A couple of common complaints are that the triggers are too close together and too straight in shape to be really comfortable. I've owned several Winchester 24's and they are every bit as beautiful as a mud fence. RhinelandMO, 65069 Blue steel. Below are two listings to help you locate businesses that support parts and service for Winchester Repeating Arms Obsolete Firearms. Fax: 877-486-7278, 1201 Turbin Drive So, if you can get one for the couple of hundred & the bores are good, tight lock up & not beat up, get it! However, to obtain parts for current Winchester Repeating Arms reproductions of older models contact the Parts Department. (I do like old Winchesters..don't get me wrong. Not sure what gauge you are looking at, but I paid $850 for a mint 1948 16 gauge 10 years ago & use it every hunting season. The receiver is built on an 8.5-inch-long steel tube. Made for ~5 years, after WW II. So it is correct that the extractors contact the breech face at all times unless the barrels are removed from the action? Cleaning with a solvent such as Power Blast and a brass brush might clear it up. Rapid CitySD, 57701 Banging a rod down the barrel, into a spent case against the bolt head will not unlock it. Too often this spring falls out and is lost before the owner is aware it is there. Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:06 pm. Length of pull is 13.75"" over pad. I have a 24, 16 gauge , 26 I/C Mod.been shooting it many years, a LOT. I have one that I have used for hunting. Good overall condition. You end up cycling it and running the nose of one round into the rear of another. With the hidden spring tension latch, just pull down on the front of the forend and it will snap right off. 95% BARRELS, 90% RECEIVER, NICE BORES. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. Restoration would cost more than the gun is worth and then it could be worth less. I'm thinking it's just the extractor is worn out. I understand. The tang-mounted automatic safety, however, is conventional in operation and simple to use. My money is on the sear-hammer surfaces. Royal AR, 71968 This 1892 Winchester review is MOST excellent. I won't tolerate it. Fixed chokes MOD and FULL. Anyone collect these guns? Smokeless powder is a passing fad! This is also spring loaded from a pin that provides tension used for the locking lever. Barrel lengths of 26", 28" and 30" were offered in 12 gauge, while 16 and 20 gauge guns could be had with 26" or 28" tubes. Good luck. WebThe Winchester Model 24 side-by-side shotgun went into production in 1939 and stayed in the line until 1958. Phone: 901-559-4169, 2124 Pawnee Dr Fax: 507-685-4280, 143 South Oakfield Rd. The Winchester Model 54 actions original lock time of 5.2 milliseconds was reduced to 3.1 milliseconds with the addition of the .22 Hornet in 1933. gad38 Member Posts: 179 . The weight on the 1892 is 6 pounds and 7.25 on the 1873. Thanks, the 24 is in 12ga. It is either the worst piece of crap Winchester ever made and the springs and firing pins won't last and the hinge and release prematurely wear out, or it is quality all out of proportion to its price. Come join the discussion about targets, clays, hunting, gunsmithing, gear reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! You must unlock the bolt head from the receiver before anything else. thousands of rounds. It has never caused any problems but I dont like the triggers, not enough room between them for my big fingers, Seem to be valued higher than the workmanship warrants. Phone: 360-748-4590 When you get to the 16s & 20s, you will pay a little more for them. I always loved that shotgun. This gun is in good condition overall with signs of wear present at the muzzle of both ba, "SN:56335. Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:30 am, Posted: It measures 46-1/2" in overall length and has a 14-1/4" length of pull. The forged steel receiver body of the Model 24 is rounded. Phone: 507-685-4244 Later found a set of well thrashed 30" mod/full barrels for $10 at a gun show. Oct 24, 2014. You could probably do the wood. It's parts 55, 56, and 54 that I have to put back somehow. Im assuming you meant the 24? Obsolete Support Dealers A Midwest Posted: Side-by-side field gun with Full/Mod choked barrels. But, unlike more sophisticated round action guns, such as the Ruger Gold Label (see our Gold Label review on the Product Review Page) that tend to be exceptionally trim, the Model 24 is very broad across the action body. This gun is chambered in 12ga. Yes, indeed Ugly is another attribute of them. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Magazines Only: Q, The Complete History of Winchester Repeating Arms, Chat with us < /a>, powered by < a href = "https://www.livechatinc.com/?welcome" rel = "noopener nofollow" target = "_blank" > LiveChat < /a>. A forum community dedicated to Trap shooting enthusiasts. Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:15 am. Although extremely uncommon, from time to time special recalls of various firearms and other products may be listed on www.winchesterguns.com. Morristown MN, 55052 $8.99 shipping. A steal at a couple of hundred if you ask me. Posted: Those photos show the parts in question, but I'll still need to fiddle with it a bit to try to figure out how the re-install. Well, after searching every table at the local gun shows for about 4 years for a Winchester bolt action single shot rimfire, I found a Model 67 in March. It started to double on occasion, and became a little loosesent it to NU Line and they got it back into the game, tight as new. Indeed, form follows function. I have used a candle to flux the metal parts to see where it may be binding. Note: A full length review of a Winchester Model 24 shotgun can be found on the Product Reviews page. Due to the over 150 year history of Winchester Repeating Arms, many parts for a great number of older, out-of-production Winchester brand firearms are sold only through independent specialty parts dealers and service providers which may or may not be listed below. PevelyMO, 63070 This will release the plate used Fax: 780-489-5717 Guns International has a few to look at. For information on past recalls regarding Winchester Repeating Arms products call us at: 800-945-5372. Paradise ValleyAZ, 85253 When your turn comes, PASS! Phone: 573-676-5500 What is the good, bad and ugly about the gun? I'm betting it is a minor problem. I have a model 24 Winchester 16 gauge side by side that has been in the family a while. 2) Snug the top external screw until you meet resistance. Available gauges were 12, 16, and 20, with 12 gauge being the most common. Email, 6833 Double Tree Ranch RD 16 Gauge, Winchester Model 24 - Working Man's Model 21
- 12 Gauge
- 28" Barrels
- 2 3/4" Cham. Where was the hunt? I hear tell there are folks that collect model. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In my 70s now, Ive had the gun for about 40 years give or takedoing the math Ill probably have to get it tightened up again around the year 2060 if the birds hold out. Most likely just dirty or a small part is broken. The sight mentions that the firing pins have a set of assembly holes drilled in them, compress the spring and install pins in assembly holes in the case of the forum posting the fella used some small brad like nails that fit in the assembly holes. You just may be in luck as a look on Gunparts Inc website shows that these parts for 16ga . NOTE: first posts are subject to administrator approval before being displayed, WinchesterCollector.org Solid. Thanks, guys. If you have a question about any safety issue please call us at: 1-800-333-3288. Model 24s are a very good shotgun. At least we have these photos, which help tremendously. Not a lot of either one were made if that makes them a collectors piece? Website 1 January 16, 2017 - 5:33 am Received a Model 74 rifle that has been in the family for several generations and am seeking documentation since we are unfamiliar with its care and feeding (other than do no dry fire it). Very pretty rifle. Thanks, the 24 is in 12ga. Approximate drop is 1-1/2" at comb and 2-1/2" at heel. This time I got a little over zealous with my cleaning regimen and removed the screw that I Edmonton AB,T5S 1K5 WINCHESTER 24 16GA 28 F/M. Yes I am pressing the release button. WebWinchester Shotguns 24 Parts List Sort by: Show Available 0 Schematic w/ Parts List 1 Barrel 2 Stock 3 Stock Bolt 4 Cocking Lever, Right 5 Cocking Lever, Left 6 Cocking Lever Spacer 7 Cocking Lever Pin 8 Cocking Lever Spring 9 Cocking Slide 10 Cocking Slide Retaining Screw 11 Extractor, Right 12 Extractor, Left 13 Extractor Guide 14 Steve, quite the ride. It is virtually a pair of 37s joined together. The key is gun fit. $11.45 shipping. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Barrels are 30"" choked full and modified. :lol: It would have made a good ******* Beater, but it did have a set of barrels and a trigger, I guess it was considered a gun. Winchester Model 24, 16ga, 2.75" chamber, 28" Barrels, Double trigger, extractros. - Great Condition wood stock for its age
- Double Trigger, Winchester Model 24
Side by Side 12 GA
Barrel: 30"
Choked F&M
LOP: 14 1/2"
Made in 52
SN: 110174. I've heard two schools of thought about the Model 24. I don't like shooting any SxS no matter how pretty. Condition, I would guess, is 75% blueing and "Fine" according to NRA Antique Firearms Conditions Standards. Side by side field gun. I'm thinking a thick paper clip would work to hold the spring under tension. Take it to a gunsmith, or at least someone you trust and have it looked at. Total production of Model 1895's is stated to be 426,754 - as always, give or take a few thousand. Due to the over 150 year history of Winchester Repeating Arms, many parts for a great number of older, out-of-production Winchester brand firearms are sold only through independent specialty parts dealers and service providers which may or may not be listed below. PleasantPA, 15666 This Model 24 is chambered in 20 gauge/.222 Remington. Phone: 866-686-7424 The Winchester Model 24 side-by-side shotgun went into production in 1939 and stayed in the line until 1958. A list of dealers that support obsolete Browning firearms. WebI Have This Old Gun - Winchester Model 24 - YouTube 0:00 / 5:20 I Have This Old Gun - Winchester Model 24 34,492 views Feb 11, 2016 232 Dislike Share Save NRApubs The extractors on the Win model 24 are spring loaded.As such they contantly bear on the standing breech creating a wear groove in it from use over time. It appears that you are accessing the Winchester Website from outside North America. Back is "safe," forward is "fire.". If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. One of the first shotguns I shot really well is the Model 24. I have a Winchester Model 24, 26 Barrels w/ an English Stock. The rifle is ANIB. Manage Settings Phone: 928-718-4282 Burris combines two hunting gear essentials into a single unit with the new Signature LRF 10x42 rangefinding binoculars. Once again, you get what you pay for. Up for sale is a Winchester Model 24. From your description I gather that your gun is quite worn if thereis vertical movement of the extractors. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Love to have a 20 gauge 24maybe the old lady buy me one when gas prices drop and the economy takes off. Magazines Only: E, Parts: I, J, K, O, Q Fired 10 rounds. December 24, 2019 - 1:53 pm The firing pin length issue should be obvious, if the pin is protruding from the bolt face when the pin is fully in the rear position there is an issue, if not it can be dismissed. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Pretty is as pretty does. YeahI know.better stock up on 16 ga ammo. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation
It boasts a clean breech face and is held closed by a single underbolt that engages a notch in the double barrel lumps. It is a 12 gauge gun with 30" barrels. - YouTube 0:00 / 1:53 Winchester Model 24 Shotgun Fast Look! So, if you can get one for the couple of hundred & the bores are good, tight lock up& not beat up, get it! In the ever-evolving world of social media, we are constantly looking for new ways to connect with our readers. Posted: the 20 ga and It is to bad they didnt keep the 21 in the family. Box 200 No, they arent as pretty as a 21, buy the birds dont care. -TXGunNut. If this bump is gone the pin can rotate and therefore not always cock. Barrels are 30"" and marked 2 3/4. Kingston, NY 12401, 2023 Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. I've owned several Winchester 24's and they are every bit as beautiful as a mud fence. 1) Loosen all action screws. Winchester 24 Double Shotgun Disassembly (Re-Assembly) Instructions Well, I sat down to give my Winchester Model 24 a good post-hunting season cleaning. All Rights Reserved. Official Web Site Of The Winchester Arms Collectors Association. ), I bought a clunker Model 24 with the barrels cut to 18" for $79. -Steve Garbe, I hate rude behavior in a man. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Manufacture date of 1950. I guess someone does, people collect all kinds of stuff for whatever reason. On the other hand I shot them well as they had modern stock dimensions and the barrels patterned like a dream. The extractors on the Win model 24 are spring loaded.As such they contantly bear on the standing breech creating a wear groove in it from use over time. Winchester Model 1200,1300 12ga, 20ga Factroy Checkered Wood Forend. WebWinchester Model 24 20ga GI#: 101959629 28" barrels choked Mod and Full 13.5" LOP 1950s gun double triggers and extractors this gun is in exceptional condition Will do layaway no texts Click for more info Seller: PG Area Code: 503 $1,400.00 When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. A single trigger, ejectors, ventilated rib, engraving and other upscale options were never offered. It has a color-case-hardened receiver with a glossy, checkered stock. I cant afford a 21 so maybe the 24 will work for me. Website, 16335 Lima Road #5 WebPARTS CAN BE HARD TO FIND. That is a real possibility on a 45 year old rifle. WebPARTS CAN BE HARD TO FIND. Our test gun also has a beautiful color-case-hardened receiver. For more information, check out the video embedded above. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Introduced in 1939, the Winchester Model 74 is an intriguing self-loading rimfire. Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:35 am, http://www.nulineguns.com/category_part_114_3_31_114.php. Can anyone speak to the quality, dependability and shoot ability? Although I am pretty good with searches, I have only located a parts diagram/blowup. It appears that you are accessing the Winchester Website from outside North America. Get a closer look at the Smith & Wesson Model 350, the latest addition to our #SundayGunday series. If you want to try shooting a side by side and do not want to spend a small fortune this may be a gun you might want. Ahlman's in Minnesota did I had a old childhood chum that had one of these nice shot guns. Posted: Just curious if it would be worth the couple of hundred to acquire it. It looks "easy" but it's not. A Model 1895 won the Wimbledon Cup in 1896 or 1897. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Thanks, Rex. Would you like to visit Winchester International? Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:41 pm, Posted: No, they arent as pretty as a 21, buy the birds dont care. HOW TO FIND AN OBSOLETE PARTS DEALER. Website M24 works for me! Folks, I'm trying to find the value of a Winchester Model 24 SxS with 26" barrels, Modified and Improved cylinders. Does any know of a source for documentation? I always loved that shotgun. Early models had a hard butt plate, later this was changed to a ventilated recoil pad. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The 12 gauge gun reviewed here, owned by Guns and Shooting Online Technical Advisor Gordon Landers, has 30" barrels with 2-3/4" chambers and is bored Mod./Full, which is typical of guns with 28" and 30" barrels. Obsolete Support Dealers A Midwest The 1895's came in rifle, carbine, & musket configurations. Manufacture date is 1947. The latest way appears to be an app called CamoSpace, designed specifically for members of the hunting community. Request some feedback on the model 24 SXS 12ga, don't have any experience with this model but understand it was Winchester's approach to the lower priced market until it was retired in late 1940s. $49.00. JavaScript is disabled. The wood has little to no wear marks. If it wasn't for the Winchester name I wouldn't give it a second look. Email, 2110 McLean Avenue An AYA 20, and a c. Stevens 5100 20. I realize the 21 is quite a wonderful shotgun, just mainly interested in construction and materials. There is slight wear in the bluing at the end of the muzzles and a couple of light scratches along the metal t, WINCHESTER MODEL 24 DOUBLE BARREL 12 GA SERIAL NUMBER 63885 BARREL LENGTH 28" CHOKE FULL AND MODIFIED. Phone: 256-534-9292 LinneusME, 04730 SacramentoCA, 95821 4) Close floor-plate and tighten top action screw. Fax: 260-338-1585 WebWinchester Model 24 16ga SxS Gun #: 977782141 Seller: First Stop Gun ( FFL) GA Sales: 14836 $895.00 Full Details More from this Seller 20 Image (s) Winchester 24 Mfg 1945 12 Gauge Gun #: 978233241 Seller: Hunters Trading Post ( FFL) $695.00 Full Details More from this Seller 17 Image (s) 114BB WINCHESTER MODEL 24 12GA 30 F/M. HuntertownIN, 46748 WebGreat deals on Winchester Shotgun Stock & Forend Parts. On the other hand I shot them well as they had modern stock dimensions and the barrels patterned like a dream. Not knowing anything about 24s, do they have anything in common with, 21s. I wanted to keep it in the family as well as use it. To me it's like having a poor hand playing pitch. I suppose any really serious "Winchester" collector ought to have at least one? Winchester Factory firing pin assembly for Post 64 Model 70 (Push Feed) are manufacture discontinued and Winchester doesn't have any. I think I will get it just to have a s/s. http://forums.gunboards.com/showthread.php?242684-Winchester-Model-24-Disassembly-Tips, http://forum.pafoa.org/showthread.php?t=206694, https://www.gunpartscorp.com/Manufacturers/Winchester-33573/Shotguns-42603/24-41808.htm. KingmanAZ, 86401 Would you like to visit Winchester International? They stay in the chamber some times. Winchester Repeating Arms is not affiliated with any of the listed companies. Each one a better fit for me than the Winchester. the 24 is mostly a utility type construction. There were two firsts connected to the Model 1873. 28" barrels choked Mod and Full
13.5" LOP
1950s gun
double triggers and extractors
this gun is in exceptional condition
Will do layaway
no texts, Winchester Model 24, 16ga, 28" MOD and FULL, 1942, c1939 Manufactured WINCHESTER Model 24 DOUBLE BARREL 12 Gauge SHOTGUN C&R FIRST YEAR PRODUCTION Side by Side, "Winchester Model 24 Shotgun 12 Gauge (W12327), Winchester Super X Turkey 12 GA 512357290. For information on past recalls regarding Winchester Repeating Arms products call us at: 800-945-5372. I have only been able to find 1 comment about this stock, that it could be ordered this way. I have access to a machine shop and am a fairly good metal worker. I must agree with all of the comments including ugly and add blah. Not scratch, ding, blemish, burred screw heads etc. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Collectors? Not sure what gauge you are looking at, but I paid $850 for a mint 1948 16 gauge10 years ago & use it every hunting season. Mark. All kinds of things most folks aren't aware of. This listing is simply a service we hope will help you out. Each has a corresponding letter. Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:17 pm. I've had three and traded each and every one away for a. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I wanted to keep it in the family as well as use it. I am very fond of this shotgun and would like to bring it back to perfect operating condition. FACTRY BLUE AND WOOD FINISH OVERAL 85% ORIGINAL FINISH REMAINS. . Ive seen very few around here and the 21s I see all have issues and high price tags. I don't know.of any. Email, P.O. I hope to get some more advice, and photos if possible. Phone: 605-343-8481 A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. Thats more than I would give for one. Poor mans Model 21? If this is something that has started recently and there was no event that would have caused it, I suspect stuff has probably built up opn the other end of the ejectors which prevents them from going forwad smoothly as the action is closed. Our sample Model 24, owned by Gordon Landers, weighs about 7-1/2 pounds. Length of pull is 14.5"" over pad. 3) Snug the screw behind the trigger guard in the same manner, and lastly do the same to the screw under the floor-plate. If you have a question about any safety issue please call us at: 1-800-333-3288. New AlbanyIN, 47150 "Side by side field gun. Can anyone help me put this back together. Phone: 812-945-0480, RD 7 Box 150 I appreciate your thoughts and experiences. I guess I was not too high on the family food chain at the time. Id like to have a chance at a nice 24. Fun and easy gun to shootthey say old man Olin was a perfectionist when it came to chokes, not sure if that pertained to his Model 24 production, but my 24 patterns great. Website Phone: 207-532-9206 I hear tell there are folks that collect model 25s too. With the forend off it will close right up. My grandpa hunted with a field grade 21. WINCHESTER MODEL 24 12GA 30 F/M. Ser no indicates 1981. http://www.collectorsfirearms.com/admin emID=34034. Hello, I have a Winchester Model 24 .16 gauge. Don Snell said Winchester Mod 70 XTR Featherweight bought at an estate sale. Box 58 Kind of like the Model 24 vs the Model 23. The extractors on the model 24 while spring loaded their protrusion is limited by a shoulder on the extractor guide which holds the pins in place. I think you are right. 10-19-12, 21:16 #5. The Model 24 is about as wide through the breech and receiver as a side-by-side gun can be. Recently, the extractors started wearing grooves in the receiver face across the firing pin holes for both barrels. Got Blue Book, don't need price. HuntsvilleAL, 35805 I can't clean the mechanism because I can't figure out how to take it apart. WebWinchester 9422, 9422M Rimfire Lever-action Rifle ; Winchester Post-64 Model 94 & 94AE 30-30, .357, .44, .45 lever action rifle ; Winchester Pre-64 model 94 30-30 lever action rifle ; Winchester Shotguns . The Model 24 was designed with two lumps, one centered beneath each barrel, leaving a tunnel of space between the two lumps. It is a 12 gauge gun with 30" barrels. Email, 8150 CR 4055 The Model 24s versatility was expanded by the fact it could easily be broken down for packing into the backcountry, stowing inside backpacks, or tucking behind truck seats. I have worked on several of these guns that had lost this spring. 21s and 23s, yes, but 24s? $24.99. Neighbor has a Winchester Model 24 s/s shotgun he wants to sell me. I also cleaned it as best as I can. It could be worse if you do it to a 21. Used it for years for cowboy shoots.
. About 75% of the non-Russian production was in .30-40. 26" barrels were choked IC/Mod. Gun #: I think I'll let it go. I think I will get it just to have a s/s. No, it's not a Plane Jane 101. WebAlthough extremely uncommon, from time to time special recalls of various firearms and other products may be listed on www.winchesterguns.com. The thing is not to stick to much into it because they really are not expensive guns. -Woodrow F. Call, Lonesome Dove, Some of my favorite recipes start out with a handful of depleted counterbalance devices.-TXGunNut, Presbyopia be damned, I'm going to shoot this thing! The Complete History of Winchester Repeating Arms. I'm checking Winchester parts dealer but so far no luck. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Model 24 is a true hammerless gun, as opposed to having concealed hammers like most double guns, since it is striker fired. Fax: 636-475-7303 Copyright 2007, 2016 by Chuck Hawks. Go to AmericanRifleman.org for ARTV exclusives. When he passed his family took it to the local pawn shop and who knows what they got for it. JavaScript is disabled. Email, 18124 107 Avenue Email, Parts: I, J, K, M, O, Q JavaScript is disabled. The Model 24 was intended to compete with the likes of the Stevens 311 and Savage/Fox Model B as an affordable, utility side-by-side. I can send photos. Real walnut. Available gauges were 12, 16, and 20, with 12 gauge being the most common. Website I got overzealous and removed the screw under the bolt/barrel break open release lever and released some parts under pressure. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. WOOD A LITTLE MARKED UP. A single trigger, ejectors, ventilated rib, engraving and other upscale options were never offered. The bolt will only unlock by either manual retraction of the bolt handle or by the gas system through the action bars when fired. 226 Williams Ln. My grandpa hunted with a field grade 21. As you scroll down the page you will then see a list of the obsolete firearms with a letter or letters associated with the service you need, referring to the dealer's listed above. Everything I think a double should be except graceful. The bolt springs may be tired out. Added a scope and sighted it in. Phone: 501-767-1970 Phone: (916)334-2512, 226 Williams Lane They're ugly; now, you have a second opinion. There was a thread about the 24s awhile back, so you might get some morefeed back. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Winchester's Model 24 double-barrel shotgun was introduced in 1939, just prior to the U.S. entering World War II, when most minds were not on sporting guns. SN is 312xx, made in 1942. 11 watching. It was reasonably successful in the market place and a total of over 116,200 were manufactured. $26.75 shipping. c1939 Manufactured WINCHESTER Model 24 DOUBLE BARREL 12 Gauge SHOTGUN C&R
Here we present a C&R Winchester Model 24 Double Barrel Side by Side Shotgun, Another great item from Gainesville Pawn! Website by Hudson, This product is no longer available, however, Barrel, 12 Ga., 24", Used Factory Original, Stock, Used Factory - Refinished & Repaired, Cocking Lever, 12 Ga., Right, Used Factory Original, Extractor, 12 Ga., Left, Used Factory Original, Firing Pin, 16 & 20 Ga., Left, Used Factory Original, Firing Pin Spring, New Factory Original (2 Req'd), Forearm, 12 Ga., Plain Walnut, Used Factory Original, Forearm Escutcheon Screw, Front & Rear, New, Forearm Shoe Retainer, Complete, Used Factory Original, Forearm Shoe Plunger Pin, Used Factory Original, Safety Slide Push Rod, 16 & 20 Ga., Used Factory Original, Trigger, 12 Ga., Right, Used Factory Original, Trigger, 12 Ga., Left, Used Factory Original, Trigger Guard Screw, Front, Used Factory Original, Top Lever, 16 & 20 Ga., Used Factory Original, Buttplate, New Reproduction (3-1/2" Hole Spacing), Buttplate Screw, New Reproduction (2 Req'd), Cocking Lug Rivet, Used Factory Original (Forearm Shoe Lug Rivet), Trigger Plate, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original, Trigger Plate, 16 Ga., Used Factory Original. Website The barrel breeches of most double guns are considerably wider than (and overhang) the sides of the receiver, but the receiver of the Model 24 is actually slightly wider than, and encloses the lower half of, the barrels. Winchester's Model 24 double-barrel shotgun was introduced in 1939, just prior to the U.S. entering World War II, when most minds were not on sporting guns. I would really like a s/s to hunt with. They are under tension and not sure how to install them. Great memories with that shotgun, great shotgun. I own a Stevens 5100 16ga that is somewhat heavy and not very elegant but I can't miss with it and wouldn't part with it either {hs#. I wonder if anyones ever refurbished one to look like new? someone also described it as a fencepost. It was intended to compete with the Stevens 311 and cheap imported guns as an affordable, utility side-by-side. September 2001 edited November -1. In 1984, Winchester began to produce rifles chambered for cartridge, legitimizing Waters dream, and establishing it as a commercial cartridge. Phone: 260-338-1894 Website I just after MUCH research asked for a Kittery Trading Post price and availability on the 1892 Winchester in .357 Magnum. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Remington Model 700 American Hunter Rifle Project, NRA Benefactor Honored at Prestigious National Event, This Needed to Be Said | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Shotshells: Interpreting the Numbers on the Box | NRA Family, Ammunition Science: Shotshell Ballistics | NRA Family, Is a 20 Gauge Enough Gun for Turkey Hunting? Posted: Phone: 724-547-3257 It was Winchesters first rifle to use ferrous (iron) metal for the receiver, which was replaced by steel in the 1880s. When he passed his family took it to the local pawn shop and who knows what they got for it. Phone: 780-489-5711 STRAIGHT GRIP WITH 13 5/8 LOP OVER A 1 PAD. I went back into the archives on the Winchester forum and uncovered some extractor problems/complaints with the M24.