Follow the link to learn how to start this quest and gain access to the Bunker. Quests Players who have dove deep into the lore of Fallout 76 know that Thomas Echart, while long dead, once rigged an election in his favor. Exterior A third entry in the form of an elevator is accessible within the Whitespring Resort's main building and is concealed behind a sliding wall panel. The military Wing will allow you to buy plans for a handful of weapons and armor, including Prototype X-01 Power Armor plans and an Enclave Plasma Pistol. The science wing will let you buy mutations directly from the Enclave labs, for a hefty amount of Caps. Those who opposed using the facility and the Appalachian resources were summarily executed once they revealed themselves. Upstairs from the front entrance, where there will be an upper lobby. Can we get into whitesprings locked rooms? Exploring the room to your immediate left will reward you with an interview article from the Charleston Herald. Using the card opens the door, but triggers a PA announcement. There are four ballrooms, three of which are locked. Still, there may be things players should make sure they didn't miss back in Whirespring before setting out on new adventures. Search the room for possible codes hidden in notes and terminal entries. A security system manual reset note can be found in a desk in the area above the laser grid and gives instructions for resetting the system: activate the circuit breaker in the laundry room; open up the air flue above the generator; and activate the circuit conduit which is located above the vents. . While the Enclave is currently run by the Super Computer MODUS in Appalachia, there was a time shortly after the war where the Enclave was in fact run by humans. Orlando claims to be a representative of the resort's "Management," the pre-War owners of the building, who are unable to fully oversee the resort due to certain circumstances. Another corridor leads away from the office to the Archives Room (with an unusable safe), armory (with the presidential gear dispenser, requiring inaccessible seals to dispense currently unobtainable unique T-60 power armor, Gauss rifle, and Presidential "power" suit), and living quarters with a reading corner just outside the room. This is the reason the Enclave aside from MODUS have been eradicated in Appalachia and it is up to you to continue their quest to control the automated Nuclear Silos throughout the wasteland[[null|]]
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The bunker's extensive scientific, medical, and production facilities were essential to the project, sustaining the Enclave for the next several years.[12]. From there, proceed to the terminal at the back of the room which belonged to Ellen Santiago. The Whitespring Congressional Bunker (code name CB_002) is a location underneath the Whitespring grounds in the Savage Divide. He wasted no time and focused on his driving obsession: the eradication of communism by any means necessary, with no moral or ethical constraints. East of the foyer is the Production Wing, which contains MODUS training terminals as well as every crafting station in the game. The other locations are, In an employees only section near the dining room, there is a deactivated. At first, the player character can only access it through the bunker entrance on the world map. As Eckhart's attempts to bypass the DEFCON system escalated, however, the Enclave started to split apart. The Whitespring is based on a real-world resort called The Greenbrier. Luckily, players can find plenty of those to shake at things, or more likely feral ghouls, as well. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Play the bypass holotape in front of the access panel to use the elevator into. For more information, please see our Multiple elevators in the resort have a third and fourth-floor button that does not bring the player to another floor. Terminals Eckhart planned to fool the system by unleashing ever more horrifying dangers on Appalachia, up to, and including scorchbeasts. This will unlock the section, which contains run-down cells, the brig/torture chamber, and an execution room, all of which have not been restored by the AI. It is located to the south of the Whitespring Resort and the Whitespring Service entrance. On the opposite side are the Military Wing and an exit to the resort, which leads player characters to the southeastern corner of the resort, near the governors' hall. Now a general thanks to the automated promotion system at Camp McClintock, she held the keys to the nuclear arsenal, and Eckhart could not go ahead without her. I couldn't get in there, so I think that it's not something with the Enclave bunker because I've finished the main story and I can get to the bunker. One of UsOfficer on DeckI Am Become DeathHide and Seek and DestroyForging a LegendRace for the Presidency Room Service Secure access panel on elevator leading to the bunker OR. [2] Despite all the people present in the bunker, all non-Enclave personnel who arrived were executed, including members of Congress. [15], Without anyone to stand in his way, Thomas Eckhart proceeded with the plan and unleashed his scorchbeasts in the region. It is the primary headquarters of the Enclave in Appalachia. Thomas Eckhart (overall command, 2077-2086)T. Harper (miltary commander, 2077-2083)Ellen Santiago (miltary commander, 2083-2086)MODUS (facilities maintenance, 2086 - present) Overview Disabling the Bunker Security. Inhabitants However, in 2104, a group rebuilding the faction known as the Responders set up their headquarters in The Whitespring Resort. Although they successfully managed to retrieve General Santiago and restore her command, they failed to account for MODUS' interference or the ferocious fighting across the science wing. Seems like a single player has to win the right to be server president and then gets accolades and special permissions such as free reign of the Whitespring. The road to MODUS is linear, as the elevators leading to the lower levels are not unlocked until orientation is completed. Factions It can be accessed by exploiting wall-clipping glitches. I've seen quest prompts and goals for it on various sites. When you first enter the bunker, it may not seem like much. Walking forward will lead to the general manager's office. Players can follow the list of items and collect their counterparts for a small sense of satisfaction at having done a quest that will never be officially marked off. Nope, they stay locked even to Enclave Officers with nuclear clearance. The story is set in Appalachian region of West Virginia . "[3][Non-game 1] Even after the Great War, Vault Dwellers in Appalachia can use several amenities provided by the resort, such as the various vendor robots.[4]. Activate the hand scanner by the security grid to register with the system and gain access to Sam Blackwell's office. Using the card opens the door, but triggers a PA announcement. Secretary of Agriculture Eckhart, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of the Treasury, and a select few other Enclave and non-Enclave members alike made it to safety, together with a number of high-ranking officers. Offering only 20 caps and 200 experience, most players likely ignored the automatically assigned miscellaneous quest when entering the Whitespring for the first time. After an explosion tore out a large part of MODUS' memory, the damaged AI retaliated, killing General Santiago and rupturing a toxin tank that leaked into the air circulation system. To gain access to the areas beyond they will need to complete basic training at Camp McClintock and attain the rank of private in the United States Army. At the Whitesprings golf club there are several rooms that are locked and have hand scanners to be activated to get into them. There is one hidden away in Whitespring that players may have missed. Players need to head to the Whitespring Presidential Cottage and Museum and head to the second floor. Privacy Policy. Turn around and you will see a locked Skill: 0 Tool Chest which may have junk to scrap for crafting materials. that maintains the bunker. Exactly what they are, I haven't figured them out myself and I thought it was through a quest or something. Once they are a member of the Enclave, they can enter the bunker through either the resort, via a secret . Cell name I think someone has done exactly that and found there is nothing much beyond the door, other then a partial room that is empty. ^I looked up their questline. Unlock the wall safe with the correct access code (021584) and take the, Search the area for a way inside the bunker. ExteriorThe Whitespring MallThe Whitespring RefugeThe Whitespring North Entrance [17], After the events, MODUS immediately set out to restore the facility to its former glory, even though the damage caused by the fighting - and its effective lobotomization in the ill-fated destruction attempt by Santiago - made progress slow. ^They have hand readers (Idk what they are called) Armor workbench Weapons workbench Chemistry station Cooking station Power armor station Tinker's workbench Head to the next room and interact with the Questionnaire terminal. I found a note that suggests that if I can overload the bunker's power grid, I can reset the credentials to the handscanner. It was all-out-war and no option was off-limits, even another nuclear strike. Past the foyer is a parlor with two elevators leading to back to the Candy Shoppe. [10] Following the deaths of both the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Eckhart was next in line for command of the Whitespring bunker.