Nothing ever came to light explaining where he was or what happened to him. I can't go on like this. This sickens me to my core. but the truth and lies are as important as the PEACE and LOVE we practice. [4] MacDonald groups it with the "psychic epidemics" that were encouraged by the rock audience's use of hallucinogenic drugs and which escalated with Charles Manson's homicidal interpretation of the White Album and Mark David Chapman's religion-motivated murder of Lennon in 1980. A similar reversal at the end of "I'm So Tired" (another "White Album" track) yielded "Paul is dead man, miss him, miss him, miss him". Billy became such as good musician that he played better than Paul. If they appear on his older work too, it's the same Paul. That's because William Campbell is McCartney. At some point, it was too much for John and he decided to leave the band. Strangely, nothing was ever heard of William Campbell again. Anyone who can't see (or simply refuses to see) the fact that the "Paul McCartney" of Sgt. You can find more information about the Paul is Dead conspiracy in The Great Beatle Death Clues by R. Gary Patterson published by Robson Books. It was repaired expertly as you might expect with someone rich. After doing a little reading and seeing all the talk about O.P.D. Yesterday was written before the alleged death of Paul. You know, if investigators find the real Billy Shears working in some factory in Shreveport, LA (his apparent birth place), then you know this whole thing was a hoax. With all the evidence you've presented I'd be a fool to keep the charade going. [79][80] In an article on the latter phenomenon, The Guardian described the 1969 McCartney hoax as "Possibly the best known example" of a celebrity being the focus of "a (completely unverified) cloning conspiracy theory". Lennon later said that the words were actually "Cranberry sauce", and that the words "number nine, number nine" in "Revolution 9" (from the "White Album") became "turn me on, dead man, turn me on, dead man" when played backwards. Billy wasn't the only impostor, but he seems to have been used the most frequently, especially on stage (as opposed to interviews, etc.). --- Stuart Smalley. FACT Paul McCartney did have a minor accident on 26th Dec 1965 when he fell off a moped, split his lip and chipped a tooth. Nobody will argue with that. There is only one Paul. Everyone concerned is under contract not to disclose. Strangely, nothing was ever heard of William Campbell again. I think most of us know if you have any idea about history at all! His name is William Campbell, and beginning with Sgt . The John is dead fake was set up years in advance. Listening to this show was another student, Fred LaBour, who wrote for the Michigan Dailystudent newspaper. Society was reshaped by having a replacement helping to carry on the Beatles who were the impetus of the revolution. And if you all believe Epstien had enough money and power to pay off and keep the police,Gov officials etc etc. See also the tool's wiki page and the index of WikiProjects. If this was the night when the seed of the rumor was sewn, it would be two years later when the theory really took off, particularly among teenagers in the American Midwest, after a song titled "Saint Paul" achieved widespread success in the region in May 1969, according to Hoaxes. 20th Century Fox. Now I am switching off whenever I can. Open your eyes you sheeple! Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album was awash with Paul-is-dead clues: the Beatles had indeed officially formed a "new" band featuring a "fictional" member named Billy Shears, which happened to be the actual name of Paul's replacement. Also named his 1st biological daughter Mary after his departed Mother? Fifty years on from 1967 and the Summer of Love, 'Shears' is a squeaky-clean Anglican chaplain, nursing memories of a lost and secret love. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Well at last some sense is written! And what about police reports? Spooky! I've been a fan of the Beatles and their music all my life and I have studied this subject at great length for many years in reading about it, watching videos on the topic and making my own conclusions. Listen to Tina Foster's interviews. [23], The story was soon taken up by more mainstream radio stations in the New York area, WMCA and WABC. The bottom line -- Yoko Ono destroyed the world's greatest band! Some rights reserved CC BY-ND 4.0. "When Paul died, we all panicked!" .a clear reference in theorists minds to the dates of Pauls death in Roman numerals I ONE = 11 (i.e November) and IX = 9. I am heart broken about this very recent discovery, but also appreciate knowing the truth. Secretlondon 02:40, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC), Or if anyone were to take one moment and actually study the origin of that patch they would see it doesn't even stand for "OPD", but "OPP"; the Ontario Provincial Police in Canada. Embarrassed by his fat lip he began to grow a moustache. He faked his death do he could run an ice cream van back in Liverpool. In September, an article appeared in the student paper of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, which asked: "Is Paul McCartney Dead?" During the song Ringo, for the benefit of the numbnuts out there, confirms the true identity of Billy Shears. As in his and Linda's segment in the Beatles' promotional clip for "Something", which the couple filmed privately around this time, McCartney was unshaven and unusually scruffy-looking in his appearance. Look at live concert videos in 1966 and you can see Paul was already changing from his pudgy round face to a more mature slender version. by Ship of Fools co-editor Steve Goddard. I have All ways loved there music like millions of did bother me for a while, that McCartney might in fact ,not be the real McCartney, but really, who cares.the music has ,and will stand the test of time,just enjoy. [8][51] "28IF" represented McCartney's age "if" he had still been alive (although McCartney was 27 when the album was recorded and released)[26] while "LMW" stood for "Linda McCartney weeps" or "Linda McCartney, widow" (although McCartney and the then-Linda Eastman had not yet met in 1966, the year of Paul's alleged death). claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the "real" Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles' recording session. You should read the expose in Italian Wired Magazine where scientists proved beyond a shadow of a doubt with facial recognition software that there are/were two Beatles who went by the name Paul McCartney. How could they find a musician that looks,sounds just like him & be accepted by the other 3,his family & girlfriend Jane Asher? And we're talking merely on a biological level. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first rock 'n' roll or Christianity. It also explains why John Lennon had such an estranged life as he got older too. And have you ever wondered what on earth the purpose was of writing and recording "Revolution 9," backwards it says "Turn me on, dead man." Fearing that the photos would damage his image, McCartney then approached the pair and agreed to pose for a photo with his family and answer the reporter's questions, in exchange for the roll of film containing the offending pictures. I've looked into this theory for quite some time now.. These include messages perceived when listening to songs being played backwards and symbolic interpretations of both lyrics and album cover imagery. The question is who or what was behind it? Look at all the staged shootings these days that have been proven hoaxes. The Beatles on the left wearing all black and are a younger version than the older psychedelic Sgt. According to Tony Barrow, who wrote about it in his book "John, Paul, George, Ringo and me," the rumours about McCartney's death started circulating in September 1966. Afterward, a college kid did a story on clues he thought he found in the album cover and songs, this created a distraction that John jumped on when he later wrote 'Glass Onion", in 1968. " What about that looney Heather Mills? Fail once spent over a week in a Japanese jail as his fingerprints did not match the true Paul's prints. If broken up, the name 'Billy Shears' actually reads "Billy's here"! Maybe bought off. Somewhat improbably, McCartney was said to have been replaced by a lookalike, called variously William Shears Campbell or William Sheppard. His voice was forensically studied and like a fingerprint, it proves the voices to be of the same person. The phenomenon was the subject of analysis in the fields of sociology, psychology, and communications during the 1970s. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.. Of course anyone with two good eyes should be able to tell theyre not the same people Sargent Peppers Is quite a departure musically and full of Luminati influences. I'm not here to judge you at all. When that guy stabbed him, Campbell realized that he should get while he could and killed off Harrison too! His death was covered up and he was replaced in the band by a lookalike competition winner, William 'Billy' Shears Campbell, to 'play' Paul on future Beatles records. But Paul was 27, when Abby Road was released. . Pepper album. Hmmmhow about the lie that gravity holds water on the earth, which water curves around a globe that spins around the sun? If he never plays "Yesterday" publicly again, let us all have that moment live in our hope, anyway. But that hasn't happened, has it? The whole ''conspiracy theory' is a load of rubbish perpetrated by idiots and believed by fools. Did they see no way around Fail playing his bass with the wrong hand? Only John was 28. I don't enjoy the idea that Paul may have died in an automobile accident. Commentary for "Lisa the Vegetarian", in The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season [DVD]. LOOK AT THE CLUES IN THE MMT ALBUM. Pepper recording session and drove off angrily in his car, distracted by a meter maid ("Lovely Rita"), not noticing that the traffic lights had changed ("A Day In The Life) crashed, and was decapitated ("Don't Pass Me By"). Dreamnt up by Paul & John. Regarding the rediculas conspirasy theory- John and Paul are both still well alive and working at my local Aldi supermarket, Paul collects the descarded shopping trolly's on the carpark and John bites off thewheels that have a mind of there own, ie: those wheels that want to travel left wile the other three in unison want to travel right, we have all had them! [45][46], A DJ put all those signs together: Paul with no shoes [on the cover of Abbey Road] and the Volkswagen Beetle. The Billy Shears story goes that in 1965 William Campbell Shears entered and won a Beatle 'Look-a-Like'competition organised by Brian Epstein who was looking for Beatle doubles just in case one of his boys got killed. If there are two William Campbell's, one real and one fictional, then perhaps there should be a new article like William Campbell. I was switched on for ten years and I never switched off. The original Paul was reconstituted from his cryogenically stored parts (possible co-mingled with Ted Williams) in 2002 and was one of the (CIA funded) terrorists who piloted the second plane on 9/11. [24] These included "The Ballad of Paul" by the Mystery Tour;[32] "Brother Paul" by Billy Shears and the All Americans; "So Long Paul" by Werbley Finster, a pseudonym for Jos Feliciano;[33] and Zacharias and His Tree People's "We're All Paul Bearers (Parts One and Two)". Who the hell would ever hold (or attend) a Paul McCartney look alike contest? Paul climbed into his Aston-Martin, sped away into the rainy, chill night, and was found four hours later pinned under his car in a culvert with the top of his head sheared off. It can't be that difficult to find some history on him.if indeed he existed at all. If Billy Shears legally but silently changed his name to Paul Mccartney years ago it wouldn't be considered fraudulent would it? Peppers album cover has two Beatles groups standing side by side. He actually came back with the rest of the Beatles, but to avoid being caught by Campbell who tried to kidnap him, he disguised himself as Cynthia, when John realized, he decided to help George escape by getting a divorce, but in order to fake Cynthia, after George had left, he convinced Yoko to pretend to be Cynthia and hired William Shears Campbell to replace Yoko. Billy Shears ,William Wallace Campbell or Billy Shepherd ?? Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. She got a great amount of $$$$ in their divorce settlement and then not a peep anymore from Ms. Mills.We may never know the real truth or, we already do? [8] Others contended that the man's name was Bill Shepherd,[43] later abbreviated to Billy Shears,[44] and the replacement was instigated by Britain's MI5 out of concern for the severe distress McCartney's death would cause the Beatles' audience. Mr. Starr alleges that the group did send out a lot of hidden messages through the years to prepare the population for the truth. Even the KKK got involved and made a threatening statement against the group. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of jovial personality as Paul. Screw the eye Color, you'll be able to see it in black & white, as well. No one noticed the clues on the cover of Revolver. Because he is not Paul McCartney and the real Paul would never ever have gone and done something like that behind the other Beatles backs..yeah-yeah-yeah, right! I also get the difference in the Eleanor Rigby song that the real Paul McCartney sang and how your voice is completely different from his when you sing Penny Lane. Make up your own mind. People think it was too big a lie to be pulled off for this long. My basic premise in believing the information in the book is because it all makes sense and explains to me why everything happened the way it did within the Beatles circle of friends. Most people didn't have television, those who did had tiny black & white sets with a fuzzy picture and believed all they saw and were told on that 'magical' box at the time. [58] His next visitors were a reporter and photographer from Life magazine. A significant part of my life revolved around the Beatles. Billy and the Rest are the best. [4] Analysing their lyrics for hidden meaning had also become a popular trend in the US. Where is his remains located? After that it would probably start to get weird. Then there was Magical Mystery Tour, where we three had red roses and he had a black one. [52][53][nb 4] That the left-handed McCartney held a cigarette in his right hand was also said to support the idea that he was an impostor. While John, George, and Ringo are all looking to the side, Paul is looking frontward. The photograph of the Beatles on the zebra crossing on the sleeve of Abbey Road is meant to represent a funeral procession. [56][nb 5], McCartney was secretly filmed by a CBS News crew as he worked on his farm. [8] Gibb and other callers then discussed the rumour on air for the next hour,[18] during which Gibb offered further potential clues. It is inconceivable that not one of these people would be tempted to reveal if Paul had died to their families, friends and, most notably, for money to newspapers an TV companies. Scooters are NOT ^&#@!ing mopeds. Then there's the Billy Shears alter ego (a shepherd shears sheep). The anger of the public if he were exposed today is another reason they keep the ruse going. PMac and Wings, PMac and MJ, PMac on his own has done and continues to make some very tasty music. I turned 64 in May and I celebrated it by playing guitar and singing when I'm 64. The real Paul *does* have a faint scar on his upper lip from the above-mentioned motorcycle accident. Whoever really believes that crazy crap is a moronic fool. The Beatles were and still are, the greatest Rock n Roll band ever assembled. There are more than 50 years of lies for me to swallow. Furious with the studio kerfuffle, he floored it, went off into the night in a . Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (which began recording later that month). [49][50], Another example is the interpretation of the Abbey Road album cover as depicting a funeral procession: Lennon, dressed in white, is said to symbolise the heavenly figure; Starr, dressed in black, symbolises the undertaker; George Harrison, in denim, represents the gravedigger; and McCartney, barefoot and out of step with the others, symbolises the corpse. [47][48] Two frequently cited examples are the suggestion that the words "I buried Paul" are spoken by Lennon in the final section of the song "Strawberry Fields Forever", which the Beatles recorded in November and December 1966. The original Paul McCartney can be seen on YouTube of Queen' s Concert in Britain 1963. [3][bettersourceneeded] By 1967, the Beatles were known for sometimes including backmasking in their music. [29][nb 2] On Halloween night 1969, WKBW in Buffalo, New York broadcast a program titled Paul McCartney Is Alive and Well Maybe, which analysed Beatles lyrics and other clues. The student convinced the DJ that McCartney was dead, with clues found throughout the later Beatles discography when certain songs were played backward. Most all of their music was written by others and played by other studio musicians. So he did what he does best and retired and died two weeks later. Everybody is different. [64] Titled McCartney, and recorded without his bandmates' knowledge,[65][66] it was "one of the best-kept secrets in rock history" until shortly before its release in April 1970, according to author Nicholas Schaffner, and led to the announcement of the Beatles' break-up. Whereas all the other Beatles are facing to one side Paul (i.e Billy Shears) is looking directly at the viewer against a blood red background. [17], On 12 October 1969, a caller to Detroit radio station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about the rumour and its clues. At that time of night, WABC's signal covered a wide listening area and could be heard in 38 US states and, at times, in other countries. No winners were ever announced for this competition. And Listen. ", While Beatles fans will continue to debate why Paul McCartney wasn't wearing shoes on the Abbey Road cover, this fictitious interview with Ringo Starr should be immediately dismissed as a hoax. I was wondering about that, a moped accident that chipped his tooth answered that question. I have not read the book "The Memoirs of Billy Shears" but have listened to enough interviews about the book that I find it harder to believe that Paul was NOT killed in '66. Afterward, I revisited videos, film clips, songs & interviews with John, George and Ringo, and it all finally made sense. No William Campbell ever won a Paul look-alike contest. [7] According to music journalist Merrell Noden, Harper's Drake Times-Delphic was the first to publish an article on the "Paul is dead" theory. 168K views 8 years ago A hidden camera catches the moment John Lennon convinces Faul McCartney (AKA Billy Shears AKA William Campbell) that taking The Deceased Paul McCartneys place in The. And as someone else mentioned, wouldn't the real Billy Shears have had family and friends somewhere? User:Vague Rant). The point is everyone is blind, stupid and theyre all sheep who are too afraid to open their eyes. And guess what? I think the Eyes have it. Except that he might be a little uncomfortable. The take away from the story :Americains are crazy. [34] Another song was Terry Knight's "Saint Paul",[24] which had been a minor hit in June that year and was subsequently adopted by radio stations as a tribute to "the late Paul McCartney". Looks like Paul with glasses, mustache, and combed back hair. Forget Paul. Faul is protected by powerful people and money or he would have been exposed years ago. -As for the badgeIt's actually OPP, Ontario Provincal Police, and there is an Ontario Flag on it. Harrison would replace Yoko and Shears could go back to being just Paul, who was the richest of his personas. I am sad. Billy likely was killed to be kept silent. Right from the beginning of Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band it is obvious that the Beatles are pretending to be other people - Were Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band they sing. Hello. Billys name is there at the end of the very first song, I dont really want to stop the show Cookie Notice The Beatles were allegedly the first Tavistock owned and operated musical band that exceeded anything that Tavistock ever dreamed that they would become as worldwide famous as they are, still even today. These pictures from 1966 show the great resemblance between Paul McCartney on the left, and William Shears Campbell on the right, at the time of McCartney's alleged death. I mean, it's just a bit of poetry. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney . [24][61] The rumour benefited the commercial performance of Abbey Road in the US, where it comfortably outsold all of the band's previous albums. "Thank you very much". The differences in the parting of the hair, the eye color, the shoe size, the height and Dr Truby's vocal pattern analysis all make sense. Dual misdirection at its finest. "[8], WMCA dispatched Alex Bennett to the Beatles' Apple Corps headquarters in London on 23 October,[27] to further his extended coverage of the "Paul is dead" theory. I'm 27 and most of the Beatles music doesn't impress me, except for Yesterday, Penny Lane and Hey Jude which are exceptionally good songs.