AK believes that he and Jarrad can go far in the game, but knows that he's put himself in a bad position with all of his strategic game play. Once Henry is told, he is more determined than ever to get Samantha out of the game and even considers throwing the next Immunity Challenge just to vote her out. Luke and Mary have been married for six years. Contestant Profile At the merge, despite Robbie/Benji/Lydia being blindsided, she was included on the vote because of her good social game. AND the winner of Australian Survivor 2017 is super fan, Jericho! On the morning of Day 35, Asaga and Samatau finally merge into one tribe. Jacqui and Kent decide to switch up the game and get rid of Sarah instead to prevent her from making a move against them. However, Luke, Michelle, and Jericho want to make a move against Jacqui in order to weaken Henry's power in the game and remove his number one ally. Locky hopes that the tribe will choose him because he wants to get the reward and improve his position in the game. Still a very cerebral player who played a very good game. Adam believes that he will have the numbers to vote out Anneliese tonight as long as nobody flips, but is concerned that Tara might not trust him anymore after his handling of the idol situation. Ratings data is from OzTAM and represents the viewership from the 5 largest Australian metropolitan centres (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide). However, Jonathan presents her with a choice. However, he still has doubts about whether he can work with Sarah going forward. At Tribal Council, the tribe discusses the swap and how it has affected them. Henry believes that Asaga is solid and in his control no matter what tribe he is on. 10, Contestants Appearing in Multiple Seasons, Australian Survivor: All Stars Contestants, Australian Survivor: Champions v Contenders, https://10play.com.au/australian-survivor/participants/season-2/jericho/pa190708gvhza, https://10play.com.au/australian-survivor/participants/season-5/jericho/pa200203wnsvz, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5797721/Survivor-winner-Jericho-Malabonga-uses-prize-money-star-Luke-Tokis-family-Disneyland.html, https://www.newidea.com.au/samantha-gash-and-mark-wales-our-survivor-wedding, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Anneliese discovers that the idol will be hidden before the puzzle station, but she thinks it would be suspicious for her not to do the puzzle since she's good at them. The Immunity Challenges comes down to a tough battle between Jericho and Ziggy. In the end, Asaga holds on longer to win Immunity for the fourth time in a row. Back at Asaga, Luke and Tara celebrate blindsiding AK out of the game and feel that they've made the biggest move in the game to date. Locky sees a great opportunity to work with Henry moving forward in order to blindside AK and brings Henry up to speed on what was going on at Samatau before. The winner of the challenge also received reward. That cookie scene was so great. I will make up a life and say I am three years younger, just for the sake of it," he said. Henry spots something that looks like an envelope on one of the tables and grabs it. Still one of the best social players of all time. AK wants to unseat Locky as the leader, but he knows that Samatau needs Locky to stay if they want to win challenges. Tara begins to break down and cry over the stress of the game, feeling upset that she has found herself on the bottom and that AK has ruined her game. Born She is an amazing talker, convincing Baden to take out Harry as a 'resume move', then destroyed him at FTC. Back at Samatau, the Misfits Alliance decides to split the votes between Kate and Tessa. When the votes are cast, it is revealed that Michelle and Locky flip to Asaga with Michelle citing what happened earlier and Locky citing Samatau wanting to target Henry as their reasons for flipping. While searching, Locky finds an area that's been dug up and a string on the ground. For winning the reward challenge, Samatau went to a special Tribal Council to vote for a player for a chance to win the "ultimate reward"; they chose Ziggy. Sarah hopes to convince Odette to join with her and Peter as Odette has always voted with the majority and hasn't aligned herself with anyone. Jarrad becomes the thirteenth person voted out of Australian Survivor and becomes the first member of the Jury. Anneliese played a hidden immunity idol on herself, but Ziggy played an idol nullifier on her, therefore the effects of her idol were negated and the eight votes against her were still counted. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Luke made it to the final four, but once he was voted out, fans created a GoFundMe page to secure Luke the funds he would have received had he won Survivor - $500,000. One of the most well-rounded players, and I think she would dominate everytime she plays. After the votes are cast, Luke and Sarah have decided that they can place trust in each other again and can't take the risk that Odette will stay with them after merge. Anneliese, Jarrad, Peter, Tessa, and Ziggy are locked in to stay Samatau strong. The next morning, it appears that Sarah and Tara have formed a pair and Luke and Jericho remain a pair with Odette in the middle. Locky knows what AK is trying to do and keeps his cool despite feeling frustrated. AK does acknowledge that he is on the bottom, but he is trying to prove to everyone that he has learned from his past mistakes and can be trusted. Lukey! A member of the Asaga tribe, he refused to follow along with alliances, and instead spent his time either whispering in peoples ears, or eavesdropping among the bushes, trying to make the game go his way. Back at Asaga, the entire tribe is still reeling from the Tribal Council they just attended. Tarzan and Tessa attempt to convince Locky to think about the strength of the tribe and vote out Anneliese next, but Locky states that voting out Anneliese would kill his strategy. Her biggest mistake was playing her idol at F9, but she managed to get Benji out. His persona as a likeable goofy guy meant he was never a threat, he got Henry to flip at the merge, voted him out with an idol, then made the terrible 3-2-2-2 move, but wasn't blamed for it because of his social game. He used Zach as a goat, and made an alliance with Moana and Sharn. Sarah and Samantha begin to suspect that Henry is not really a yoga instructor based on comments he makes about his yoga background. Henry also shares in private that he received his mother's charm necklace and his mother died from cancer six weeks before the game started. The latter vote exposed Jericho's allies as threats, and Sarah and Luke would be the next two to go. Locky wants Tessa to leave because he thinks Kate will perform better in challenges and that Tessa will flip on Samatau if she makes the merge. Michelle believes that if she gets Locky on her side, then Ben will leave. Tessa played a hidden immunity idol, therefore six votes against her were negated. The second non-elimination episode saw the contestants of one tribe vote for one of their members to receive a reward. Jonathan agrees to the deal. But the rest of the tribe joins Henry and Jacqui's plan to blindside Samantha. Challenge Wins The tribe discusses Sarah and Peter going on the Reward and Sarah reveals that she is a target tonight because people do not trust her. Aimee becomes the fifth person voted out of Australian Survivor. Before Tribal Council, AK attempts to talk to Jarrad once more about the vote, but Jarrad tells AK he doesn't know if he can trust him and believes that AK ruined that when he told the lie about the chicken idol. The rest of the tribe takes note of Kent's attitude shift and wonder if he has thrown in the towel. And Luke informs Jericho and Sarah that because of all the split votes, if the three of them vote for Tessa, then she will leave. Henry is hoping that he would be able to reestablish his relationships with Asaga by giving Jericho the clue. Determined to keep the idol from AK, Adam returns to the beach and tries to get Kate, Tara, Tessa, and Ziggy to help him search. They chose Ben and Henry. However, Jericho knows that if Sarah and Luke do target each other that is bad for his game. Both Henry and Luke believe they are voting based on trust and hope the people they've approached will stick with their promises. 14 Jericho took Luke, Luke's wife Mary and their two boys to Disneyland after Luke promised he'd take his family there if he won. Peter is hopeful that Sarah's move will work as he knows he's on the bottom of the tribe. Peter is conflicted as he has a close friendship with Tara, but he believes that Tara might be getting closer to Locky and might just see Peter as more of a number now. The tribe recognizes that Locky and Tarzan both have alpha male personalities and might not be able to work together much longer. The tribe continues to debate whether voting out Michelle or Ben is the better move. WebLuke does not plan on telling Jericho because he would likely not go for the plan, so he is going to let Jericho think the vote is still for Peter while the other three would vote Sarah. During the Reward, various tribe members begin to explore the area to see if there are any idol clues or advantages hidden around. Back at camp, the Misfits get together and agree to get rid of Tessa next. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Locky tries to see if Anneliese will give him the idol to protect him, but Anneliese sees through his ruse and both know that one of them will be the next voted out. However, after Ziggy decides to place trust in her alliance and reveals she has an idol, Henry and Locky believe that Ziggy is becoming too powerful. WebLuke and Jericho reunite. After studying anthropology, Jericho followed his dream of becoming a flight attendant. Tarzan doesn't want to be dishonest and selfish, so he decides to take the firewood. At Tribal Council, discussion centers around the new alliance on the tribe and whether there is any hope for Locky, Anneliese, or Tara. Michelle believes that Henry is the bigger threat over Locky. Locky blames Tarzan for pushing Ziggy into the hole because he was pushing on the ball. Luke is determined to push his agenda to get rid of Jacqui next Tribal Council. Adam does apologize to Tara about the way he acted. Kent is also concerned about his position in the game because he's the oldest and knows that older players don't always last on Survivor. This negates six votes that were cast against her. Word spreads around camp and people wonder if AK is telling the truth. When the votes are read, Tara is revealed to have joined the other alliance's plan in splitting the votes between Adam and Kate. Locky and Michelle with Henry, Jericho, Luke, Sarah, and Tara to blindside Jarrad. At Tribal, the tribe discusses the jam thief, how the tribal lines changed after the last vote, and that the lines could change again with this vote. Then she flipped Shonee at the F5, got her to waste her vote at F4, then won immunity. When the voting takes place, Kent and Odette vote for Michelle, Luke throws a vote towards Odette, but Anneliese, Jericho, Michelle, Sarah, and Tara vote for Kent. In Season 5, she got herself in the majority on Vakama, found an idol, played it on David, which was a good move with the information she had. My plan is to fuel those egos. Tara is upset that Tessa called her out at Tribal and is concerned that people will perceive her as a flipper. During a rainstorm, Locky and Ziggy work hard to keep the fire going while they both notice AK just resting beside the shelter. Samantha considers Kent a friend and hopes to keep him over Joan. Later that night, Luke and Jericho finish the rest of the cookies. When the votes are cast, Anneliese decides to play her idol. Odette finds herself in the middle, but Tara also believes she is a swing vote because both Luke and Sarah are trying to take control of the game and she needs to make the best decision for her. Luke and Mary at a recent Survivor wedding. Luke's plan anticipates that Peter and Sarah will vote for him, Jericho will vote for Peter, and then he, Tara, and Odette will vote Sarah out. From that point on, Jericho, Luke, and Sarah shifted between the other alliances to contribute to the eliminations of Anneliese, Henry (with a Hidden Immunity Idol in his possession), and Tessa in a 3-2-2-2 vote. On Day 50, Jericho won the right to remove a member of the jury. Locky sees an opportunity and tells Ziggy that getting rid of AK would benefit the tribe because he perceives him as lazy, not good in challenges, and Locky believes AK likes it when their tribe loses so AK can go on a power trip. was on the bottom due to his aggressive strategizing, but he was able to seize control by eliminating Aimee, the closest ally of the tribe's prominent strategist in Locky. However, Peter ends up joining with AK, and AK, Tessa, Jarrad, Peter, and Ziggy blindside Aimee with five votes. Jacqui and Mark W. won the challenge, earning reward for their entire tribe. AK, Jericho, Luke, Odette, Peter, Sarah, and Tara form the new Asaga tribe whilst Anneliese, Ben, Henry, Jarrad, Locky, Michelle, Ziggy, and Tessa form the new Samatau tribe. Back at camp, everyone is able to enjoy their letters. While Luke was not able to get Kent voted out, he is still thrilled that he forced a tie and made Samantha paranoid. When Sarah and Peter return, Tara does reveal to them that Luke expressed concern about Sarah's loyalty to Asaga. Back at Asaga, Luke is very concerned that Sarah was chosen for the reward and believes that Sarah will share tribe secrets with Samatau. However, Michelle starts to have reservations about Sarah's gameplay due to Sarah trying to be friendly with everyone and creating fake alliances. Back at camp, a steady rainfall forces the contestants to take shelter, keeping strategy talks to a bare minimum. However, AK is determined to make sure that his alliance gets the Ultimate Reward for their alliance. Both are unable to capitalize on their advantage, but Tessa pulls out a necessary Immunity win. He isn't amazing at controlling his threat level though, so he isn't higher. While Ben does trust Henry, he is also willing to do whatever it takes to survive. Michelle is also able to share with Sarah the plan for Henry's blindside. However, Jericho and Luke are still holding feelings of distrust about Sarah after her plan to vote out Luke almost came to fruition. AK grabs a stone that is shaped like a chicken and tells Jarrad that he found the idol on the barge at the start of the game in the chicken coop and that he must play it at the first Tribal Council. 3 Ziggy realizes that if she plays her super idol tonight, Anneliese goes home, but if she doesn't, then Locky will go home. Locky offers himself as a false target for people to cast votes towards him, but he is concerned that if Anneliese plays her idol, he'll go home. Ziggy debates keeping Locky in the game because he will always be more of a physical threat than her. AK believes that Henry is the stronger, more likable version of himself and AK sees right through Henry as being a charmer. The only time she voted incorrectly was the Benji vote, but even she knew she was in the minority as she played her extra vote. At Tribal, the tribe discusses the overnight reward and if it impacted the game. Tarzan gives the idol to Tessa to use tonight. With four votes, Odette becomes the twelfth person voted out of Australian Survivor. She perfected her strategy excellently, using her social bonds to not stand out as a threat, but still be able to control votes. On Samatau, with AK gone, the power has shifted in the game. With five votes, Adam becomes the second person voted out of Australian Survivor. However, Luke is intent on keeping his alliance strong and sending Kent home next as he was close with Henry. [6][7] Aimee competed on the eighth season of Seven Network's House Rules in 2020 and finished as the runner up. However, when both men open the envelopes, there are no idol clues inside: just more hygiene items like tweezers and scissors. Despite entering the merge in a 10-2 minority, she used her social game to keep herself over Robbie/Sam/Mat. Back at camp, Sarah appears bitter for Tessa choosing Michelle to go on the Reward. Then in Season 5, despite being in the minority, Moana was targeted over him despite him being a former winner. Kate, Tarzan, and Tessa believe Locky is the leader of the Misfits Alliance and they think he is getting too confident with his position. Sarah is very appreciative that Jericho would share this with her. Tarzan does not appreciate Locky throwing blame at him when they won the challenge. Tara does sit down with Kent and Kent expresses a desire to see Michelle go as she is the weakest on the tribe. This causes Anneliese to believe that she can trust Henry and she hopes to move forward with him. Locky worries that if Peter has an idol, he'll be idoled out of the game.