The amount of grease that came out of it as I tried to fold it scared away my appetite. Kenya is a poor country and a gift of something that the person cannot generally afford is always welcome. Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad was a prophet of God and should be respected in all aspects. At the age of eighteen especially for men, culture dictates that a man should innovate his or her way of doing things. Again, serial monogamy and polygamy are similar to me. Most work places are business casual and even jeans. When poverty mentality superceeds abundance mentality; people turn to misers fearing to spend lest they become destitute like so and so in their midst. Because people eat and drink on the go. The largest ethnic group in Kenya is the Kikuyu people (22%). Only in the summer would girls pretend to be wearing some handkerchiefs around their waists. Retrieved from Hong Kong is situated on Chinas south coast; it is one of the two SARs (Special Administrative Region) of the larger China, the region is has a fast growing economy. In fact, a majority of Czechs are atheist. As time is money, those who waste time on trivialities, daily rituals and ceremonial greetings are bound to lack in good things of life. Why corrupt the beautiful Swahili language in your quest to become a master of a foreign language? When we arrived at the hospital to work the next morning WOW everyone was dressed up with beautiful make up on the women and a proper hat matching the kaftan for the men. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." A US News & World Report survey found it was perceived as the fourth-most corrupt country in the world, and it scored a 27 out of 100 on a corruption index (100 is very clean) by Transparency International. The most common greeting is the handshake. Sometimes it is not enough. I spent the past three months of my travels in Africa, specifically in Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania. Most in kenya not only "waste time in greetings", but we waste valuable time in daily life, man-hours, money, resources and so we cannot afford to "waste" food, because in the first place there is no food to waste. Reciprocity. How dare you take the whole day for a function? Should yourespond otherwise or unitretersted, they think you are acting white. Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash. WebIn Kenyan culture, communities are generally conservative, with some embracing progressive changes in lifestyle in urban centers. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." In Nairobi there are a large number of food options that you might expect to see in America. Americans have no time to waste with greetings. The Hamitic people include the Turkana, Rendille and Samburu. WebOne of the biggest cultural norms in America is tipping. They equally have less of mental / psychological issues, lifestyle diseases, weirdos etc, mass shootings relative to the U.S. And in the long run, hii mbio yelekeapi? They often go out of their way to keep from doing something that could bring shame to another person. United States spends 16.8% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2019. The African Americans behave so much differently thatn their European Americans in terms of how they handle such things as time and eating as the writer portrays the America he interacted with. Ladies in lesos, and Khangas, and African design clothes, and skirt suits, and pant suits, and short skirts, and long ones, and stilettoes, and sneakers, and sandals, and head scarfs. Harambee took on a more political resonance when used at the time of independence by Jomo Kenyatta as a way to bring people together. When greeting someone with whom you have a personal relationship, the handshake is more prolonged than the one given to a casual acquaintance. Grandparents are considered part of, the family unit. @iphone4g. But, not quite so easily the average Kenyan with a high school education speaks at least three languages; English, Kiswahili, and their mother tongue. What is viewed here as wastage is called spirit of abudance-more than enough for all including the unfortunate in society. I kind of agree with numbers 1 & 3 though I have some reservations, but number 2 stands out. Close female friends may hug and kiss once on each cheek instead of shaking hands. Handshakes are the most common greeting in business. The Massai of Kenya. In United States, 3.9% of adults are unemployed as of 2018. They are all proudly in display in the city, in the suburbs and in the village. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." People even have Sunday bests! Commonly eaten with ugali and meat if available. In the Kenyan culture, families, are extended with more than two children (Anthropology, 2021). 103 Wilson Commons Rochester, NY 14642-7086. It's fairly common in Africa in both North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa to eat the traditional way: with your hands. It is all a part of the experience. WebKenya has incredible ethnic diversity. Yes, I do agree we throw a lot of food out.In high school I worked at McDonalds and after the food was cooked and no one bought it, we had to throw it away after 20 minutes. Therefore, it is a good idea to provide a historical framework or context when attempting to introduce a new idea or process. Beyond your first assertion about food wastage, which is generally true relative to Kenya and perhaps the rest of the world, the rest of your observations are entirely wrong. This principle has historically been practiced by every ethnic group with its roots in cooperative farming or herding. Respect for the old is also highly valued and disregard of elderly advice is a vice punishable in the community (Long, 2005). WebRanked 51st. Countries in Africa have a reputation for widespread corruption. I enjoyed this light hearted comparison. But for most part, it's a quick meet, greet and then quickly jump into business. Ofcourse food is supposed to be enjoyed followed by some socialisition. We sit down in a restaurant, order for tea and mandazi. Although the countrys constitution is against domestic violence, the culture supports that thus the reported case are few and only those to the extreme. Quite often the husbands parents will live with the nuclear family when they get older and can no longer care for themselves. In general, Kenyans give gifts for events of significance in a persons life or days of religious significance. By logging in or registering, you agree to our. In United States, approximately 100% of the population has electricity access as of 2020. The That is one reason you find prevalent incidences of workplace violence as corporate slaves attempt to let off steam. Kenya is not a homogeneous country ethnicity wise. Thereafter, in my various interactions I realized that America has different standards of measurement from most of the world. Or developed world problems as we call them. What would you prefer, 1. The belief and treatment of women are different in the United States, domestic violence is a crime against humanity and can result in imprisonment. Countries with significant Muslim populations and customs informed by Islam include every country I visited: Egypt, Morocco, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Kenya. In Morocco, I made the mistake of offering alcohol to an observant Muslim, who replied with a smile that he drinks only "Berber whiskey," or Moroccan mint tea. United States has a total of 19,924 km of coastline. @Sam NgugiKenyans especially in cities mimic western dressing n mannerisms.Nigerians r better dressers than KenyaTanzanians too..especially Tanzanian women. About Thanksgiving. Gifts should be nicely wrapped, although there are no prohibitions concerning the colour of paper. Typically, with both dishes, a large platter is placed in the center of the table, and each person takes turns either rolling balls of couscous or using pieces of Moroccan bread to scoop up pieces of meat or sop up sauce. The notion that men are superior to women supports Hofstedes notion of power distance, the culture is used to create social stratification in Kenyan families; men are highly valued. A long suffering (In most cases women and more and more men are joining) marriage (African love). The reason being that the Americans are serial polygamists- meaning they may have multiple lovers in their lifetimes. Guests are expected to wash their hands before and after the meal. The banks ambiance has a therapeutic effect to some of us. I think President Moi had learnt some important lessons from Wazungu; he would attend various functions in a day and always kept time. I must acknowledge, though, that many people dont see the portions as huge; they see it as enough. One of the most dominant cultural differences seen between most American and Saudi Arabian people is religion; Saudi Arabia has the worlds largest number of Muslims and has deep roots and practice the religion to shape their destiny. Gifts need not be expensive. The country is known for its deep harbors and is one of the worlds densely populated countries. In US most dress for comfort, and dress up when occassions call for it. What should happen is that parents from the mans side should seek permission from parents of the womans side to have their daughter hand in marriage. I quickly learned that every plan I made in either city was contingent on the traffic. Especially Muranga men and their love for the Cowboy hats. Thirty minutes? Your discussion evidences the extremities of slavery engulfed in capitalism for the sake of profits. It's a free, question-and-answer based forum to discuss WebIn Kenya, that number is 7.1% of people as of 2016. live 10.9 years less In United States, the average life expectancy is 81 years (78 years for men, 83 years for women) as of My reason is simple; a trip to the Emergency Room from food poisoning is way more expensive than another trip to the grocery store!!! Matter of fact, when taking the American citizenship oath, the advice is to retain your unique identity and share with your new countrymen, as opposed to dropping who you are. The belief is that the person only really dies completely when their relatives no longer remember them. I suspect there will be a lot of comments about this entry - I shall await to read all the observations from this since personally it all depends For instances , in the part of USA I reside, i do not witness all those jeans and t-shirts - just saying :-), In reply to @Guesthehehe..hata by Mwakilishi. Capital: Nairobi. 2 depicts Kenyans. Any time you greet them or you allow them to say hi to them, they expect you to engage in a never-ending conversation. Though with recent developments, such as lowering of tariffs and the installation of the optic fiber cable, things seem to be looking up for the telecommunications industry. Therefore, they may make offerings to them or name a baby after one so that his spirit can live in the child. The balance of the population follows traditional African, often animist, beliefs. (2021, May 5). I heard one man ask when he entered a deserted banking hall at 1PM. Explore similarities and differences. In United States, 15.1% live below the poverty line as of 2010. Something you don't find often here (depending on what part of the US you are in). In case he is not likely to come fast, then he is served food in his absence as a show of collectivism. learned behavior of people, including their languages, belief systems, social structures, institutions, and material goods. Is it A. Prepare five-year growth plan for Caf Kenya Explore the current target market of cafe. An analysis of their governments, education and culture can reveal which country is superior to the other. I am guilty of this one. On dressing, I guess it is partly due to what people do for a living. I stayed in multiple hotels and lodges in northern Tanzania near or in the Serengeti National Park and on the island of Zanzibar. Some people would go bananas if they went to a banking hall and find only a few customers. I respect that because these are two cultures with none being better than the other. Although family is the basic unit in, both cultures, the size of the family differs in both cultures. 3 times more than United States. Respect. Kenya is an African state with a population of slightly over 40 million; the country has forty-two tribes with the Kikuyu as the dominant tribe. Religions: Protestant 45%, Roman Catholic 33%, Muslim 10%, indigenous beliefs 10%, other 2%. Weak signals and poor reception are common challenges, especially in the rural areas. With this in mind, criticism should be delivered in private and given in a circumspect manner. Kenya is located in eastern Africa, bordering Somalia and Ethiopia in the north, Uganda and South Sudan to the No wonder a Kenyan will waste their phone credit to ask you Wiku mani? (Where are you man?). When you start traveling, you realize that the American, or Western, way of doing things is just as strange to people from other cultures as theirs may seem to us. In Kenya, 342.0 women do as of 2017. be 5.4 times more likely to die during infancy. Join the Elsewhere community and ask a question about Kenya.or United States Being fat as a woman or pot-bellied as a man is a good thing in Africa. Many restaurants throw uneaten food out. I also agree with the dressing. UNIVERISTY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS ARE 119 GROUP ASSIGNMENT PART II Please form groups of 4 to 6 people (not to exceed 7) for this assignment. Any restaurant in those countries will provide you silverware but as someone who routinely gets down and dirty with barbecue, I didn't mind. Cooking at home, you will have no problems finding enough proteins to supplement your diet. I moved to the US almost a year ago from Kenya and these my biggest culture shocks and main differences I noticed As a traveler, I found that getting used to the different meanings of the word was challenging and critical. Most people s in the world sit down for their meals, eeven some in the US would have nothing else. He would be cursed by the villagers to the high heavens. Regions and countries Economically and technologically, the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbor to the south across the world's longest This cultures present may not only distinguish them from each others, but there are some things in ha ha. (2021) 'Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans'. Yet, despite having these many languages, a foreigner can get around Kenya with relative ease by speaking English, or Kiswahili. Just relax people. Poor Moody Awori tried to introduce the National Dress, we told him, why fix something thats not broken. More than half of the country's ethnic groups have Bantu origins. Other times, it's a polite cover for something someone doesn't want to tell you, like when a guesthouse had given up my room because of a double booking. Area: 224,080 square In whichever country one is, the parents should be taken care of by the children. WebHospitality. WebAn intensive virtual programme designed for leaders and consultants interested in using Organisational Culture as a tool of management and change. You will always be a slave of Saturn if you harbor such hate. In United States, approximately 19.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2017. I know that because half of the Taarifa ya Habari in the evening was dedicated to the Presidents diary. Signing in allows you to change your location, ask questions in our community, contribute to our cost of living database, and more. Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another; culture is not static, undergoes various adjustments and changes. In British or Indian owned companies, agendas will be used and followed. Americans comment about what a firm handshake I have. In Kenya, on the other hand, 27.9 children do as of 2022. be 15.0% less likely to have access to electricity. WebThere are many difference between America and Kenya. Nyama choma - (roasted meat in Swahili) Kenyan staple; heavily roasted goat and beef are most common choices, usually eaten with hands and every bite dipped in a bit of salt. Harassment of women is not exclusive to Arab society. Mzee Moja leo kweli umenichekesha! The villagers would be heard complaining. Did you read about those guys who would rather die of illnesses than let a cow that died of ECF go to waste. I spent the past three months of the trip in Africa, visiting Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania. If in a family of say 4, 6 or 8 only one person is productive; then you expect deficits in the needs of such families. In terms of cultural management styles will continue to present significant differences. You can get proper methods to improve your social skills and make yourself more appealing out there in front of the partner of your choice. At this point in the presence of either sides family, the dating couple can meet and discuss different issues. Americans are poor dressers - according to who? It's a younger sister to racism, tribalism, clanism and many other forms of -isms. A short intense period of honest love and then part ways with your spouse in divorce (American love). Frequently, and unconsciously, many people use all the three languages simultaneously in a conversation. On my first trip to Africa (we arrived on a Sunday) we were impressed with the beautiful dresses and full make up on the woman. That said, locals in any country tend to give plenty of leeway to foreigners for mucking up cultural norms. The concept is essentially about mutual assistance, mutual effort, mutual responsibility and community self-reliance. Are you part of that "acceptable/proper dressing global committee" under the U.N that decides what is proper dressing and what is not? Culture and customs of Saudi Arabia. Considering the issues with terrorism that both Nigeria and Kenya regularly experience, the tight security is understandable. Mobile phones are Comparatively, those in Kenya have better quality of life. Present and receive business cards with two hands. StudyCorgi. It should also be noted that America has changed in the last 50 years. They are composed of two children (Anthropology, 2021). To rush a greeting is extremely rude. In United States, 36.2% of adults are obese as of 2016. You don't have to take off your shoes, but you do have to go through a metal detector, put any bags you have through an X-ray machine, and possibly receive a pat-down. It is a good idea to allow your Kenyan hosts determine when it is time to begin the business discussion. No wonder simple ceremonies take forever in the village. Different people have different habits and traditions that suit them but none are superior than others. For this reason, I will never comment on any of your blogs. We almost cherish pangaring queues in banks, hospitals, everywhere. StudyCorgi. The guy did do a thesis paper or Capstone for those who attend Johns Hopkins on Kenyan vs. American life. Mzee moja tried his best but I critical think I can comment is the way He said Americans brush their teeth in the car,Always jumping from this job to the other or changing kids diapers in the car?? , Sunday was church day (I had never met a non-Christian until I left for university. It is also up to you to read between the lines and decipher what may really being said. This makes it difficult for Americans to the Kenyan culture or Kenyans, to adapt to the American culture. I did appreciate that trdation which I had lost since coming to the US. We all know that Africa is a huge continent and cultures vary from country to country but here are some of the general differences that one will notice when dating a traditional African man: In Kenya, that number is 4.6% of GDP as of 2019. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Have you heard of any workplace mass shootings in Kenya? Secondly, during lunch, Americans frown upon anyone interrupting them when eating food. Long, D. (2005). Kenyans pride themselves on their emotional control and expect the same in others. Arabic, Hindi, etc). REMEMBER TO SHARE IT! What are differences you notice between our Neo-Nazi movement and the NSDAP? Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. In fact, Kenyans are amused at the concept of an ending time, since they believe the meeting only ends when all parties are finished. I had a similar experience while leaving a national park in Tanzania, though my tour guide was able to talk the officer out of asking for a bribe. I will admit that in the beginning, I definitely suffered from culture shock. Back home, food is served in moderate portions so that if one needed more, they could always ask for more. If women disrespect their husbands, it is seen as an omen to the family and a cleansing ceremony needs to be conducted by elders. Many languages, religions, and cultural traditions converge in Kenya making it a dynamic and vibrant place to visit and experience. In Egypt, when I asked a tour guide what time we would leave for the day, he told me, "9:30 a.m., inshallah." Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. Since maintaining honor and dignity are paramount, Kenyans may offer what they believe is the expected response rather than say something that might embarrass the other person. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." In America Spanish is one of the only other languages spoken. Beyond the turkey, they will make mountains of pies, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and the whole gamut of mishmash added to a variety of drinks. Weak signals and poor reception are common challenges, especially in the rural areas. We do not dress well. It is the sad day when we wake up and all of the left overs are gone. If it was earlier, concierges had no trouble pushing my checkout time by an hour or two to accommodate me. Read more: After spending months in the Middle East, I'm convinced a single phrase with more than a dozen meanings is key to understanding Arab culture. WebThe culture in Kenya is only advancing in certain parts, mainly the bigger cities. They can be comparatively as In Kenya, that number is 536 km. Climate: varies from tropical along coast to arid in interior. Keep them coming mate, a good laugh goes a long way! Keep writing Mzee Moja without a care about the spelling of your pen name! It s them who approach the parents and seek to start marriage negotiations; in case of divorce, American courts are used but in Saudi Arabia, the process must follow Muslim teachings that call for an elder determination of a case. After wife inheritance, children born thereafter are children of the deceased and establish themselves as so. We have few tips for you. A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. If so, hold your hands over the basin while water is poured over them. You will attune your ear to the version spoken here. The psychologist(Reaearcher) also told me that most likely you were abused by another kikuyu growing up. If it's a mother or father speaking to their kids, it could mean "nope, we are never going to the amusement park.". Be cognitive of the fact you too speak with an accent that may not be familiar. Do not be surprised if a conversation you thought you are a part of winds up in another language. Never use the left hand. Kenyans are group-orientated rather than individualistic. President Muhammadu Buhari has made very public efforts to curb corruption in Nigeria, with mixed results. Food and drink > Alcohol > Alcohol consumed from > Homemade and illegal drinks. Titles are important. You are allowed only one opportunity to shake a persons hand; when you meet for the first time. Here in America many people dont look at being fat as a good thing. StudyCorgi, 5 May 2021, In United States, approximately 100% of people have improved drinking water access (100% in urban areas, and 100% in rural areas) as of 2020. 2.2 Roles of prominent researchers in Europe and North America. Religions: I see you are doing your best to become an intellectual but you may need to be more substantive and original in your thinking. In certain villages, the villagers would be very upset if the Catholic Father ends a burial ceremony by 11AM. Three Cultural Differences Between Kenya and The USA 1. Slowly but surely, the multiculturalism that made America strong will be the very reason that will make America weak. Sukuma Wiki (push week in Swahili) Kenyan staple; originally named when used to push through the week because there wasnt enough money to afford anything else. for the foods you would normally eat in the United States. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Also discuss any future, Question 1 The profit-maximizing firm equates the marginal benefit of labor to the marginal __________. If you are from a culture that prizes directness, you may wish to moderate your delivery style. (We dont even dress up for that here unless its a holiday.) As a culture, we do pay quite a bit of attention on niceties. Robert Serpell, PhD, who is As someone who likes to take their time leaving a hotel, I found this was a hard cultural shift to get used to. Remember Wahome Mutahi's writing? Their love affairs are intense and short lived. The level of conservatism can vary greatly depending on what part of the country you are in. Mzee Moja, take a walk into the black community and interact more with them if you can and you can see no. For example, many North African countries constantly use the Arabic word "inshallah," whereas the word is unheard of in many sub-Saharan countries. Football (soccer) is very popular in Kenya with many people supporting a European team. Dining patterns vary tremendously according to ethnicity, location and socio-economic position of the host. @Mlachake, the first Mzungu to meet with a certain central Kenyan community observerd in his diary, and I paraphrase, "Today I met with the most primitive tribe of all.