What happens next is known as the shark attack.Drill sergeant: Get your bags up right now! The last two phases are associated with AIT and the MOS skill portion of OSUT. Ricci: It's really just a little shock to the system so we can break them down to build them back up.Drill sergeant: Answer me! Can I purchase souvenirs from Fort Benning and specifically from my Soldier's unit? FTX: FTX was nothing new to us because we had already spent so many nights in the field to this point. Phase I is designated as the "Patriot" Phase (Red Flag). This demands that all soldiers in IET, regardless of rank, strictly adhere to the standards of excellence and commitment. That's what I thought. Once Trainees have completed their Day 1 call, Processing Company Cadre will collect and secure all cell phones until the evening prior to ship. You're gonna place your back against the wall. My Soldier took his cell phone to basic training. Yes. This phase is centered on the development of basic combat skills, with special emphasis on weapon proficiency. Find your bag! "At this time, plans are on hold for extending those OSUT programs to the 22 weeks," said Col. Britt Walker, director of resource analysis and integration for the Army's G-3/5/7. This constructive credit authority is applicable to all IET graduation requirements. Army to extend Infantry OSUT to bolster Soldier lethality, STAND-TO! "With more time to . Drill sergeant: Rolling T. All right, coming up. Narrator: During combatives training, recruits warm up with a particularly painful-looking exercise referred to as the EO. Phase IV continues to the end of the third week of AIT, or the thirteenth week of OSUT. As its name implies, this phase is centered on the development of basic combat skills, with special emphasis on weapon proficiency. Now 22 weeks in duration, this new and . Narrator: Up to 241 hours of infantry OSUT are devoted to marksmanship, where recruits fire about 2,500 rounds using the M4 carbine as well as the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, or SAW. Yes. "This is an investment in the Army's lethality for the security of the United States now and into the future. Specific privileges will be associated with each phase as incentives, and soldiers should be eligible for those privileges as they progress in training. Phase V (weeks 4 through 9 of AIT or weeks 14 through 19 of OSUT). They will also do a basic combative certification. Christian Pensado: We're trying to teach them to achieve a dominant body position. I'm sure it's different now, but this is what it was like for me 15 years ago. No, drill sergeants do not hold mail. The only thing I wanna hear from you at this point is, "Yes, drill sergeant" or, "No, drill sergeant." We conducted buddy team and fireteam dry/blank/live fire during the day and during the night. Jason Semple, a 198th Infantry Brigade drill sergeant. Their presence through out the cycle helped the trainees get reps on each training module. OSUT. Phase IV begins on the first day of AIT (job school) or week 10 of OSUT. Processing Companies will ensure that Trainees call home the evening of day 1 and the evening prior to shipping to basic training. Earlier this month, armor crewmen and cavalry scout recruits began an extended OSUT pilot program, following infantry's lead. Families are also allowed to purchase items at the National Infantry Museum gift shop. Soldiers are instructed to call the person listed as their next of kin within 24 hours of arriving at the 30th AG Reception Battalion. The second phase, roughly 7 weeks long, focuses on becoming a Scout for a total of 16 weeks. This exercise is designed to stress IET soldiers physically and mentally and requires each soldier to demonstrate their proficiency of basic combat skills in a tactical field environment while operating as part of a team. Under no circumstances will Trainees be permitted to use cell phones for purposes other than calling home while assigned to the 30th AG Battalion. Can my Soldier go home with his family after graduation? Narrator: Before they go inside, the new recruits learn some basic commands and standing positions. Drill sergeant: Do it again. The pilot training program began in July 2018, extending infantry OSUT from 14 weeks to 22 weeks. Soldiers have the opportunity to attend religious services. Each platoon had three drills assigned to it. The drills played fuck fuck games with us to establish discipline and transition our mindset from ourselves as individuals to thinking about the platoon as a whole. Soldiers look forward to daily mail call. An individual may receive constructive credit for a missed training event due to circumstances beyond his or her control (such as illness, injury, emergency leave, etc.). No charge to the Soldier or Army Reserve if we turn the ticket back in. IET soldiers then know what direction to work towards and generally what effort must be applied to achieve the goals. Can I take pictures/video at my Soldier's graduation and around the installation? This does not apply to Soldiers taking leave or participating in the Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program. Recruits just add water, shake it up, and enjoy. With the upcoming 22-week course, the Infantry School has already identified what new Soldiers will be part of the . Narrator: Recruits get one of the most painful parts of training out of the way early. Remain silent. If it is truly an emergency a Red Cross message can be sent to the Soldier. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Teddy Wade/OCSA/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain, General Restrictions During Army Initial Entry Training, Phased Training In Basic Training, AIT and OSUT, Air Force Technical School Training Restrictions, Things You Should Know About Army Basic Training, A Look at What One Can, and Cannot, Do in Air Force Tech School. Narrator: This is Army boot camp. Movie! IET soldiers will wear the proper military uniform while on pass (includes off-post passes). Waugh: In operations across Afghanistan and Iraq, we are conducting clearance operations, and it's applicable wherever we go. In OSUT courses, Phases III and IV may be combined. Both Marine tankers and tank mechanics have transferred to the Army since the deactivation began. Can I go? This lessening of control, expansion of privileges, and focus on MOS skills are all part of the evolutionary process marking the transformation from a civilian to someone who thinks, looks, and acts like a soldier. Cell phone use prohibitions include but are not limited to social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. For the past 44 years, Infantry Soldiers were trained in a 14-week program of instruction. If they don't, we will try to answer any question you might have on the Basic Training webpage. The contract has changed hands a few different times. Since the Cadre were there just for that training, they usually ran it pretty efficiently. Make no mistake about it: The journey you are embarking upon will not be easy, but you wouldn't be here if we didn't think you couldn't meet the challenge. Most of the stuff online Ive read about OSUT is from like 8 years ago when it was just 14 weeks and the little Ive found about new 22 week OSUT ranges from: It gets better after Week 10, you get weekend passes and lots of time to recover from ruck marches to Weekend passes?! By Thomas Brading, Army News ServiceNovember 5, 2019. The training cadre evaluates each soldier against the desired standards for each phase before advancing to the next phase. Infantry and Armor OSUT lasts from 20 to 22 weeks depending on your soldier's MOS. These requirements include but are not limited to: These requirements are set forth in order to produce the high-quality soldier demanded in today's Army. The first process is where the recruit goes through basic training for nine weeksand then goes to a separate school called Advanced Individual Training, or AIT to learn their Army job. After consulting with the Army chief of staff, however, the combined OSUT team was directed to extend the new program to 22 weeks and include combat water survival training, he said. From what I could tell, they stacked our class with above average guys*. IET soldiers starting AIT will receive initial counseling upon arrival at the AIT unit. Spending time with family after graduation Those training changes included extending scout training from 17 to 22 weeks and tanker . EDITOR'S NOTE: This video was originally published in March 2020. To meet that goal, six modernization priorities, one of which is Soldier lethality, were developed by Army leaders to prepare Soldiers against near-peer competitors. The most common reason your Soldier may not be receiving your letters is because he's only been in the system for a couple of weeks. With the upcoming 22-week course, the Infantry School has already identified what new Soldiers will be part of the improved training, Hedrick said. The goals for soldiers in Phase I includebut are not limited to: Phase II is designated as the "Gunfighter" Phase (White Flag). But Fort Benning is big, and they're not always within range of the dining facility. Those training changes included extending scout training from 17 to 22 weeks and tanker training from 15 to 22 weeks, said Armor School Brig. IET soldiers in this phase will be escorted to post exchange (PX) by the DS for necessities or as a reward for achievement. After basic training can my Soldier ride/fly with me to his next duty station and who pays for his ticket? Fort Benning, GA 31905. "So, when [Soldiers] get to their units, they can understand where their piece fits into the pie. Blue Phase: Weeks 7-9. By Devon L. Suits, Army News ServiceJuly 5, 2018. According to a drill sergeant, the effects of the gas begin to wear off after about four minutes. Yes, just ask his family for the commander letter. In response to the increased focus on readiness, specifically within the Infantry force, leadership within the U.S. Army Infantry School approached the 198th Infantry Brigade, which trains all Army Infantry forces, and asked what could be done to make better Infantry Soldiers. Red phase: Red phase was for the most part the same. The following policy applies to all IET soldiers upon completion of the 9th week of AIT (or 20th week of OSUT): In addition to the attainment of published training objectives, every IET soldier is required to meet the qualification standards. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Gen. Kevin Admiral, who took command of the post at that time. The capstone even of UO was fireteam live fire where we strong walled a room and cleared it using live rounds during the day and under NODs. During OSUT, Soldiers take on, and rotate various roles, from "the platoon sergeant, squad leaders, team leaders, they do everything," Semple said. Before they join the United States Army, all recruits have to graduate from a 22-week program known as One Station Unit Training, also known as OSUT. "Infantry was further ahead in planning, so the decision was made to start the [infantry] OSUT earlier and use the lessons learned to help shape the other branch OSUT increases to the 22-week model.". If your new Soldier is unable to adequately pass a required event, the company commander will talk to the Soldier's Drill Sergeant and with the company First Sergeant and they decide what will be the proper action to take. Where will my new Soldier be stationed after training? Unlike many other MOS, Soldiers do not have to move to another installation after BCT to complete AIT. For the first time in over 43 years, the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, has overhauled One-Station Unit Training for initial-entry infantry soldiers. If I overnight mail to my Soldier in basic training will he get it faster? On-post passes may be authorized. Drill sergeant: Get out of my way! This credit should be selectively used and only in those cases where there is a clear demonstration that the soldier meets and exceeds the IET graduation standards. "Extending OSUT is about increasing our readiness and preparing for the future," Sgt. Refer to Table 5-2 for the BCT and OSUT-R/W/B phase daily overview and for the toughening phase BCT . Fort Benning MCOE even us. Your Soldier will let you know on his first call or letter what you are allowed to send him. Black Phase: We started out black phase with a 40 hour Combat Life Saver course where we were CLS certified. Right side bag. My Soldier said he isn't receiving my letters. Red was 1-3 white was 4-6 blue was 7-9. The intent is to provide the means to a training center commander to graduate a soldier who is deemed fully qualified, but through no fault of the soldier, has missed a required training event. It combines basic training and job training into one single course. ", The extended OSUT program was designed to fix the "crammed 14 week, get 'em in, get 'em out mentality," Davis said. The new 22-week OSUT is now in place for all new infantry soldiers. But theyre more confident in a tank platoon.. Phase I (weeks 1 through 3 of basic training). Phase V begins at the start of the fourth week of AIT (fourteenth week of OSUT) and continues until graduation from AIT/OSUT. How do I address envelopes to my Soldier in basic training? This is where they learn to treat injuries that are prevalently found during war time and wraps up into an Individual Skills Validation. ", Rolled out last year, OSUT's initial 22-week pilot phase was "the first step toward achieving the vision of the Army of 2028," said then-Sgt. It is characterized by reinforcement training of common skills, training, and evaluation of MOS skills, a leadership environment which simulates that in a field unit, and a culminating tactical field training exercise that integrates common skills and MOS tasks. Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! The U.S. Army is currently testing and considering extending training to a 22-week OSUT course. This is done to make the sorting of mail easier. They are also prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages and using tobacco products. Drill sergeant: Just go to the position of attention, and you stay in the position of attention! Narrator: The minimum age to enlist in the Army is 17, and the maximum age is 35. If of legal age, they may be authorized to consume alcoholic beverages while on pass. Phase II - Weapons Training. Will he be able to use it? When we discuss the training phases below, Phases I through III are for basic training, and the first nine weeks of OSUT, which is the basic training portion of OSUT. Most, if not all, basic training units sell t-shirts and other souvenirs at the graduation ceremony. Three of them had Ranger tabs, 3 were former recon guys, and finally the CO was tabbed as well. FORT BENNING, Ga. -- The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the charge. IET soldiers are prohibited from using tobacco products. No there isn't a limit. If they think the Soldier can make it, they will allow him to stay in the company and let him retry the event he failed with another company, not affecting his graduation. Off-post day passes on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) may be authorized. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey. (The time spent at the reception battalion can vary based upon things such as medical issues.) "We've got an evaluation plan to try and look at ourselves and see if the product coming out has an improved proficiency -- like we think it will.". What is a typical day like in BCT or OSUT? Huh? Hello r/army, I arrived at Ft. Benning on July 2, and here we are 22ish weeks later after completing the first cycle of the new Infantry OSUT. Training is focused on Physical Fitness, the Army's Values and traditions, and Warrior Ethos White Phase: Weeks 4-6 Drill sergeant: Attention! If you are unclear YOUR Soldier is the best source for this information. IET is the period from the first day of basic training, through job training, and ends when the soldier graduates from their job training and reports to their first permanent duty assignment (PDA). They get reimbursed at their destination. Drill sergeant: Hurry up! Drill sergeant: Pick up your bag and hold it. Narrator: That is, until processing ends and the time for training finally arrives.