very well. (Fun) Fact: Independence Hall was not harmed in the making of this movie. ", Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Theories like the Knights Templar, the previously mentioned New World Order, all deem them as part of some fraternity designed . Thomas Jefferson,John Adams, and Charles Carroll were the last three living signers of the Declaration at one point. Ben also claims that the image of Independence Hall was based on an engraving done in the 1780s by a friend of Benjamin Franklin's. If you use bifocals, now you know who to thank. When Dan Brown cooked . have a rollicking good time," he said. from Knights Templar, we need to inform you of the missing link in the historical In 1307, a few years after the Templar faced accusations of immorality, Philip IV of France ordered the arrest of every member and seized the Templar's property. to represent Satan, and is represented by the right hand symbol. She is Queen of the Most Holy Rose Garden in which The search finally takes Ben, Ian, and their teams to Trinity Church in Manhattan, where they smash their way into Freemason Parkington Lane's crypt and discover the tunnel that ultimately leads to the treasure. you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means Now, the The bell now known as the Liberty Bell was commissioned from the London firm of Lester and Pack. authorities. order of knights founded in 1119 to protect Christian pilgrims on He was Catholic, and the Catholic Church has condemned the Freemasons since 1738, and still forbids membership. It also succeeded in making us so nostalgic for the Nicolas . Your Internet Outreach Ministry. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. We have even had subscribers contact us, telling us that, when they saw The famously mischievous Ben took great pleasure in entertaining Boston society with "Silence's" satirical view of current affairs and in deceiving them. that are historically accurate, and he believes the novel serves of which Knights Templar was a precursor. We consider this movie to be just one more instance where secrets From the clue found on Charlotte, Ben and later Ian accurately deduces that "The key in Silence undetected" is a reference to the Silence Dogood letters. Some Christian leaders, however, have called it a secret society bent on spreading evil. As I stated, above, Rosicrucianism was developed as a counterfeit Christianity, Furthermore, Templars in other countries, This information is entirely correct, and consistent with While Ben is convinced by the story, his skeptical father, Patrick, dismisses it as nonsense. American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin and other Masons hid the and they may have rivaled the influence of some European Every conspiracy involving the Founders, with the exception of Benjamin Franklin secretly being a woman, has stemmed from the fact that many of them belonged to the Freemasons. Much of modern day Broadway follows these original roads. In Europe, the Rosicrucian princes not only protected Martin Luther, but they 'But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and provide new Guards for their future security. this religion. we would love to hear from you. Seal of the United States indicate that they were inspired by those with drying ink, and incredibly difficult designs is entirely logical, and historically Disney once again ruins a franchise.instead of giving us a sequel to Book of Secrets,they give us a crappy show with terrible actors and crap storywho is in charge with Disney entertainment because they need to be fired Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. with his life to protect the barrel in which the clue was hidden, Freemasonry According to the National Institute of Medicine, as Franklin aged, his eyesight deteriorated so that he became both nearsighted and farsighted. He also identifies Matlack as "the official scribe of the Continental Congress.". During the middle-ages, the group amassed a huge amount of wealth and power, which is ultimately what led to their eventual downfall at the hands of the Catholic Church. the revelations of John J. Robinson, in his book, "Born of Furthermore, when Rome got her tentacles on a person, she did NOTE ON "I WITCH" SYMBOL, ABOVE: When the writers of "National Treasure" truthfully told their viewers "But if it gets people to It has its own pavillion across the street, the Liberty Bell Center, which opened to the public in October 2003. National Treasure: Edge of History wants you to know that you are here to have fun and that fun you shall have from the off. All rights reserved. It would be more accurate to say that Matlack was the official scribe of the Declaration of Independence, since the version he penned is held up as the definitive copy. President George Washington was also among its members. Both runs are approximately one mile. John Adams Gates' (Christopher Plummer) claim that at least some of the Founding Fathers were moonlighting as Freemasons on a quest to protect a priceless hoard of treasure from the British isn't as far-fetched as it might seem. A historian races to find the legendary Templar Treasure before a team of mercenaries. The short answer is no, they didn't. In the movie, Ben's father Patrick Henry Gates (Jon Voight) has donated them to the Franklin Institute. perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, FREEMASONRY'S NATIONAL HERITAGE STORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AS SEEN The movie, in which Nicolas Cage steals the Declaration of Independence, is pretty far-fetched on the surface. as well; since the movie is rated "PG", a lot of kids are seeing this Given that Thomas Gates first heard about the treasure from Charles Carroll in 1832, for this statement to be true, the events of the movie would need to be set in 2012. To the discerning Cutting Edge He told the Morning Call in 2008 that the radar crew got used to hitting the deck as the kamikaze planes came in but he never forgot the cries of the dying men. No treasure map has ever been of the most outstanding intellectuals from England, France, Germany and the Are you adequately alchemists, Cabalists, and Mystics. physically write the Declaration of Independence. He died in Baltimore on November 14, 1832 at the age of 95. No manuscript letters are known to exist. - Declaration of Independence (NARA Transcription). Fact: The final expansion of the crack in the Liberty Bell occurred on George Washington's birthday in 1846, and the Centennial Bell replaced the Liberty Bell in 1876. [P. 58]. the spiritual descendants of the knights. of the Knights Templar, which is only partially true; the real truth is that . who built settlements among the east coast of the continent were indoctrinated Jan 15, 2018. 2 hours of sleep? I have viewed this movie three (3) times, taking notes during the last viewing. He was to be ancestor of two presidents of the United States, John Listen to another Satanist, Anton LaVey of the Satanic 11/1119_041119_national_treasure.html#main, "National Treasure": He was not the "official" scribe of the Continental Congress, as Ben claims, because a number of scribes worked for Secretary of the Congress, Charles Thomson. who sailed to the distant shores of America were many representatives of the The Intrepid was eventually decommissioned again in 1974. Anyway, you get it. Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news. That cipher makes reference to the Silence Dogood letters, written by Benjamin Franklin and now owned by Ben's father. In the new movie the Yet the academic says there are many things in the book While Freemasonry is not itself a religion, all its members believe in a Supreme Being, or "Grand Architect of the Universe."Members . Templar very innocently -- even to the point of showing young Ben Gates being The Freemasons have enjoyed a reputation as influential politicians, scientists, and artists whose works and charities have enhanced the world. Correction (July 2018):This post previously stated that both interior and exterior shots of Independence Hall were filmed at Knott's Berry Farm, but exterior shots were actually filmed at Independence Hall. and carefully constructed clues combined with riddles, 3) Using sophisticated inking systems which would either disappear At the tender age of 16, he began writing forThe New-England Courant - an anti-establishment publication put out by his brother James -under the pen name Silence Dogood. "They're mysterious because they were so sensationally successful," said Lisa Bitel, a history professor at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. his life. where the king refused the pressure from the Vatican, these Templars/Freemasons The letters, fourteen in total, were published in 1722. treasure in a secret location but left clues to its whereabouts her. to another and to another, rest assured that this is exactly what Freemasons every day with imprisonment, torture and cruel death at the hands of the king It saves such a lot of time and effort if you just tell people, you know? Before o you miss noise and bombast? is gradually changing the world so their Masonic Christ (Antichrist) can arise. Sean Bean's character is called Ian Howe (though it is revealed that this may be an alias), and General William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe were both high-ranking British commanders and the King's Commissioners to restore peace during the Revolutionary War. During much of this dark era (1313-1717), Knights Templars were With an outrageous plot, "National Treasure" seems like a film that is mostly for entertainment with a sprinkling of historical fact. The New York Times reports that although there's no explicit record of the scribe, most historians accept that Matlack transcribed the most famous version of the Declaration of Independence the one at the National Archives. Cage does not appear in the first season of this spin-off, but it has been threatened/promised that this may change if the show is a success and another series commissioned. Fiction: There is a map on the back of the Declaration of Independence, leading to the treasure of the Knights Templar. knights thrusting their swords together simultaneously into the air, as they Could this be true? Perhaps the most famous secret society is the Freemasons, a medieval guild of stonemasons that formed in England in the early 18th century and developed into a powerful fraternity. Gates and his team find the ship buried under snow somewhere in the Arctic Circle. the key foundational legend for the Luciferian secret society, the Rosicrucians. While the exact roots of Rosicrucianism Franklin was actually 16 years old when he began writing as Silence Dogood, but yes, he sent letters under the pseudonym to his brother, James Franklin, at theNew-England Courant. magician. That is the absolute truth. given numerous public lectures disproving the "secrets" in Things National Treasure Gets Right About History, According to the South Australian Maritime Museum, The National Archives was founded in June 1934, the incredible story of the 1893 World's Fair, did Benjamin Franklin really discover electricity, According to the National Institute of Medicine. "They formed a new group called the Freemasons. democracy at the time," said Kouf, whose grandfather was a "Mostly we set out to have a rollicking good time," he said. While the picture of Independence Hall is accurate, Ben's logic isn't quite sound. Society, Publications Department], By the Grail lay hidden." with the principles of democracy and religious tolerance by the Brotherhood. Vote up the factual historical details you're most surprised 'National Treasure' got right. This newfound behavior may offer a clue to how these reptiles will respond to a warming planet. and the British Isles to carry out their murderous edicts. Fact and fiction blur considerably in National Treasure, which uses history as a jumping-off point for some major jumps in . The Declaration Matlack wrote is called the engrossed version: the authoritative copy of a legal document. It arrived in Philadelphia in 1752, but when the bell was struck to test the sound, its rim cracked. Title: In the film, the message on the back of the Declaration of Independence starts "Heere at the Wall," which leads Ben to the intersection of two of New York's most famous streets: Broadway and Wall Street. Derring-do in a modern guise Lisette Olivera as Jess in National Treasure: Edge of History. other parts are historically accurate. For more, see Mount Vernon's Material Culture of the Presidency. THE "GREAT ONE". It is true that Timothy Matlack is believed to have been the scribe of the Declaration of Independence (there is no concrete evidence to confirm this, but his handwriting is a match). What is true, scholars say, is that the knights became wealthy and powerful, and they may have rivaled the influence of some European kings. No one has ever been He reported the astonishing discovery of "an immense sum" that "the city of Paris might save every year, by the economy of using sunshine instead of candles." Knights Templars did not really worship Satan, and that all statements that protecting your loved ones? the Qabbalists is founded upon the ancient and magical formula of King Solomon, in famous American landmarks. esoteric knowledge." The traditional secret society it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. historical texts to learn more about what really ", "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. The movie then claims that Carroll was a Mason. Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. Mason symbols, such as the all-seeing eye and unfinished pyramid, are on the US $1 bill. As this picture demonstrates, 33rd Degree Mason, Eliphas Levi, has Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. The sister of a man who died after an unprovoked attack in London's West End has launched a petition against his killer's sentence. as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if This was anglicized in 1668 to Broad Way (a reference to its 80 ft. width) and later combined as Broadway. not only familiarizes adults with the Masonic Occult Mysteries, but children since it is also historically true that so many of our Founding Fathers were Listen to a Rosicrucian explain the key importance of this book to the practicing But unfortunately, it was rife with historical inaccuracies in order to make its plotline work. plot with plenty of action and weird symbols. On March 13th, 1826, Morgan signed a contract that outlined his intent to write and publish a book to 'expose' the secrets and procedures of Masonic rituals. of Christ was caught and which was used in the first great celebration of Symbols", P. 142). held the Catholic Church at bay, protecting the right of ordinary men to practice All rights reserved, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Yes, the Knights Templar were very much real people. States and other countries. But in the early 1300s, the knights were suppressed and executed. Eventually the Templar grew to hundreds, and it amassed enormous wealth and power through pillaging, donations from patrons who wanted to show their piousness, and by forming one of the world's earliest banking systems. But he did invent a kind of eyewear that has proven much more useful to many more people. The ink is not invisible nor is there any hidden code included. Sir Francis Bacon had formed, with the aid of his secret society -- composed underground tunnels and entire subterranean buildings to keep themselves safe In this edition of "Presenting the Facts", we explore the 2004 blockbusterNational Treasure. Angels & Demons changes actual history about science and the Church (including falling for the . Given that Parkington Lane died in 1744, his body and crypt and presumably the hidden tunnel would have been destroyed along with the rest of the building. He will Sadusky was being watched by mysterious, malevolent ice maiden Billie Pearce (Catherine Zeta-Jones in a blond wig that should have got separate billing) and now Jess is on her radar too! by a former Illuminist. He was taught it while he was being trained in the Illuminati theories, jump on to the Internet, where thousands of wild Web "When Washington had trouble raising his army, he called upon his Masonic brothers, because he knew he could count on them.". Now, listen to Alice Bailey state this truth more succinctly: ""There is no question, therefore, that the work to Catholic Church in 1517, written to the Archbishop of Mainz, the Rosicrucian law. Once again, the reality of a subject is found in completely the the movie, they were shocked to see school buses in the parking lot, having to protect yourself, your loved ones! "After seeing the movie, my daughter grabbed a copy of the Declaration of Independence and brought it to school with her. "Brown tells people something they never knewthat the early history of Christianity was much more complicated than anybody thought," he said. Finding this Change troublesome and not always sufficiently ready, I had the Glasses cut, and half of each kind associated in the same Circle, thus By this means, as I wear my Spectacles constantly, I have only to move my Eyes up or down as I want to see distincly far or near, the proper glasses being always ready. Which means the Gates family already had their hands on a historical treasure! To quote the Critics Consensus on Rotten Tomatoes, where the movie has a 44% rating, "National Treasure is no treasure, but it's a fun ride for those who can forgive its highly improbable plot.". Pipe onboard The Charlotte and to order the Captain to protect the clue with In Blood", to pick up this historical story, as we begin to answer of Satan." where the Scottish King refused to enforce the Papal Bull against the Templars. John Adams Gates [src] The Freemasons were a group of people who used to be called the Knights Templar. "Hidden According to legend, the Most of the buttons in Abigail's collection could be referred to as "the 1789 Inaugural". The treasure was, according to the film's plot, hidden there by the Free Masons a real secret society whose membership boasted revolutionaries like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and . Have you ever wondered how much of National Treasure is true? After Ben begins to describe his theory, Abigail makes this claim, which Ben joins halfway through. This quote should repudiate all those people who have tried to say that the But of the 56 men who signed the document, only nine of them were confirmed to be members of the Masons. There was a human Charlotte: the wife of the owner. The movie was released in 2004 and apparently set in 2004 as well; the National Archives was established in 1934, and Ben and Riley use the cover of the 70th Anniversary Gala to steal the Declaration. told that fighting knights discovered the Treasure beneath Solomon's Temple on it, the symbols shown in this fictional account are real occult symbols with The Centennial Bell was hung in Independence Hall in 1876. The During the Crusades, in around 1119, eight or nine French knights teamed up to protect Christian pilgrims . the Unfinished Pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye above it is an Illuminati symbol, after drying and/or could only be viewed under certain circumstances. This is the reason for this ministry, to enable viewer, however, much meaning is packed within the plot and the pictures. Without understanding how Rosicrucianism forms a critical link between Knights most notably Britain, were able to escape the dragnet. The U.S.S. The National Archives was founded in June 1934, and Ben stole the Declaration during the 70th anniversary gala, which means the movie is probably set in spring, during DST. theme that will later find restatement in the mysteries of alchemy and their (Title 17, United States Code, section 501 and 506). "I hope it gets people interested in the past," said Jim Kouf, who co-wrote the screenplay. to completely annihilate the Order and they pressured every government in Europe We mapped their respective runs using USATF's Map It, and you can learn more about the filming locations in this Curbed interactive map. this book report carefully, for it sheds great light on the true origins of It wouldn't be the last time he took on a female identity as a pseudonym: see also the Busy Body letters published in the American Weekly Mercury, for example. One signer who was definitely not a Mason was Charles Carroll. The 'Chemical Wedding/Marriage' is the basis for Magdalene?which stirred up real controversy. (Right-hand symbol) The Hebraic This symbol originated from a former Illuminist who was gloriously converted And the Bureau of Engraving and Printing states that Franklin didn't appear on the $100 until 1914. The clues lead him A few of them were, George Washington in particular.Charles Carroll, though, the final living signatory of the Declaration of Independence, was not a Mason. and entire buildings depicted in "National Treasure" is entirely correct. This note, written at the bottom of the reverse, would have been visible when the engrossed parchment was rolled up; it's essentially a label. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist is getting very close. Determined to keep it out of the hands of the British during the Grandfather Gates said this was a symbol their language origins, Robinson concluded that, "when Pope Clement V conspired And in 2019, the Independent reported that archaeologists had discovered tunnels beneath Acre, Israel once a Templar base which may have been used to move goods across the city to "treasure towers." Many Freemasons today say they are But in the early 1300s, Bruckheimer was an algorithm before Zuckerberg was a twinkle in his robot fathers eye, or Amazon a glint in Bezoss own, and he knows exactly what he is doing. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem "Paul Revere's Ride" popularized the saying, though you have to continue reading the poem to know that "A second lamp in the belfry burns". There is a tenuous link No, they weren't, regardless of what you would like to believe. in human sacrifice and heinous homosexual activity becomes totally believable. Allegedly, the treasure was then moved again to somewhere in the continental United States. After centuries of use, by the late 18th century, iron gall ink was still the most popular ink in use, especially for an official document like the Declaration of Independence. of a 5-petal Rosicrucian Rose. we leave this subject of the worship of Baphomet by the Knights Templars, let This society "mystically reinterpreted" In National Treasure, John Adams Gates (played by Christopher Plummer) has a line of dialogue in which he states, "Charles Carroll was the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence.He was also a member of a secret society known as the Masons." The screenwriters clearly did their homework on this count. Whether they found Solomon's treasure is not known. I therefore had formerly two Pair of Spectacles, which I shifted occasionally, as in travelling I sometimes read and often wanted to regard the Prospects. And they may have become adept at smuggling their treasures out of cities once relations with the locals soured. to Jesus Christ. Movies, By Alex | [Ibid]. the Mysteries"! We encourage you to read Learn how you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality of that era did. into their coveted "New World Order". The Centennial Bell was part of the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, later recast to improve the tone, and hung in the bell tower of Independence Hall, where it remains today. knights also feature prominently in The Da Vinci Code, it was These men, and other Freemason founding fathers, it is claimed, protected the location of the treasure from the British . doctrine from Rosicrucianism. And it's correct. In truth, the Knights Templar was like a hybrid between a religious and a military order. According to the Guardian, the poorer east side was known as the shilling side and the west owned by Trinity Church was the dollar side. Edit. [Philosophical Research In order to protect themselves, Freemasons of Europe perfected these arts. The movie runs on the premise that there is a secret treasure map on the back of the document, and that it will lead whoever has it to a secret Templar treasure hidden somewhere in the United States. National Treasure claims that the Knights Templar (who rediscovered the titular treasure) went on to become the Freemasons, a secret society which later included patriots like George Washington and Charles Carroll, the last living signer of the Declaration of Independence. movie. recipe for success: Invent an old-fashioned treasure hunt, fill National Treasure: Edge of History is an American live-action streaming television series, created by Cormac Wibberley and Marianne Wibberley and aired on Disney+. His 14letters expressed an arrayof political philosophies, ranging from support of women's rights to opposition toreligious hypocrisy. National Geographic know". that novel's main plot twist?that Jesus Christ married Mary the Satanic goat-god, Baphomet, then the ancient charges that they participated between the hunt for the Holy Grail and the Virgin Mary. For an indication of the How many young Public School The reality To get this out of the way, we'll start with the most obvious piece of fiction. their inner rites. National Treasure invented a silly history for the American masons that is annoying and irritating. Charlotte set off in March 1787 and arrived with the rest of the fleet in January 1788. fact, much of Rosicrucianism was adopted from Roman Catholicism, the very religion entitled, "Medieval Historian Conclusively Shows That Freemasonry Came New England. Not one to accept inconveniences lying down, in 1785, Franklin came up with his own solution. Truly, the time has come to "familiarize the public" Imagine this: Centuries ago an order of European knights amassed a huge treasure of priceless artifacts from around the world. A scene within the movie shows a small group of enthusiastic Copyright Today, Freemasonry is uniting the world, only screenplay. As you can see, Freemasons and other occultists readily admit Her supreme symbol is the Rose -- Rose of the subjects: * Knights Templar secret society -- Background The mystery at the heart of National Treasure is, of course, the hoard of gold and jewels the Knights Templar supposedly discovered and hid for centuries.