During this time, you will feel motivated to express your values in the wider community through some creative form. I think the Leo quality of loyalty was too strong and was overriding what was actually taking place in this friendship. alone, pain. You appreciate quality and will sacrifice much to enjoy it. And Jupiter should make a grand trine to my AC and MC, shouldnt it. Friends that support the new me. You are being called to defeat this abuse hydra. I wonder if things had been different had it been on your Vertex? Like a rescue vehicle or ambulances on their way to the hospital.You hear them from your house, the whistle pervades the boundaries of knowing and not knowing. As for the Jupiter part of the transit? March 24, 2024 Ive still got a lot of business expenses at the moment, so cant make any big purchases. This transit helps generate positive growth in your relationships, be they romantic or otherwise. November 28, 2026. In the Jupiter/Venus and Mars opp Uranus chart, Nov 24. My friend and I, we are using the timing of the conjunction to remedy the high concentration of the two metals in the well water. The Venus conjunct Jupiter transit predicts love and abundance, concordance and good times, giving us opportunities to enjoy ourselves. Not too sure what the Venus Jupiter conjunction will do for me .i welcome feedback To View the content disable adblocker and refresh the page. They are constant and in a balanced connection, but it only delivers a good chance, a chance to accomplish anything if you put in the hard work. I was certain that the jupiter/venus conjunction was a significant trigger and am really confused why it hasnt taken off. She was a Libra ( Venus ruled ). Thank you Jamie for that explanation. I have a friend with Venus in Scorpio, 5 degrees natal. Any comment? Your popularity comes not only from your physical attractiveness but also from your genuinely warm and friendly nature. is not : ). This is not to say that a relationship will not start under other conditions such as transit to DC, Moon or Venus. Overall there is good news ahead Love444. Reveal here what it means, both in synastry and when it comes to the personality of the person who has this precise aspect in its natal chart. This relationship could work, if lovers are ready to make it work, and to skillfully balance work and private life (but at the same time, the two are very often connected in some way, interlaced). Is my life good? excellent advisors or life coaching lecturers. however, hes not making any moves. We don't collect your IP address. Neighbors may be more friendly to you now. Your email address will not be published. https://www.etsy.com/shop/BagatelleBoutique. Venus square Uranus Transit During the Venus square Uranus transit, unforeseen events or feelings may threaten the stability of romantic relationships. At that very moment, the planets were aligned in a certain way, each and every one of them in a certain position toward other planets, and their interpersonal relationships are the doors through which you can go and learn about yourself. I also quit smoking and am substituting them with custard danish, expensive chocolates and caramel ice-cream. The Jupiter lover always chooses between the material and the spiritual, and often, in order to avoid confusion and poor communication, he is more focused on the simpler side of life, which, of course, this Venus partner does not really know how to comprehend and deal with. April 13, 2026 I have Venus square Saturn, so I think that I do have a problem with meeting controlling/restricting men. Transiting Venus trine or sextile your natal Jupiter. Thanks to the planet Jupiter, these energies will still bring a lot of good and beautiful things, even unexpected gains and increases in the financial field. Here, we are looking into the sextile relationship between Venus and Jupiter. They always make you feel good about yourself, even love yourself, so you can smooth out other conflicting or hard transits that may be happening. For example, for example, in the lives of the people who have this position, they can exaggerate in life in numerous things. You can also be forgiving and generous so that charity work would appeal to you. Therefore, these are times when you tend to attract people to you, and you feel more open and expansive. You love to party but may need restraint or moderation during unpleasant times. Progressed Venus Sextile Jupiter. Any insight you may have? All relationships are improved. Thanks as always Jamie! If you include the South Node of the Moon you have a yod aspect pattern focused on Venus. You enjoy not only cultivating your own contentment but also bringing joy to those you care about. You are lucky to have the Mercury Venus Jupiter conjunction on your birthday. When the two best-looking planets come together, they are the most attractive and popular sights. Im not over the top attractive, my Suns on Arcturus. This Appulse/Conjunction is occurring within one degree of my IC (28VIR) I have been feeling the first stirrings of this energy over the last couple of days (Hearing beautiful music during meditation, having visions of a gently and harmoniously moving sacred geometry configuration over my head.) Please Consider supporting us by disabling your Ad-Blocker,It helps us in maintaining this website. Any legal matters you may have in the works bring good results now. Most important is to gain understanding of why you are here, in these circumstances, why your Soul chose this journey, and where it is that you need to go next. Transit Jupiter Square Venus The transit of Jupiter square your natal Venus produces a need to express affection and love towards others but, unfortunately, it also makes you very passive and you expect things to come to you on their own instead of you going after them. I have been making beauty products with essential oils. There can be situations in which they give each other a second chance to correct something that they have done in the past or to finally finish something that they have planned for a long time and allow themselves a fresh new beginning and a new chapter in their love story. Hi, I have Jupiter conjunct with Venus in Pisces 7th House..Do these energies become stronger till they conjunct? Even introverted people will have a more open attitude during these days. It is very active now, esp in the Sibly chart. It is also a great time to meet new people, especially if they are from abroad, who are completely different, even exotic. Yes time will tell, then that is saying it is up to Saturn! Good girl, keep going. Venus trine Jupiter is a much-awaited transit because it brings joy, positivity and a lot of love. Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. 21 May 2016 As Jupiter transited, she was dumped by her boyfriend of two years who began secretly dating her best friend. You need to have fun and be more sociable than at other times. But in their lives, there is a major possibility of wisely finding an excellent and very profitable source of income, as they are very good at completing business projects and finding new clients, but they are also known for changing workplaces and progressing in their careers even more. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astromajesty_com-leader-4','ezslot_18',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astromajesty_com-leader-4-0');The sextile between Venus and Jupiter may even allow you to change the very location where you live. I am here to spread LOVE. I seem to get married after eclipse on my DC. Also havinv a Chiron return and Tr Uranus/Mars conjunct my natal moon, definitely shows up the non support aka backstabbing from the immediate females in my family. I am amazed to see the abuse has also lessened in the last week. The important thing this transit can give is the internal peace that can help you maintain self-control. Use it as a tuning fork for your art and music.ie, your internal vibration. When this transit is active, you should be very happy since this is, as we have said, very harmonious. Could you possibly look at this chart and tell us what you think? will this transit help me get a job as I desire. Ella, sounds like you have some astrological energy undermining the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. I have a natal Stellium and a Yod that wreak so much havoc that even the Venus-Jupiter conjunction gift is often dimmed. With transit Jupiter sextile or trine your natal Moon, you can usually be optimistic without being delusional about it. It is a time that favors your relationships and people will be more attracted to you than usual. The way I feel it looks that conjunction and the trine overthrowing a square. Good use of astrology to navigate the life. antiscion, of the two hybrid signs: Sagittarius half man, half horse, and Capricorn, the sea goat. Natal Neptune for me sits at the apex of a minor grand trine. You do not have to strive, struggle, or work hard. They are well respected and loved by society. Adventuring out into the world isnt out of the question. Venus transits to your natal Jupiter are some of the most enjoyable transits. These can make you quite lazy since you feel good and you do not feel any urgency to be productive like at other times. however do feel my presence is calming to others or im always viewed as non threatening by people. Even the most rock-solid of monogamous relationships will require that you spend more time exploring what's out in the world, either together . In general, we could say that this aspect can awaken the passion for everything that is beautiful, pleasant, and has a quality that lasts (Venus), but at the same time, all that beauty is unusual and new thanks to the planet Jupiter. I think I deserve a bit of good luck to be honest! Thanks. So this Big conjunction is also sextile my Natal moon at 25 Aquarius, and sextile Pluto at 26 Libra. On top of that Saturn has been squaring Mars at 19 Libra all year, and I can honestly say Im not sure how the heck Im alive. This attitude will always bring problems after a few days. This is the aspect that spontaneously awakens emotions, and has that in mind-but these two lovers must learn how to express which emotion and to whom. This transit indicates good luck, and you may receive gifts, money or compliments. During the retrograde time transiting Jupiter could make 3 contacts with the natal planet. You are not a nit-picking clean freak, but enjoy beauty in all its forms. Your Venus would never feel Saturns influence after Pluto (half a degree), Jupiter (2 degrees) and Neptune (half a degree). You feel very sociable and loving, but because you feel so good about yourself, you do not throw yourself into the outside world and ambition is restricted. That is due to the weakness of this aspect in your chart at 8 degrees orb. Try to act with sincerity and accept others with their limitations, so you will be accepted in the same way. People with Venus sextile Jupiter in the natal birth chart are individuals that brim with joy and originality. There is even a possibility to change the home, renew the furniture, and buy new devices around the home. if you do not mind. This transit can provoke compulsive feelings that interfere with the situation that is occurring, and also provoke the other person negatively. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. as for the transit: 11/22/2019 Jupiter/Venus conjunction is Antiscion Saturn. In some cases you can attract money or improve your financial resources. Three times now. You just want to get along with people. Although, if you are cautious and think before you act, you can make good investments, especially if they are something that was planned in advance. June 9, 2026 If Jupiter is lord of your first house, you are likely to be very self indulgent during this period and end up gaining some weight as a result. Your dislike of aggression or threatening situations means you prefer to be around other agreeable people and live in beautiful surroundings. Transit Chiron to Natal Venus Transit Chiron sextile or trine natal Venus can be helpful for feeling more at ease with your baggage and wounds, and you can get help from other people or through your relationships. Many people come to them because they are. Not many people are able to do so. Yes there were so so many opportunities in life for me to make bigger things happen,either in fashion,music and designknowing a lot of different people from all over the world and good connections who were just waiting on me to make it happen ( it is in aries in the ninth house with venus and mc there as north node as well)but i was simply chasing all these connections and made nothing real happen cause i just couldnt decide what would be the best for me,now i am a jill of all trades actuallyand i still struggle to stop my haunt for experiences,i was simply happy with that short experience and was thirsty for more,even so much i hated to sleep cause i thought i will miss out something good in life while i am sleeping lol I can not be around people that are trying to bring my thirst for fun and action down,i get depressed and sad thinking why people behave so limited ( while i know everyone got their own reasons but i always try to cheer someone up,i learned moderation cause sometimes i overdo things) but i still see opportunities,i think this is a good aspect when you are young and got a support system(family friends etc) who are on the same path as you. Best one because it includes moon phases is: The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000-2050 at Midnight. During the transit of this position, it is a known fact that there can be alterations in the behaviors of people, and there will be a visible difference in peoples behaviors, not just in your immediate surroundings but more. Be mindful of the Venus sextile Jupiter transit because you are more optimistic than usual and likely to get involved in things without thinking twice. If lord of the 12th, this is a good time to catch up on some rest and relaxation as you are not likely to be interrupted during this period. Investments should turn a profit, especially in works of art, jewelry, and other luxury items. Popularity and social success are likely and you should have no problems making friends or finding a partner. I really think its luck that we need on our side in life, especially when weve had so many setbacks and that of a Saturian nature like Saturn return and chaotic transits in general that seem to place havoc in our lives! Me too Sun 21 cancer, awful. My friend who discarded our friendship rang me today like nothing had happened and wanted to go out to dinner. Positive vibes and thinking will flow into your love life . This also marks a great time to enjoy festivities in a crowd (or anything that leaves you relaxed yet stimulated), no matter the time of year. However, troubles can arise at a deeper level when it comes to relationship dynamics and success in life. It is not a time in which you are likely to feel especially ambitious. Hi Jamie, the Venus Conjunct Jupiter dates you posted, shows that it happens approximately 12 times in 10 years. You must act with moderation in everything you do, and do not take anything for granted, love, money or anything else. Just kidding, hehe. I just left on a plane to hang out with my best friend while legal proceedings of outstanding divorce settlement will be negotiated. You may notice less of an attachment to things you had previously found to be valuable. As for your relationships, everyone feels good about you, but you should not assume that others will accept some of your extravagances. Minor Transits are the Inner and quicker moving Planet/Luminaries; the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. It is an excellent time to have dealings with lawyers. Then we know that this position has its full effect, and there is a huge range of different emotions in this person, and everything is constantly reduced to emotions, not on a parched practical level but higher. I feel like this was written for me. You feel happy, and this positively influences all your personal or professional relationships. The transit of Venus opposite your natal Jupiter gives an excess of self-indulgence and a great desire for pleasure. The transit of Jupiter sextile your natal Venus is a very pleasant transit. Yes of course, the transit means that plus Midheaven conjunct fixed stars Altair is a bonus. Lucky you! Often his views are not understood or misinterpreted because it is difficult to find like-minded people due to his progressive and often unorthodox way of thinking. Marriage may be essential, and you would expect the same loyalty and devotion you give. As if that wasnt enough, unlike most other people, theyre already certain about what they desire from this life. Every time it rained the water was pooling, but soon it will flow more naturally. You are fun to be around and should enjoy popularity. I found it really interesting that you mentioned fashion and design. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Gatherings tend to be more formal and "high society". You may meet someone who teaches you something new and helps you expand your horizon. While this is a time for prosperity, you should be careful as you might feel too much desire for overindulgence which might cause addiction depending on how you choose to proceed. Venus trine or sextile Sun. What happened when Pluto went over your ascendant? That is something to be proud of. You can make others feel better if they are unhappy or depressed. That is, the midpoint between the Jupiter/Venus conjunction and Saturn is 0 degree Capricorn, winter solstice. Hi Jamie, I have jupiter venus neptune in sagittarius at 2nd house, scorpio ascendant (sun mercury south node Ketu) and tauras north node Rahu in 7th house. While they rarely offer help out of their initiative, if need truly be, they waste no time in providing aid. Last week of November will be an interesting time. It represents a conflict between the desire to belong to something and the desire for freedom, so you must maintain calm and your perspective. Conjunction Venus in Pisces, Jupiter in Pisces (me). People who have this position in their natal charts are very likely to have very high education or are considered experts in their field of work. Around 2 degrees Libra is a sensitive point in your chart because it is midway between your Ascendant trine Midheaven. These people can be quite affectionate and caring, but that doesnt mean they cant get down and dirty in bed. For the first time in many many years in the last few days I feel at peace, I am finally able to sleep and eat normally (my abusive mother also made it impossible to access food or a peaceful environment to sleep this year, behaving very much as abusers do when they feel a victim stand up they will escalate abuse to unheard of levels, the idea being to break you if they cant easily dump their toxicity on you anymore. 10 Oct 2016 Rx Your bad year is due to Saturn square Neptune, with both planets aspecting your Sun. The transiting Venus conjunct Jupiter is a popularly sought after kind of minor transit in astrology. Hopefully Ill start making good money with my business! You certainly do not have Venus sextile Saturn with an orb of over 8 degrees. Self-control and extravagance may be a problem, leading to addiction or greed. Nearly every time I close my eyes I have visions but rarely anything like yours. I am proud of myself for just being alive at all. It is is your solar return chart so this optimism and good fortune should stay with you for a whole year. This transit also gives you plenty of laziness and capacity for self-indulgence. Not only will you be receptive to learning in a social environment, but it will also place you in a situation where you can form new, mutually supportive relationships. But through your involvement in the creative process, you will also be able to gain a greater understanding of the meaning and purpose youve been developing in your life. Venus square or opposite Moon. Trapped and imprisoned is how I feel, just like you. They are people who have suffered a lot in life, but who see each of their mistakes as a new life lesson, and they want to spread that word further into the world. Venus Sextile Jupiter Transit. You can get carried away by extravagances, lack of moderation and excessive financial expenses. Transits of the planet Venus to natal planets in your birth chart: (transiting planet is listed first) More on determining planetary condition. Im trying to learn about astrology. Not sure what the outward manifestations may be, but I am enjoying the energy at least! You may enjoy flirting but can also be secretive about your love life. This is a good time to impress someone, if that is what you want. I am looking at this really hard. She is an experienced practitioner who aims to make her work available to as many people as possible. These traits also mean that these people might often engage in relationships of either a romantic or sexual nature. In my case, its often emphasized in a thrift shop environments, or in shoe-string design budgets, due to careful, frugal Virgo. So we got to be patient and allow the sequence to unfold with everyones input. Anyway, in an aspect like that you will find that Saturn tends to act on your Moon, more than the Moon n your Saturn. I truly have paid a massive price for daring to stand up for my dignity after a lifetime of being groomed to accept her and other peoples abuse, I am surprised I have not entirely collapsed or died, either by a terminal illness or my own hand. It occurs from this-the planet Venus is in the sign of its displacement, and expansion. The transit of Jupiter square your natal Venus produces a need to express affection and love towards others but, unfortunately, it also makes you very passive and you expect things to come to you on their own instead of you going after them. I wont ever take him back. One of those relations is the sextile position, an angle between the planets that is around 60. You are friendlier and more charming than usual. (PS, anyone interested in judging me for being an ungrateful person, you can save your breath. If lord of the 11th, social connections made now have the potential to further your career goals. Usually a happy period. Venus Square Moon Transit A square between transiting Venus and your natal moon makes you more receptive to noticing changing dynamics within your relationships, as well as within your own desires. Apologies if this is the wrong section. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Would be interested to know. Thanks for pointing that out to me Jamie! The transit of Venus sextile your natal Jupiter is one of the most favorable transits, although its effects last a maximum of a couple of days. Hi Jamie, Venus conjunct Jupiter transit portends love and money, harmony, and happiness. Nessus is the Centaur where we find abuse, check it out in your chart and the Mother. It is a good time for your social life, since other people find your company pleasant. It is very favorable for you to relax and take vacations, as well as to soften all the conflicts you have with others and with your partner or spouse. Transit Jupiter in Aspects to Natal Venus - Astrology Ad-Block Detected : ( ( Sorry, We detected that you have activated Ad-Blocker. The friendship should have ended long ago, so Saturn is just doing the work for me. Perhaps this is the right time to discuss legal matters, or to set the date of a wedding. You may be feeling more sentimental than usual. Beware of eating excessively rich meals or drinking too much. Your increased physical and inner beauty makes you more popular in social settings. This makes it an ideal time to be active in any form of art, music, or performance. I have a feeling it could be but I have not researched it. May indicate the birth of children for the married. In the company and area of my interest, outside India? Venus conjunct Jupiter transit portends love and money, harmony, and happiness. They urge you to find enjoyment in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. During these transits, you feel very generous, but you must have some moderation to avoid extravagant spending. Venus is therefore the major player in your chart. There is a deeper side to your seemingly fun-loving nature, with an interest in education, philosophy, psychology (especially related to relationships), literature or law. You are more capable of surrendering, and feel better being in the company of other people and sharing. You are able to express harmony and have a presence that has a great impact on your social environment. You are generally optimistic, content, and generous. They are ideal times for a rest or to take a few days of vacation.