow so complete! A.A Gothic setting Hola, Eva. Which of Chaucer's descriptions from "The Monk's Tale" best illustrates Fortune as unreliable? The Profiling (Stereotypes) mechanisms has been defined to allow the extensibility of the language. Read this passage from "An Indian Father's Plea" by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake: Until this reality is equally understood and applied in education as a whole, there will be a lot more schoolchildren in grades K-2 identified as "slow learners. Which statement best summarizes the following portion of the Declaration of Independence? CHARACTERS AND VIEWPOINTBYORSON SCOTSMAN CARDWRITER'S DIGEST BOOKSCINCINNATI, ODYGO Characters and Viewpoint. What best explains why the author might choose the genre of allegory to convey the lesson? Map out what you would do at each stage of the method. Dear teacher, I would like to introduce you to my son, Wind-Wolf. I always get tired at 3 o'clock. Which story premise most clearly contains a supernatural element? If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. RAMONA: For I had lost all trace of the straight path. Does it mean that society has changed? I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. For 35 points: Which story premise is most clearly a classic tragedy? . All the students filed into the. . a. producing or sufficient to produce a desired result, c. to tear down or demolish; level to the ground, d. to obtain by or as by pulling with violent twisting movements; usurp forcefully, e. to discard as burdensome; cast off or overboard, f. to render useless or inadequate; cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous, g. to deprive of possessions by force; plunder, h. to overcome; conquer; ascend to the top of, i. the highest point; summit; a tall, pointed formation, such as a mountain peak, j. to prevent by anticipating; make unnecessary. Why does Zitkala use this technique? D. Trust a pilot if he tells you to fasten your safety belt. OR On Veterans Day, show your support for the men overseas. What tone does Martin Luther King, Jr. create through repetition of the phrase "I believe" in this portion of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech? Misgendering is the act of referring to a person using pronouns that do not. so that the reader will remember the way she was mistreated. Which of the following passages from Edward Abbey's "The Damnation of a Canyon" best demonstrates his use of ethos to build his argument? Read this parable, which comes from the New Testament: My friends and me What is sunshine DVD access code jenna jameson? Which of Chaucer's descriptions from "The Monk's Tale" best illustrates Fortune as whimsical? What will the legacy of this vanishing century be? The sentence that is punctuated correctly is C: The aroma of Hershey's chocolate factory could be detected for miles. Eventually, as is already sometimes the case at Lake Mead, the stagnant waters will become too foul even for swimming. Write 3 paragraphs about firefighters and Search and Rescue teams. What change did Orson Welles make to the radio play of The War of the Worlds that caused its audience to panic? He/she will make up another three sentences of the story on the spot and pass it on to the next person. Which revision corrects the structure? Which option is an example of inductive reasoning? Chicago is a city. No one, including the king and queen, can convince the prince he is a man until a wise man comes and begins acting like a rooster himself. What tone does the author create by referring the water marks in Glen Canyon as "'the bathtub ring'"? Civilization and violence are antithetical concepts. By the same token, I strongly believe that non-Indian children also have a constitutional right to learn about our Native American heritage and culture, because Indians play a significant part in the history of Western society. I give the best of all I have to offer Sam. I don't trust him. Dr. Fletcher opens the envelope. Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. The following sentence contains faulty parallel structure: What change did Orson Welles make to the radio play of The War of the Worlds that caused its audience to panic? D. Basketball isn't easy; it takes a real man to succeed. What is the most likely moral of this parable? Trust a pilot if he tells you to fasten your safety belt. D.A sculptor creates a statue so beautiful that he falls in love with his creation. Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways such as fried, then mashed with butter, and finally baked with cheese and bacon. Bird that looks like a pterodactyl; San4es73 [151] 1 year ago. Which sentence is most clearly discussing the implicit meaning of a text? The letter was from Enrique, whom she had not heard from in two years. My Indian child has a constitutional right to learn, retain, and maintain his heritage and culture. Anyone who has tried to pilot a motorboat through a raft of half-sunken logs and bloated dead cows will have his own thoughts on the accessibility of these waters. Well, it is time you knew." Therefore, I will get tired at 3 o'clock today. Southern racists usually have at least one negative stereotype about most nonwhite populations. Following the rules of the Catholic faith is necessary to reach heaven. What theme does Martin Luther King, Jr. support in the following passage from his Nobel Prize acceptance speech? Wiesel is showing how widespread the effects of indifference are. To evoke the readers' memory of the old story through the use of symbolism.