Mexican presidents are limited to a single six-year term, called a sexenio. Who were the first presidents of Mexico? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. President Biden's meeting with the pope is a fairly recent tradition for U.S. presidents. - Richard Nixon had less success with congressional votes as his presidency evolved. This was known as the Second Federal Republic. He was appointed substitute president by Congress to conclude the 19281934 term. The current President of Mexico is Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador. However, his industrial policy benefited only the privileged in the country. However, when Crdenas showed he was going to rule in fact as well as in name, Calles publicly criticized him, prompting Crdenas to have Calles escorted out of the country by military police. He was appointed Interim President by Congress to conclude the presidential term. Reeleccin o No Reeleccin", "Santa Anna asume el poder; Valentn Gmez Faras va al exilio", "Relacin Cronolgica de las Legislaturas de la Cmara de Diputados", "Asume la presidencia de la Repblica interinamente el general Miguel Barragn en sustitucin de Santa Anna", "Bases constitucionales expedidas por el Congreso Constituyente", "Jos Justo Corro asume el cargo de presidente interino por la enfermedad del general Miguel Barragn", "Decreto que expide las Leyes Constitucionales de la Repblica Mexicana", "Tratado definitivo de paz y amistad entre Mxico y Espaa", "Lpez de Santa Anna y Prez Lebrn, Antonio", "Francisco Javier Echeverra asume la presidencia de la Repblica", "Decreto de la Junta de Representantes. His foreign policies were affected by the World War II. In November 2018, a reform was made on Article 34 reordering the colors of the sash. They also favored a federal type of government. Upon taking over as the president, he ordered for his salary to be reduced by half. Name: Valentn Gmez Faras (1781 1858) Much of this power came from the de facto monopoly status of the PRI. Be at least thirty-five years of age at the time of the election. He was appointed interim president by a council integrated with one representative of each state after the triumph of the Revolution of Ayutla. He assumed the presidency as the constitutionally-elected president. Under the Constitution of Mexico, the president heads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the Mexican Armed Forces. Lzaro Crdenas Lzaro Crdenas was the first president of modern-day Mexico. Answering the question of how many presidents we have had in the United States may seem simple, and the simple answer would be 46. Name: Francisco Len de la Barra (1863 1939)Term of Office: May 25, 1911 November 5, 1911Party: Independent, Name: Francisco I. Madero (1873 1913)Term of Office: November 6, 1911 February 19, 1913Party: Partido Constitucional Progresista (Constitutional Progresist Party), Name: Pedro Lascurin (1856 1952)Term of Office: February 19, 1913 February 19, 1913 (for 45 minutes)Party: Independent, Name: Victoriano Huerta (1850 1916)Term of Office: February 19, 1913 July 15, 1914Party: Independent, Name: Francisco S. Carvajal (1870 1932)Term of Office: July 15, 1914 August 13, 1914Party: Independent, Name: Venustiano Carranza (1859 1920)Term of Office: August 14, 1914 May 21, 1920Party: Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (Constitutionalist Liberal Party), Name: Adolfo de la Huerta (1881 1955)Term of Office: June 1, 1920 November 30, 1920Party: Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (Constitutionalist Liberal Party), Name: lvaro Obregn (1880-1928)Term of Office: December 1, 1920 November 30, 1924Party: Partido Laborista Mexicano (Mexican Laborist Party), Name: Plutarco Elas Calles (1877 1945)Term of Office: December 1, 1924 November 30, 1928Party: Partido Laborista Mexicano (Mexican Laborist Party). He reassumed the presidency as provisional president. He was appointed substitute president by Congress to replace the interim president Valentin Canalizo. He was appointed Interim President by Congress when Santa Anna left office to fight the rebellion of. Governmental powers are divided constitutionally between executive, legislative, and judicial branches, but, when Mexico was under one-party rule in the 20th century, the president had strong control over the entire system. For the first 71 years after the enactment of the 1917 Constitution, the president exercised nearly absolute control over the country. But he was not the first to be president on that day. Mexico has had nearly 60 presidents since its Independence. Until the presidency of Lzaro Crdenas, each president remained in office an average of fifteen months.[2]. He was the second president to finish his term and peacefully turned over the presidency to the winner of the elections of 1850, General Mariano Arista. He was the winner of the 1880 general election. To be eligible to serve as president, Article 82 of the Constitution specifies that the following requirements must be met: The ban on any sort of presidential re-election dates back to the aftermath of the Porfiriato and the Mexican Revolution, which erupted after Porfirio Daz's fraudulent victory on his seventh re-election in a row. This period witnessed economic and political stability for 35 years. Calles brought together revolutionaries to found a political party. Finally, the presidential term was set at six years in 1928 and has remained unchanged since then. Name: Guadalupe Victoria (1786 1843)Term of Office: October 10, 1824 March 31, 1829Party: Independent, Name: Vicente Guerrero (1782 1831)Term of Office: April 1, 1829 December 17, 1829Party: Liberal Party, Name: Jos Mara Bocanegra (1787 1862)Term of Office: December 17, 1829 December 23, 1829Party: Partido Popular Yorkino (Popular York RiteParty), Name: Pedro Vlez (1787 1848)Term of Office: December 23, 1829 December 31, 1829Party: Liberal Party, Name: Anastasio Bustamante (1780 1853)Term of Office: January 1, 1830 August 13, 1832Party: Conservative Party, Name: Melchor Mzquiz (1790 1844)Term of Office: August 14, 1832 December 24, 1832Party: Partido Popular Yorkino (Popular York RiteParty), Name: Manuel Gmez Pedraza (1789 1851)Term of Office: December 24, 1832 March 31, 1833Party: Partido Popular Yorkino (Popular York RiteParty), Name: Valentn Gmez Faras (1781 1858)Term of Office: April 1, 1833 May 16, 1833Party: Liberal Party, Name: Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna (1794 1876)Term of Office: May 16, 1833 June 3, 1833Party: Liberal Party, Name: Valentn Gmez Faras (1781 1858)Term of Office: June 3, 1833 June 18, 1833Party: Liberal Party, Name: Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna (1794 1876)Term of Office: June 18, 1833 July 5, 1833Party: Liberal Party, Name: Valentn Gmez Faras (1781 1858)Term of Office: July 5, 1833 October 27, 1833Party: Liberal Party, Name: Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna (1794 1876)Term of Office: October 27, 1833 December 15, 1833Party: Liberal Party, Name: Valentn Gmez Faras (1781 1858)Term of Office: December 16, 1833 April 24, 1834Party: Liberal Party, Name: Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna (1794 1876)Term of Office: April 24, 1834 January 27, 1835Party: Liberal Party. They were also given protection by the former Estado Mayor Presidencial. The Mexican Revolution or Mexican Civil War is one of the most important sociopolitical events in the history of Mexico. ", "Oficial: Eliminan pensin de ex-presidentes", "Por qu se van de Mxico los expresidentes", "Echeverra, bajo prisin preventiva domiciliaria El Universal Mxico", President of Mexico Official government website, Some of Mexicos presidents in recent generations are looked at below. Se declara presidente interino de la Repblica, D. Jos Joaqun de Herrera", "Decreto del congreso extraordinario. Mexico has evolved to become a republic after gaining independence from Spain in 1821. Pascual Ortiz Rubio was elected president in the special elections that followed in 1930, but he resigned in 1932. However, it changed, and monarchy was established once more. - If Congress is not in session, then the Permanent Commission calls Congress to an extraordinary session, at which point the process continues as below. [14] The President also has the use of Chapultepec Castle, formerly the imperial palace of the Second Mexican Empire, and afterwards the official residence of Mexican presidents until 1934, when Lzaro Crdenas established the presidential residence at Los Pinos. But he was not the first to be president on that day. Mexico was divided into Liberals who wanted to limit the powers of the Church and Military. After the 1934 general election, all the presidents have completed their six-year terms. On 27 January, the Sixth Constituent Congress dismissed Gmez Faras as Vice President. The office of the president is considered to be revolutionary, in the sense that the powers of office are derived from the Revolutionary Constitution of 1917. WebMexico was called the United States of Mexico after reimplementation of the 1824 constitution. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! Sr. Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, para ejercer el supremo poder ejecutivo", "Anastasio Bustamante, vicepresidente con Vicente Guerrero, asume la Presidencia de la Repblica", "Melchor Mzquiz sustituye como presidente interino a Anastasio Bustamante", "Manuel Gmez Pedraza asume la presidencia de la Repblica mediante los convenios de Zavaleta", "El Sr. D. Valentn Gmez Faras, al jurar como Vicepresidente", "Santa Anna asume por primera vez la presidencia de Mxico", "Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna asume por primera vez la presidencia de Mxico", "La adiccin al poder. Their names are given below. In addition, there have been two periods of monarchical rule, during which the executive was controlled by the Emperor of Mexico. There were two rival governments during the civil war of the Reform, which the liberals won. Virginia: George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Thus, Calles controlled Presidents during this era. This is a chronologically ordered list of the presidents, from the earliest to the most recent. The current President of Mexico is Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador. Se nombra presidente de la Repblica al general D. Juan Alvarez", "Es proclamado el Plan de Tacubaya, con el que los conservadores pretenden derogar la Constitucin de 1857", "El Congreso declara que dej de ser Presidente de la Repblica don Ignacio Comonfort desde el 17 de diciembre de 1857", "Tras desconocer a Comonfort, Flix Mara Zuloaga es nombrado presidente por el partido conservador", "Asume la presidencia del gobierno conservador el general Manuel Robles Pezuela", "Zuloaga nombra presidente sustituto de la Repblica a Miguel Miramn", "Jos Ignacio Pavn, presidente de la Suprema Corte, se encarga durante dos das del poder ejecutivo del gobierno conservador", "Toma posesin como presidente interino de la Repblica, Miguel Miramn. According to the U.S. Border Patrol, from 20072011, arrests and detentions of illegal migrants from Central America at the U.S.-Mexico border were reduced from 70,000 to 55,000. Carlos Salinas also wrote a book on neo-liberal Mexico, secured a position with the Dow Jones Company in the United States, and worked as a professor at several prestigious universities in that country. The constitutional reform of 1933 extended the Presidential term to six years and did not allow a candidate or caretaker an opportunity of reelection. He reassumed the presidency after being elected constitutional president by Congress on 2 January 1844. A breakdown of current and former heads of state in prison or awaiting trial in Latin America. He assumed office as Interim President after the resignation of Huerta. WebHowever, 14 presidents have visited Mexico, which is the highest number of individual presidents to visit a country, along with Italy. The president today is popularly elected to a single six-year term and has the power to select a cabinet, the attorney general, diplomats, high-ranking military officers, and Supreme Court justices (who serve life terms). Not be in active military service during the six months prior to the election. Avilas leadership was marked by the end to the long-standing conflict between the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico and the state. At least 88 politicians have been killed in Mexico since September By Natalie Galln and Matt Rivers, CNN Published 4:27 PM EDT, Sun May 30, 2021 Link Copied! Prior to 2018, former presidents also received a lifetime pension, though they could refuse it, as Ernesto Zedillo did.