Because Sun is exalted in Aries it is most efficient in concentrating on spiritual values and righteousness of the 1st zodiac sign. When two debilitated planets are in mutual aspect. They must also learn to remain on a moral path to reduce the baggage of bad karma and increase the speed of success. That was very reassuring Ill mention once again.Thank you . Sun in this sign is in 3rd from its sign Leo. It means if one of these six planets is debilitated or exalted; we will need to check whether or not it is combust. Most often, offending others is their subconscious desire to recompensate their sufferings on account of causing suffering to other living beings. The planet Sun exalted in any horoscope explains that the soul has reached his higher level and now it is the time to help others and uplift them. What is Cancellation of Debilitation Debilitated planets always play an important role in the horoscope. Most importantly, surrendering to God and seeking worth through the almighty is a must as It guarantees fewer disappointments as long as ethical conduct is maintained. If you are new to Vedic astrology and would like to learn more about the strength of your Sun (and all your other planets), as well as receive more personalised remedies for your problems, please consider checking out my affordable birth chart readingsHERE. If you would like to preview your Vedic natal chart and see where your Sun is placed, please see the CALCULATOR. If natural or functional benefics aspect this neech planet, even then his energies are diverted. Except Sun, Rahu and Ketu, all six planets undergo this phenomenon. Sun is the king, who owns Leo and he is thrilled to be seated on his throne. thank you, it is the best post yet that I have read on Vedic astrology interpretation. The native whose Sun is debilitated will be tactless, arrogant, frank, pompous and drunkard. This year because Venus is with the Sun, the debilitation is technically cancelled which means that there is support to get through the problems that a debilitated Sun would create which means that working together with others and getting support or health around confidence issues will be there. That is why the guiding planet is always important and significant in any chart.Another condition that is a blessing in disguise is the cancellation of the debilitation combination in the birth chart. Society notices their uniqueness because the cancellation of debilitation indicates their ability to convert negative ego to positive ego with the help of valuable experience. Worshipping Rama can help you increase the solar light in your life as a power of truth, righteousness, and compassion. Debilitated Sun for Gemini Ascendant/ Mithuna lagna: For gemini lagna planet Sun debilitated in fifth house and it rule third house. When Venus is also negatively placed in a chart, they face a lot of unnecessary expenses and financial issues in their lives. This is because of the fact that certain planets do not align with the qualities. Your email address will not be published. When the Sun is weak, there is a lack of steadfastness and self-assurance at times. The truth is that God is always constant and upright while people of earth are born with their natural faults and tendency to sin. (Mercury is in Gemini). It is also consideredSushupta, sleeping, so its qualities are in a dormant state. In Rule 2 the exaltation lord has to be in Kendra from lagna or Moon. Thank you for the insightful post. So though in your outward life you enjoy the plus points of the exalted Sun, in your inner life, your subconscious, potential, expectations etc the energy of the debilitated Sun influences you. Please share your thoughts in the comments and share them with your friends. Sun is all about passion, Libra represents worldly desires, while the 3rd disposition denotes ambitions. Available by Oct 23 2018! I will close the website due to my own decision in upcoming months - thanks for everyone who supported. Yes, definitely. While they talk about the mistakes of others, they have the habit of altering reality for their benefit. If you have other enabling combinations of neech bhang in your chart then it becomes easier. We see several divisional charts for improving the accuracy of the predictions (post here). All the content of this site is legally published only on this domain. It is crucial for Libra Sun natives to acknowledge their deep wounds. Because their souls want to have a unique shine on them they often fail to blend in with the masses. etc) reconciled? I have seen dozen of rules about neecha banga but of which only few are time tested and found to be working in actual. People with debilitated Sun (especially on the ascendant) are often self-conscious about their hair or they can have issues with hair loss and baldness. He is reported to have said: The best of you is the best to his wife and I am the best to my wife . My birth ascendant is Libra.. The Sun represents self-confidence, self-esteem and self-belief. Herein the 3rd signifies courage, valor, willpower, motivation, the power to take action, self-made efforts, skills, talents, communication, mental strength & purity, etc. Barrys Vedic readings are infused with deep emotional and spiritual content which rises above the ordinary. It leads to situations where no matter how much affection they receive, it is just not enough for them leading to disappointments and ego issues in relationships. That is, do not be quick to judge and leave judgment to God except when there is direct threat to righteous beleivers. 2) Lord of rashi in which neech planet (debilitated Planet) is placed is in Kendra from moon or lagan for example if sun is deliberated in Libra, Then if Venus is in Kendra from moon or lagan. (Mercury is in Pisces). The God Almighty said: By My might and majesty, I will continue to forgive them, as long as they seek My forgiveness. It is because the 7th sign is directly opposite to the 1st sign of Aries, which denotes birth and the beginning of life. Libra is naturally the 7th sign of the zodiac and represents relationships and marital bliss. How do we get rid of that? Required fields are marked *. The degree of exaltation is 10 degrees. A planet in debilitation is weak in its nature and exhibits very few of its natural beneficial or useful characteristics. The effect of Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga: Life of affluence, good status, respect from the authorities. Sun is exalted in Aries (Mars rules Aries, The debilitation lord of a debilitated planet is in a, The debilitated planet is associated with or, The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its. However, seen otherwise, you would be insensitive and arrogant by nature. Need deep psychological insight into your chart? It also indicates lacking the power to take action and put in hard work. In addition to that, Libra Sun natives have very high expectations regarding the attention they get. (The Last Sermon, Riyad as-Salihin 278)Holy Prophet [PBUH] raised the status of and established legal rights for women which were never present before, and protected them from harassment, and stressed duty and good treatment to mother. This question is always a controversial topic among astrologers. The power and magic lie in the worship of Jyotirlingas. But the planetary force has to work where is he placed, no option on that. If the cancellation of debilitation occurs, such individuals are able to prosper in society or marketplaces despite their unethical way of expression or pronunciation (3rd disposition of communication) of their ideologies. Relationship with father will depend on the exaltation and debilitation as well. Namely, such individuals know how and when to strategically harness criticism that actually promotes their ideas or success. In general, they are first-rate malefic, even a benefic that is debilitated will harm those planets and houses it joins or aspects (particularly true for rasi aspects). As a result, they start chasing them restlessly without noticing the mistakes they make. Something good now can be a source of immense sorrow bad later. Snoop Dogg and Gordon Ramsay have also Venus in Libra with Sun. One great example is Gordon Ramsay, who has Libra Sun with the cancellation of debilitation, and who is able to harness criticism honestly and productively to promote social well-being and justice. Kitsap Sun. Best examples who have Sun in Libra while debilitated are Snoop Dogg and Gordon Ramsay. Greed, in turn, can be caused by failures and delays which can develop strong fear which bases on false thoughts that they never fulfill their worldly desires. With that being said, as their purity of soul (Sun) is fallen, it motivates them to perform unethical, immoral, and sinful acts in order to gain the lead. More specifically, Sun is in 3rd from its own sign Leo. If these natives succeed in doing so, they avoid doing mistakes that could cost them dearly. The best remedy for the fallen Sun is to get involved in spiritual topics and practice living a righteous lifestyle which will boost prosperity a lot in the long run. The planet Mars is in an angle from both Lagna and Moon. (So do not ask me questions like is this planet good/bad?, in the comments.) However, true delibitation only occurs within the first 2 degrees of Scorpio, and without debilitation cancellation. Our Leo president, Donald Trump will probably not do well with this transit as it can bring out the darkest part of ego when the lesson is learning to work together. As Sun signifies confidence, the fall of it in Libra indicates lack or loss of it. Cancellation of Debilitation - The Eight Rules The debilitation lord of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon. After all, Sun is in the sign of the planet of luxury Venus which has all the potential to bless with success and prosperity. If you dont feel comfortable meditating and chanting mantras, you can also write them down (preferably 28 or 108 times) in a notebook as an alternative meditative exercise. Sun strongly aspected or conjunct with Saturn. Analysing ones own self is the hardest thing. The 3rd house can go either way so has to be seen chart-specific). Muhammad [PBUH] was most akin to Jesus [PBUH], who is coming back, and the best of people will be under protection of Jesus [PBUH]. It should not be disturbed by malefic influences, nor by combust planets, nor by debilitated planets etc. However, Jupiter is strong in her chart because she has 6 out of the 8 (Neecha Bhanga) cancellation to her debilitated Jupiter. Thank you. It also indicates that society is able to recognize their uniqueness and they receive a lot of recognition as a result, which they truly desire, according to the natural nature of the Sun. Yes, exalted Saturn in Libra helps a lot along with the aspect of a benefic friendly planet Jupiter. The planet will in some way show that his energy is different Neech, despite being diverted by the Bhang combinations. Classics state that these natives put world matters first which is the prime reason for repeating the same mistake all over again. The written content of the website is copyright protected and digitally signed. (For example: Mercury is in Trine from the Ascendant). The Lord of Jupiter is Saturn. However, if you have this combination in your birth chart, please do not despair because the debilitation may become a great strength over time if special combinations in the chart allow so. If there are any of these combinations with respect to the neech planet in your chart, then his energy will be diverted. I am currently conducting theological updates on all articles, hence some errors may be there. With this, you shall be frank by nature. Either he himself is being directly helped, eg by conjunction, aspect etc combinations. The ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is placed conjuncts or aspects the planet. FROM $377 (USD) Enjoy 4 nights' accommodations at Hotel du Lac and 3 rounds of golf at Bergamo "L'Albenza" Golf Club, Villa d'Este, and Menaggio & Cadenabia Golf Club. It is because of the uniqueness, self-centeredness of Sun fails to function properly in the sign of society, Libra, which forces Sun to leave the center of attention. For example Moon in Scorpio. Rule 4 The planet that is exalted in the sign of the debilitated planet is positioned in an angle (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) from the lagna or the Moon. Or the sign in which this debilitation has occurred is being supported, by a powerful placement of its owner planet. Sticking to commitments can be difficult and leadership qualities will most likely be missing. What is debilitation of a planet ?The debilitation of a planet is considered the weakest and most unfavourable position of a planet by sign placement. Stars are part of creation and must never be worshipped according to The Last Word of God, and older authentic religious revelations. I have sun in libra with venus in libra in 4 house, neecha bhang raj yoga? Still these are the all possible ways listed above which can cause the Neecha Bhanga as per astrological texts. It means that the shadowy, secretive, cunning, daring, adventurous, reckless, fearless, unusual, dangerous entity Rahu combines with argumentative, wishy-washy, critical, analytical, serious, disciplined, well-organized, perfectionist, intelligent, communicative, mutable earth sign Virgo. This diversion will depend on the modifying influence on him. That is because Venus as the ruler of the sign of balance, Libra, signifies justice. Sun strongly aspected or conjunct with Venus or in the sign of Taurus. Some of the most successful and well-known people in the world have at least one debilitated planet in their chart and because of the planetary debilitation they were able to rise in status and power. Sun: Be prepared to enjoy the royal status and charm like a king, if your Sun is exalted in your horoscope. That is, such natives often talk about private issues about sensual life publicly which gives rise to lots of gossip and awful situations. His rule is the reign of truth and the divine light. The planet Moon is in a Kendra (7th house) from lagan. Wear more bright, clean, transparent, and warm colours, especially on Sundays. If you blame the graha for issues in your life, know that you are blaming your own self. Here are some of them: When several of these factors combine, a traditional Vedic remedy is a necessity. Hence, when Sun is in Libra, it indicates that these natives are fond of traveling to find their meaning in life and relieve stress caused mainly by society. The restless chase after self-awareness in crowded areas involuntarily makes these natives try to raise themselves above others whatever it takes. So in some DC or the other your well placed planets of the birth chart are going to shift to their neech signs also. That is, do not be quick to judge and leave judgment to God except when there is direct threat to righteous beleivers. Keep up your good work. The combination of these three energies through the fallen Sun in Libra can put their focus too much on worldly matters which can lead to excessive greed or desire for more earthly benefits. Intimate life should remain private but Sun in this sign tends to put the spotlight on such topics. However, additional difficulties arise with combust Venus. Learn to praise yourself in a healthy and constructive manner. Hence, people with this combination struggle to develop self-awareness (identity) along with courage in their lives. They receive much reputation and honor as a result. And the birth Moon has to be capable of giving auspicious results. In my experience, the energy created by a planet cannot be cancelled, it cannot be made zero. Rama is the great dharma king, the foremost prince of the solar dynasty, and the representative of the cosmic order on Earth. Poor eyesight is another possibility. When they face failures, difficulties, or delays, they are in danger of developing jealousy against those who are prosperous instead of clapping for them and waiting for their turn to put in hard work to succeed. Negative self-talk has to be reduced. The feeling of losing identity and uniqueness in crowds may trigger a desire to restlessly chase for attention. Debilitated Sun When the Sun is weak it can be the downfall of everything else in the horoscope. The biggest lesson of Libra Sun natives is to learn how to regain the balance (Libra) of their souls and find the right path in life. Public speaking is another good idea. Sun gets debilitated at the public place of business & negotiation in Libra. What will be the results?Will be able to have confidence? For example, any planet will receive maximum combustion effect in Aries . I am sure there is strong support from Venus to your Sun which reflects your high self-awareness which is a sign of Sun increasing in strength gradually. (Sun gets exalted in the sign of Mars, so Sun is the planet in this case if Mars is debilitated.) If the birth chart fulfills the cancellation of debilitation, Sun in Libra can produce immensely positive results. Mantra to Surya: Om Hreem Sum Suryaya Namah. This blog,http://psychologicallyastrology.comand all the material in it, is my personal experiences, copyright and my intellectual property, do respect this. Good/bad is a matter of perception. Thanks for the reply Martin. A dignified Venus is capable of diminishing these negative results easily. If you have not done your birth time correction etc do not use the varga charts, they will mislead. Cancellation of Debilitation of a Planet Due to the motion of the planets in the Zodiac, they pass through certain degrees of constellations and Rashis (Signs), they acquire or loose strength or power. Sun. This year because Venus is with the Sun, the debilitation is technically cancelled which means that there is support to get through the problems that a debilitated Sun would create which means that working together with others and getting support or health around confidence issues will be there. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Oftersheim and beyond. All people are practically beleivers if they believe in one God, The Prophets (some of them: Solomon, Moses, Jesus) and The Seal of Prophets (Muhammad) peace be upon them. A deeper reason for their unethical deeds and tactics is the lack of courage and fear of competitors taking their place. When we learn, we evolve. It reflects their strong desire to be admired in terms of beauty and attention. This also means that whenever these natives put excessive trust in someone to develop a sense of worthiness, they lose a lot of vitality when that someone makes a mistake. The ruler of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet is in Trine from the Ascendant or the Moon. Most of us have forgotten our real mother tongue, that is why understanding core concepts has become difficult. They are mostly described in astrology as being most unfavourable conditions for planet to be in Birth chart. Herein the 3rd disposition signifies valor, efforts, and skills. They are usually very motivated to push their boundaries when it comes to materialistic success. Also, completely prohibited injustice towards girl-children (unjust people used to get rid of them for financial reasons). Most birth times are off by 5-10 mins thus of no use in divisional chart calculations. Your email address will not be published. ie should be exalted, in own sign, in sign of friends, aspected by benefics. At the same time, Sun signifies a passion for adventure, exploration, and the desire to lead an active lifestyle. (Mercury aspects Venus from Pisces). As Libra, the 7th sign also signifies sensual pleasures with a partner, it indicates some deficiency in this matter as well. Neech means that the energy goes inwards, deeply, the direction of its movement is altered. Saturn and Sun conjunction in libra, also creates neechbhang yoga in 10th house, venus is in sagittarius? This material may not be used in any way whatsoever, sold, incorporated in any sort of documents or products, or used for promotional purposes without the express permission of the author, Tejaswini Arvind Patil. For Gemini rising Sun debilitation harms their overall growth, creativity, kids and Hindu deity by following too several things in an exceedingly self-interested manner. Should be placed in kendra or kona houses or any house except the dusham-sthan (6th, 8th, 12th houses are the dusham-sthan. When the planet that rules over the 6th house of the natal birth chart is located in its own sign in the 6th house, it means to have this combination. Energy just is, it is all about how you use it. In early Libra the Sun is still in Chitra, Oct 17-22 (Virgo 23.20-Libra 6.40) and connected to his friend Mars who is exalted in transit now and in a stronger part of Libra is not as bad. Neech means that the energy goes inwards, deeply, the direction of its . Sun strongly aspected or conjunct with Saturn. (Sunan an-Nasa'i 4047)There must be no racism, sects, tribes, or gangs amongst you, and take special care of women, and increased rewards get those who educate women especially who suffer in calamities. Sun, however, is the ruler of the 5th zodiac sign Leo which signifies originality, uniqueness, and self-awareness. The ascendant of my birth is Sagittarius. Neech is a state of energy. It also means that a strong Venus can guide the Sun out of trouble. Sun conjunct with Rahu or Ketu, especially when Mars or Saturn is also placed in the same house. The Sun in Libra transit is particularly difficult for Scorpio rising and Pisces rising as it is a 12th and 8th house transits for them. In todays post, I would like to explain what happens when Sun in a persons chart is weak or debilitated. Thank you once again Martin. I have my sun in Libra and Venus in Leo, effectively exchanging signs. Sun conjunct with Rahu or Ketu, especially when Mars or Saturn is also placed in the same house. Alternatively, it means that they are bereft from fatherly assistance which can actually make them self-made masters as they have to figure out everything on their own, especially when it comes to things related to leading, initiating, courage, and dignity. Always know that this science and the latest religious revelations are separated from each other for more than 5000 years. To create Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga the planet, that creates the cancellation should not own, be conjunct or aspected by the rulers of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th houses and the ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is placed should be well placed and well aspected. First of all, your attitude is man evidence that you are building biggest strengths out of the initial weaknesses of this combination. Check out our new book , Looking Up the Magicians Sleeve which has over 225 pages Pre-order the e-publish book today for 15.95 at: When there are too many events causing loss of vitality it can be very overwhelming and distract from their purpose and duty (for some time, but that time is priceless). This is very unnatural for the significance of the Sun as it is meant to find its value in the word of God and righteousness (Aries). As a result, the native overcomes bad effects and converts initial weaknesses into huge strengths. With the purifying fire of the Sun being weakened, an individuals vitality and ability to recover from diseases will be compromised. Never endanger lives (saving one life is like saving whole humanity). Because there is so much negative talk regarding debilitated planets, many people become paranoid when they are about to run the dasha of a debilitated planet. With undignified and fallen Sun, they often harness unethical tactics in an attempt to shine like no other in their society. Because of greed, they can also commit many immoral acts against others who are successful. The treatise on astrology, Phaladeepika written by Mantreswara speaks about Neecha Bhanga Raja Yog at the end of chapter named as Maharaja Yogas. Additionally, they might criticize others for doing something immoral while they are committing unethical acts themselves. In this case, hypercriticism is temporary or absent at all. The cancellation of debility can transform the adverse nature of the debilitated planets and produces unusual beneficial results (Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga). Despite the significations of the Sun such as the purity of the soul and vitality being highly damaged it may promote success in business and trading as Libra signifies marketplaces, trading, and entrepreneurship. However, if the debilitation of the Sun gets canceled and a powerful combination is formed, the initial negative traits are transformed into powerful ones which bestow great results and capabilities. If the owner of the exaltation sign of the planet is conjunct with or, The owner of the sign of debilitation of that planet is placed in the 5, The owner of the sign of exaltation of that planet is placed in the 5. When the debilitation of Libra Sun becomes canceled, they learn through frustrations and failures that it is important to attain goals through ethical and moral ways which ultimately ensures long-lasting success. As Sun is fallen, the spotlight often involves certain kinds of negativity which leads to various scandals mostly involving relationships, beauty, or sensual matters. Personal Finance and Your Life: Understanding Money Karma and Its Remedies, Personal Finance and Your Life Part 2: Income Expansion, Investment Astrology and More, ONLINE RELATIONSHIP COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS, PLANETS, YOGA AND CHAKRAS: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALING THROUGH HATHA YOGA, New Dimensions in Traditional Vedic Remedies, Secrets of The Nakshatras: Profound Psychological and Predictive Magic, Secrets of Relationships and Compatibility Levels 1, Signs of Life From The Astrological Zodiac, Philosophical and Psychological Dimensions of Vedic Astrology. Revering these deities will help you improve the quality of your natal Sun. Sun strongly aspected or conjunct with Venus or in the sign of Taurus. A person may easily succumb to social trends or desires instead of focusing on their inner inspiration and goals. Thank you, Victoria, for sharing honest feedback humbly! This can happen in some way or the other as per the above meanings. Sometimes they might become too ungrateful and fail to notice the blessings they already have. That is to say, if Venus, the ruler of Libra, which is conjointly the guiding planet of Libra Sun, is well placed (in the friendly, incl. Not all cancellations cause Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. Your horoscope creates the environment around you, also offers you some options and helps you in making your decisions. Lastly I will add some other contributing condition which are led down astrologer H. R. Seshadri Iyer : They will give their effects. As Sun is negatively placed in a sign ruled by Venus (wealth & luxury), natives with this combination are in danger of becoming addicted to wealth according to Sidereal Vedic astrology. Sun low in Shad Bala (planetary strength), especially when it does not meet its required percentage in most Balas. Furthermore, if this cancellation leads to the formation of a very powerful Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga, it mitigates the negative effects that are written in this article and converts them to positive ones. More in this at the end of the article. neechha debility = reduced somewhat if the lord of the neechha graha is strong or svakshetra. Sun in Libra loses its confidence and power but when unafflicted as we are getting, it can be excellent at team work and doing it together. In final editing and Mercury in Virgo should help: Barrys spiritual and psychological approach to astrology seeks to cut the puppet strings of the planets that impact our emotions and psychology and bind us to self-blame, doubt and fear, and anger. These are the possible methods of cancellation: debilitated planet occupies a kendra . But why is the moon debilitated in Scorpio? The debilitated planet is retrograde. Pre-Order Discount for Your Copy of Barry Rosens New E-Book Today! Instead, try to understand your self and work with your self. With that being said, deeper outcomes of this combination are dependent on the dignity and positioning of Venus, which becomes the guiding planet to the Sun. Venus, the lord of the Sun's debilitation rasi, is on an angle from the Moon, forming a second Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. Taurus rising may have trouble with it as a 6th house transit and Leo risings will particularly feel it. Venus in Sagittarius in 12th house. I have the sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Libra in the eleventh house, Mars in Taurus in the sixth house and Venus in Scorpio in the twelfth house.