When people determine what they will give up for Lent, they usually choose a habit . 8. Simple things like that make this one really hard and really important. (Tip: After you go through it once, start over again this will give you 42 days worth of meals). This is such a great informative post and I LOVE your list of ideas. I think you meant Shrive Tuesday vs Thursday above in the history of Lent. While it's tempting to want to use Lent as an excuse to lose weight or improve our lives in some way, actually the real focus should ideally be something which will draw us closer to Jesus. If those Amazon memes hit home, you know it may be a good time to try this. So, we Catholics replicate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the desert by giving up luxuries.. Advertising Welcome to a beautiful season where you can develop amazing self-discipline that comes from the heart and is offered up to our Lord. Put the money that you would have spent into a jar. This means cheese, lasagna, milk, you name it. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. ). These ashes help symbolize the grief of our sins and the need for repentance. Snacks for Silence - If you enjoy an afternoon or before bed snack, use Lent as a time to give up the snack and instead have a moment of . Our church would hold special services to talk about the stations of the cross and the death and resurrection of Jesus. Challenge your kids to live that teaching out during Lent. On Easter, we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. Kids can be encouraged to wear Christian symbols (a necklace, bracelet, or t-shirt) as a witness to their faithand to remind them to live out their beliefs more consistently. I slept in my floor for the whole lent and even the Sundays. I dont have any toys! Have kids read one of the Gospels in an age-appropriate Bible, or read it together as a family, over the course of Lent. Kids can count up the number of outfits they have and select ten percent to wear during their fast. 9. Prayers. Older kids who are especially possessive of their toys or bedroom space can be encouraged to share, actively and kindly, with their siblings. 2. Its hard enough for us adults to give up luxuries and favorite things for Lent, so we can not expect our children to give up something they love for 40 consecutive days. I will share this with a few friends, and I look forward to doing/not doing a few things this Lent. Maybe youre one of the millions already scrolling through page after page, site after site, to find something significant or meaningful to give up for Lent. Many Christians also use Lent to study their Bibles and pray more intensively, using the many devotional books and courses now available. 4. 6. With that in mind, I created a list of 40 things that any school-aged kid can give up or take on for Lent in 40 days. I even wrote a book about how to save money (Seeing how much we can save so quickly led us to do it year-round. I'm Becky Mansfield ~ founder of Your Modern Family. Take the kids to the park each week for some carefree time. As a Nazarite, Samson famouslydrew strength from his long hair; Paul cut his hair after taking a vow. Absolutely, Flavia. I have written down all of them. During the "Great Lent," they cannot eat meat, fish, eggs, or butter. None! At the end of the fast, they can consider donating some of the clothes they didnt wear. There are many things that you can give up for Lent. vow to have no wasted food in your home. Is it helping or hindering your health? In the early Church, Ash Wednesday was the day on which those who had sinned, and who wished to be readmitted to the Church, would begin their public penance. Wishing you a very happy and peaceful Lent season. After years of shuffling things around, I finally cracked the code and developed an organization method that works and systems that stick. Do not purchase anything for yourself (except for absolute necessities) to be in solidarity with those who must live on less than $2 a day. Heres a real challenge for older kids and teens (and adults). Light reading material. I used two sheets of computer paper cut down to about 1 x 2 which left me with quite a bit leftover from the second sheet of paper. R. I purchased the chore cards and one of the kids clicked out and turned off the screen so I went back in and added it again and have now been charged twice. Its a time of inner reflection, self-sacrifice, denial, and repentance. The hardest for me is to get in the right mental place to make it happen. 11. Deuteronomy 9:9, 18, 25-29; 10:10; 1 Kings 19:7-18; Daniel 9:1-19; Jonah 3; Matthew 4:1-11 St. Lawrence has jalapeno hush puppies, which was really cool." The concept of the fish fry is "everyone coming together," Colyer said. When encouraging your kids to fast, help them brainstorm some creative ideas. Translation for younger kids: "Lent is a time when we practice new ways of giving up sin and doing good so we can be closer to God." The traditional practices of Lent, drawn from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, are almsgiving ( Mattew 6:2 - 4 ), prayer ( Matthew 6:5 - 15 ), and fasting ( Matthew 6:16 - 18 ). etc.). Here are some ways that your kids can practice giving this Lent. Take time to notice it. Comfy Bedding or Even Your Bed. I gave up eating anything sugary snacks or sweets this Lent. You can use these PRAYER PROMPT CARDS FOR KIDS to help you get started. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops posts information about fasting and abstinence requirements on the Fasting and Abstinence page of its website, usccb.org. Love these ideas. Let your children pick anything from this list in no particular order. I think your pass it forward methodology is pure genius, I cant wait to convince my two teenage daughters that this is a good idea! :-), How to Access the Catholic Icing Subscriber Bonus Page, 10 Genius Systems For Home Based Education, Tell Me About The Catholic Faith Notebooking Pages, limiting technology and screen time during Lent with over 50 ideas, Join now for instant access to May's 125+ pages of printables and resources, reading a Bible passage each day as a family, Put one item from your pantry into a donation box each day, track all of your Lenten resolutions with this awesome printable for families. The latter . Can you celebrate the sacrament once a week? I am definitely following your page! Go on a Lenten retreat. Keep it out of your bedroom. What about a social media campaign? The word Lent comes from a Saxon word that meant length. It originally referred to the springtime season in the Northern Hemisphere when the days were lengthening, and signs of new life were appearing. For example, instead of just saying, Ill stop fighting with my sister, sit down and figure out specific actions that will lead to a conversion in this area. Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are at the heart of the forty days of Lent. Here are some talking points: Here are some of the spiritual benefits of fasting: Only adults (ages 18-59) are obligated to fast (although teens 14 and older are obligated to abstain from meat on Fridays). Instead, get up early to spend time with Jesus. Whatever it is, make it meaningful to you. As they grow, they can choose to do just a few of these 40 things until one day, when theyre old enough to grasp Lent and the concept of giving up, they can choose just ONE thing for 40 days, as most us adults do. Permission Guidelines This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. (For inspiration, read the stories of saints who gave away their clothes to the poor.) Luckily, I have the soda stream & it gets me through that first week or two (I use the flavored water drink mixes). 4. While your kids will not be able to pray the actual Divine Office throughout the day, they can pray a simple morning, noon, and evening prayer. (Jesus and Narnia - Hooray!) Examples: Jimmy is downstairs eating breakfast, Jenny makes his bed without him seeing who did it, I came in from doing chores and all the dishes were done! This was so much fun they still talk about it years later. It happens to everyone who uses them I always get an email after a few weeks letting me know that these cards changed their childs work habits so much that they dont even have to use them anymore & the kids are helping out more than ever.). All rights reserved. 40 things a day? Get to know Jesus by reading the Gospels this Lent. Trending: 5 Steps to Organize Your Makeup. Abstaining from meat is strongly encouraged on all Fridays throughout the year, but not required as long as some other penitential practice replaces it (for example, giving up sweets or performing some charitable work). I also went to church on the morning of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. OF. Any wine, oil, or dairy products are also prohibited. 8. Related:When is Lent?Prayers for LentLent Scriptures and Bible Verses, Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/simpson33,iStock/Getty Images Plus/nambitomo. You would think this is going to be SO easy, but when you cant say anything negative about anyone else, you realize how often it happens, sadly. Give up something as a family. Whatever it is, make it meaningful to you. It will last you through Lent. Before Lent, ask trusted friends and family members, What area of my character do you think I need to work on the most?Or ask: Whats one thing that I do that annoys you the most?Hearingthe answers to those questionswithout getting defensive willoffer a great opportunity for practicing humility! Pay Your Bill, SUBSCRIBE TO OSV KIDS We recall those waters in which we were baptized into Christs death, died to sin and evil, and began new life in Christ., Translation for youngerkids: Lent is a time when we practice new ways of giving up sin and doing good so we can be closer to God., The traditional practices of Lent, drawn from Jesus Sermon on the Mount, arealmsgiving (. Lent is based on the time Jesus went into the desert and fasted for 40 days. Fast from a bad habit. just one question, can you have or do what you gave up on Holy Saturday day before easter? Shower without hot (with only lukewarm) water. This month is a good time to face that. My 4 kids are grown now, but when they were school age one year for Lent we all had to do one nice act of kindness each day for someone in the family WITHOUT them knowing it! Encourage them to keep track of their acts of giving. Sweets, video games, soda, junk food, social media, and other creature comforts. Have kids read one of the Gospels in an age-appropriate Bible, or read it together as a family, over the course of Lent. The reason? 2. If the problem is borrowing clothes without permission, make that part of the fast. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Not logging in at all. You could even try these daily prayer cards (we use them). If it doesnt bring you joy If it prevents you from being organized. Your Fortnite account will still be there when Lent is over. The purpose of it is to prepare the hearts of the believers for Easter. Virtually all of the saints spent large chunks of time in prayer. That was it. You know you need to say "thank you.". Im tired of doing the same thing during Lent giving up similar things each year but breaking that fast halfway through Lent. It could be giving up desserts, not going out to eat, or drinking only water. It was how we saved enough money for me to quit teaching and be a stay at home mom). Its a concrete way for them to keep track of their spiritual life, and an easy step toward doing a daily examen. If you've got games or toys (for kids or pets) that everyone has outgrown in the closet or garage, consider donating them. Beginning at about age five or six, children can be encouraged to give something up, or to adopt a positive practice, as a way of entering into the spirit of Lent. listen to Christian music only in the car. Required fields are marked *. By emptying ourselves, even if just a little bit, we make room for God to enter our lives more fully. These are all things that kids should not mind doing . 6. Maybe there is something similar there, so teens can give up their hair to a higher cause. Fasting and Abstinence page of its website, usccb.org. They may also choose to pick just a few and practice them more than once during Lent. You also will try to refrain from what you gave up for Lent. I started making cards for the nursing home near us when I was in junior high. What you do with your hair is an expression of your identity, so its not surprising that hair has played a role in the stories of the saints and people in the Bible. One year for Lent my Bible Study group did the Daniel Plan. Be sure to tell your friends and family you are giving up your phone at 6 p.m. so they know how to get a hold of you. Ash Wednesday or Lent Activity Page Printable. Remember your words become their inner voice. Good ideas, though, creative. These simple and creative ideas will help draw you closer to God. Great ideas! If you are Catholic, you know how popular this question becomes around this time: What are you giving up for Lent?. It is possible to do good works without prayer or belief in God, but prayer powers the spiritual life. Here are some strategies for helping your kidsget involved in these traditional penitential practices. Alternatively, if they dont care about their hair at all,they might go the other way and keep it well groomed during Lent. Thanks a lot! I am Baptist but have just learned truly in-depth about Lent and I want to try it. Keep the thermostat several degrees cooler. If youre able, try taking your family to Mass every day during Lentor pick a special day (perhaps a Friday) once a week to attend daily Mass. Give up the usual suspects. If you can live without it, you dont need it. However, deciding what to give up for Lent is much more difficult for a kid. The priest usually recites, "remember that you are from dust and to dust you will return.". My ebook includes over 50 printable templates! Great ideas! earn more money (and donate some of it) with these work at home jobs. I am the wife to Mickey & the mom to four little blessings! Try These 50 Popular Ideas. You dont realize how much you complain until you give it up Do everything without arguing or complaining Philippians 2:14 NIV. 51 Comments, give up multitasking. Lent lasts for 40 days and it begins the day following Shrove Tuesday, on Ash Wednesday. A lot of us went to church in the mornings during Lent. Making room for God. God ordained us to rule of the earth, this includes taking care of it. We take those little moments of hunger and offer them up to God during fasting. Here are 50 of our favorite and most popular ideas for what to give up for Lent. If you want what to give up for Lent start here with these 10 ideas of what to give up for Lent. This was a wonderful article and Ive shared it with everyone in the office! Perform a different random act of kindness every day; doing it secretly makes it more fun. The Way of the Cross Journal for Children from Peanut Butter & Grace isgeared specifically toward helping younger kids journal their Lent. I cant seem to see it here. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a12e853c9152c3079536de5d0414ca04" );document.getElementById("c8429a34be").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now is a good time. What causes the fighting? Is that politically incorrect to say one celebration is more important than the other?) Bulk Subscription, About Your email address will not be published. Replacing one of your mealtimes with reading the Bible. Its a way for me to free up the things that hold me back material things. Bulk Subscription, About Butthis is a great idea for older kids, too. Renew Your Subscription . So, the point of giving up something (i.e. (Try donating, because you are helping others). Im a junior figuring out what almost the boundaries are and I remembered the time in lent in 8th grade I gave up my bed. There, youll find my list of ideas for Lent and things to give up for Lent. Observing Lent as a family will also open up space for conversations about faith and God. That means you cannot do any gossiping. How can I get a refund? You can be a vegetarian for 40 days, or give up meat on Fridays, or give up red meat. I know I need to maybe Ill do it for Lent. For Christians, the 40 days of Lent begin on Ash Wednesday and end on the Holy Saturday before Easter Sunday. Lent is a solemn religious observance in Christianity that lasts 40 days. She lives in Minden, Nebraska with her kids, high school sweetheart, and three cats who are her entourage around the homestead. You are a hard worker. Try to say this important word to your kids. Print these 40 things in 40 days cards to help you with your daily journey. I also do a take up something for Lent I begin a good habit etc. I am going to pray for Gods guidance, Thanks again & God bless you & your family! I like the forty days forty things. I was looking for more ideas on what to give up for lent. It's time to start thinking about what to give up for Lent. Or, encourage kids to share by donating the money they saved from their sacrifices (for example, giving up junk food) to a charitable cause. This one is hard for me, so it really makes me think about Lent because I can see just a glimpse of how Jesus struggled when he was hungry. If you arent sure what to give up for Lent, get alone with God and pray. Place each one in an organza bag. ET on EWTN: Holy Mass and Rosary on Saturday, April 22, 2023 Tell us where you're. 2) Packing school lunches: Be honest, you hate doing this anyway. Most of these ideas are appropriate for kids ages six and up. . 4. The classic Christian holiday has been going on for longer than you might . Get up at 5 a.m. so its nothing but you, Jesus, a Bible, and a pen. Give up transportation. It doesnt matter if your hobby is reading fiction, golf, fishing, etc. I have given up a few things during the Lent season the first was All carbonated beverages, then I gave up the salt shaker (in cooking/baking and at the table!) The clerk at the store today was really rude today. or I wish Mickey (my husband) would have given the boys a bath before I got home from the store. or even Wow- those kids are really loud at that table, when while we are out to eat I wonder if their Mom is going to tell them to be a little quieter at dinner? Filed Under: Saving Money, Staying Healthy!, Teach your Kids (Activities), YourModernFamily Tagged With: 40 days, ash wednesday, christian, Easter, give up for lent, lent, Lenton, Thank you! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Traveling far away. Around the fifteenth century, Christians began the practice of prayerfully meditating on the Passion of Christ by reproducing that pilgrimage in miniature in what eventually became known as the Stations of the Cross. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops posts information about fasting and abstinence requirements on the Fasting and Abstinence page of its website, usccb.org. Here are some ideas to get you started. You may be one of the millions obsessed with it, give it up. Turn in early to get extra rest and maybe rise earlier for devotions and Bible readings. I tried this one year and it was VERY hard. Click HERE to Join us for 40 Days of Decluttering, Age 21 . Four years later, he was studying computer science at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campusand eventually his life's path would lead him to Lori Dietrich. Vacuum your room and your younger siblings room, Visit the nursing home and read a story to the elders, Offer to clean up your neighbors yard or front lawn. See RandomActsOfKindness.org for ideas. However, others believe it is based on the biblical significance of the number 40 specifically, the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert and the 40 days of Jesus being in the wilderness. Use that time during Lent for spiritual labor. At the end of Lent, they can donate the money to a related charity. 7. The flip side of this practice would be asking parents, grandparents, and other elders to share their stories, especially stories of when they were kids. Because learning to pray with the Scriptures opens up huge new horizons fortheir relationship with God as they learn to listento what the Holy Spirit may be saying to them through his Word. But whether you raise money for CRS or another worthy charity, encourage your kids to be creative with their giving. For example, if everyone thinks you talk too much, practice holding your tongue. ), Choose one item from your life to donate per day, Donate a dollar a day to online charities, encourage kids to make extra sacrifices with, listen to Christian music only in the car. Teens can commit to putting down their phone (or other electronic device) when someone is present with them. Practicing self-denial in small things strengthens our will to resist sin in other areas of our lives. If you havent introduced your kids to the ancient practice of Lectio Divina yet, this Lent may be the time to do it. Sugar. I love how people across the world can believe differently on certain aspects of their faith but can still be united by a desire to please our Lord. Later, count up their acts of kindness and allow them to deposit a coin in a giving jar for every act of giving. What Do We Know About the Crucifixion of Jesus? As I was googling things I came across this page. It can go beyond not eating ice cream or not having candy, but we often overlook these things. What Were the Events That Led Up to the Crucifixion? Save Article. Teens and pre-teens can carry a rosary with them, using it to pray throughout the day. A positive experience is more likely if you make the fast concrete and measurable. Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable! 7. If something has a grip on you, more than likely, its become unhealthy. Netflix, Hulu. Newsletter Signup Any set of beads (such as a beaded necklace or bracelet) could be used to keep track of prayers. Just because its your only source of communication doesnt mean you have to ignore phone calls. Supplement (but dont replace) your reading of the Scriptures with any of the great movies or videos depicting the life of Christ. 10 Simple Things to Give Up for Lent. We join Jesus in his pain. We call this prayer the Liturgy of the Hours. The distribution of ashes reminds us of our own mortality and calls us to repentance. Fish, meat-based broths, eggs, butter, and other animal-derived products are allowed. My husband and I were both raised in Catholic churches (Catholics are Christians). Lent is a great time to try something new, like chatting over hobbies. Why Did Jesus Give Believers the Beatitudes? Learn how your comment data is processed. During times when we wish to express repentance and especially during Lent, it is customary to pray the seven penitential psalms, says the USCCB website. 50+ Lent Ideas Paper Chain Printable: Things to Add and Things to Give Up for Lent. When encouraging your kids to fast, help them brainstorm some creative ideas. This was incredibly helpful!! Electronics. Lent Ideas for Kids Turning Leaf Studio, http://fortalecendosuafamilia.blogspot.com.br/2016/02/jejum-esmola-e-oracao-varias-ideias.html, 39 Ways to Keep Lent Holy (without giving up sweets) | Prayer Wine Chocolate. Ignoring chores. junk food, sugar, candy, gum, desserts, etc. For example I fasted between meals and then donated the money I saved on snacks to a local organization that feeds children in need. Lent is a period of 40 days during which Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ, whose life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity. I added this one because I feel like its a great thing to give up for lent complaining and speaking negatively. You don't have to answer every text from your third cousin, but you can find time to answer more messages and send thank-you cards. If your kids are always fighting about who gets to sit where or who gets to be first, then read and talk about Jesus teaching about first and last place: Mark 10:41-45. The lesson: it is the size of our generosity, not the size of our act, that makes the difference. Even in the midst of a pandemic, in the face of personal stress and during the season of Lent, God is offering you love, mercy and compassion every day. Newsletter Signup Monks practice silence in order to better hear God. Plastic. Fasting and Abstinence page of its website, usccb.org. Meat. Remember your words become their inner voice. Now does any one want a load of teenager junk? If having their hair just so is an attachment for teens, they might consider giving it up (one way or another) for Lent. Looks like a GREAT list I think #1 and #2 will especially resonate with me and my family! A Lenten fast doesnt have to consist of just fasting and abstinence from the things we love, but it can be adding things during this season of lent that will make our lives more meaningful. Best Lent Ideas : What to give up for Lent. Throughout the Old Testament, people covered themselves in ashes, took off their fine clothes, and fasted in order to express their repentance from sin.