Spiritual Meaning Of Rain In The Dream, In James 5:18, Lev 26:4, I Kings 18:41-45, describe rain as an increase, fruitfulness, reaping time etc. He has established a 24/7/365 Dream interpretation phone line (1-877-843-4567) to help you understand the dreams you dream! 37. For example, if you are looking for a child or fruit of the womb, and you keep seeing yourself with babies, it indicates you would soon be pregnant in your marriage. Use Psalm 16, Psalm 27. This person may be your lover, friend, a stranger or a public figure as the case maybe. If you are a married woman presently pregnant, quickly bind and cast out the spirit of miscarriage because this meaning may play in that direction. This color could represent in a dream a natural or spiritual rest in the Lord or a renewal in ones life (As in, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He restoreth my soul). 24. The symbol of a person playing with your picture is a warning sign that you are likely to experience one of your favourite virtues being stolen. If the crocodile that appears in your dream is dead, this means extreme success beyond anything you can imagine. In the spirit realm, if you see yourself bathing, it symbolizes purification, cleansing and good health. Kindly use the blood of Jesus to purge out every sin in your life through daily confession. On the other hand, when you dream of peeling yam, it indicates the dreamer is a responsible and mature person. This dream might explain that you will have your needs sufficiently supplied by God. [ May 1, 2023 ] Dream About Losing Briefcase To Robbers Dreams and Interpretation [ May 1, 2023 ] Dream . The dream of pastor is a step of receiving Gods anointing. What Does CROCODILEMean In The Dream?,If you are presently facing difficulty, dreaming about a crocodile could be a warning. This could be causing your relationship with the Lord to wither. 29. In the dream, the meaning is bad and can stand as a means of engaging with the wrong person. #eatingmango #mangodream #evangelistjoshuatv #dreamprayers Dream about eating mango is a symbol of sweetness and satisfaction. Wondering what the future holds? It could also mean being covered or washed in the blood of Jesus. Curious. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. This color could also represent in a dream to beware of scribes, which could mean people who lead others to destruction. We must also know that this is a very sensitive revelation that guides us about the true servant of God. So, the benefits of seeing a prophet in dream , he reveals, edifies, builds, and commands positive things to happen in your life. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Kindly embark on 7 days prayer and fasting between 6am to 3pm, including with midnight prayers. Every dream is to alert or encourage to take some immediate actions. Feel free to call us at 1-877-843-4567. Seen a fraud state their powers and find out they were no prophet at all. Blue could also mean being depressed (as in singing the blues). You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. Abortion is connected to murder. When you see cow peaceful and calm, it means you need to be extra-vigilant and careful of some people around your environment. What Does FUNERAL SERVICE mean In The Dream, Attending funeral is bad. It is even more annoying to see some people after having this dream, they rush down to look after the man of God either through phone calls or personal contacts. Or if you were unable to catch fish or find fish in the sea. You are feeling tied down to your circumstances and are no longer sure whether you can become somebody in life. It could also symbolize being cleansed from sin (though your sin be red like crimson, they shall be white as wool). Tearsof sadness connect to loss and regret over something important. Spiritual Meaning Of PHOTOGRAPHY In The Dream, If you dream and see yourself in the photograph, it means that you are being monitored by the enemy. Brown also could represent being dead spiritually. The bible also illustrates this color as being the judgments of God because of ones sin or deceitful lifestyle. . However, if you see yourself giving someone keys, it therefore means you are saving a person through challenges. In whatever you do in a church or outside, ensure you are always moved by the Holy Spirit. Because red colour in the dream may explain a misfortune and lack of protection. A key can also be a warning sign to close your destiny door., It could be a divine sign to focus one thing/problem and with the right key to bring solution. But more often than not, it is a dream indicating you allowing the devil to steal away your uterus and babies. As a woman, it is the glory of her beauty. There is no problem about that if God allows you to embark on the journey to see his servant. It shows you experience delay, sorrow, destiny diversion, fruitlessness. It means that you are going to difficulties in settling down in marriage. 32. Many people who feel like this dream is useless, the problems have pushed them to pastors for immediate prayer attention. This color may also denote being ominous or evil towards God or an individual in ones life or ministry. Not only that, in Act 1:8 , the Bible has a clear message for you there that you will receive fresh fire of the Holy Ghost after He has come upon you afresh through Gods servant. This color may also represent in a dream vengeance towards the dreamer or the person that is in the dream. Purple can also denote a zeal or compassion for the word of God. To dream of black hair this could symbolize being healed or cleansed in ones personal life or ministry. #BiblicslMeaningDreamDoctor #DreamingAboutDoctor #EvangelistJoshuatv2 Kings 20:5Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the Lord, . When you dream of bleeding from your private part, it means your womb is being attacked; Furthermore, Once you noticebleeding from your forehead, this is a warning of some danger you might encounter soon. Sometimes these dreams can also reflect parenting and you need to be more patient or understanding with your children. If your camera, photograph breaks down in the process of using it to work it is a bad omen. Seeing Prophet Adam in dreams is a sign of gaining respect. Hello Precious Friends! Please pray for protection. In most cases it is about something you are neglecting or situations you are avoiding! Disrespecting Prophet Adam is a bad sign and a sign towards dome-ness. Keys are precious device. We mean pastor who does not based his teaching on prosperity alone but on the salvation of people. When dreaming of the color red the bible describes this color as being natural objects such as Jacobs stew and Judahs eyes. if masquerade flog you in dream, it is a symbol of bewitchment and retrogression. This might indicates that the more you pray against it the more the familiar spirits will be waging battles against you. Pray and fast for 3 days from 6am to 3pm using Zechariah 3:3, Deut 22:5, Gen 35:2. Dreaming of the color red could symbolize a struggle or battle in ones spiritual or natural life. For example, a person who sees himself eating in the dream would find it very difficult to have financial savings and prosper with it. That spiritual symbol indicates your inability to get solution to your problems. But if the tree falls down in the dream, it means the spirit of death, demotion, and retrogression are moving around you and your family. Pray with the use of Lam 3:22, Psalm 27, Psalm 107:13, 14. The binding forces of witchcraft connecting you to the ancestry bondage of your fathers house is broken, in the name of Jesus. Dreaming About BED, In Heb 13:6, the Bible says, the marriage is to be kept undefiledA bed often represents marriage, family and sickness. What does it mean to see Lips in a dream? David E. Taylor is a global minister and has a heart for God and for His people. This requires professional counsel such as a lawyer or doctor. When dream about candle light put into consideration your relationship with God. Understanding your own spirituality is important. Many people have found unknown men of God putting oil on their head in the dream. In this case, do 7 days midnight prayers and sow a seed towards that revelation. If this is your dream, you may need to embark on 3 days fasting and prayers from 6am to 12pm. Did you dream of drinking alcohol? It might also indicate appreciating some people, and the good things about them. When dreaming of the color gray the bible describes this as dignity and honor. Are you planning for a marriage, or you are expecting good news? If the devil cometh not to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), then knows that the enemy is trying to stop you. Positive: This color could represent in a dream a high ranking in ones spiritual or natural life. Pray for divine helper to locate you. These events could be linked to your personal life but also to your career or marriage. People of religious value need to find their own meanings to the dream based on their own spiritual guidance and personal beliefs. Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. While drinking water in the dream is spiritually bad as it portend sickness and sluggishness. Orange When dreaming about the color orange the bible describes this color as being of fire. Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Please pray against any witchcraft attacks. To see ants, snake, etc on your bed, it stands that there is an evil attachment with the power of your fathers or mothers house. Sighting Prophet Lut in a dream means that his work will get right and his hearty desires will come true. When your pastor is praying or conducting deliverance for you in the dream, the Bible says in Obadiah 1:17 that you are going to possess . Dreaming of the color blue could represent being chastened by the Father, for the blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil. It could also denote immaturity or inexperience in ones life or a certain situation. If you are crying in a dream, it signifies mourning or expression of grief. Dream about stagnant water, it symbolizes stagnancy, and evil curses are in place. (To render His anger with fury and His rebukes with flames of fire.). Dreams about crying can signify the release of negative emotions caused by some events in your life. (II Kings 3:22; Nahum 2:3, Isaiah 63:2; Revelation 12:3; Leviticus 13:19;49 Genesis 25:30; Proverbs 23:31; Proverbs 23:29), White When dreaming of the color white the bible describes this color as being refined, righteous and heavenly. Consider ways where you can feel balanced and calm. 6: 5-6, 12; Lam. prayinginmydream #biblicalprayingdream #evangelistjoshuaorekhieFrequent praying in the dream does not make a believer a prayer warrior, but a way of praying . Eating food in the dreammay also represent spiritual weakness, chronic disappointments and financial loss. Dream About ABORTION, In Deut 24:16, Ex 21:2-25 warns our parents. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Do you suspect someone giving you a poisonous food? If you are taking bath with a clean water, it indicates prosperity, long life, good health and progress. Steve has vast experience in writing about Saudi rules, regulations, guides, and procedures. Red could also denote being tempted by sin or becoming ill because of disobedience. Colors can represent different moods of God or His outlook on your position. In a case you notice in your dreams as you are holding a baby, the baby dies, I would advise you not carry any child until you heal your hands. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed with life situations and possibly ignoring the more important issues in Life! It also shows this color as being comely as in lovely or beautiful. The purpose of bed is for relaxation, sleeping, but if you discover you are on a sickbed in the dream, it is a warning signal of sickness. In a visionary state, the recipient of the vision is able to see things hidden to the physical . Because you feel like the power of success is no longer with you. This type of dream means you are going to make progress, encounter breakthrough and favour. Credible pastors are described as men of God who are devoted to their wives, always watching, sober, of good behavior, hospitable, a teacher, not a drinker, not an abuser or a fighter, and not in the position for personal gain. The concept of deliverance is setting ones free from satanic bondage. ), Exodus 26:1, 27:16, 28:8, 31; Esther 8:15; Proverbs 20:30). To see yourself in a picture, it means you are trying to analyze yourself in a better way. This color could represent in a dream a covenant being restored (as in Behold the blood of the covenant, which the LORD hath made with you). 8: 21, 14:21; Ex. It could represent repenting of all sins and iniquities.