Yalgari tree Well, evidently the saturated brine in the lake is approximately 10 times saltier than seawater. You have nominated multiple rooms; please note that the arrival/departure dates and payment details must be the same for all rooms. Warlu lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, Baba rain, water Many of the Malay workers were actually from Indonesia, the Philippines and Pacific Islands. For the first time, the Aboriginal history of the region takes pride of place as part of a rich and vibrant history of the Gascoyne. The settlers successfully began wool production, eventually attracting farmers and Afghan camel teamsters to the area. The Yingkarta people, also written Inggarda and Ingarda, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia . Aboriginal people first inhabited Shark Bay some 30,000 years ago and moved to and from the area in response to changing sea levels and availability of fresh water and food. Garlaya, yalibidi emu, Wirriya sea, salt water Fax: +61 (08) 9964 4690, Parks and Wildlife Service These tribes appeared not to have sections or moieties although even in 1911 when Radcliffe-Brown collected his data little was remembered of the traditional kinship structure of these groups. In doing so he passed through the traditional territory of a number of Aboriginal groups, including the Maya, the Yingkarta and the Warriyangka. Native title claims and determination areas map, Gnulli native title determination extent map, Copyright 2023 Gascoyne Development Commission. The first European sighting of the Gascoyne River was in 1839, by the British explorer Lieutenant Grey. . Some motifs were used by both Bidjara and Karingbal. Key points: Rock art dating back thousands of years has been lost after a plastic walkway ignites during a bushfire The encroachment by Europeans into Shark Bay from this time would have seen the beginning of changes to traditional Aboriginal life. Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 3:30pm | CLOSED on public holidays including: Australia Day, Good Friday, ANZAC Day, Christmas Eve & Day, Boxing Day, GWOONWARDU MIA ABORIGINAL HERITAGE AND CULTURAL CENTRE CELEBRATES THE REGION'S ABORIGINAL HERITAGE. Wards Canyon is named after two fur-trappers who are considered to be the first full-time occupants of the Gorge (the Karingbal and Bidjara people are not thought to have permanently occupied it, but to visit intermittently for religious and social gatherings). The types of food available would also have been affected by the lower sea levels. We will only use your information for this purpose. The islands heritage significance was also recognised with their inclusion on the Register of the National Estate in 1987. Malcolm and Mary Anne recorded a number of extensive interviews in Carnarvon, Onslow and Hedland with senior men and women from the Tharrkari, Kurrama, Banyjima, Kariyarra and Nyamal . [3][4] Down to the end of the 20th century, it was reported that the Carnavon community had a wide knowledge of Yingkarta words, but that their use was somewhat restricted. There are several Aboriginal organisations in the town which represent the interests of Yinggarda people. On the 19th of November, 1941 the HMAS Sydney II came under attack by a German Raider the HSK Kormoran. Two other French expeditions led by Baudin and de Freycinet noted the presence of groups of up to 30 Aboriginal people on Peron Peninsula. Nyarlu woman Lying at the mouth of the Gascoyne River. The collection is focused predominantly on the Gascoyne Region. This project was funded by Royalties for Regions A Western Australian Government Program and Lotterywest. He named the river "Gascoyne" after his naval friend, Captain Gascoyne,and then trekked up the dry riverbed, discovering a pool of freshwater. The reports of both explorers made the public aware of the area's permanent water, leading settlers to take up blocks in Central Queensland and sparking off two decades of open aggression between local indigenous groups and the newcomers. Photo credit: Robert Ashdown Queensland Government. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, writing in 1930, stated of them that: In the case of the Ingarda tribe to the south of the Gascoyne River it was impossible to determine if they really had or had not a section system. Language is both a mirror and a vehicle for culture and provides insight into Malgana cultural life. Learn some of the local Malgana language. In April 2019, the Thiin-Mah Warriyangka Tharrkari Jiwarli People were formally recognised by as native title holders of an approximately 6,804 square kilometres land area within theShires of Ashburton, Carnarvon, and Upper Gascoyne. Biyagu galah Aboriginal Economic development is aStrategic Priority of the Commission and the the Commission have established aTargeted Aboriginal Business Support program to progress Aboriginal economic development in the region. Some early European researchers believed the Gorge was not permanently occupied due to defensive concerns and a lack of resources, however there are other hypotheses that also fit the facts given the Gorge's enormous spiritual significance. The gorge system in the National park is also one of the largest in Australia. Aboriginal Business Development Forum 2020, Kanyara languages: comprising Baiyungu as well as Dhalanyji, Purduna and Binigura, Kartu languages: comprising Yinggarda, Malgana, Wajarri as well as groups Badimaya and Nhanda, Mantharta languages: comprising Tharrkari as well as Thiin, Jiwarli and Warriyangka. [10], The Yingkarta were said by some early explorers to have practised circumcision. Irrabuga bottlenose dolphin Shark Bay District Office They lived close to their land with their families. . Bangga, barnka goanna [a] However, they lie to the west of the circumcision line,[11] was denied by a colonial observer in 1886 who was familiar with their language,[12] and has been contested by modern descendants and scholars, who state that this was a practice of the Watjarri to their west. As visitors reach the end of the Lock Hospital Walk Trail at theCarnarvon Heritage Precinct, they are confronted with a life-like sculptural recognition of the pain that was one of the most poignant aspects of this terrible history epitomised in the tales that have been told, of how the children reacted and coped with the horror of being separated from their parents. Since the introduction of Wajarri law to Carnarvon, and largely because of it, the ties between Carnarvon and communities further to the north, who also continue to practice male initiation by circumcision, were strengthened. The extent of the west coast trade routes is hinted at by Daisy Bates (circa 1904, ms:32:II): The tribes inhabiting the headwaters of the Fortescue, Ashburton, Gascoyne and Murchison districts and the Upper Murchison and Goldfields areas appear to have extensive highways running East and West or N.E. the diversity of landscapes and ecosystems, and the high biodiversity, were no accident. The Yingkarta people, also written Inggarda and Ingarda, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. These lock hospitals were part of a wider history of racially-based medical incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia that took place in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland for almost a century from the late 1800s. You come this way. The relevant PBC is Woodgoomungooh Aboriginal Corporation. We collect this information to contact you with any follow-up questions. Important cultural differences distinguished the Yinggarda from their neighbours. The late Pleistocene was characterised by cold glacial and warm interglacial periods. Kangaroos and wallabies can be found around the picnic area and at night echidnas can be seen strolling about. Aboriginal people have a rich history in the Gascoyne region that precedesEuropean colonisation by tens of thousands of years. Perhaps for this reason, rather than because of any happy accident of history, the Yinggarda are recognised as an important group in the area, and people are able to identify themselves as Yinggarda or not, whichever the case may be. The relevant Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) are the Nganhurra Thanardi Garrbu Aboriginal Corporation (covering the Baiyungu and Thalanyji Traditional Owners) and the Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation. Copies can be purchased from: The Yamaji Language Centre Carnarvon, like many coastal towns at the turn of the 20th century, began commercial whale hunting. 2. 22 Sanford Street (PO Box 433) Interestingly, many of the cameleers came from Pakistan, not Afghanistan. The relevant PBC is Malgana Aboriginal Corporation. Along with his friend, Keith Anderson, the Gascoyne Transport Company was born. Buyungurra turtle The call of yellow-bellied gliders, owls and the bush stone curlew are often heard after dark. Unfortunately European settlement resulted in many Aboriginal languages not being used regularly. About 250 different Aboriginal languages were spoken when Europeans first settled in Australia, including three in the Shark Bay region: Malgana, Nanda and Yingkarta. If you wish to cancel your booking, please enter the Booking Reference Number and your last name. The high natural values resident in Carnarvon Gorge and the surrounding area, i.e. Permanent springwater, cooler temperatures and low levels of direct sunlight provide the conditions that allow remnant rainforest to survive here in the dry central Queensland climate. Main stencil panel, the Art Gallery, Carnarvon Gorge. This is Shark Bay. The Department of Environment and Science acknowledges Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land. It was also recognised that Carnarvon Gorge contains examples of three significant elements of the State's geological history - the Bowen Basin, the Surat Basin and the Buckland Volcanic Province. While many of the items have restricted access, Library staff are more than happy to assist with customer enquiries. Hospital records were poorly kept but about a third of the patients admitted to the lock hospitals are thought to have died on the islands. 645 palm trees were planted and 645 plaques were placed at the base of each tree. Thaamarli Tamala Station Copies can be purchased from: The Yamaji Language Centre Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). The ochre stencils at Carnarvon are some of the finest examples of this type of Aboriginal imagery in Australia. Yadgalah, yajala friend The local Indigenous population soon took exception to the European intrusion and inter-racial relationships soon . Nyarlu woman Radcliffe-Brown (1930) describes a number of different cultural groups defined by marriage patterns and the section and totemic systems. In 2005, the Federal Government gave funding for the continued effort in finding the ship. In our Local History Room, access to digital microfilm, free internet searching and online access to the popular Ancestry database are available for use during Library opening hours by arrangement at the front counter. In 2001, on the 60th anniversary of the sinking of the 'Sydney', the HMAS Sydney Memorial Drive (located along a section of Carnarvon Road) was built, in honour of the men lost in this tragic event. Photo credit: B. Sigley Queensland Government. This has beenrecognised with Shark Bay in the south of the Gascoyne and Ningaloo Reef in the north being listed asWorld Heritage areas. We can assume then that the Yinggarda had some (at least indirect) contact with people far to the east of their boundaries and perhaps well into the Western Desert areas. Water falling as rain in the high country slowly percolates down through the porous sandstone, eventually meeting an impermeable (waterproof) band of rock known as shale. Gurda brother Alan Dench also lists among their northern neighbours the Baiyungu, Maia, Tharrkari and Warriyangga, while stating the Malgana lay to their south, and the Wadjarri to their east. In the Mt Moffatt section of the Park, excavations of Kenniff's Cave revealed occupational evidence dating back 19,500 years, indicating a long period of human habitation for the Central Queensland Highlands. The cattle industry has thrived in the country adjacent to Carnarvon Gorge, aided by the local artesian water systems, by the fertility provided by the basalt country and by orographic rainfall generated by local ranges. Through the actions and deliverables of this Reconciliation Action Plan, Council, through its people, will endeavour to create positive and meaningful advancements in our reconciliation journey towards an even more prosperous community. Wilyamaya tip of Heirisson Prong. "Among the Angaardies, circumcision is performed by of a sharp flint, and after the consummation of the rite, the youth is forbidden to look on a woman for the space of two years, consequently he cannot associate with the rest of the tribe, except with the men when hunting, the women then being about their own business. Sometimes things were found in the bush and removed because it was assumed they had been abandoned. For all other enquiries, comments and complaints, please contact us. The company is still successfully processing prawns and even (ironically) running seasonal whale and dolphin watching tours. These initiatives create local economic, training and employment opportunities, as well as generating environmental and cultural outcomes. This page is not available in other languages. They knew the names of the sections of the Maia and Warienga [Warriyangga] tribes and every man claimed membership of a particular section. So proud of the town's successful banana industry, the local tourist bureau even bought a 10m yellow banana, which now stands on the corner of Robinson Street and Boundary Road. Artwork by Boyd Blackman, a Butchulla man. Carnarvon Creek always flows, even when it hasn't rained for months. Intimate knowledge of their country made Aboriginal people essential to the pastoral industry when it began in the late 1860s with the introduction of sheep. Aboriginal communities, particularly the people of Carnarvon, have established memorials on the islands to those that suffered and died there. [7] }, White colonial occupation of Yingkarta lands began in 1877 when the indigenous population was estimated to number some 2,000 people. In 1986 the Lock Hospitals were registered as protected areas under the Aboriginal Heritage Act. Wanamalu cormorant Wulyibidi Peron Peninsula It is not known whether or not the Yinggarda had a section system. The shoreline of Shark Bay has a W shape formed by the Edel Land peninsula and Dirk Hartog Island to the west, Peron Peninsula in the centre, and the eastern coastal strip. 63 Knight Terrace, The Malgana People were granted native title in December 2018 over approximately 28,800 square kilometres of land and waters around the World Heritage listed Shark Bay. Following is a list of Malgana words and their English translations: Yamaji Aboriginal person The mine would become one of the world's highest bulk solar salt producers. Rugged ranges and rough terrain made this area difficult for early European explorers. [5], The Yingkarta's lands, lying between the Gascoyne and River Wooramel rivers in a wedge of land separating those of the Tedei to their south, and of their northern neighbours the Mandi. Warda pearl It is currently operated by WA Museums under a funding agreement with DPIRD. There are three Aboriginal communities in the Gascoyne Region, two remote communities located within the Shire of Upper Gascoyne and one town-based community in East Carnarvon. Aboriginal people were employed to patrol station boundaries, crutch and shear sheep, trap dingoes and foxes, repair mechanical equipment, build fences and yards, sink wells, and break in horses. and S.W. Migarda thorny devil Today, there are over 70 banana plantations in Carnarvon, covering 350 hectares and producing 4,194 tonnes of bananas annually. The forum is expected to attract 50 young Aboriginal people aged 18 . Lined with vegetation and fed by the waters of numerous side gorges, Carnarvon Creek winds between towering sandstone cliffs. Carnarvon Gorge's rock art sites are thought to have been in use for at least 3,650 years. Mungallah Village is located in East Carnarvon. Birlirung everlasting daisy Gregory returnedto Perth with fair reports about Carnarvon. The Shire of Upper Gascoyne provide support to this community. t in place prior to colonisation. Gurda brother Carnarvon Gorge is Queensland's answer to the Kimberley. Despite the lack of fluent speakers, there is a wide knowledge, though restricted use, of Yinggarda vocabulary among members of the Carnarvon community. Gardu man The Burrowing Bees - The big hairy bee that is unique to the Gascoyne region is called Mungurrgurra or sometimes Jurrabarri. Wirruwana Dirk Hartog Island Carnarvon Gorge is located in the Southern Brigalow Belt bioregion in Central Queensland ( Australia ), 593 km northwest of Brisbane. Patients who were fit enough hunted, fished and worked to build and maintain the hospitals. Thayadi, thayirri snake in zigzag lines towards pools and camping places. Migarda thorny devil Gardu man Following the outbreak of World War II, Carnarvon was to become involved in the worst maritime disaster in Australia's history. The Gascoyne is known as an upside-down river, because it flows for about 120 days of the year, but therest of the year, it is a dry riverbed with water flowing below it, draining out into the ocean past the rivermouth. Edel Land was a particularly important place for early Aboriginal people with a stone quarry at Crayfish Bay, fresh water at Willyah Mia on Heirisson Prong, and numerous middens and camp sites. Food for the Mob On Country Kitchen based in Carnarvon. Carnarvon Gorge's rock art sites are thought to have been in use for at least 3,650 years. About half are of Wadjari descent - This land still teaches, with many visitors to the park gaining a new understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal culture and history. Mackman, Doreen (ed). Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over Carnarvon % Carnarvon Western Australia % Western Australia Australia % Australia; Did unpaid domestic work (week before Census Night) 350: 56.9: 33,333: 55.3: 328,022: 59.9: Provided unpaid care for child/children (during two weeks before Census Night) 180: 29.5: 18,072: 30 . The more recent Holocene has been a warm interglacial period. By the 1900s these groups had become integrated with the Aboriginal inhabitants, creating an interesting ethnic mix still evident today. The gorge is a cool and moist oasis within the dry environment of central Queensland. Warlu lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, Baba rain, water They might once have had such a system which had broken down or they might merely be trying to adapt themselves as well as possible to the social organisation of the neighbouring tribes. A mere 2.2% of the Southern Brigalow Belt is covered by reserves, more than half of which lies within Carnarvon National Park. [7], The Nanda on the southern end of Shark Bay were much in fear of the Inggarda whom they regarded as highly proficient in the art of sorcery (boollia), which included the power to conjure up rain at will.[13]. 63 Knight Terrace, ENTRY FEES General Entry to Gwoonwardu Mia is free. Essentially it is a large water storage system under the desert. Of these, the Malgana and Nanda peoples claim was determined in 2018. Tel: +61 (08) 9964 3550 Please ensure you have booked an appointment with staff ahead of your visit. Queensland Native Police camp, circa 1860s (. Leucaena. The pearling industry also recruited Chinese and Malay workers. After introduction of the Pearling Act of 1870 a government official sent to Shark Bay in 1873 reported: I am satisfied that the Aboriginal natives are as a rule well-treated by their employers However, living conditions in the pearlers camps were poor and many workers died of dysentery and other diseases. Wiyabandi young man About 250 different Aboriginal languages were spoken when Europeans first settled in Australia, including three in the Shark Bay region: Malgana, Nanda and Yingkarta. Gwoonwardu MiaAboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre celebrates the culture and country of the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region and provides the community with valuable source of information regarding Aboriginal cultural history. Non-Indigenous people with venereal diseases were not subject to such measures. There are three Aboriginal communities in the Gascoyne Region, two remote communities located within the Shire of Upper Gascoyne and one town-based community in East Carnarvon. Putting his theory to the test, Jack planted the first banana sucker in 1928 and by 1930 he had his first saleable crop. Some Aboriginal workers were taken by force. Awareness and pride in traditional Aboriginal knowledge and belief was probably greatly stimulated through this increased contact, and with it came a new awareness and respect of traditional languages. Warda pearl Mulgarda mullet Men were taken to a hospital on Bernier Island and women to one on Dorre Island. Station lives, station stories The pastoral stations are central to the story of Aboriginal people, who remember the station days as hard but good times. Local material culture was quite sophisticated, and much knowledge of it can be gleaned simply by observing what has been stencilled at the art sites. The Department of Environment and Science collects personal information from you, including information about your email address and telephone number. Wirruwana Dirk Hartog Island The entire park lies within the Southern Brigalow Belt Bio-region. Shark Bay is the traditional country of three Aboriginal language groups: Malgana, Nhanda and Yingkarta. Marlu small kangaroo species What does that all mean? 22 Sanford Street (PO Box 433) By contrast, the Wajarri practised initiation by circumcision and subincision. The Skydome Made up of a series of time lapse night footage taken from different areas of the Gascoyne region showing how Aboriginal people were our first astronomers. Wanamalu cormorant Started in 1987, Wangka Maya has worked to record the thirty-three Aboriginal languages of the Pilbara, and to publish language resources and oral histories. The Shire of Carnarvon is committed to honouring the traditional custodians' unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. Geraldton WA 6531 Gwoonwardu Mia, the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, celebrates and recognises the culture of the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. By the 1930's the Gascoyne area had over 1.4 million head of sheep, with the town serving as a port and supply depot, for the surrounding pastoral industry. The first European sighting of the Gascoyne River was in 1839 by the British explorer Lieutenant Grey. The community is a key priority area through our Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 and Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028. In 1858, twenty years after Lieutenant Grey's first exploration, the area was explored once more by Francis Gregory who was looking for suitable grazing land for the government. During an anthropological expedition in 19101911 social worker Daisy Bates described the hospitals as tombs of the living dead. 146 Robinson Street, Carnarvon, Western Australia, 6701 Region Coral Coast Telephone +61 8 9941 1989 +61 448 369 681 26 reviews Visit website Gwoonwardu Mia Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre is a multipurpose centre that celebrates the culture and country. Ludwig Leichhardt led the first European group into the region in 1844, passing to the east of the gorge. Cathedral Cave, Carnarvon Gorge. Artefacts and objects such as shields and grind stones. Key initiatives under this initial RAP will focus on communicating our commitment to reconciliation within our organisation and the community, increasing understanding of the reconciliation journey, and identifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations within our local area for collaborative opportunities. The Lock Hospital Tragedy Memorial 'Don't look at the Islands' wasofficially unveiledat theCarnarvon Heritage Precincton 17 April 2019 by the Hon. Many family members who were separated during the lock hospital scheme never saw each other again. Yalgari tree Archaeological sites around Shark Bay tend to be close to the shoreline. A site near Eagle Bluff shows two periods of occupation, the first during the late Pleistocene between 30,000 and 18,000 years ago, and then during the Holocene about 7,000 to 6,000 years ago.